Ordinance No. 89-12
Susanne E. Steinmetz,City
City of Gilroy
7351 Rosanna Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
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l 011pL.GE
Section 1. Preliminary Statement. The Community
Development Agency of the City of Gilroy (the "Agency") has
made studies of the location, physical condition of
structures, environmental influences, land use, and social,
economic and cultural conditions of that certain area known as
the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project Area, more
particularly described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Project
Area"), and has determined that the Project Area is a blighted
area and is detrimental to the safety, health, and welfare of
the users thereof and of the City of Gilroy at large because
a. Economic dislocation, deterioration or disuse
resulting from blighting physical, social, and economic
b. The ineffective, uneconomic and unproductive use of
land due to the existence of lots of inappropriate size,
configuration or placement and inappropriate access to
vehicular traffic, and utilities necessary to allow private
LOilpL.LJE 2
c. The continuing problem of poor traffic and
circulation problems.
~. --
d. The existence of inadequate infrastructure, public
improvements, public facilities, neighborhood open spaces and
utilities which cannot be remedied by private or governmental
action without redevelopment.
e. The existence of residential and commercial
structures characterized by age, obsolescence, deterioration,
dilapidation, vacancy of buildings and mixed and shifting
f. The existence of excessive vacant land on which
structures were previously located, abandoned and vacant
buildings, substandard structures, vacancies, and
delinquencies in payment of real property taxes.
g. The existence of abandoned and/or deteriorated
buildings due to lack of maintenance and upkeep.
Pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law,
Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et. seq. (hereinafter
referred to as the "Redevelopment Law"), the Agency has
prepared and submitted to the City Council for review and
adoption the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Plan (the
"Plan") for the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project
(the "Project"). The Plan consists of thirty-one (31) pages,
one (1) map, and four (4) exhibits and is incorporated in this
Ordinance by this reference. A copy of the Plan is on file
with the City Clerk.
The Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy, which is
the duly designated ~nd acting official planning body of the
City of Gilroy, has submitted to the City Council its report
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and recommendation dated May 4, 1989 recommending approval and
adoption of the Plan and has certified that the Plan conforms
to the General Plan for the City. The City Council/Agency
held a joint public hearing on May 22, 1989 to consider
adoption of the Plan. During the course of the public
hearing, the City Council/Agency requested modification of the
Plan and requested referral of such modification to the
Planning Commission pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section
33363.5, and requested continuance of the public hearing to
June 5, 1989 pending the recommendation of the Planning
Commission. On June I, 1989, the Planning Commission
considered the proposed modification and found the Plan, with
the proposed modification, to be in conformance with the
General Plan. The City Council has accepted the
recommendations and certification of the Planning Commission.
The Plan for the Project prescribes certain land uses for
the Project Area and may require, among other things, changes
in zoning, the vacating and removal of streets of record and
other public rights of way, and the establishment of new
street patterns, the location of sewers, water mains, lighting
and utili~y lines and other public facilities.
The Agency has prepared and submitted and the City
Council has reviewed and considered the Report on the Plan
pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33352.
The Agency has prepared and submitted to the City Council
a program for the relocation of individuals and families that
may be displaced as a result of implementing the Plan.
The City Council is cognizant of the conditions that are
imposed in the undertaking and implementation of redevelopment
projects under State:law, including those prohibiting
discrimination because of race, color, creed, religion, sex,
marital status, national origin, or ancestry.
The City and Agency staff have prepared and submitted to
the City Council for review and certification an Environmental
Impact Report ("EIR") prepared pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as amended ("CEQA"), the
Official state Guidelines as amended for the implementation of
the Act (the "state EIR Guidelines"), and the City of Gilroy
local guidelines for administering CEQA (the "City
Guidelines"). A copy of the EIR is on file with the City
Clerk. The Planning Commission has submitted to the City
Council and Agency a resolution dated May 4, 1989 recommending
certification of the EIR.
By concurrent resolution adopted prior to the adoption of
this Ordinance, the City Council and Agency have certified
that the EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA, the
state EIR Guidelines, and the City Guidelines; that the EIR
adequately addresses the environmental issues of the Project
and the Plan; and that the City Council and the Agency have
reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR
prior to approving the Project and the Plan. The concurrent
resolution also identifies the significant effects of the
Project and, the Plan, adopts mitigation measures and
monitoring programs therefor, and makes certain findings and
statements in compliance with Sections 15091, 15092, and 15093
of the State EIR Guidelines.
Prior to adoption of the Plan, the City Council and the
Agency ha~e conducted a joint public hearing which was duly
noticed in accordance with the requirements of the
Redevelopment Law.
L 0 11 PLGE
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At or prior to the joint public hearing on the Plan, the
City Council and Agency received certain written objections to
the Plan. Prior to the introduction of this Ordinance, by
City Council Resolution No. 89-28, dated June ~, 1989, and
pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33363, the City
Council prepared its responses and findings (the "Findings")
in writing to all written objections it received in connection
with consideration of adoption of the Plan.
Section 2. Findings and Determinations. Based upon
the evidence contained in the Report on the Plan, the EIR, the
Findings, and other documents prepared in the Plan adoption
process and on evidence presented at the public hearing, it is
hereby found and determined that:
a. The Project Area is a blighted area, the
redevelopment of which is necessary to effectuate the public
purposes declared in, and it qualifies as an eligible area
under, the Redevelopment Law (see particularly Parts 1 and 2
of the Report on the Plan regarding evidence with respect to
this finding).
b. The Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City of
Gilroy (see particularly Part 6 of the Report on the Plan
regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
c. The Plan would redevelop the Project Area in
conformity with the Redevelopment Law and would be in the
interest of the public peace, health, safety and welfare; and
the implementation of the Plan would promote the public peace,
health, safety and welfare of the City of Gilroy, and would
effectuate the purposes and policy of the Redevelopment Law
(see particularly the Introduction and Part 1 of the Report on
the Plan regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
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d. The adoption and implementation of the Plan is
economically sound and feasible (see particularly Part 3 of
the Report on the Plan regarding evidence with respect to this
finding) .
e. The Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent
with the sound needs of the City of Gilroy, as a whole, for
the redevelopment of the Project Area by private enterprise
(see par\icularly Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the Report on the Plan
and the Agency's adopted Rules for Owner Participation and
Business Tenant Preference regarding evidence with respect to
this finding).
f. Although the Agency does not intend to displace any
substantial number of families or persons from the Project
Area, the Agency has a feasible method or plan for the
relocation of families and persons which may be displaced from
the Project Area if the Plan may result in the temporary or
permanent displacement of any occupants of housing facilities
in the Project Area (see particularly Part 4 of the Report on
the Plan and the Agency's adopted Relocation Guidelines
regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
g. There are, or are being provided, in the Project Area
or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to
public utilities and public and commercial facilities and at
rents or prices within the financial means of the families and
persons who may be displaced from the Project Area, decent,
safe and sanitary dwellinqs equal in number to the number of,
and available to, such displaced families and persons and
reasonably accessible to their places of employment (see
particularly Parts 1, 4, and II of the Report on the Plan
and Part II.B of the EIR regarding evidence with respect to
this finding).
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The City Council is satisfied that permanent housing
l 011 FLGE
facilities will be available within three years from the time
occupants of the Project Area, if any, are displaced and that
pending the development of such facilities there will be
available to such displaced occupants housing facilities at
rents comparable to those in the community at the time of
their displacement (see particularly Parts 1, 4, and 11 of the
Report on the Plan and Part II.B of the EIR regarding
evidence with respect to this finding).
i. The Project Area contains property suitable for low
and moderate income housing (see particularly Parts 1 and 2 of
the Report on the Plan regarding evidence with respect to this
finding) .
j. The Project Area includes approximately 3,106 acres.
All noncontiguous areas of the Project Area are blighted and
necessary for effective redevelopment. Noncontiguous areas
are not i~cluded in the Project Area for the purpose of
obtaining tax increment revenues from the area pursuant to
Health and Safety Section 33670 without other substantial
justification for their inclusion (see particularly Parts 1
and 2 of the Report on the Plan regarding evidence with
respect to this finding).
k. The inclusion of any lands, buildings, or
improvements which are not detrimental to the public health,
safety, or welfare are necessary for the effective
redevelopment of the Project Area of which they are a part and
are not included for the purpose of obtaining the allocation
of tax increment revenues from such area pursuant to Health
and Safety Code Section 33670 without other substantial
justification for their inclusion (see particularly the
Introduction and Parts 1 and 2 of the Report on the Plan
regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
L 011 PLot
1. In order to implement and facilitate the effectuation
of the Plan hereby approved and adopted, certain official
action must be taken by this City Council with reference,
among other things, to changes or modifications in zoning, the
vacation and removal of streets, alleys, and other public
ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the location
of sewer and water mains, lighting and utility lines and other
public facilities and other public action, and accordingly,
this Council hereby (i) pledges its cooperation in helping to
implement the Plan; (ii) requests the various officials,
departments, boards, and agencies of the City having
administrative responsibilities in the Project Area likewise
to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective
functions and powers in a manner consistent with the Plan;
(iii) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action
upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate the Plan;
and (iv) intends to undertake and complete any proceedings
necessary to be implemented by the community under the
provisions of the Plan.
m. The elimination of blight and the redevelopment of
the Project Area could not reasonably be expected to be
accomplished by private enterprise acting alone without the
aid and assistance of the Agency (see particularly the
Introduction and Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the Report on the Plan
regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
n. ~he condemnation of real property, if any, is
necessary to the execution of the Plan and adequate provisions
have been made for payment of property to be acquired as
provided by law (see particularly Parts 1 and 2 of the Report
on the Plan regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
o. The Agency and the City have agreed to enter into
certain fiscal agreements with affected taxing agencies
- : ~"-:.~ ~
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pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33401(b) (the
"Fiscal Agreements"). The Agency will also implement other
fiscal mitigation measures as described in Part 12 of the
Report on the Plan. The effect of tax increment financing, as
mitigated by the Fiscal Agreements and other fiscal mitigation
measures set forth in the Report on the Plan, will not cause
significant financial burden on or detriment to any taxing
agency deriving revenues from the tax increment Project Area
(see particularly Parts 3, 9, 10, and 12 of the Report on the
Plan regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
p. The development of the public improvements set forth
in the Plan are of benefit to the Project Area and to the
immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located; no
other reasonable means of financing such improvements are
available to the community; and, based on these findings, the
Agency is authorized to pay all or a part of the value of the
land for and the cost of the installation and construction of
the public improvements set forth in the Plan, as permitted by
Health and Safety Code Section 33445 (see particularly the
Introduction and Parts 1, 2, 3, and 6 of the Report on the
Plan regarding evidence with respect to this finding).
Section 3. Overruling of Objections. All written and
oral objections to the Plan are hereby overruled. In
accordance with Health & Safety Code Section 33363, the
reasons for overruling all written objections are more fully
set forth in the Findings.
Section 4. Approval of Plan. The Plan for the Project
Area, having been duiy received and considered, is approved
and adopted, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a
copy of the Plan with the minutes of this meeting. The Plan,
which contains, among other elements, the statement of the
purpose and intent of the City Council with respect to the
ORDINANCE ~O. 89- 12 !
'V I L4lJ
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Project Area, is incorporated in this Ordinance by reference.
The Plan is hereby designated as an official Redevelopment
Plan for the Project Area. It is the purpose and intent of
this City Council that the Plan be implemented in the Project
A copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the
Agency and the Agency is vested with the responsibility of
implementing the Plan.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect thirty (30) days from the date of its passage and
adoption. ' Before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after
its passage and adoption, this Ordinance shall be published
once in the Gilroy Dispatch, a newspaper of general
circulation published and printed in Santa Clara County.
The foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read before
the City Council of the City of Gilroy by Councilmember Valdez seconded
continued and adjourned
by Counci1~an Hale at the r~~-meeting of the City Council
of the City of Gilroy held on June ~, 1989. This Ordinance
was read at the regular meetinq of the City Council held on July
JMh/-L, 1989. Councilmember Valdez moved , seconded
by Councilmember Hale
/that it be adopted and passed, which motion was duly seconded
and said Ordinance was passed and adopted and ordered
published within fifteen (15) days of the date of adoption in
the GILROY DISPATCH a newspaper of general circulation,
published in the County of Santa Clara and circulated in the
City of Gilroy, by the following vote:
LQ11?L0t 11
Larry Mussallem
Mayor Protempore
Susanne Steinmetz, City Clerk
L 0 1iPtGE 1~
,-~-... ~~- ~-:~~-
I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do
hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 89-12
is an original
ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the
day of July
19 89
at which meeting a quorum was present.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this
6th day of
19 89.
.(S~a 1 )
, /1 ,
Exhibit "A"
l 0 11 PLGE
cln OF CIL.1aY
The proposed Cfty of GUroy tc.u\fty ledevelopllef\t Project
Aree conaf.tl of two non-contfguous pert.. the llrger of whfch
inclWei portfons of the orfgfnel CCllIIlIIIfty (end whfch hI' two
uceptfons). whUe the ..ller pert inchdel the Cfty aewllle
treeteent fecflltln lends. III .. ~re pertlcullrly delcrlbed I'
Ie;lmfng It ttle aouthWlt comer of thlt certefn percel (APN
m-18-8) loceted .t the northwest comer of ttle interlectlon of
Monterey loed end Goldin Gete A..... in the Cfty of Gf lroy. Sente
Cl.r. C<<ulty, eel ffomfl. whfch Point of le;fmfng fl Il.o on the
flOf'them dght-of...y line of Golden Gete AYel'foIe; thence el.t Ilong
..fd rlght-of-.-y line end aouthem property line of ..ld percel
2.097.15 feet. mre or lna. to. point opposfte the louthwelt
comer of ..ld interaectfon; thence louth ec:roa. Golden Gete Aven.Ae
15 feet. mre or l.... to the aouth....t comer of ..ld inter-
HCtion; thence conti""fng louth Ilong ttle westem rfght-of-wey
Une of Monterey loed 1,25'.40 feet to . point on the northem
property lhw of . cert.ln percel (APII m- "-1) loceted on
Monterey loed;
thence ...t SO feet, end ttlencl louth 734.44 feet. to the
northeut comer of a certlin percel (APII 713-1'-10) loclted on
Monterey loed; thence ....t 146 feet to the north....t comer of ..Id
,.reel; thence aouth ',248." feet to the aouth....t comer of ..ld
..rcel, ..id percel comer being loceted on the northem right-of-
.-y I ine of Day loed; thence HIt along ..id rlght-of- .-y lIne end
property lhw 146 feet to the lOUthMat corner of ..Id ,.rcel;
thence aouth 40 feet, .,.. or I..., ec:roal Day loed. to the 1OUth-
...t corner of the intersection of Monterey loed end Day loed;
thence contl""lng IOUth 1,078.69 feet. ~re or I.... to the north-
...t corner of a certlin ..reel (APII 790-6-29) loceted on Monterey
loed; thence ...t along the northem property line of ..Id percel,
and. continuation of ..Id property Une. 1,31' feet, ~re or I....
to the IOUtheut comer of . certeln intedor percel (APII 790-6-6)
loceted off Monterey loed; tMnce north 50 feet to the northeast
corner of ..Id percel; thence ....t Jl,5 feet to the north....t comer
of ..Id percel; tMnce aouth 150.20 feet. mre or I.... to the
aouth....t comer of . certlln edJec:ent Intedor ,.rcel (APtl
?9Q-6-J2) loceted off Monterey loed; thence HIt 957 feet. ~re or
I.... to the northwst corner of I certlln percel (APtl 790-7-1)
loclted on Monterey loed; tMnce aouth 833.13 feet. ~re or l...,
to the northwest comer of the Interaectlon of Ct\urch Street and
Ferrell A....; tMnce ...t along ttle northem right-of-..y line of
L011PLGE 14
~ - ~ 'I
-, ~
- .
