Ordinance No. 584 r r-~'" ,,-~ ,....,'..:) .'\7~ ","'U ~ -."'.'--J ';'a "'-, Q:. ~:... r,A.>-< f'- l~\ ."':. ) ~ ,,~ J .~ .".. . " ;;1.1. dii' (I)t; o c:: t:.:J - ,~... t u cze ::) l. ;.t-. W ':l 0 (% -u- ~JO lJ." tr t,...... P'\ J< v c: c:: .: - Nr.: s,,,,.l a ci C' to- - .J oC( Iol't,c; ..... u~ >- - ~ <5 'Sj, ~.:;. ,.., ..., :.) ~Il 0-...., .....-, <<( . ..... .J It ; . E,'C ~A~:J ~ I AN bRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GXk<OY VACATING AND ABANDONING A TEN FOOT ALLEY OR RIGHT OF WAY, THE CENTER LINE OF WHICH IS THE LINE DIVIDING LO'l'S 61 and 62, of SHERWOOD PARK UNI'!' NUMBER ONE. VTC 95007-57 ,1 , (".. ',~ ~: 42 '~7" .n!.'m,:"'~ l;Bf) ~ "F'il"H.'t.iltIJ ~ ~QRD1.NANC], ~ # 58/+ THE COUNCIL OF TUE CITY JF GILROY having on the 6th day of October, 1958, duly passed and adopted Ordinanee 582, whereby it declared its intention to proceed, under the Street Vacation Act of 1941, and vacate a certa~n street, public alley, or thoroughfare in the City of Gilroy hereinafte~ described, And, such Ordinance having been nublished in t:he GILROY EVEt:JU1G DISPATCH on the __3.tb.. ." day of October, 1958: and the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy having caused notices of the passing of said Ordinarv'e t.o be published in a n~lITspaper of general circulation in thtO! manner and form required by law: and the said street, public alley, or thoroughfarl'>. having been posted in the manner and form required by law~ and no objection to said proposed vacation ~)f said street, 'Du.!Jlic alley or thorough- fare having been filed at or before the hea.ring held by said council on the 20th day of October, 1958, at 8:00 P.M. o'clock, at the Comrnon ~-::oun~il ChalJDe:c.J in the Wlweler Municipal Audi tor- ium, at Sixth and Rosanna 3treets, in the City of Gilroy, California, and the said Common Council ha'viag duly cOI1nidered the matter of vacating the said street, public alj,ey or thoroughfare, which is hereinafter described: THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF 'rH.t~ cITY OF GILROY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described street, public alley or thoroughfare within the said City is hereby vacated and abandoned: All of the following described alley, or right of way or easem~nt: 1\ strip of lanu '.n,; a UiU..[Ol:m wiut:.h of ten (10) feet, the center line of which is the line SECTION II: The vacation and abandonment of the said alley or right of way or easement hereinbefore described shall in no way affect the right of way, if any, in said alley, right of way or easement now held by the Pacific 'l'elephone and Telegraph Company as set forth in the right of way agreement now of record with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, or any right of way heretofore granted to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company or its predecessor at interest, the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company. SECTION III: The Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and approval. ADOPTED AND PASSED thlS ,2~~~.. day of October, 1958, by the following votes. p.YES: Councilmen: i~8te, J,ush, :Jent\:ortb, }allo,ietersen, Jordan NOES: Counc~ Imen: None ABSEN'r: Councili,1Em: Irone Clerks Certificate I, G. B. Carr, the City Clerk of the City or Gilroy dO,hez-ep,; ,j . . -. t ,'....;~.~.~ :,~;1~ " . certify that the annexed copy of Ordinance ~has been oompared by me with, and is a true and correot oop.r<?r.~.~~C:,~ Ordinanoe duly adopted at and appearing among the offioial minute. of a regular meeting of the Connnon COllncil of such City of Gilro;y, " " held on the ~Pth day of. Octpbar, j' ""t,.;;~, 0... ~ ' .,..,.",,"I,.i~_..,"X\ 'U~~"''''~WI'.l......~, ."f:' -. '-" .- <';~<>Xii'::~:d ;:~~~ . ~~ ,,:t/~.~ i'\,~'~; ,:.;l~1;'{~ 'd!- "'~~~~4!~'.<:",~. , , ~ """,.~,.':~~:\,',,::',:. '. ~f~~' ,.:~;~:.;i~;-{;':- r~ ;:' lQS8 ,t ?j;tJ ca~tiJ City Clerk of the CiV' of G1lr07, County of Santa Clara, State of California - 2 -