Bertolone, Mike & Joseph - Parking Agreement RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Title Insurance & Trust Co. WHEN OF RECORD MAIL TO: . CITy-' OF GILROY p. Q . Box ' 6 6 .' Gilroy, CA 95020 G 135 ;)~G~ 626 7n78?36 ')rCl Recorded at t' " "'1Quest of Title Insurance ailu i J iJst Compan JUN 81981 8:00 . A.M. AN AGREEt1ENT PROVlDlNG FOR PARKlNG George A. Mann, Recorder Santa ctlra County, Official Records This agreement entered into this 24th day of Apri 1 1981, between Mike Bertolone and Joseph Bertolone hereafter referred to as "Owners" and the City of Gilroy, hereinafter referred to as "City" is made for the express purpose of assuring "City" that required for "0wner's'l commercial building which is located at 166 and 168 W. Tenth Street can and will be provided, both now and in the future. Said building has been constructed upon the northerly portion of Santa Clara County Assessor's Parcel 799-34-015 (1980 Assessor's Map). The remainder of said parcel and the entirety of Assessor's Parcel 799-34-017 are also owned by "Owners" and have previously been developed with a six unit apartment building upon each of these areas. Said parcels are further described as parcels one and two respectively on Exhibit 'IA" attached. "Owners" propose to utilize said commercial building for a restaurant with 550 sq. ft. of dining area and for a 2000 sq. ft. retail sales space. For such occupancy, "City" requires twenty-one (21) on-site parking stalls. The site for said commercial building is only large enough for fifteen (15) parking spaces. However, owner's apartment sites are large enough to provide for both the twenty-one (21) parking stalls required for the residential tenants and the six (6) additional stalls required for the commercial building. "Owners" hereby agree to develop and provide a total of 27 parking stalls in the area of the apartments. Thirteen of said stalls shall be on Assessor's Parcel 799-34-017 and fourteen of said stalls shall be provided on the southerly portion of Assessor's Parcel 799-34-015. Furthermore, upon the said of either parcel or portion thereof, "Owners" agree to reserve ease- ments upon said parcels in order to provide for mutual access to parking areas; and to provide an easement upon the most northerly two (2) stalls on -1- REC FEE I MICRO /------ , 1 r- ~ I "'I I ',-1\' ~.I, IT II.~"-" . ;;:OJ .j-:C' I L~:,d ~_ . ---_~-1. Assessor's parcel 799-34-017 and the most northerly four (4) stalls on Assessor's parcel 799-34-015 allowing for their exclusive use by the G 135..!t: 627 occupants of the commercial building. Owners further agree to require employees of said occupants to use these stalls for their own parking in order to make the more convenient front parking available to their clientele. Finally, owners agree that this obligation runs with land and upon approval of this agreement, a copy shall be recorded with the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. ~~~ Mike Bertolone of G i 1 roy ~~t.IJ~ C?!l p:7' Josep Be rto lone I The State of California County of Santa Clara Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and State, on this day personally appeared Mike Bertolone and Joseph Bertolone known to me to be the persons whose name is subscribed on the attached instrument, and acknowledged to me uhat they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and Seal of Office, this Twenty-Fourth (24) day of April, 1981. I My expires Sept. 30, 1983 8' -" . JUDY DlAZ ;-tr> ~ NOTARY PU3t1C. CALIFORNIA .. SANTA CLARA COUNTY ..' My commission expires S.:pt. 30,1983 -2- EXH I BIT "A" G 135 P!GE 628 The land referred to herein is described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF GILROY~ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL ONE (Assessor's Parce 1 799-34-015) COMMENCING AT THE POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TENTH STREET, DISTANT THEREON 60 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TENTH STREET WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN ONE-ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED IN TWO PARCELS BY MILLER & LUX, INC., TO ALFREDO MARACINI BY DEED DATED JULY 17, 1922, AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN VOLUME 556 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AT PAGE 552; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 190 59t 30" EAST 311.14 FEET; THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TENTH STREET 75 FEET~ THENCE NORTH 190 59t 30ft WEST~ 311.14 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TENTH STREET, AND THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TENTH STREET IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING~ AND BEING A STRIP OF LAND 75 FEET WIDE ADJACENT TO AND IMMEDIATELY EAST OF THE LAND DE- SCRIBED IN THE DEED FROM JOHN CIABATTARI TO ASSUNTO MASINI, DATED THE 21ST DAY OF OCTOBER~ 1947, AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN BOOK 1520 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 453. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 2, 1971 IN BOOK 9205, PAGE 703 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY. PARCEL TWO (Assessor's Parcel 799-34-017) " PARCEL ONE~ AS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "PARCEL MAP PORTION OF RANCH LOT 18~ LAS ANIMAS RANCHO"~ RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ON OCTOBER 14~ 1975 IN BOOK 362 OF MAPS, PAGE 32. ' G 135 P!GE 629 . .:, @ -u S \ '<iI," ~ \ ...---- ~ :~''t,,.:~' T-- o Ii ~ ;;f~~ ~.~;;: ~~f!t?b ~.i,.i bo."~' '1:' ;~ :"-';/';*" 4-":~ ". ,."', ~ "'':) '" ~ ') ~ \"\ -01<',:', > "'.....!"'- .,: .j'.1~ ~~ f: '{f,. ~-l!!t t~i ci\, , " >;<'. ~~:r~t; "fM~I-.t .:.l.,'" ~~1l' <'~:"" '.14'li . ~' ~~t~ ~. ~.: .."..... ;l<;~;" ... ,'"",; ~~i'<' tt~4 C'> ;~,',t'.~ "f,;.':. "'f~ ::oit., ~ :t~'lI o~ a~ . ~ ~ ~ .,. c;. ~","'.'~- , ~~~. , H. d'o .r.~"t,',,, . ~~' ' '. :::~ ...~;':. :1?~, ..: ~.' : ... '. . ..~''''. ":.:t1~. . 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