Flrrell Aven.Je 126.74 feet, end thence .outh 10 feet, end thence
aglln Wit 910.67 feet, ~r. or l..., to the northellt comer of
the inter.ectlon of Flrrell Avenue end Wren Avenue;
,-.. .
thence eonti,.,lng ....t 40 feet, ~re or l..., Kros. Wren
AwnIt to I point on the ....t.m rlght-of-...y line of .lld IwnIt;
thence .outh Ilong the ....tem right.of....y line of Wren Avenue 907
feet, ~r. or l..., to the northWlt comer of the inter.ection of
Wren Aven.Je end TltUl A'trUe; thence conti,.,i"", .outh Kros. TltUl
Avenue 40 feet, ~re or 1..., to the .outh....t comer of Hid
Intersection; thence Wit 207.8 feet to the northWlt corner of
thlt eertlln plrc.l (APN 790-17-11) loclted on TltUl Avenue .t Wren
Aven.Je; thence .outh 868.5 feet to the .outh....t comer of ..id
plreel; thence ...t 206.3 feet to the .outh.ut corner of Hid
plre.l; thence .outh .long the ....t.m right.of-wey line of Wren
Avenue 1,039 feet, ~re or 1..., to . point ClflPOItt. the south....t
corner of . e.rt.in plrc.l (APN 790- 26-47), loc.ted on the .I.t
.ide of Wren Avenue, Wlich plreet f. . plrt of the City of Iii lroy
Lu Ani.. P.rk; thence ...t 66 feet, mr. or t..., Kroa. Wren
Avenue to Hid .outh....t corner of Hid plrcel; thence .ut 475
feet, ~r. or t..., end thence .outh 440 feet, ~re or t..., end
thence ..at 1,650 feet, mr. or t..., to the north....t comer of .
certlln plreel (APN 790-za-1) toc.ted on Church Street; thence
.outh 612.65 feet to the northee.t corner of . certlln plre.l (APN
790-28-5) located on E..t Court .t Ueltu'n AWRII; thenc. ....t
.tong the northem property tine of Hid plre.t 54 feet, ~re or
1..., to the ..It.m right. of....y tine of Eut Court; thence
contl,.,l"", ....t 95 feet, ~ or 1..., Kros. Eat Court to the
....t.m right.of.wey 1 ine of Eat Court; thence conti,.,l"", ....t
.long the northem property linea of thou plrcel. located .tong
Wilburn AWRII 137.49 feet to the ...tem right.of-wey 1 ine of
IIwne Street;
thence conti,.,f"", ....t 68 feet, ~ or 1..., Kroaa MIMI
Street to the ....t.m right-of-wey line of IlImI Street; tMnc.
conti,.,i"", ....t .long the northern property linea of thoae plre.l.
toc.ted Ilong Wilburn AWRII '16.03 feet to the ...t.m right-of-
wey line of Di.". Court; thence conti,.,f"", ....t 50 feet Kros.
01.". Court; thenc. conti,.,l"", ....t 105 feet, and thence south 14
feet, and tMnc. ....t 100 feet to the ...t.m rlght-of-wey line of
C.,...l Street; thence contlrul"", west 67.5 feet ecroaa C....l
Itreet; thence north .tong the ....tern rlght-of-wey tine of c.,...t
Itreet 14 feet; thence ....t 200 feet to the ...t.m rlght-of-wey
1 IN of Dorl. Court; thence ....t 50 feet ecroaa Dori. Court; thenc.
conti,.,i"", ....t 100 feet, and thence south 5.75 feet, ~ or 1...,
end thence ....t 113.96 feet to the ...t.m rlght-of-wey line of
Weyland L.".; thence .....60 feet ecroaa Wayland L.".; thence north
32.48 feet .long the ....tern rlght.of.wey line of Weytend L.".;
thence ....t 1a1.40 feet to the ...tem rlght-of-wey tine of L.
Alandr. WIly; thence ....t 60 feet Kroaa 1.1 Alandr. Way; thenc.
L011pL.GE 15
_ V' ,. ;.J
.outh along the ~tern rlght-of-wey line of La Alondra Way 49.38
feet, ~re or less, to the northe.st corner of a certain percel
(APt! 790-24-10) located on w.lburn Awnue; thtnee ~t along the
northern property line of .ald percel, end a contlnuetlon of .ald
property line, 576. T7 feet to the ealtern rlght-of-wey line of Wren
Awnue; thence continuing ~t 60 feet KrosS Wren Awnue to the
..tern rlght-of-wey line of .ald .treet;
thence eouth alq ..Id ..tern rlght-of-..y line 260 feet to
a point opposite the .outh~t corner of a certain percel (APN
790-24-19) fronting on w.lburn Awnue; thence eaU 60 feet across
Welburn Awnue to ..Id aouth~t corner of ..Id percel; thence
continuing ealt alq the eouthern property line of ..Id percel,
end a contfnuetlon of ..Id property line, 430 feet, thence contin-
uing ..st 69.39 feet, end thence east 74.81 feet, to the eoutheast
corner of a certain percel (APN 790-24-27) fronting on Welburn
Awnue; thence north 27.63 feet alClr4J the ..stern property line of
..Id percel; thence east 95.63 feet to the ..tern rlght-of-..y
line of La 'al_ w.y; thence ..st 60 feet Kros. La 'al_ Way to
the eouth..t corner of a certain percel (APN 7'90-24-31) fronting
on Welburn Awnue; thence east alClr4J the .outhern property line of
..Id percel, end a contlnuetlon of ..Id property line, 130.48 feet,
end thence ..st 70.11 feet, to the ..tern rlght-of-..y line of
Waylend Lane; thence HIt 60 feet Kross W.ylend Lane to the
eouth....t corner of thlit certain percel (APN 790-31-1) frontfng on
Welburn Awnue; thence ..st alClr4J the aouthern property line of
..Id percel end other percels fronting on Welburn Avrue 454.44
feet to the ..tern rlght-of- May line of ea...l Street;
thence HIt n feet Kross ea...l Street to the Hltem
rllht-of-May line of ..Id atreet; thence north alClr4J the ...tern
rllht-of-..y line of ea...l Street Z5 feet to the eouth....t corner
of a certain percel (APN 790-34-8) fronting on Walburn A~;
thence HIt alq the aouthem property line of aald percel, end a
contlnuetlon of ..Id property line, JOe) f..t to the ...tem right-
of.May line of Glerwood loed; thence HIt 60 f..t Kros. Glerwood
loed to the Hltem rllht-of-May line of Glerwood loed; thence
continuing HIt alClr4J the aouthem property llnet of thoae percels
fronting on Welburn Awnue JOe) feet to the ...tem rlght.of....y
line of llama Street; ttlence aouth alq the ...tem rllht.of...y
line of llama Street ".. f..t to e point OFPOIlte the aouthwest
corner of a certeln percel (APN 7'90-34.52) fronting on Welburn
A~; tMnce HIt n feet KrosS llama Street to ..Id eouthwest
corner of ..Id percel; thence ..st alq the aouthern property line
of aald parcel, end a contlnuetlon of ..Id property line, zao feet
to the ...tem rllht.of-May line of La Coc:M "-Y; thence HIt n
f..t Krosa La CodM Way to the ...tem rlght-of-May line of La
CodIe Way; thence north alClr4J ..Id ...tem rllht-of-..y line 136..
feet to the aouthealt corner of the InterMCtlon of Walburn A~
end La CodM Way;
L011p:'GE 1G
.". ..
thence ..st .long the southern rfght-of-NaY lfne of Walburn
Avenue 337.79 feet to the .outhwest corner of the fnteraectfon of
Walburn Averue and Church Street: thence .outh along the watern
rfght'of'NaY Une of Church Street 559.73 feet to a pofnt ...,fch f.
the northe.lt corner of a cert.fn parcel (APN 790'36-2) frontfng on
Church Street; thence ....t alone the northern property Une of ufd
parcel 337.79 feet to the north....t corner of ufd parcel; thence
.outh 85 feet, ~re or lea., to the south....t corner of ufd
parcel; thence .outh....t 63.99 feet, and thence south 737.24 feet
to the northea.t corner of the fnter.ectfon of La Coche w.y and
Iroadway; thence south 20 feet acrou lroadway to a pofnt on the
aouthern rfght-of-way l fne of lroedway: thence aut alone the
.outhern rfght'of'way line of Iroedway 344 feet, 80re or lea., to
the .outhe.lt corner of the Inter.ectlon of Church Street and
Iroadway: thence .outh .lone the ....t.rn rlght'of'way of Church
Street, croallng Gurrlea Drive, 355.63 feet to the north....t corner
of the fnter.ectfon of Church Street and the .U.... bet...... Gurrlea
Drive and flr.t Street; thenc. ....t .lone the northern rlght'of-way
line of .afd .U.... 675.3 feet, ~r. or lea., to the north...t
corner of the Int.rnc:tfon of ufd .U.... and M.... Street; thence
north .lone the e'ltern rlght-of....y line of ...... Street 150 feet,
~r. or lea., to. point ClA'OIlte the northea.t corner of .
certain parcel (APN 790-32-41) frontfng on ...... Street;
thence ....t 75 feet acros. M.... Street to the northe..t
comer of uld parc.l; thence ....t .long the northern property l fne
of uld parcel 130 feet to the north....t comer of uld parc.l;
thence south .long the ....t.rn property line of uld parcel 58
feet, ~re or lea., to the aouthwest corner of uld parcel; thence
....t .long the north.rn property lines of those parcel. fronting on
first Street 219.75 feet to a point on the ...tem right-of-way
line of .......t Street; thence ....t 60 feet acrou .......t Street
to the northwest corner of the Int.rsactlon of ..,...,.t Street and
the .U.... bet...... lroadway and First Street; thence ....t .long the
aouthern property lines of thoM prof>>rtlea fronting on lroadway
350.5 feet, 8or. or lea., to the northHlt corner of the Inter-
aectlon of earwel Street and uld .U....; thence north 30 feet, ~re
or leal, to . point opposite the northHlt comer of . cert.ln
parcel (APt! 790'32'33) fronting on earwel Street; thence ....t 60
feet acrou earwel Street to the northMSt comet' of uld parcel;
thence ....t .long the northern prof>>rty line of uld parcel 100
feet to the north....t corner of Mid parcel;
thence north 5 feet, to the northeut comer of . cert.ln
parc.l (APN 790-32-49 Iltulted bat...... lroadway and first Street;
thence ....t along the northern property line of uld parcel, and .
contl,..Uon of ufd property line, 216.26 feet, mre or leal, and
thence south 45 feet, ant thence ....t 72.45 feet, ~r. or l..., to
. point on the ...t.rn rlght'of'way line of w.yland L_; thence
L011FtGE 17
west 63 feet, ~re or less, across Wayland lane to a point on the
~tern rlght-of-wey line of aaid lane: thence aouth along the
~tem right-of-lIIIY line of Wayland lane 155 feet, ~re or less, -
to the north~t corner of the interaectlon of Miller Avenue and
flrat Street: thence aouth 66 feet, ~re or lesl, across First
Street to the louthwest corner of aald interaectlon: thence aouth
along the western right-of-way line of Miller Avenue 269.93 feet,
to a point opposite the aouth~t corner of a certain parcel (AP~
799-21-39) bou1ded by Miller A~, firat Street end Prineevalle
Street: thence .alt 80 feet acrosl Miller Averue to uid aouthwest
corner of uld parcel: thence Hst T7.78 feet, end thence .ast
102.21 feet to the aouthealt corner of uid pareel, uid corner
being alao the north....t corner of the intersection of Prlneevalle
Street end the alley altuated between Prineevalle Street end Second
Street: thence ealt 60 feet .crosl Prlneevalle Street to a point on
the Hltem rlght.of....y line of Prineevalle Street:
ttlence north along the ..at em rlght'of-...y line of Prlnee-
wlle Street 31 feet, ~r. or lnl, to the south~t corner of a
certain parcel (AP~ 799-21'9) fronting on Prineevalle Street:
thence ..st along the aouthem property line of uld parcel 133.04
feet to the southealt corner of uld parcel, uld corner alao being
on the ...tem right-of-way line of the alley between Prlneevalle
Street end earwel Street: thence aouth along the ...tem rlght-of-
way line of uld alley 30 feet, mre or lnl, to a point opposite
the aouth....t corner of a certain parcel (APt! 799-21-2) fronting on
earwel Street: thence ..at along the aouthem property line of uld
parcel 133.04 feet to the aouthealt corner of uld pareel, uid
comer also being on the ...tem right-of-way line of earwel
Street: thence south along the ...tem right-of-way line of earwel
Street, cro.aing Second Street, 1.427.28 f..t, mre or les., to the
IIOUthwlt corner of the int.ruetfon of Third Street end earwel
Itreet: thence ...t elong the IIOUthem right-of-way line of Third
Itreet. crMaing earwel Street. Dowdy Street end II.... Str..t,
955.00 feet. mre or l.... to the IIOUtllwst comer of the inter-
Metfon of Third Street end the elley bet...., ..... Street end
loaama Street: thence aouth along the ...tem right-of-way line of
..id elley. croulng Fourth Street end Fifth Itreet. 1.781.93 feet,
eore or lna. to the north...t comer of the interuetion of uid
elley end West SIxth Itreet:
thence _t elong the northern rltflt-of-way line of SIxth
Itreet. cro.alng ..... Itreet. 375 f..t to the northWest comer of
the intersection of West Slxdt Itreet end the elley bet...... Dowdy
Itreet end ...... Itreet: thence IIOUth elong the ...tem
right-of-way line of uid elley. croulng West lixth Itreet. 623
f..t. eore or l.... to the northwlt corner of the interuc:tfon of
West lewnth Itreet end uld alley: thence ...t elong the northem
right-of-way line of West IeWndt Itreet. cro.alng Dowdy Street,
375 f..t to the nort.....t comer of the interuetfon to West
r-r'l!l',7. t",=, ''''''JG
"'lI, ,,. ~ TYPIN
C;-;"'~~ r . G, CARBO'"
-::0 Orl DOT" .. '"
!.~\l\~ :....)() i J _ ,;,A.HIIX PRINTERS
L 011 PLGt
...,./-.. .~..
- '- '""
" ,
Seventh Street end the alley bet","" C.,..l Street end Dowdy
Street; thence louth along the ~t.rn right-of-way line of ..Id
alley, croa.lng West Seventh Street, 63a feet to the north~t
corner of the int.raection of West EIgIlt St....t end ..Id alley;
thence ~t along the north.rn rlght-of-wey line of West Eighth
Street, croallng C.,...l Street end Prlne.....ll. St....t, 561.08 feet
to the north~t corner of the int.,..ectfon of West Eighth Street
end Prine.....ll. Street;
thence louth along the ~t.rn rlght-of-wey line of Prlnce-
".ll. St....t, croaling Eighth, _Inth end Tenth St....tt, 1,17'9.68
feet to the louth~t corner of the int.rsectlon of Prlne.....ll.
'treet end Tenth .t....t; thence ...t along the aouth.rn
right-of-way line of Tenth 'treet, creallng Prlnc:evall. .t....t,
Glenvlew Drive end loa.,.". Street, 1,710.96 feet, mr. or l..., to
the north~t corner of a certain perc.l (API! 7'99-]2-43) fronting
on West Tenth Street; thence louth along the ~t.rn property line
of ..Id perc.l, end a contl,..tlon of Mid property line, 285.14
feet, to the IOUth~t corner of that cert.ln percel (API!
7'99-32-44) frontIng on Olurch Street; thence ...t along the
IOUth.rn property line of Mid percel 120.27 feet to the ....t.rn
rlght.of-way of Church St....t; thence aouth along the ....t.rn
right-of-way lIne of Olurch 'treet 72 feet, end thence contfrul"..
louth 37.58 feet, end thence 28.93 feet, end tMnc:e 60.01 feet, end
thence 62.95 feet, end thence 63.90 feet, end thence 47.82 feet, to
a point opposite the aouthwst comer of a certain perc.l (API!
7'99-]]-41) frontfng on Olurch St....t at Southpt. Court; thence
aut 75 feet ecreal Churdl .t....t to the aouth~t comer of Mid
percel; thence contlruing aut along the aouthern property line of
MId percel, end a contf,..tfon of Mid property line, 328.7'9 feet
to the north~t corner of that certain percel (API! 7'99-]]-42)
frontfng on Monterey aoed at ElWWlth .t....t;
thence IOUttI along the ....t.rn property line of Mid percel
end a conti,..tfon of Mid property Une, crouing El.......th .t....t,
969_ 16 feet to the aout......t comer of a certaIn percel (API
7'99-]]-43) fronting on Monterey aoed at ElWWlth St....t; thence
aut along the IOUthern property lIne of MId percel Z10 feet, .,..
or l..., to a point CIflPDalt. the norttlwst comer of 'a cert.ln
perc.l (API! 7'99-46-6) fronting on Mont.rey loed; thence IOUth 55
feet ecroal a certaIn percel (API! 7'99-35-14) of the Santa Clara
Valley WIIter Dlltrlct to the northwest corner of Mid perc.l
frontIng on Monterey loed; thence aouth along the ~t.rn property
Une of MId perc.l, end a contf,..tlon of MId property line,
566.59 feet to the IOUthwst corner of a certaIn percel (API!
7'99-46-7) fronting on Mont.rey loed; thence ...t along the IOUthern
property Une of MId percel 301.90 feet, end thenc. '30 feet, to
the aouthe..t corner of MId perc.l, MId poInt alao beIng on the
....t.rn rfght-of-wey of Mont.rey aoed; thenc. IOUth along the
....tern rfght-of-..y l I,. of Monterey loed, crouing Lucheua
.lr; :-. ~..
Averue, 915 feet, .:Ire or lnl, to the aouthwlt comer of the
fntersectfon of Monterey HfghllaY end Luetlnll Averue;
ttlence Hit ecr~1 Monterey Mfghway 178 feet, .:Ire or lnl, to
the aouthealt corner of the fnter..ctfon CJf Monterey HfghllaY end
Luchelll Aven.Ie; thence aouth end aoutheast .tong the H.tem
rfght-of-..y lIne of Monterey tlfghvay 1,682 feet, .:Ire or lnl, to
ttle northwest corner of the fnter.ectlon of Monterey IlfghllaY end
the South Valley F.......y (State loute 101); thence contf,.,fng
aouthHlt ecroa. the freeway 76lJ feet, .:Ire or In., to a pofnt on
the H.tem rfght-of-..y I fne of the freewYi thence aouth along
the Hstem rfght-of-..y Une of the f,....,.y 1,652 feet, .:Ire or
I..., to the aouthwest corner of a certafn parcel (APIII41-14-66)
frontfng on the f.......y front... .-oed; thence .ast along the
aouthem property I fne CJf ..fd parcel 1,560.40 feet, ~re or I...,
to the aouthall corner of ..fd parcel, Wlfch pofnt fa al.o on the
west rfght-of-vey Une of the Southem 'ecfffc laflroed; thence
north along the ...t rllht-of-..y I fne CJf ttle rafl.-oed 2,67'9 feet,
.:Ire or lee., to a pofnt on ..fd rflht-of-...,; ttlence HIt ecroa.
..fd rfght-of-..., 10S feet, .:Ire or I..., to a poInt on ttle .ut
rfght-of-..., I fne of the rall.-oed; thence aouth along the ...t
rIght-of...., I fne of the rall.-oed 2,67'9 feet, .:Ire or I..., to a
point on ..Id rfght-of-..y Une, Wllch poInt I. alao the aouthwest
corner of a certaIn parcel (API 141-15-109); thence ...t along the
aouth property Une of ..Id parcel, end a contfnuetfon of aald
property Une, Wlfch I. the aouth rlght-of-..y Une of South.lde
Drfw, 1,655 feet, .:Ire or I.., to the aouthea.t corner of the
Intersection of Iouth.lde Drlw end 1..1 L..; thence north along
the ...tem rlght-of-..., line CJf 1..1 L.. 2,444.75 feet, .:Ire or
I..., to the eouttIwst corner of tMt certaIn parcel (APII
"'-'5-11) frontfng on 1..1 L..; thence ..It along the aouthem
property line of ..Id parcel 1,120.5 fMt to the aouthHst corner
of ..Id parcel;
tMnce north al-. the ...tem property line of ..fd parcel,
end a contlnuetlon of ..Id property line, 2,010 feet, .:Ire or I...,
to the MUt",,"t comer of tMt certain parcel (APt! 141-17- S1)
frontIng on the 'echeco '.s IIIhtMy front... roed; thence ...t
along the MUthem property line of ..Id parcel, end a contfnuetfon
of ..Id property line, Z,S36.46 fMt to the MUthealt corner CJf
tMt certaIn parcel (APt! 141-17-4) fronting on 'ecMco 'a..
111h...,; thence MUth S44.Z5 fMt to the MUth....t corner of that
certain parcel (APt! "'-17-5) frontIng on 'edleco 'a.. tllgh..y;
thence ...t along the MUthem property lIne of ..fd parcel 692.81
feet to the MUthHat comer of ..Id parcel; thence north along the
_It property line of ..Id parcel n5.56 feet, ~re or I..., to the
ftCM'theut corner of ..Id parcel, Wllch poInt la allO on the MUth
rllht-of-..., 11M 'acheco 'us tlllh...,; ~ ...t along the aouth
rflht-of-..., line of 'edleco ,... IIflh..y 40 feet, .:Ire or I.., to
a potnt on ..td rllht-of-..., Une, Wllch potnt I. allO the north-
~..~n;- WF.IT!l'1G. TYPING, CARBCM
:::,_::~n:::3 C:-\ D8T ~.lATHIX [)RINTERS
\ -: peCti ~': !U;-()GRAPh:~~ ;-\ECO;~~
L 0 11 PLGE
,0" .of
\) t
west corner of a certain parcel (APN 841-17-63) fronting on PacheCO
Pa.. Highway; thence .outh along the ....t property I ine of .aid
parcel 1.128.70 feet. ~re or l..., and thence .outheeat .long the
aouthwestern property line of .aid parcel 712.02 feet to the
aouth....t corner of that certain parcel (APt! 841-17-64) .Ituated on
Llega. Creek; thence ea.t along the aouthern property line of aaid
parcel 1.059.95 feet to the aouthe..t comer of aaid parcel; thence
north along the e..tern property line of aald parcel 23.16 feet,
thence contiNling north 58.15 feet. and thence 168.89 feet and
thence 134.25 feet.
and thence 22.37 feet. and thence 187.05 feet to the aouth....t
comer of thet certain parcel of the SWlta Clara V.lley Water
Dlatrict (APt! 841-17-59) fronting on Pacheco P... Highway; thence
...t along the .outhern property line of aald parcel 100.7'9 feet to
the aouthea.t comer of aald parcel; ~e north .long the ...tern
property line of aaid parcel 122.166 f..t, and thence 166.188 feet.
and thence 245.19 feet, and thence 359.458 feet and thence 190.7'9
feet to the northeaat comer of Hid parcel. Hid point .l.o being
on the aouthern right-Of-way Une of Pacheco Pa.. Highway; thence
north acrOl' Pacheco Pa.. Highway 125 f..t. ~re or l.... to a
point on the northern rlght-of-.-y line of the highway; thence ....t
along the northern right-of-way line of the highway 6.1'" f..t,
"'e or l..., to the aouthe..t comer of that cert.ln parcel (APN
841-10-37) located at Pacheco P... Highway and lenz Lane; thence
north along the ...tern property line of aald parcel. and a conttn-
uatlon of Hid property line. 963.59 f..t to the northea.t comer
of that certain parcel (APtC 841-10-57) fronttng on lenz Lena;
thence ....t along the northern property line of Hid parcel 292.65
feet to a point on the ...tern rlght-of-.-y line of lenz Lena;
thence north along Hid ..tern right-of-way line 75.36 f..t to the
aoutheaat comer of that certain pIlrcel (APtC 841-10-27) fronttng on
lenz Lena; thence conttNllng north along the ...tern property line
of Hid parcel 373.94 f..t to the norttl..t corner of aald pIlrcel;
thence ....t along the northem property line of Hid pIlrcel
Z9.Z5 f..t to a point on the ...tam right-Of-way Une of the South
Valley '''''''''; thence north along Hid ..tem ,Ight-of- .-y Une
953.71 feet to the aouthH8t corner of the Internetlon of the
f,.....,. and 'Il.,.. load. ..,Iet. point I. alto on the northem
property line of the lonen Charnel of the SWlta Cla'a Valley WIlt.,
Dlatrlct; tflence Mat along uld north property line of the lonan
eIlWNl 262.41 f..t. .ore or l.... and thence contlNlI,. ...t 1.600
f..t. 80,.. or l.... to the aoutheeat corner of that certain parcel
(APt! 841-18-45) fronting on Gll." load; ~e north along the
...tem property line of uld pIlrcel 607.95 feet to a point on the
aouthern right-Of-way line of Gll.,.. load; ~ north acroaa
Gll.,.. load 75 f..t to a -point on the northern right-of-way line of
uld road; tMnce ....t along the northern right-of-way line of
Ill.,.. load 570 f..t. .ore or l.... to the northeeat comer of the
v rL..u
, f
.. ry,-
fnter.ectlon of GIl-.n loed end ~Ino Arroyo; thence north .long
the ..stem rfght-of-.,.y line of C.ino Arroyo 875 feet. ~re or
I.... to . point on the .outhem property line of th.t certain
percel (AP.. 841'69.14) fronting on c.lno Arroyo; thence .est .long
the .outhem property line of Hid percel 1.019.95 feet to the
aouthe.st corner of Hid percel; thence north .long the ..stem
property lfne of ..Id percel, and . contfr.-tion of ..Id percel,
4,156.49 feet to . point on the aouthem right.of....y line of
L..waley loedi
thence Wit .long the .outhem rfght-of....y line of Le.vesley
loed 15 feet, ~re or I.... to. point on ..fd rlght.of....y line
opposite the .outh..st corner of . cert.in percel (APt! 835-4'41)
fronting on the north .ide of L..waley loed; thence north KrOlS
L......sley loed 60 feet to Hid percel corneri thence north .long
the ..st property lfne of Hid percel 170 feet, ~re or I..., to
the northe.st corner of Hid perceli thence Wit .long the north
property lfne of Hid percel 405.56 feet. mr. or less. to the
northWlt corner of Hid perceli thence .outh .long the Wltem
property I fne of ..Id percel 170 feet to . point on the northem
rlght.of....y I fne of L..waley loedi thence west .long Hid
northem rlght-of-...y I fne 166.46 feet to the aouthe.st corner of
th.t cert.fn percel (APt! 835-4-16) frontfng on L.......ley lOIdi
tflenee north .long the eutem property I fne of Hid percel 270
feet to the north..at corner of Hid perceli thence Wit .long the
northem property I fne of Mid perc.l 210 feet to . point on the
..tem rftht-of-.-y I fne of San Ylldro A~i
thence north .long the ..t.m rfght-of-.-y I fne of Ian ,.fdro
A~ 3.530 feet to the 1OUth...t corner of the fnt.raectlon of
Ian ,.idro AWfIJI and L.. Ani.. A~i thence ent .long the
aouthem rfght-of-...y I fne of L.. Anf.. A~ m feet. mr. or
I..., to the northea.t comer of th.t cert.fn percel (API! 835-4-51)
frontfng on San ,.Idro A"... .t L.. Ani.. AWfIJI; tMnce north .
Kros. L.. Anf.. A"... 40 feet to . pofnt on the northem
rf,ht-of-.-y l fne of L.. Ani.. AWfIJI, IIhlch pofnt fa .lao the
eoutheaat comer of that certafn perc.l (API! 135-5-1) fronting on
L.. Ani.. AWfIJI; tMnce north .long the entem property I fne of
Mfd percel, and . contfnultfon of Mfd property Une, 1,164.19
feet to . pofnt on the eouthern rfght-of-...y l fne of Cohenaey
A""'i thenc. north Kros. CoheNey Awnue 50 feet to a point on
the northem rfght-of-.-y I fne of Mid 8Wf'1.1ei thence Wit .long
the northem rfllht-of-.-y lfne of Mfd 8Wf'I.Ie 948.09 feet. and
tftenc. north 8 feet, and tMnce Wit, cros.fng the frMlMy front.,.
road and the South Valley f~ and continufng along the north
rfght-of-.-y I fne of Coh..ey AWfIJI 535 feet, mre or I..., to a
pofnt on Mid rflt\t-of-.-y I fne, IIhfch point f. .lao the northwest
corner of . cert.ln percel (API! 835'5-16) fronting on Cohenaey
AWfIJI; tMnc:e aouth along the Wit property I ine of Mid perc.l
and . contfnultfon of Mfd property I fne 1.135 feet, ~ or I....
;:-:,:':1' Wp.lnN3. TYPir\G, CARBO~'
r~r ,. '_.. ,.. r"
. . -! - ~ c.! Q()T f,1 ITRIX PRINTERS
-:. 200;; PH;)TC'Cii!AP:'-;,.~ Rr:c""'c,,",>
I . .._ ...... "11U
L 011 PLGE
, .,. ..
. ~i",~
,~..- - '11...,
to the northellt corner of thlt certlln percel (AP. 835- 5.4)
fronting on lal Ani.. Avenue;
thence ....t along tM northern property line of ..Id perc.l
331 feet to tM north....t corner of .lld percel; thence .outh Ilong
the Wlt.rn property line of ..Id perc.l 180.25 feet to a point on
the north.rn rlght'of.wy line of la. Ani.. AYenUI; thenc. WIt
along the north.rn rlght.of....y line of lIS Ani.. A~ 1,710
feet, ~r. or 1..., to the north...t corner of the Int.raecUon of
la. Ani.. A~ and Mont.rey load; thence north Ilong the ...t.rn
rlght.of....y line of Mont.rey load, cros.'ng Coh..ey A~, Iuena
VIstl A~ and Denio A~, 7,270 feet, ~r. or 1..., to I point
opposlt. the north.lSt corner of that c.rt.fn perc.l (APN 783,18-
1) fronting on Monterey load; thence ....t ec:ros. Mont.rey load 130
feet, ~re or ,..., to the northe.lt corner of Hid percel; thence
....t along the northern property line of .lld perc.l 2,127.15 feet
to the north....t corner of laid perce I ; thence .outh Ilong the
....t.rn property line of laid perce I , and I conU,..tfon of laid
property"ne, 629.38 feet to the Point of htlfmlng.
bceot f on One
Those properU.. .Itu.ted In the cfty block bcu1ded on the
north by Ealt .'nth Street, on the WIt by Aleunder Street, on the
aouth by Ea.t Tenth Street and on the eut by Ch..trut St....t.
bceot I on Tw
Thwe propertl.. located It the aouthea.t comer of the
Inter.ectlon of Ellt Tenth Street and Ch..trut Street: apecff.
fcally those pereel. bcu-ded on the north by ElSt Tenth Street, on
the ....t by Chestrut Street, on the aouth by the aouthern property
line of I certlln pereal (APN "1'66'16), "'fell property line f.
120 feet IOUth of Ellt Tenth St....t, .,.e or '''', and on the ...t
by the South Vllley Freewy.
hgfmfng It the norttMst corner of that certlfn pereal (APN
"1'30-12) located ...t of the Southern Pec:fflc .Iflroed
rfght.of.wy; thence IOUth a'~ the ....tern property' lne of Hid
pereal and the ...tern rllht.of...-y lfne of the raflroed 2,540
feet, ~... or ,,,,, to the lOUt.....t corner of Hid pereal; thence
...t along the aouthern property line of Hfd pere.' 1,853 feet,
~... or '''', and thence conUnulng ...t 934 feet, ~re or ,,,., to
a point on the eat property lfne of Hid pereel; thence north
along the eut property 'fne of Hid percel J4 feet, ~re or ,,,.,
and thence lISt 40 feet, .... or ,,,., and thence aouth 100 feet,
~... or ,,,., and thence ...t 103 f..t, ~r. or ,,,., to I point on
the ....t property line of I certeln percel (APII "1-30- 11); thence
L 0 11 p.~ G E
-.,. -.. ....
aouth along ttle westem pl"operty I fne of aafd parcel 1,489.554 feet
to the aouthwest comer of aafd parcel, whfch pofnt fs also on the
northern property lfne of a certafn parcel (APN "1-30-2): thence
wit along the northem pl"operty I fne of aafd parcel 538.984 feet
to the northwest corner of aafd parcel: thence aouth along the
westem pl"operty lfne of aafd parcel 1,414.974 feet to the aouth-
west corner of aafd parcel: thence e.st alq the IOUthem pl"operty
line of aafd parcel 1,558.128 feet to the IOUthea.t corner of .afd
parcel, tlhfch fa al.o located on the westem pl"operty I fM of a
certain parcel (APeI "1-29-19) located on llega. Creek: thence
.outh along aafd westem pl"operty I fM of aafd parcel 1,010 feet,
~re or Ie.., to the IOUthwest corner of aald parcel;
thence ant alone ttte .outhem property I fM of aafd parcel
1,544.36 feet to the aoutheast corner of aafd parcel: thence north
along the H.tem property line of aafd parcel 496.02 feet, .-d
thence cont hl"f ng north 551.01 feet, .-d thence 600 feet, and
thence 430.03 feet, .-d tMnce 476 feet, end ttlence 549_47 feet,
.-d thence 150.13 feet, end thence 300.04 feet, .-d thence 342.25
feet, .-d thence 135.91 feet to the northeast corner of aald
parcel: thence ...t along the aouthem property lfne of a certafn
parcel (APN "1-29-13) 990.82 feet, ~re or ,..., to the aouthealt
comer of aafd parcel: thence north alone the .a.tem property lfne
of aafd parcel 1,659.24 feet to the northea.t corner of aafd
'tttence ...t alone the north property Une of aafd parcel, .-d
a contfnuatfon of Mfd property I fne, 4,264 feet, ~,.. or I..., to
the northwst comer of a certafn parcel (APt! "1-29- 14), tlhlch
pofnt I. alao on tfte ...tem property I fne of a certafn parcel (APeI
141-15-4) frontfng on tfte aouth If de of Iouth.fde I.: tMnce
north alq tfte ...tem property 1ft. of Mfd parcel, end a contfn-
uatfon of Mfd property Une, croaafng Iouthafde I., 165 feet,
~,.. or l..a, to tfte lIouttIeaat comer of a certlfn parcel (APeI
141-15.5) frontfng on the north afde of Iouthafde I.: thence west
alone tfte aouthem property Itne of aafd parcel, end a contf,..tfon
of aafd property line end the northem rflht-of-wy I fne of South-
If de I., 635 feet, ~,.. or I..., to a pofnt oppo.fte the north-
...t comer of a certafn parcel (APeI 141-15-73): ttlence aouth
KroIa Iouthafde I. sa feet, ~,.. or l..a, to the northwe.t
comer of aald parcel: thence aouth alone the ...tam property Itne
of aald parcel 1,023.44 feet to the IOUth...t comer of aafd
parcel, tlhfch pofnt fa alao on the northem property Itne of a
certafn parcel (APIII41-JQ-12): thanee ...t along the northem
property Unt of Mfd parcel 2,7'09.11 feet, to the norttwaat corntr
of Mfd parcel, Ilhfch fa alao the Pofnt of lagfmfng.
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t Project Area
c:::::J Redevelopmen
City Units
.Ii l'
L011?~GE 25
Gilroy Community Development Agency
May, 1989
L 0 11 p~ "E
- ~o
. ,
May, 1989
L011r:'ot 27
General Definitions
Project Area Boundaries
Community Development Goals
Development Techniques
Permitted Land Uses
Methods for Financing the Project
Actions by the City
Construction of Replacement Housing
Procedure for Amendment
Authority of the Agency
A. Project Area Boundary Map
B. Legal Description of Project Area
C. Proposed Redevelopment Agency Projects
D. Project Area Land Use Map
LOI1FLut 2~
This City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project
Area Plan has been prepared pursuant to the California state
Constitution, the Community Redevelopment Law (state Health
and Safety Code, Section 33000 et seq.) and all other ap-
plicable laws and local ordinances.
This Plan is intended to satisfy three basic require-
1. To provide the Community Development Agency with the
maximum ability, and flexibility, to implement its pro
grams within the Redevelopment Project Area, especially
in the area of finance.
2. To set forth the basic goals of Agency activity.
3. To satisfy the many requirements of State Law concern-
ing the content of a Community Redevelopment Plan.
It is important to note, when considering the content
and level of specificity in this document, that a Community
Redevelopment Plan is legally viewed as a relatively strict
document because of the implementation tools and authority
that it invests in the Agency. Amendment of this Plan, once
it is adopted by the Agency Board, may require duplication
of the steps currently being undertaken by the Agency Board
and City.
with these considerations in mind, the City of Gilroy
community Redevelopment Project Area Plan should be viewed
as a working document designed to accommodate the changing
needs and requirements of the City of Gilroy and the Project
Area over time.
L011r'LGE 2~
The following references will be used in this Plan
unless the context otherwise requires:
A. Aoencv means the Community Development Agency of the
City of Gilroy, Gilroy, California, a redevelopment
agency as provided for in the Redevelopment Law.
B. city means the City of Gilroy, California.
C. Community Development or Community Improvement or
Community Redevelopment means those activities provided
for under the Redevelopment Law.
D. County means the County of Santa Clara, California.
E. General Plan means the City of Gilroy General Plan, as
it now exists or may hereafter be amended.
F. Map means the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment
Project Area Plan Map or Maps (Exhibit A) .
G. Owner means any individual or entity owning "real
property" as defined herein.
H. Person means any individual, or any public or private
I. Personal Property means movable property, chattels, or
property not part of real property defined below.
J. Plan means the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment
Project Area Plan being prepared under the Redevelop-
ment Law.
K. Plannino Commission means the Planning Commission of
the City of Gilroy, California.
L. Proiect means the City of Gilroy Community Redevelop-
ment Project.
M. Proiect Area means the area included within the bound-
aries of the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment
N. Real Property means land, including land subject to
flooding; buildings, structures, fixtures, and improve-
ments on the land; and property appurtenant to or used
in connection with the land; every estate, interest
privilege, easement, franchise, and right in land,
including but not limited to right-of-way, terms for
years, and liens, charges, or encumbrances by way of
judgment, mortgage or otherwise and the indebtedness
secured by such liens.
O. Redevelopment Law means the Community Redevelopment Law
of the state of California (California Health and
Safety Code, section 33000 et seq.).
P. State means the State of California.
Q. Zoninq Ordinance means the Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Gilroy, California, as it now exists or may hereaf-
ter be amended.
The City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project
Area, hereinafter called the "Project Area," is designated
on the proposed Redevelopment Project Area Map, Exhibit A,
attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.
The Legal Description of the Project Area is set forth
in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a
part hereof.
L n 1" 1 P' ~-
V L.ot
The Redevelopment Law enables a local government to
form a Community Development (Redevelopment) Agency when a
determination is made that visual, economic, physical and or
social blight exist within a community. Blight encompasses
a broad spectrum of definitions, ranging from a lack of
public improvements, physical characteristics that inhibit
sound development of a particular site, and various other
detrimental impacts, as well as typical visual blight such
as deteriorated and dilapidated structures and facilities.
The City of Gilroy Community Development Agency pro-
poses to use the authority provided to it by this Plan to
eliminate or reduce blighted conditions presently existing
within the City and the Project Area, as set forth in this
This action is necessary because within the Project
Area there presently exists an inadequate circulation sys-
tem; mixed and shifting land uses; overcrowded schools,
fragmented parcelization; unreinforced masonry buildings,
physical deterioration of property; toxic contamination; and
inadequate public improvements, including needed sanitary
sewers and sewage treatment facilities, water systems, creek
channelization, recreation improvements, traffic signaliza-
tion, street reconstruction, curb, gutter and sidewalk
construction, parking facilities, street lighting, and
municipal services facilities - all of which inhibit proper
and desirable development of the Project Area.
The goals of the City of Gilroy General Plan are to be
observed in all Community Redevelopment activity. Further,
the Specific and General Project Goals are as follows:
The Specific Goal of the Plan is to eliminate or reduce
the many instances of visual, economic, physical and social
blight presently existing within the boundaries of the City
of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project Area.
L011FLGE 3~,
1. To provide a stable, diversified and stronger economic
base for the Project Area and community.
2. To provide safer, more efficient, and economical move-
ment of persons and goods within the Project Area and
3. To conserve and improve existing public facilities and
to provide such new facilities as needed for the im-
provement of the Project Area.
4. To enhance the physical environment of the Project Area
and to emphasize its favorable environmental character-
5. To maximize opportunities wherever possible for the
retention of existing property interests, for local
investors as well as for the continuation, revitaliza-
tion and expansion of existing commercial enterprises
within the area.
6. To improve and increase the community's supply of
affordable housing in a manner consistent with the
Housing Element of the General Plan and the policies of
the Redevelopment Law.
7. To accomplish these goals with a minimum displacement
of any property owner, resident or business person who
may wish to remain within the Project Area.
The development of the Project Area will be undertaken
In accordance with the provisions of the California Communi-
ty Redevelopment Law. At this time, it is anticipated that
the use of financial and tax incentives will provide suffi-
cient incentive to the private sector for realization of the
development of the Project Area.
The Agency proposes to strive for economic, social and
physical revitalization and beautification within the Pro-
ject Area by:
Installation, construction,
streets, utilities, landscaping,
off-site improvements.
or reconstruction of
and other on-site and
LOJ1p~0;t 3J
2. Encouragement of development of land by private enter-
prise for use in accordance with this Plan.
3. Encouragement of renovation and improvement by private
land owners.
4. Rehabilitation and rejuvenation of existing structures.
5. Limited acquisition of real property.
6. Relocation assistance to displaced residential and
nonresidential occupants.
7. Limited demolition or removal of buildings and improve-
8. Disposition of property for uses in accordance with
this Plan.
9. provision of tax-exempt financing to those projects in
conformance to the Plan as well as all appropriate City
Codes and plans.
10. utilization of tax-exempt financing vehicles available
to the Agency, and the City, including but not limited
to those authorized by the Redevelopment Construction
Loan Act, those available through the general powers of
the Agency, and those available via the Parking and
Assessment District statutes of the state of Califor-
A. Participation by Owners and Business Tenants
1. Opportunities for Owners and Business Tenants
The Agency shall extend reasonable preferences to
persons who own property or are engaged in business in
the Project Area, to continue in or reenter business
within the Project Area, if they meet the requirements
prescribed in this Plan and the "Rules for Business
Tenant Preference and Owner Participation," which rules
shall be adopted by the Agency and be available for
public inspection.
It is the intention of the Agency that owners of par-
cels of real property within the Project Area, where
consistent with this Redevelopment Plan, be allowed to
participate in this Redevelopment Project by: retain-
ing all or a portion of their properties; acquiring
adjacent or other properties in the Project Area;
selling their properties to the Agency and purchasing
other properties in the Project Area; and upgrading and
developing their properties in conformance with this
Plan and the owner participation rules.
The Agency may determine, either on its own direction
or pursuant to a request of a property owner, that
certain property within the Project Area does not
conform to this Plan, and the owner of such property
shall be required to enter into an owner participation
agreement with the Agency. Bases for an Agency deter-
mination of property non-conformance with this Plan may
include, without limitation, uses on the property that
are inconsistent with the goals and objectives of this
Plan or with the permitted land uses under this Plan,
or existence of improvements or conditions on the
property that do not meet the general controls and
limitations set forth in Part VI of this Plan and/or
the standards of any local, state or federal code or
regulation (including, without limitation, the building
code(s) of the City). Each property in the Project
Area shall be considered to conform to this Plan, until
and unless the Agency has determined by resolution that
such property does not conform to this Plan.
The Agency may determine, either on its own direction
or pursuant to a request of a property owner, that
certain real property within the Project Area conforms
or substantially conforms to the requirements of this
Plan and that the owner of such property will therefore
be permitted to remain a conforming owner without a
participation agreement with the Agency, provided such
owner continues to operate and use the real property
within the requirements of this Plan.
In the event a conforming owner desires to (a) con-
struct any additional improvements or substantially
alter or modify existing structures on any of the real
property described above as conforming, or (b) acquire
additional real property within the Project Area, then
the Agency may require such conforming owner to enter
into a participation agreement with the Agency in the
same manner as required for owners of nonconforming
Any real property owned by a conforming owner outside
of the designated conforming parcels and within the
Project Area shall be considered and treated in the
same manner as real property owned by other owners,
LU)11~1~r- .l~
; rLl.J[ .);)
i.e., it may be subject to a participation agreement
with the Agency.
All of the provisions of this subsection are subject to
the provisions of section A.2 below for the selection
of a master developer or developers to develop parcels
within the Project Area.
2. Rules for Participation Opportunities. Priorities and
Preferences. and Selection of Master Developers
As more fully set forth in the Agency's "Rules for
Business Tenant Preference and Owner Participation," in
the event the Agency determines, either on its own
direction or pursuant to a request of a property owner,
that it is in the best interest of the Project that
several parcels within the Project Area by assembled
and developed by a single property owner or other
entity under a master developer plan, the Agency may
select and designate a master developer for the parcels
based on the proposed master developer's financial and
technical ability to successfully undertake and com-
plete the development program.
Any individual or other entity may apply to be selected
as a master developer of two or more parcels in the
Project Area. Upon such application, the Agency shall
determine whether it is desirable to designate a master
developer for such parcels and whether the applicant or
another individual or entity meets the qualification to
serve as the master developer. The Agency shall desig-
nate a qualified master developer unless, in its judg-
ment, no property owner or other individual or entity
meets the necessary qualifications or it is not desira-
ble to designate a master developer for those parcels.
The rights of particular property owners and business
tenants to participate in the redevelopment of their
respective properties shall be subject to or limited by
or eliminated by the inclusion of their property within
a master development plan to be developed by another
If the Agency determines that a particular parcel in
the Project Area shall not be included in a master
development plan, then the owner of the parcel and
business tenants may participate in the redevelopment
of property in accordance with the participation rules
adopted by the Agency. In general, these rules provide
that existing owners and business tenants within the
L011PLGE 36
Project Area be given non-financial preference, as more
fully described in the participation rules, for reentry
into business within the redeveloped Project Area.
Owners will be required to submit proof to the Agency
of their technical qualifications and financial ability
to carry out their agreement with the Agency.
3. Participation Aqreements
In the event the property owner is otherwise eligible
pursuant to section A.2 above to participate in the
redevelopment of the property, the property owner, who
in not a conforming owner, shall enter into a binding
agreement with the Agency under which the property
owner shall agree to rehabilitate, develop, or use the
property in conformance with the Plan and to be subject
to the provisions hereof. Such agreement shall be
prepared by the Agency after consultation with the
property owner. Agreements will contain a list of
minimum improvements to be made for the specific
property to which it applies.
In such agreements, participating property owners who
retain real property shall be required to join in the
recordation of such documents as are necessary in the
determination of the Agency to make the provisions of
this Plan applicable to their properties.
In the event a participating property owner fails or
refuses to rehabilitate his or her property pursuant to
this Plan and/or an owner participation agreement, the
Agency is authorized, but is not required, to acquire
the real property or any interest therein which, if
acquired, may be sold or leased for rehabilitation or
development in accordance with this Plan.
It is anticipated that the acquisition of real property
within the Project Area will be limited, and that the
Agency's power of eminent domain will be used only in
those instances in which the Agency determines that the
acquisition of certain real property is necessary and
in the best interest of the Project.
B. Property Acquisition
1. Acquisition of Real Property
The Agency may, but is not required to, acquire or
obtain options to acquire real property located in the
Project Area, by gift, devise, exchange, purchase,
eminent domain or any other lawful method whatsoever.
The Agency may also acquire any other interest in real
property less than fee interest.
since it is in the public interest and is necessary for
the elimination of those conditions requiring redevel-
opment, the power of eminent domain may be employed by
the Agency in some instances to acquire real property
in the Project Area. However, said power of eminent
domain will not be exercised when:
a) The property in question is improved with a struc-
ture and the Agency has determined by resolution
that the rehabilitation of the structure and its
proposed use is consistent with the objectives of
the Plan and that such rehabilitation is in the
best interest of the project and the owner has
thereafter entered into an owner participation
agreement with the Agency and is faithfully per
forming under the terms of the agreement.
b) The property in question is improved by a struc-
ture and the Agency has determined by resolution
that said structure and its use is consistent with
the objectives of the Plan and in the sole deter-
mination of the Agency:
1) the property is not needed for those specific
activities outlined in the Plan, including
for development by a master developer pursu-
ant to section A.2 above;
2) the property is not needed for the develop-
ment of replacement housing for those dis-
placed by Agency activity, if any;
3) the property is not needed for any other
public improvement or facility;
4) the property is not needed to promote histor-
ical or architectural preservation;
5) the property is not needed to remove a
blighting influence on surrounding properties
which prevents achievement of the objectives
of this Plan;
6) the property is not needed for the elimina-
tion of an environmental deficiency includ-
ing, among other things, inadequate circula-
tion, access or street layout, incompatible
and mixed uses, overcrowding and small parcel
size; or
7) the property is not needed for the removal of
impediments to land development and disposi-
tion through assembly of land into appropri-
ately sized and shaped parcels served by
improved circulation and utilities.
c) The property in question is owned by a public
body, unless prior consent is obtained from that
public body.
d) The property in question (i) is developed with a
structure or structures occupied for residential
use, and (ii) is designated for residental use in
the General Plan.
Prior to any acquisition through eminent domain the
Agency shall adopt a resolution declaring a need to acquire
any specific property and authorizing the acquisition by
such a method.
The Agency must commence eminent domain proceedings,
with respect to any property which it intends to acquire,
within twelve years from the date of adoption of the ordi-
nance including such property in the Project Area. The time
limit on commencing an action in eminent domain cannot be
extended without further amendment to the Plan.
2. Acquisition of Personal Property
Generally, personal property shall not be acquired.
However, where necessary in the execution of this Plan, the
Agency is authorized to acquire personal property in the
Project Area by any lawful means.
C. Cooperation with Public Bodies
certain public bodies are authorized by state law to
aid and cooperate, with or without consideration, in the
planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of this
Project. The Agency shall seek the aid and cooperation of
such public bodies and shall attempt to coordinate this Plan
with the activities of such public bodies in order to accom-
plish the purposes of redevelopment and the highest public
L011F:'ot 3~
The Agency by law is not authorized to acquire real
property owned by public bodies without the consent of such
public bodies. The Agency, however, will seek the coopera-
tion of all public bodies which own or intend to acquire
property in the Project Area. The Agency shall have the
right to impose on all public bodies the planning and design
controls contained in the Plan to insure that present uses
and any future development by public bodies conform to the
requirements of this Plan. Any public body which owns or
leases property in the Project Area will be afforded all the
privileges of owner and tenant participation if such body is
willing to enter into a participation agreement with the
D. Property Manaqement
During such time as property in the Project Area is
owned by the Agency, such property shall be under the man-
agement and control of the Agency. Such property may be
rented or leased by the Agency pending its disposition for
E. Relocation of Persons Displaced
When undertaken, the relocation of persons and busi-
nesses will be subject to the following standards:
1. Assistance in Findinq other Locations.
The Agency shall assist all families and single persons
displaced by the Project in finding other locations and
facilities. There are, in areas in the city, other
than the Project Area (areas not generally less desira-
ble in regard to public utilities and public and com-
mercial facilities and at rents or prices within the
financial means of the families and persons displaced
from the Project Area), decent, safe and sanitary
dwellings equal in number to the number of and avail-
able to such displaced families and persons and reason-
ably accessible to their places of employment. In
order to carry out the Project with a minimum of hard-
ship to persons displaced from their homes, the Agency
shall assist individuals and families in finding hous-
ing that is decent, safe, sanitary, within their finan-
cial means, in reasonable and convenient locations, and
otherwise suitable to their needs. The Agency is also
authorized to provide housing outside the Project Area
for displaced persons.
2. Relocation Pavrnents.
The Agency may pay reasonable moving expenses to per-
sons (including families, business concerns and others)
displaced by the Project. This provision is not in-
tended to provide incentives for commercial and indus-
trial business to move out of the Project Area. The
Agency may make such relocation payments for moving
expenses where the Agency determines it is in the best
interest of the Project and not to do so would create a
hardship on the persons involved. The Agency may make
such other payments as may be in the best interest of
the Project and for which funds are available. The
Agency shall make all relocation payments required by
applicable law.
F. Demolition, Clearance, Public Improvements, Buildinq
and site Preparation
1. Demolition and Clearance
The Agency is authorized to demolish, clear or move
buildings, structures, and other improvements from any
real property owned or acquired by the Agency in the
Project Area as necessary to carry out the purposes of
this Plan.
2. Public Improvements
The Agency is authorized to install and construct or to
cause to be installed and constructed the public im-
provements and public utilities (within or outside the
Project Area) necessary to carry out this Plan. Such
public improvements include, but are not limited to,
over or underpasses, bridges, streets, curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, street lights, sewers, storm drains, traffic
signals, fire services facilities, school facilities,
community and civic center facilities, electrical
distribution systems, natural gas distribution systems,
water distribution systems, buildings, parks, off-
street parking, plazas, play grounds, landscaped
areas, rail line and right-of-way relocation or modifi
cation, sewage and waste pumping stations, and any
other public improvements as may be necessary to the
successful redevelopment of the Project Area.
Among the techniques the Agency may employ to cause the
financing and construction of the above-referenced
public improvements and public facilities is participa-
tion in payments to assessment districts, Mello-Roos
community facility districts, or other similar dis-
tricts established pursuant to applicable law to fi-
nance construction of such public improvements and
public facilities.
Anticipated public improvements include, but are not
limited to, those set forth in Exhibit C of this Plan,
which Exhibit is incorporated in the Plan by this
3. Preparation of Buildinq and Development sites
The Agency is authorized to prepare or cause to be
prepared as building and development sites any real
property in the Project Area owned or acquired by the
The Agency may take any actions which it determines are
necessary and which are consistent with other state and
federal laws to remedy or remove hazardous waste from
property in the Project Area in accordance with the
requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 33420.5.
G. Rehabilitation and Movinq of structures by the Aqency
1. Rehabilitation
The Agency is authorized to rehabilitate or to cause to
be rehabilitated any building or structure in the
Project Area acquired by the Agency. The Agency is
also authorized and directed to advise, encourage, and
assist in the rehabilitation of property in the Project
Area not acquired by the Agency.
2. Movinq of structures
As necessary in carrying out this Plan, the Agency is
authorized to move or cause to be moved any building or
other structure to a location within or outside the
Project Area.
LOilp~GE 4~
H. property Disposition and Development
1. Real Property Disposition and Development
a) General
For the purposes of this Plan, the Agency is
authorized to sell, lease, exchange, subdivide,
transfer, assign, pledge, encumber by mortgage or
deed of trust, or otherwise dispose of any inter-
est in real property. To the extent permitted by
law, the Agency is authorized to dispose of real
property by negotiated leases or sales without
public bidding.
All real property acquired by this Agency in the
Project Area shall be sold or leased for develop-
ment for the uses permitted in the Plan. Real
property may be conveyed by the Agency to the city
or any other public body without charge.
Property containing buildings or structures reha-
bilitated by the Agency shall be offered for
resale within one year after completion of reha-
bilitation or an annual report concerning such
property shall be published by the Agency as
required by law.
The Agency shall reserve such powers and controls
in the disposition and development documents as
may be necessary to prevent transfer, retention,
or use of property for speculative purposes and to
insure that development is carried out pursuant to
this Plan.
b) Purchase and Development by Participants
Pursuant to the provisions of this Plan and the
rules adopted by the Agency, the Agency may offer
real property in the Project Area for purchase and
development by owners and business-tenant partici-
pants prior to the time that real property is made
available for purchase and development by persons
who are not owners or business-tenants in the
Project Area.
L 0 J lp~GE '1:i
c) Purchase and Development Documents
To provide adequate safeguards to insure that the
provisions of this Plan will be carried out and to
prevent the recurrence of blight, all real proper-
ty sold, leased, or conveyed by the Agency, as
well as all property subject to participation
agreements, shall be made subject to the provi-
sions of this Plan by leases, deeds, contracts,
agreements, declarations of restrictions, provi-
sions of the zoning ordinance, conditional use
permits, or other means. Where appropriate, as
determined by the Agency, such documents or por-
tions thereof shall be recorded in the office of
the Recorder of the County.
The leases, deeds, contracts, agreements, and
declarations of restrictions may contain restric-
tions, conditions and covenants running with the
land, rights of reverser, conditions subsequent,
equitable servitudes, or any other provision
necessary to carry out this Plan.
All property in the Project Area is hereby subject
to the restriction that there shall be no discrim-
ination or segregation based upon race, color,
creed, marital status, ancestry, religion, sex, or
national origin, in the sale, lease, sub lease,
transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of
property in the Project Area. All property sold,
leased, conveyed, or subject to a participation
agreement shall be made expressly subject by
appropriate documents to the restriction that all
deeds, leases, or contracts for the sale, lease,
sublease, or other transfer or use, occupancy,
tenure or enjoyment of land in the Project Area
shall contain such nondiscrimination and nonsegre-
gation clauses as are required by law, and as set
forth in Section I. herein. Appropriate covenants
running with the land which will prohibit such
restrictions shall be included in the disposition
d) Development
To the extent now or hereafter permitted by law,
the Agency is authorized to pay for all or part of
the value of the land and the cost of the instal-
lation and construction of any building, facility,
structure, or other improvements either within or
L011PtGE 44
outside the Project Area for itself or for any
public body or entity to the extent that such
improvements would be of benefit to the Project
During the period of development in the Project
Area, the Agency shall insure that the provisions
of this Plan and of other documents formulated
pursuant to this Plan are being observed, and that
development in the Project Area is proceeding in
accordance with development documents and time
The Agency shall require that development plans
for property acquired from the Agency or for
property subject to an owner participation agree-
ment be submitted to Agency staff for review. All
development must conform to this Plan and all
applicable Federal, state, and local laws. All
development plans must be submitted to, processed
and approved by the City, including requirements
for Planning Commission action.
e) Obligations to be Imposed on Developers
1) Purchasers of land acquired from the Agency
within the Project Area shall be required to
develop such land in accordance with the provi-
sions of this Plan. No building, sign or struc-
ture shall be constructed upon any part of such
land unless architectural plans and specifica-
tions, showing the nature of such construction,
parking, loading, surface treatment and landscap-
ing, the location and orientation of structure(s)
on the building site and the grading plans for the
building site to be built upon, shall have been
submitted to the Agency for review. All such
plans must then be submitted to, processed and
approved by the City, including requirements for
Planning Commission action.
2) Acquirers, users or developers of land ac-
quired from Agency or subject to an Owner Partici-
pation Agreement within the Project Area must
commence the erection of any building, prosecute
diligently the work thereon and complete it within
such reasonable period of time as agreed upon with
the Agency.
3) Persons who are engaged in business in the
Project Area shall be granted preference by the
Agency to reenter in business within said Area
after redevelopment if they otherwise meet the
requirements prescribed by the Plan.
4) The acquirer, user, or owner shall be respon-
sible for complying with all applicable state and
local laws, ordinances and codes, in effect from
time to time.
2. Personal Property Disposition
For the purpose of this Plan, the Agency is authorized
to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge,
encumber, or otherwise dispose of personal property.
I. Prevention of Discrimination
1. General
Property owners and developers shall comply with all
state and local laws, in effect from time to time,
prohibiting discrimination or segregation by reason of
race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status,
ancestry, age or national origin, adopted in the sale,
lease or occupancy of the property.
Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code (Sections
33337 and 33435-33436), with regard to contracts en-
tered into by the Agency relating to the sale, transfer
or leasing of land, or any interest therein acquired by
the Agency within the Project Area, the provisions of
this section in substantially the form set forth shall
be included and such contracts shall further provide
that the provisions of this section shall be binding
upon and shall obligate the contracting party or par-
ties and any subcontracting party or parties, or other
transferees under the instrument.
2. Contracts
The following requirements shall pertain to all real
estate transactions in which the Agency provides finan-
cial or non-financial assistance to the respective
All deeds, leases or contracts for sale, lease, sub-
lease or other transfer of any land in the project Area
L011p~GE 46
shall contain the following nondiscrimination clauses
as prescribed by California Health and Safety Code,
section 33436 (as amended):
In deeds the following language shall appear:
"The grantee herein covenants by and for himself or
herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators
and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through
them, that there shall be no discrimination against or
segregation of, any person or group of persons on
account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital
status, national origin, age or ancestry in the sale,
lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or
enjoyment of the premises herein conveyed, nor shall
the grantee or any person claiming under or through him
or her, establish or permit any such practice or prac-
tices of discrimination or segregation with reference
to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of
tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees in
the premises herein conveyed. The foregoing covenants
shall run with the land."
In leases the following language shall appear:
"The lessee herein covenants by and for himself or
herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators,
and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through
him or her, that this lease is made and accepted upon
and subject to the following conditions:
That there shall be no discrimination against or segre-
gation of any persons or group of persons, on account
of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status,
national origin, age or ancestry in the leasing, sub-
leasing, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure, or
enjoyment of the premises herein leased, nor shall the
lessee, or any person claiming under or through him or
her, establish or permit any such practice or practices
of discrimination or segregation with reference to the
selection, location, number, use or occupancy of ten-
ants, sublessees, subtenants, or vendees in the prem-
ises herein leased."
3. Duration
The covenants in deeds, leases, and contracts from or
with the Agency, with respect to "prevention of dis-
crimination" shall remain in effect in perpetuity.
The City of Gilroy has adopted a General Plan which is
in full compliance with the state requirements for general
The permitted land uses, land use standards and other
evaluation guidelines of this Plan shall be those set forth
in the General Plan. It is further intended that all provi-
sions of the zoning Ordinance be applicable to developments
in the Project Area, and that all development in the Project
Area comply with all applicable state and local laws, codes
and ordinances in effect from time to time in the city, in
addition to any requirements of the Agency imposed pursuant
to this Plan.
Finally, the applicable City zonlng and planning proc-
esses shall continue to have full effect and shall continue
to serve as the primary determinant for land use decisions
in the Project Area.
As noted in the overview to this Part, the Plan adopts
the land uses set forth in the General Plan as the permitted
uses within the Project Area. It is intended that the land
uses set forth in the General Plan now or as it may hereaf-
ter be amended shall be the land uses governing the Plan.
The Project Area Land Use Map, attached as Exhibit 0
and incorporated in this Plan by this reference, shows the
permitted land uses, major circulation routes and street
layout, the location of proposed open space areas, and the
property to be devoted to public purposes within the Project
Area. The specific types of uses and activities permitted
or conditionally permitted in each land use category mapped
on the Project Area Land Use Map are those types of uses and
activities described in the General Plan for the relevant
land use category. The land uses shown on the Project Area
Land Use Map are drawn from the Land Use Element of the
General Plan and shall be deemed to be automatically modi-
L011p~GE 48
fied as the Land Use Element of the General Plan may be
revised from time to time, in order to maintain conformance
of this Plan with the General Plan, as provided in section A
and B of this Part.
All streets within the Project Area may be widened,
altered, or vacated for purposes of development of the
Project. New streets may be created as necessary. The
anticipated configuration of streets within the Project Area
(including existing streets to be retained) is shown on the
Project Area Land Use Map (Exhibit D). These public
rights-of-way shall be used for vehicular and/or pedestrian
traffic as well as for public improvements, public and
private utilities, and activities typically found in the
public rights-of-way. Any and all street vacations pursuant
to this Plan shall be in accordance with the City'S public
hearing requirements as well as all other applicable law
including, but not limited to, those provisions set forth in
the California streets and Highways Code.
All real property in the Project Area is hereby made
subject to the controls and requirements of this Plan. No
real property shall be developed, rehabilitated, or other-
wise changed or used after the date of adoption of the Plan
except in conformance with the Plan and all applicable state
and local laws and standards in effect from time to time.
1. New Construction
All new construction shall comply with all applicable
state and local laws in effect from time to time.
2. Rehabilitation
Any structure within the Project Area which will be
retained as part of this Plan shall not be altered,
reconstructed, or rehabilitated unless it is done so in
conformance with this Plan and any and all guidelines
which may be adopted by the Agency to assist in the
implementation of the Plan. This conformity shall
extend to the architectural character, the public
spaces and other elements as required by the City
and/or Agency.
v r:":'lJ
3. Open Spaces and Landscapinq
The approximate amount of open space to be provided
within the Project Area is set forth in the General
Plan and is included as part of the goals of this Plan.
These areas include, but are not limited to, the total
of all areas which will be in the public rights-of-way,
open space areas, the space around buildings, and all
other outdoor areas not permitted through applicable
limits of land coverage to be covered by buildings.
Landscaping plans may be required to be submitted to
the Agency for review and approval.
4. Non-Conforminq Uses
The Agency is authorized to permit existing uses to
remain or proposed uses to be created, which uses do
not otherwise conform to the provisions of this Plan,
provided that such uses are determined by the City
under its applicable laws to be acceptable, and with
such conditions as the City may apply.
5. Incompatible Uses
No use or structure which by reason of appearance,
traffic, smoke, glare, noise, odor, or other similar
factors that would be incompatible with the surrounding
areas or structures shall be permitted in any part of
the Project Area.
6. Resubdivision of Parcels
After rehabilitation and development pursuant to a
Participation Agreement adopted by the Agency and
pursuant to this Plan, no parcel in the Project Area,
including any parcel retained by a conforming owner or
participant, shall be resubdivided without the approval
of the Agency.
7. utilities
The Agency will work with all utility companies to
encourage the undergrounding of utility equipment,
including, but not limited to, the following: trans-
former vaults or pads, water meters and valves, tele-
phone pull boxes, manhole inlets, and drain facilities,
and Cable television.
LOiJr:':'GE 50
8. Variances
Under exceptional circumstances, the Agency, upon the
recommendation of the City, is authorized to permit
variances from the limits, restrictions, and controls
established by the Plan. In order to permit such a
variance the City shall determine that:
a. The application of one or more of the provisions
of this Plan would result in unnecessary hardship
to the property owner; and
b. There are exceptional circumstances or conditions
applicable to the property or to the intended
development of the property which do not apply
generally to other properties having the same
standards, restrictions, and controls; and
c. Permitting a variance from the limits, restric-
tions, or controls of this Plan will not be mate-
rially detrimental to the public welfare or inju-
rious to property or improvements in the area; and
d. Permitting a variance will not be contrary to the
objectives of this Plan.
No such variance shall be granted which changes a basic
land use pursuant to this Plan or which permits other
than a minor departure from the provisions of this
Plan. In permitting any such variance, the Agency,
upon the recommendation of the City, shall impose such
conditions as are necessary to protect the public
health, safety, or welfare, and to assure compliance
with the objectives of the Plan.
Within the limits, restrictions, and controls estab-
lished in the Plan, the Agency, upon the recommendation of
the City, is authorized to establish specific building
heights, building coverage, design criteria, architectural
character, landscaping character, sign character, traffic
circulation ingress and egress, and any other development
and design control necessary to implement the Plan. Said
controls would relate to both private and public areas
within the Project Area. No new development shall be con-
structed and no existing improvements shall be substantially
LOi1PLGt 51
:r.odified, altered,
accordance with the
ment. Said standards
recommendation of the
repaired, or rehabilitated except in
aforementioned standards for develop-
may be adopted by the Agency upon the
1. Height and Bulk
On any building site the height and bulk of structures
shall be regulated as provided in the City's Zoning
2. Density
The maximum permitted density of development (including
dwelling unit density) on any building site shall be
regulated as provided in the Zoning Ordinance.
3. Dwellinq Units
The approximate number of dwelling units within the
Project Area is 3,000.
1. Review of Applications
Upon the adoption of this Plan, no permit shall be
issued for the construction of any new building or the
addition to an existing building or any permit for
rehabilitation in the Project Area until the appli-
cation for such permit has been processed in the manner
herein provided. Any permit that is issued hereunder
must be for construction or maintenance which conforms
to the provisions of this Plan.
The procedure for filing an application for a building
permit shall be the same procedure currently used by
the City in processing building permit applications.
Upon receipt of an application by the Building Divi-
sion, the Building Division shall submit to the Execu-
tive Director (or the authorized designee(s) of the
Executive Director) of the Agency said application for
review to determine if the proposed improvements con-
form to the Plan. within fifteen (15) days there
after, the Executive Director or his or her designee(s)
shall submit a report to the Building Division on said
application. Said report shall:
a) Deny the application.
b) Approve the application.
c) Approve the application with modifications or
conditions deemed to be necessary by the Executive
After receipt of the report or after 15 days from the
submittal of the application to the Executive Director
or his or her designee(s), whichever occurs first, the
Building Division shall issue the permit with condi-
tions, if any, as set forth in the Executive Director's
report, or shall deny the issuance of the permit pursu-
ant to the Executive Director's report.
2. Appeal
The applicant or the Agency may appeal the Executive
Director's decision to withhold, to conditionally allow
or to allow the issuance of such a permit pursuant to
established City procedures. The appeal will be made
to the Agency Board of Directors within thirty (30)
days from the date of the Executive Director's Report.
A. General Description of the Proposed Financinq Method
Upon adoption of this Plan by the City Council, the
Agency is authorized to finance this Project with financial
assistance from the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County,
state of California, Federal Government, property tax incre-
ments, interest income, Agency notes and bonds, and any
other available source, including private sector loans and
The advances for survey and planning and the operating
capital for administration of this Project may come through
loans from the City. Such loans shall be on terms estab-
lished by the City and the Agency. The City may also supply
additional assistance through City loans and grants for
various public facilities.
As available, gas tax funds or special voter approved
overrides for transportation systems improvements, from
either the State of California or the County of Santa Clara
may be used toward the cost of the street system and related
improvements. There will also be some revenue accruing to
the Project from interest earned on investments of Agency
The Agency is hereby authorized to obtain advances,
borrow funds and create indebtedness and other obligations
in carrying out this Plan in accordance with budgets to be
adopted by the Agency as required by law. The principal and
interest on such advances, funds, indebtedness and other
obligations, may be paid from tax increments or any other
funds available to the Agency.
B. Tax Increments
All taxes levied upon taxable property within the
Project Area each year by or for the benefit of the state of
California, County of Santa Clara, City of Gilroy, any
district, or other public corporation (hereinafter sometimes
called "taxing agencies") after the effective date of the
ordinance approving this Plan, shall be divided (per section
33670 of the Health and Safety Codes) as follows:
1. That portion of the taxes which would be produced by
the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by, or
for, each of the taxing agencies upon the total sum of
the assessed value of the taxable property in the
Project Area (as shown upon the assessment roll used in
connection with the taxation of such property by such
taxing agency), last equalized prior to the effective
date of such ordinance, shall be allocated to and when
collected shall be paid into the funds of the respec-
tive taxing agencies as taxes by, or for, said taxing
agencies on all other property paid. For the purpose
of allocating taxes levied by or for, any taxing agency
or agencies which did not include the territory of the
Project Area on the effective date of such ordinance
but to which such territory has been annexed or other-
wise included after such effective date, the assessment
roll of the County of Santa Clara last equalized on the
effective date of said ordinance shall be used in
determining the assessed valuation of the taxable
property in the Project on the effective date; and
2. That portion of said levied taxes each year in excess
of such amount shall be allocated to and when collected
shall be paid into a special fund of the Agency to pay
the principal of and interest on loans, monies advanced
to, or indebtedness (whether funded, refunded, assumed
v rUl)
or otherwise) incurred by the Agency to finance or
refinance, in whole or in part, this Project. Unless
and until the total assessed valuation of the taxable
property in the Project Area exceeds the total assessed
valuation of the taxable properties in such Project as
shown by the last equalized assessment roll referred to
in paragraph (1) hereof, all of the taxes levied and
collected upon the taxable property in the Project
shall be paid into the funds of the respective taxing
agencies. When said loans, advances, and indebtedness,
if any, and interest thereon, have been paid, all
monies thereafter received from taxes upon the taxable
property in the Project shall be paid into the funds of
the respective taxing agencies as taxes on all other
property are paid.
The portion of taxes mentioned in subdivision (2) above
may be irrevocably pledged by the Agency for the payment of
the principal of and interest on money advanced, loans, or
any indebtedness (whether funded, refunded, assumed or
otherwise) by the Agency to finance or refinance the
Project, in whole or in part. The Agency is authorized to
make such pledges as to specific advances, loans, indebted-
ness, and other obligations as appropriate, in carrying out
the Project.
As to the tax increment generated within the Project
Area, no loans, advances or indebtedness shall be estab-
lished or incurred by the Agency after the expiration of
forty-five years from the date upon which this Plan is
adopted, without further amendment to this Plan.
No more than $475,000,000.00 of tax increments may be
divided and allocated to the Agency without further amend-
ment of this Plan. No more than $250,000,000.00 in bonded
indebtedness to be repaid in whole or in part from tax
increments may be outstanding at anyone time without fur-
ther amendment of this Plan.
The Agency may in any year during which it owns proper-
ty in a redevelopment project pay directly to any city,
county, city and county, district, including but not limited
to, a school district, or other public corporation for whose
benefit a tax would have been levied upon such property had
it not been exempt, an amount of money in lieu of taxes.
A proportionate share of any amount of money paid by an
agency to any city and county pursuant to this section shall
be disbursed by the city and county to any school district
with territory located within the community in the city and
L011PLGE 55
county. "Proportionate share," as used in this section,
means the ratio of the school district tax rate which is
included in the total tax rate of the city and county, to
the total tax rate of the respective parcels in the Project
The Agency may also pay to any taxing agency with
territory located within the Project Area other than the
City of Gilroy, any amounts of money which the Agency has
found are necessary and appropriate to alleviate any finan-
cial burden or detriment caused to any taxing agency by the
Project. The payments to a taxing agency in any single year
shall not exceed the amount of property tax revenues which
would have been received by the taxing agency if all the
property tax revenues from the Project Area had been allo-
cated to all the affected taxing agencies without regard to
the division of taxes required by Health and Safety Code
Section 33670, except that a greater payment may be estab-
lished by agreement between the Agency and one or more
taxing agencies, except a school district, if such other
taxing agencies agree to defer payments for one or more
years in order to accomplish the purposes of the project at
an earlier time than would otherwise by the case. The
amount of any such greater payments shall not exceed the
amount of payment deferred. The payments shall be approved
by a resolution, adopted by the Agency, which shall contain
findings, supported by substantial evidence, that the rede-
velopment project will cause or has caused a financial
burden or detriment to the taxing agency and that the pay-
ments are necessary to alleviate the financial burden or
The requirement that the Agency may make payments to a
taxing entity only to alleviate a financial burden or detri-
ment, as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 33012,
and only after approval be a resolution which contains spec-
ified findings, shall apply only to payments made by the
Agency pursuant to an agreement between the Agency and a
taxing entity which is executed by the Agency on or after
the effective date of amendments to the Health and Safety
Code enacted by the Statutes of 1984.
c. Bonds
The Agency may issue its bonds for any corporate pur-
pose or for the purpose of refunding bonds it has previously
issued. The principal and interest payable on such bonds
may be paid from:
1. the income and revenues of the Project;
2. the tax increment funds allocated to the Agency;
3. the Agency's revenues generally;
4. taxes imposed pursuant to 7202.6 of the Revenue
and Taxation Code which are pledged therefor;
5. any contributions or other financial assistance
from the state or local government;
6. repayment of loans or other forms of indebtedness
to the Agency;
7. private parties;
8. any other source permitted by law; and
9. any combination of the above sources.
D. Other Loans and Grants
Any other loans, grants, or financial assistance from
any other public or private source may be utilized if avail-
The City shall aid and cooperate with the Agency in
carrying out this Plan and shall take all actions necessary
to ensure the continued fulfillment of the purposes of the
Plan and to prevent the recurrence or spread in the area of
conditions causing blight. Action by the City may include,
but not be limited to, the following:
A. Initiation and completion of proceedings for opening,
closing, vacating, widening, or changing the grades of
streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way, and
for other necessary modifications of the streets, the
street layout, and other public rights-of-way in the
Project Area. Such action by the city shall include
proceedings for the abandonment and relocation of
public utilities in the public rights-of-way as appro-
priate to carry out this Plan.
L 011 PLGE 57
B. Initiation and completion of proceedings necessary for
changes and improvements in publicly-owned public
utilities wi~hin or affecting the Project Area.
C. Initiation of proceedings for revision of zoning, where
necessary within the Project Area, to permit the land
uses and development authorized by this Plan.
D. Imposition wherever necessary (by conditional use
permits or other means) of appropriate controls, within
the limits of this Plan, upon parcels in the Project
Area to ensure their proper development and use.
E. Provision for administrative enforcement of this Plan
by the City after development. The City and the Agency
shall develop and provide for enforcement of a program
for continued maintenance by owners of all real proper-
ty, both public and private, within the Project Area
throughout the duration of this Plan.
F. Construction of any public improvements serving the
purposes of this Plan. The costs to the City of such
construction may be reimbursed by the Agency from
Project revenues.
G. Establishment of assessment districts or similar fi-
nancing methods to collect fees from property owners
and developers in the Project Area for purposes of
project financing.
H. Performance of the above, and of all other functions
and services relating to public health, safety, and
physical development normally rendered in accordance
with a schedule which will permit the development of
the Project Area, to be commenced and carried to com-
pletion without unnecessary delay.
After development, the administrative enforcement of
this Plan or other documents implementing this Plan shall be
performed by the City or the Agency.
The provisions of this Plan or other documents entered
into pursuant to this Plan may also be enforced by Court
litigation instituted by either the Agency or the City.
Such remedies may include, but are not limited to, specific
performance, damages, reentry, injunctions, or any other
remedies appropriate to the purposes of this Plan. In
addition, any recorded provisions which are expressly for
the benefit of owners of property in the Project Area, may
be enforced by such owners.
Except for the nondiscrimination and nonsegregation
provisions, which shall run in perpetuity, the provisions of
this Plan shall be effective and the provisions of other
documents formulated pursuant to this Plan may be made
effective for 40 years from the date of adoption of this
Plan by the City Council.
Pursuant to section 33334.5 of the California Health
and Safety Code, the Agency shall, within four years of the
destruction or removal of low and moderate income housing,
develop, construct, or cause to be rehabilitated, developed,
or constructed, for rental or sale to families of low and
moderate income, an equal numb~r of replacement dwelling
units at affordable rents or sales prices within the Project
Area or within the territorial jurisdiction of the Agency,
in accordance with all of the provisions of sections 33413
and 33413.5 of the California Health and Safety Code.
This Plan may be amended by means of the procedure
established in the Redevelopment Law, as the same now exists
or as hereafter amended, or by any other procedure hereafter
established by law.
If any provision, section, subsection, subdivision,
sentence, clause or phrase of the Plan is for any reason
held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portion or portions
of the Plan.
L 0 11 PLGE
To the extent legully permissible, the Agency is hereby
authorized to undertake any redevelopment activity or exer-
cise any power not already included herein, provided such
action is not inconsistent with this Plan.
Hwy. 152
. I
! I
Mant~1I1 Or.
I </1 Redevelopment Project Area
___ City Limits
-I~ l'
The proposed Cl~y of Gilroy Community Redevelopment
Project Area consists of two non-contiguous parts, the
larger of which includes portions of the original community
(and which has two exceptions), while the smaller part
includes the City sewage treatment facilities lands, all as
more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of that certain
parcel (APN 783-18-8) located at the northwest corner of the
intersection of Monterey Road and Golden Gate Avenue in the
City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, which Point
of Beginning is also on the northern right-of-way line of
Golden Gate Avenue; thence east along said right-of-way line
and southern property line of said parcel 2,097.15 feet,
more or less, to a point opposite the southwest corner of
said intersection; thence south across Golden Gate Avenue 75
feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of said inter-
section; thence continuing south along the western
right-of-way line of Monterey Road 1,259.40 feet to a point
on the northern property line of a certain parcel (APN 783-
19-1) located on Monterey Road;
thence east 30 feet, and thence south 734.44 feet, to
the northeast corner of a certain parcel (APN 783-19-10)
located on Monterey Road; thence west 846 feet to the north-
west corner of said parcel; thence south 1,248.91 feet to
the southwest corner of said parcel, said parcel corner
being located on the northern right-of-way line of Day Road;
thence east along said right-of-way line and property line
846 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence
south 40 feet, more or less, across Day Road, to the south-
west corner of the intersection of Monterey Road and Day
Road; thence continuing south 1,078.69 feet, more or less,
to the northeast corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-6-29)
located on Monterey Road; thence west along the northern
property line of said parcel, and a continuation of said
property line, 1,319 feet, more or less, to the southeast
corner of a certain interior parcel (APN 790-6-6) located
L 0 1 1PLGE
off Monterey Road; thence north 50 feet to the northeast
corner of said parcel; thence west 345 feet to the northwest
corner of said parcel; thence south 750.20 feet, more or
less, to the southwest corner of a certain adjacent interior
parcel (APN 790-6-32) located off Monterey Road; thence east
957 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of a certain
parcel <APN 790-7-1) located on Monterey Road; thence south
833.13 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the
intersection of Church street and Farrell Avenue; thence
west along the northern right-of-way line of Farrell Avenue
126.74 feet, and thence south 10 feet, and thence again west
910.67 feet, more or less, tothe northeast corner of the
intersection of Farrell Avenue and Wren Avenue;
thence continuing west 40 feet, more or less, across
Wren Avenue to a point on the western right-of-way line of
said avenue; thence south along the western right-of-way
line of Wren Avenue 907 feet, more or less, to the northwest
corner of the intersection of Wren Avenue and Tatum Avenue;
thence continuing south across Tatum Avenue 40 feet, more or
less, to the southwest corner of said intersection; thence
west 207.8 feet to the northwest corner of that certain
parcel (APN 790-17-11) located on Tatum Avenue at Wren
Avenue; thence south 868.5 feet to the southwest corner of
said parcel; thence east 206.3 feet to the southeast corner
of said parcel; thence south along the western right-of-way
line of Wren Avenue 1,039 feet, more or less, to a point
opposite the southwest corner of a certain parcel <APN 790-
26-47), located on the east side of Wren Avenue, which
parcel is a part of the City of Gilroy Las Animas Park;
thence east 66 feet, more or less, across Wren Avenue to
said southwest corner of said parcel; thence east 475 feet,
more or less, and thence south 440 feet, more or less, and
thence east 1,650 feet, more or less, to the northwest
corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-28-1) located on Church
street; thence south 612.65 feet to the northeast corner of
a certain parcel (APN 790-28-5) located on East Court at
Welburn Avenue; thence west along the northern property line
of said parcel 54 feet, more or less, to the eastern right-
of-way line of East Court; thence continuing west 95 feet,
more or less, across East Court to the western right-of-way
line of East Court; thence continuing west along the north-
ern property lines of those parcels located along Welburn
Avenue 137.49 feet to the eastern right-of-way line of Hanna
thence continuing west 68 feet, more or less, across
Hanna street to the western right-of-way line of Hanna
street; thence continuing west along the northern property
lines of those parcels located along Welburn Avenue 416.03
v rL.lJt
feet to the eastern right-of-way line of Diane Court; thence
continuing west 50 feet across Diane Court; thence continu-
ing west 105 feet, and thence south 14 feet, and thence west
100 feet to the eastern right-of-way line of Carmel street;
thence continuing west S7.5 feet across Carmel street;
thence north along the western right-of-way line of Carmel
street 14 feet; thence west 200 feet to the eastern
right-of-way line of Doris Court; thence west 50 feet across
Doris Court; thence continuing west 100 feet, and thence
south 5.75 feet, more or less, and thence west 113.96 feet
to the eastern right-oi-way line of Wayland Lane; thence
west 60 feet across Wayland Lane; thence north 32.48 feet
along the western right-of-way line of Wayland Lane; thence
west 181.40 feet to the eastern right-of-way line of La
Alondra Way; thence west 60 feet across La Alondra Way;
thence south along the western right-of-way line of La
Alondra Way 49.38 feet, more or less, to the northeast
corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-24-10) located on Wel-
burn Avenue; thence west along the northern property line of
said parcel, and a continuation of said property line,
576.77 feet to the eastern right-of-way line of Wren Avenue;
thence continuing west 60 feet across Wren Avenue to the
western right-of-way line of said street;
thence south along said western right-of-way line 260
feet to a point opposite the southwest corner of a certain
parcel (APN 790-24-19) fronting on Welburn Avenue; thence
east 60 feet across Welburn Avenue to said southwest corner
of said parcel; thence continuing east along the southern
property line of said parcel, and a continuation of said
property line, 430 feet, thence continuing east 69.39 feet,
and thence east 74.81 feet, to the southeast corner of a
certain parcel (APN 790-24-27) fronting on Welburn Avenue;
thence north 27.63 feet along the eastern property line of
said parcel; thence east 95.63 feet to the western
right-of-way line of La Paloma Way; thence east 60 feet
across La Paloma Way to the southwest corner of a certain
parcel (APN 790-24-31) fronting on Welburn Avenue; thence
east along the southern property line of said parcel, and a
continuation of said property line, 130.48 feet, and thence
east 70.11 feet, to the western right-of-way line of Wayland
Lane; thence east 60 feet across Wayland Lane to the south-
west corner of that certain parcel (APN 790-31-1) fronting
on Welburn Avenue; thence east along the southern property
line of said parcel and other parcels fronting on Welburn
Avenue 454.44 feet to the western right-of-way line of
Carmel street;
thence east 75 feet across Carmel street to the eastern
right-of-way line of said street; thence north along the
L011FLGE 64
eastern right-of-way line of Carmel street 25 feet to the
southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-34-8) fronting
on Welburn Avenue; thence east along the southern property
line of said parcel, and a continuation of said property
line, 300 feet to the western right-of-way line of Glenwood
Road; thence east 60 feet across Glenwood Road to the east-
ern right-of -way line of Glenwood Road; thence continuing
east along the southern property lines of those parcels
fronting on Welburn Avenue 300 feet to the western
right-of-way line of Hanna street; thence south along the
western right-of-way line of Hanna street 61.88 feet to a
point opposite the southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN
790-34-52) fronting on Welburn Avenue; thence east 75 feet
across Hanna street to said southwest corner of said parcel;
thence east along the southern property line of said parcel,
and a continuation of said property line, 280 feet to the
western right-of-way line of La Coche Way; thence east 75
feet across La Coche Way to the eastern right-of-way line of
La Coche Way; thence north along said eastern right-of-way
line 136.88 feet to the southeast corner of the intersection
of Welburn Avenue and La Coche Way;
thence east along the southern right-of-way line of
Welburn Avenue 337.79 feet to the southwest corner of the
intersection of Welburn Avenue and Church street; thence
south along the western right-of-way line of Church street
559.73 feet to a point which is the northeast corner of a
certain parcel (APN 790-36-2) fronting on Church street;
thence west along the northern property line of said parcel
337.79 feet to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence
south 85 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of said
parcel; thence southwest 63.99 feet, and thence south 737.24
feet to the northeast corner of the intersection of La Coche
Way and Broadway; thence south 20 feet across Broadway to a
point on the southern right-of-way line of Broadway; thence
east along the southern right-of-way line of Broadway 344
feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of the intersec-
tion of Church street and Broadway; thence south along the
western right-of-way of Church street, crossing Gurries
Drive, 355.63 feet to the northwest corner of the intersec-
tion of Church street and the alley between Gurries Drive
and First street; thence west along the northern right-of-
way line of said alley 675.3 feet, more or less, to the
northeast corner of the intersection of said alley and Hanna
street; thence north along the eastern right-of-way line of
Hanna street 150 feet, more or less, to a point opposite
the northeast corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-32-41)
fronting on Hanna street;
L011rLGE 65
thence west 75 feet across Hanna street to the north-
east corner of said parcel; thence west along the northern
property line of said parcel 130 feet to the northwest
corner of said parcel; thence south along the western
property line of said parcel 53 feet, more or less, to the
southwest corner of said parcel; thence west along the
northern property lines of those parcels fronting on First
street 219.75 feet to a point on the eastern right-of-way
line of Sargent street; thence west 60 feet across Sargent
Street to the northwest corne~ of the intersection of Sar-
gent Street and the alley be~ween Broadway and First Street;
thence west along the southern property lines of those
properties fronting on Broadway 350.5 feet, more or less, to
the northeast corner of the intersection of Carmel Street
and said alley; thence north 30 feet, more or less, to a
point opposite the northeast corner of a certain parcel (APN
790-32-33) fronting on Carmel Street; thence west 60 feet
across Carmel street to the northeast corner of said parcel;
thence west along the northern property line of said parcel
100 feet to the northwest corner of said parcel;
thence north 5 feet, to the northeast corner of a
certain parcel (APN 790-32-49 situated between Broadway and
First Street; thence west along the northern property line
of said parcel, and a continuation of said property line,
216.26 feet, more or less, and thence south 45 feet, and
thence west 72.45 feet, more or less, to a point on the
eastern right-of-way line of Wayland Lane; thence west 63
feet, more or less, across Wayland Lane to a point on the
western right-of-way line of said lane; thence south along
the western right-of-way line of Wayland Lane 155 feet, more
or less, to the northwest corner of the intersection of
Miller Avenue and First street; thence south 66 feet, more
or less, across First street to the southwest corner of said
intersection; thence south along the western right-of-way
line of Miller Avenue 269.93 feet, to a point opposite the
southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 799-21-39) bounded
by Miller Avenue, First Street and princevalle Street;
thence east 80 feet across Miller Avenue to said southwest
corner of said parcel; thence east 77.78 feet, and thence
east 102.21 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel,
said corner being also the northwest corner of the intersec-
tion of princevalle Street and the alley situated between
princevalle street and Second Street; thence east 60 feet
across Princevalle Street to a point on the eastern
right-of-way line of princevalle Street;
thence north along the eastern right-of-way line of
princevalle street 31 feet, more or less, to the southwest
corner of a certain parcel (APN 799-21-9) fronting on
L011FuliE 66
princevalle street; thence east along the southern property
line of said parcel 133.04 feet to the southeast corner of
said parcel, said corner also being on the western
right-of-way line of the alley between princevalle street
and Carmel street; thence south along the western right-of-
way line of said alley 30 feet, more or less, to a point
opposite the southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 799-
21-2) fronting on Carmel street; thence east along the
southern property line of said parcel 133.04 feet to the
southeast corner of said parcel, said corner also being on
the western right-of-way line of Carmel street; thence south
along the western right-of-way line of Carmel street, cross-
ing Second Street, 1,427.28 feet, more or less, to the
southwest corner of the intersection of Third street and
Carmel Street; thence east along the southern right-of-way
line of Third Street, crossing Carmel street, Dowdy street
and Hanna Street, 955.00 feet, more or less, to the south-
west corner of the intersection of Third Street and the
alley between Hanna Street and Rosanna Street; thence south
along the western right-of-way line of said alley, crossing
Fourth street and Fifth street, 1,781.93 feet, more or less,
to the northwest corner of the intersection of said alley
and West sixth street;
thence west along the northern right-of-way line of
sixth Street, crossing Hanna Street, 375 feet to the north-
west corner of the intersection of West sixth street and the
alley between Dowdy Street and Hanna Street; thence south
along the western right-of-way line of said alley, crossing
West sixth street, 623 feet, more or less, to the northwest
corner of the intersection of West Seventh Street and said
alley; thence west along the northern right-of-way line of
West Seventh street, crossing Dowdy Street, 375 feet to the
northwest corner of the intersection to West Seventh Street
and the alley between Carmel Street and Dowdy Street; thence
south along the western right-of-way line of said alley,
crossing West Seventh Street, 638 feet to the northwest
corner of the intersection of West Eight Street and said
alley; thence west along the northern right-of-way line of
West Eighth Street, crossing Carmel Street and princevalle
Street, 561.08 feet to the northwest corner of the intersec-
tion of West Eighth Street and princevalle Street;
thence south along the western right-of-way line of
princevalle Street, crossing Eighth, Ninth and Tenth
Streets, 1,179.68 feet to the southwest corner of the inter-
section of princevalle Street and Tenth Street; thence east
along the southern right-of-way line of Tenth Street, cross-
ing Princevalle Street, Glenview Drive and Rosanna Street,
1,710.96 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of a
L011FLGE 67
certain parcel (APN 799-32-43) fronting on West Tenth
street; thence south along the western property line of said
parcel, and a continuation of said property line, 285.14
feet, to the southwest corner of that certain parcel (APN
799-32-44) fronting on Church S~ree~; thence east along the
southern property line of said parcel 120.27 feet to the
western right-of-way of Church S~reet; thence south along
the western right-of-way line of Church street 72 feet, and
thence continuing south 37.58 fee~, and thence 28.93 feet,
and thence 60.01 feet, and thence 62.95 feet, and thence
63.90 feet, and thence 47.82 fee~, to a point opposite the
southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 799-33-41) front-
ing on Church street at Southgate Court; thence east 75 feet
across Church Street to the southwest corner of said parcel;
thence continuing east along the southern property line of
said parcel, and a continuation of said property line,
328.79 feet to the northwest corner of that certain parcel
(APN 799-33-42) fronting on Monterey Road at Eleventh
thence south along the western property line of said
parcel and a continuation of said property line, crossing
Eleventh street, 969.16 feet to the southwest corner of a
certain parcel (APN 799-33-43) fronting on Monterey Road at
Eleventh street; thence east along the southern property
line of said parcel 210 feet, more or less, to a point
opposite the northwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 799-
46-6) fronting on Monterey Road; thence south 55 feet across
a certain parcel (APN 799-35-14) of the Santa Clara Valley
Water District to the northwest corner of said parcel front-
ing on Monterey Road; thence south along the western proper-
ty line of said parcel, and a continuation of said property
line, 566.59 feet to the southwest corner of a certain
parcel (APN 799-46-7) fronting on Monterey Road; thence east
along the southern property line of said parcel 301.90 feet,
and thence 130 feet, to the southeast corner of said parcel,
said point also being on the western right-of-way of Monter-
ey Road; thence south along the western right-of-way line of
Monterey Road, crossing Luchessa Avenue, 915 feet, more or
less, to the southwest corner of the intersection of Monter-
ey Highway and Luchessa Avenue;
thence east across Monterey Highway 178 feet, more or
less, to the southeast corner of the intersection of Monter-
ey Highway and Luchessa Avenue; thence south and southeast
along the eastern right-of-way line of Monterey Highway
1,682 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the
intersection of Monterey Highway and the South Valley Free-
way (State Route 101); thence continuing southeast across
the freeway 760 feet, more or less, to a point on the east-
v rL.lJt
ern right-of-way line of the freeway; thence south along the
eastern right-of-way line of the freeway 1,652 feet, more or
less, to the southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 841-
14-66) fronting on the freeway frontage road; thence east
along the southern property line of said parcel 1560.40
feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of said parcel,
which point is also on the west right-of-way line of the
Southern Pacific Railroad; thence north along the west
right-of-way line of the railroad 2,679 feet, more or less,
to a point on said right-of-way; thence east across said
right-of-way 105 feet, more or less, to a point on the east
right-of-way line of the railroad; thence south along the
east right-of-way line of the railroad 2,679 feet, more or
less, to a point on said right-of-way line, which point is
also the southwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 841-15-
109); thence east along the south property line of said
parcel, and a continuation of said property line, which is
the south right-of-way line of Southside Drive, 1,655 feet,
more or less, to the southeast corner of the intersection of
Southside Drive and Rossi Lane; thence north along the
eastern right-of-way line of Rossi Lane 2,444.75 feet, more
or less, to the southwest corner of that certain parcel (APN
841-15-11) fronting on Rossi Lane; thence east along the
southern property line of said parcel 1,820.5 feet to the
southeast corner of said parcel;
thence north along the eastern property line of said
parcel, and a continuation of said property line, 2,010
feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of that certain
parcel (APN 841-17-31) fronting on the Pacheco Pass Highway
frontage road; thence east along the southern property line
of said parcel, and a continuation of said property line,
2,336.46 feet to the southeast corner of that certain parcel
(APN 841-17-4) fronting on Pacheco Pass Highway; thence
south 344.25 feet to the southwest corner of that certain
parcel (APN 841-17-5) fronting on Pacheco Pass Highway;
thence east along the southern property line of said parcel
692.81 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence
north along the east property line of said parcel 715.56
feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of said parcel,
which point is also on the south right-of-way line of Pache-
co Pass Highway; thence east along the south right-of-way
line of Pacheco Pass Highway 40 feet, more or less, to a
point on said right-of-way line, which point is also the
northwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 841-17-63) front-
ing on Pacheco Pass Highway; thence south along the west
property line of said parcel 1,128.70 feet, more or less,
and thence southeast along the southwestern property line of
said parcel 712.02 feet to the southwest corner of that
certain parcel (APN 841-17-64) situated on Llagas Creek;
V h....iJt
thence east along the southern property line of said parcel
1,059.95 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence
north along the eastern property line of said parcel 23.16
feet, thence continuing north 58.15 feet, and thence 168.89
feet and thence 134.25 feet,
and thence 22.37 feet, and thence 187.05 feet to the
southwest corner of that certain parcel of the Santa Clara
Valley Water District (APN 841-17-59) fronting on Pacheco
Pass Highway; thence east along the southern property line
of said parcel 100.79 feet to the southeast corner of said
parcel; thence north along the eastern property line of said
parcel 122.166 feet, and thence 166.188 feet, and thence
245.19 feet, and thence 359.438 feet and thence 190.79 feet
to the northeast corner of said parcel, said point also
being on the southern right-of-way line of Pacheco Pass
Highway; thence north across Pacheco Pass Highway 125 feet,
more or less, to a point on the northern right-of-way line
of the highway; thence west along the northern right-of-way
line of the highway 6,144 feet, more or less, to the south-
east corner of that certain parcel (APN 841-10-37) located
at Pacheco Pass Highway and Renz Lane; thence north along
the eastern property line of said parcel, and a continuation
of said property line, 963.59 feet to the northeast corner
of that certain parcel (APN 841-10-57) fronting on Renz
Lane; thence west along the northern property line of said
parcel 292.65 feet to a point on the eastern right-of-way
line of Renz Lane; thence north along said eastern
right-of-way line 75.36 feet to the southeast corner of that
certain parcel (APN 841-10-27) fronting on Renz Lane; thence
continuing north along the eastern property line of said
parcel 373.94 feet to the northeast corner of said parcel;
thence west along the northern property line of said
parcel 29.25 feet to a point on the eastern right-of-way
line of the South Valley Freeway; thence north along said
eastern right-of-way line 953.78 feet to the southeast
corner of the intersection of the freeway and Gilman Road,
which point is also on the northern property line of the
Ronan Channel of the Santa Clara Valley Water District;
thence east along said north property line of the Ronan
Channel 262.48 feet, more or less, and thence continuing
east 1,600 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of
that certain parcel (APN 841-18-45) fronting on Gilman Road;
thence north along the eastern property line of said parcel
607.95 feet to a point on the southern right-of-way line of
Gilman Road; thence north across Gilman Road 75 feet to a
point on the northern right-of-way line of said road; thence
west along the northern right-of-way line of Gilman Road 570
feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the intersec-
v ,t;"'vt
tion of Gilman Road and Camino Arroyo; thence north along
the eastern right-of-way line of Camino Arroyo 875 feet,
more or less, to a point on the southern property line of
that certain parcel (APN 841-69-14) fronting on Camino
Arroyo; thence east along the southern property line of said
parcel 1,019.95 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel;
thence north along the eastern property line of said parcel,
and a continuation of said parcel, 4,156.49 feet to a point
on the southern right-of-way line of Leavesley Road;
thence west, along the southern right-of-way line of
Leavesley Road 15 feet, more or less, to a point on said
right-of-way line opposite the southeast corner of a certain
parcel (APN 835-4-41) fronting on the north side of Leaves-
ley Road; thence north, across Leavesley Road, 60 feet, more
or less, to said parcel corner; thence north along the east
property line of said parcel 170 feet, more or less, to the
northeast corner of said parcel; thence west along the north
property line of said parcel 405.56 feet, more or less, to
the northwest corner of said parcel; thence south along the
western property line of said parcel 170 feet to a point on
the northern right-of-way line of Leavesley Road; thence
west along said northern right-of-way line 166.46 feet to
the southeast corner of that certain parcel (APN 835-4-16)
fronting on Leavesley Road; thence north along the eastern
property line of said parcel 270 feet to the northeast
corner of said parcel; thence west along the northern
property line of said parcel 210 feet to a point on the
eastern right-of-way line of San Ysidro Avenue;
thence north along the eastern right-of-way line of San
Ysidro Avenue 3,530 feet to the southeast corner of the
intersection of San Ysidro Avenue and Las Animas Avenue;
thence east along the southern right-of-way line of Las
Animas Avenue 785 feet, more or less, to the northeast
corner of that certain parcel (APN 835-4-51) fronting on San
Ysidro Avenue at Las Animas Avenue; thence north across Las
Animas Avenue 40 feet to a point on the northern right-of-
way line of Las Animas Avenue, which point is also the
southeast corner of that certain parcel (APN 835-5-1) front-
ing on Las Animas Avenue; thence north along the eastern
property line of said parcel, and a continuation of said
property line, 1,864.19 feet to a point on the southern
right-of-way line of Cohansey Avenue; thence north across
Cohansey Avenue 50 feet to a point on the northern
right-of-way line of said avenue; thence west along the
northern right-of-way line of said avenue 948.09 feet, and
thence north 8 feet, and thence west, crossing the freeway
frontage road and the South Valley Freeway and continuing
along the north right-of-way line of Cohansey Avenue 535
feet, more or less, to a point on said right-of-way line,
which point is also the northwest corner of a certain parcel
(APN 835-5-16) fronting on Cohansey Avenue; thence south
along the west property line of said parcel and a continua-
tion of said property line 1,735 feet, mor2 or less, to the
northeast corner of that certain parcel (~PN 835-5-4) front-
ing on Las Animas Avenue;; thence west along the northern
property line of said parcel 331 feet to the northwest
corner of said parcel; thence south along the western
property line of said parcel 180.25 feet to a point on the
northern right-of-way line of Las Animas Avenue; thence west
along the northern right-of-way line of Las Animas Avenue
1,710 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the
intersection of Las Animas Avenue and Monterey Road; thence
north along the eastern right-of-way line of Monterey Road,
crossing Cohansey Avenue, Buena vista Avenue and Denio
Avenue, 7,270 feet, more or less, to a point opposite the
northeast corner of that certain parcel (APN 783-18-7)
fronting on Monterey Road; thence west across Monterey Road
130 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of said
parcel; thence west along the northern property line of said
parcel 2,127.15 feet to the northwest corner of said parcel;
thence south along the western property line of said parcel,
and a continuation of said property line, 629.38 feet to the
Point of Beginning.
Exception One
Those properties situated in the city block bounded on
the north by East Ninth street, on the west by Alexander
street, on the south by East Tenth street and on the east by
Chestnut street.
Exception Two
Those properties located at the southeast corner of the
intersection of East Tenth street and Chestnut street:
specifically those parcels bounded on the north by East
Tenth street, on the west by Chestnut street, on the south
by the southern property line of a certain parcel (APN 841-
66-16), which property line is 720 feet south of East Tenth
street, more or less, and on the east by the South Valley
Beginning at the northwest corner of that certain
parcel (APN 841-30-12) located east of the Southern Pacific
Railroad right-of-way; thence south along the western
L(\11nl~- l"",14)
V rl-<lJt ~
property line of said parcel and the eastern right-of-way
line of the railroad 2,540 feet, more or less, to the south-
west corner of said parcel; thence east along the southern
property line of said parcel 1,853 feet, more or less, and
thence continuing east 934 feet, more or less, to a point on
the east property line of said parcel; thence north along
the east property line of said parcel 34 feet, more or less,
and thence east 40 feet, more or less, and thence south 100
feet, more or less, and thence east 803 feet, more or less,
to a point on the west property line of a certain parcel
(APN 841-30-11); thence south along the western property
line of said parcel 1,489.554 feet to the southwest corner
of said parcel, which point is also on the northern property
line of a certain parcel (APN 841-30-2); thence west along
the northern property line of said parcel 538.984 feet to
the northwest corner of said parcel; thence south along the
western property line of said parcel 1,414.974 feet to the
southwest corner of said parcel; thence east along the
southern property line of said parcel 1,558.128 feet to the
southeast corner of said parcel, which is also located on
the western property line of a certain parcel (APN 841-29-
19) located on Llagas Creek; thence south along said western
property line of said parcel 1,010 feet, more or less, to
the southwest corner of said parcel;
thence east along the southern property line of said
parcel 1,544.36 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel;
thence north along the eastern property line of said parcel
496.02 feet, and thence continuing north 551.01 feet, and
thence 600 feet, and thence 430.03 feet, and thence 476
feet, and thence 549.47 feet, and thence 150.83 feet, and
thence 300.04 feet, and thence 342.25 feet, and thence
135.91 feet to the northeast corner of said parcel; thence
east along the southern property line of a certain parcel
(APN 841-29-13) 990.82 feet, more or less, to the southeast
corner of said parcel; thence north along the eastern
property line of said parcel 1,659.24 feet to the northeast
corner of said parcel; thence west along the north property
line of said parcel, and a continuation of said property
line, 4,264 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of a
certain parcel (APN 841-29-14), which point is also on the
eastern property line of a certain parcel (APN 841-15-4)
fronting on the south side of Southside Road; thence north
along the eastern property line of said parcel, and a con-
tinuation of said property line, crossing Southside Road,
165 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of a certain
parcel (APN 841-15-5) fronting on the north side of South-
side Road; thence west along the southern property line of
said parcel, and a continuation of said property line and
the northern right-of-way line of Southside Road, 635 feet,
1"'1 "
more or less, to a point opposite the northwest corner of a
certain parcel (APN 841-15-73); thence south across South-
side Road 58 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of
said parcel; thence south along the western property line of
said parcel 1,023.44 feet to the southwesc corner of said
parcel, which point is also on the northern property line of
a certain parcel (APN 841-30-12); thence west along the
northern property line of said parcel 2,709.11 feet, to the
northwest corner of said parcel, which is also the Point of
Described below are the currently anticipated projects
the Community Development Agency would intend to undertake
as a part of its efforts to revitalize and redevelop the
Project Area. The Agency will prioritize and fund these
projects on the basis of an annual review of Project Area
needs and availability of funds.
1. Downtown Action Plan Implementation
2. Gourmet Alley Mall
3. Underground utilities - Gourmet Alley
4. Underground utilities - Project Area
5. Redesign Monterey street Traffic Pattern
6. New Sidewalks - Downtown
7. Additional Parking Lots - Downtown
8. Multi-modal Transportation Center at Railroad Depot
9. Replace Old Water Mains
10. Replace Old storm Drains
11. Replace Old Sewer Lines
12. Downtown Lighting and Electrical Improvements
13. Economic Development Assistance in Industrial Areas
(E.g. buy down assessments, install public infrastruc-
14. Economic Development Assistance in Downtown
15. Unreinforced Masonry Structures Safety Rehab Program
16. Assist School Parks and Grounds Improvements
17. Area-wide Traffic Improvements
18. Cultural Activities Facilities
19. Gilroy Truck stop
20. Sewer Plant Improvements
21. Community services Organizations Facility and Improve-
22. Public Facilities Improvements and Expansion
23. Agency Housing Programs
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