State of California - Relinquishment of Highway No. 31467 l\(;r;y, 8422 ~659, 3563019 8~?2 :-Ci~g ~!:v-w. ,'- J c. ,.,' ", ~" r ( .' , " '-~ ~~, ~'\ :FILE..DfinB fREDIDln) ,Air ,~~E~1f ~ -.." Passed by C.H.e. JAN 23 1969 STATE OF CALIFORNIA f [11 '3 m 5'5 '~~ "tiS "OFFrr;:'l-t\L ,R,E((\v,r~:S$ :SAN1;.'.CL/.R:t\ OY,UHITiY ',G:::cGf<:CE :::. FC-\:V_LE~S RELINQUISHMENT OF HIGffi1AY RIGHT OF WAY IN THE CITY OF GILROY. ROAD 04-SCL-152-9.4 REQUEST NO. 31467 H~. c: (j:\~) Ei~ y,t-{, WHEREAS, highway right of way within the City of Gilroy, along Old Gilroy Street, between Monterey Street (Route 101) and Railroad street, road 04-SCl-152-9.4, hereinafter particularly described, has been superseded by a change in the location of said highway; and WfrEREAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that it is desirable and in the public interest that said highway right of way so superseded be relinquished to the City of Gilroy for use as a city street; NOW, THEREFORE. IT IS VOTED by the California Highway Commission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish, to the City of Gilroy, effect"~ve upon the recordation of a cer:tified copy hereof with the Recorder of Santa Claro County, all of the State of California's right, title and interest in and to said superseded highway right of way in said Ci~y, together with the right of vlay and appurtenances thereof, described as follow's: beCK 8422 ~650 i)ArtCEL I: All that portion of superseded State highway (Old Gilroy Street), Road 4-SCl-152, bounded on the west by the easterly line of the existing State highway Road 4-SCI-lOI (Monte~y Street) and on the east by the following described line: CO~~NCING at the southwesterly terminus of that course with an arc length of 33.61 feet described in the Indenture dated April 29, 1965, and recorded in Book 6973 at Page 429, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along a line parallel with and distant 70.00 feet northwesterly at right angles and radially, from the general north~esterly line of that parcel of land described in said Indenture, N. 45030'30" E., 5.02 feet, and along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 335.00 feet through an angle of 44016'18", an arc length of 258.85 feet to the northerly line of said Old Gilroy Street PARCEL 2: Any and all right, title or interest in and to all of that parcel of land described in said Indenture mentioned in PA!tCEL 1 above" which lies northwesterly of the line described in PARCEL 1 above. ,..- ,. \ ( '" ., ~'\.. " ,;'.,,~t." _ . . . f '(...... ~. 1:; THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution duly passed by the California Highway Commission at its meeting regularly called and held on the____~D______day of___~H~,1!U,(~l~I____________, 196__2, in the City oL_______~~~~!~~!~19 .________. ',.. . . ' "I ,) '" ; '-" ' {~ , - ~ .c. :. I - . ' . . : ; '~~ ~,'... -11 ' JI" , .., " 9 Dated thiL____w_:~___nday oL_~~_~~u~_~_:___:.~_____________, 196____. ,1; /c,.' 1 . ,,-7'/ /" '~.,- 'tfi::.utL1L / t.z.4,..t.1LL-h",, ---------'------------------ --------------- ,','.,. " ! :'~'. . ROBERT T. MARTIN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION nT. .al. uoea-lSoo I-171M OSP !: ~ I <.D <.D ~ (;) ... .. Q no - " .. !3' 0 . fT . ~ ~ .. .. ~ :;" r .-- .0 C f'T1 ;;' ~ :T .. f'T1 Q. ~ Z 0 . :J ~ - ~ 1 .. ~ - ~ Q - l' n ::0; "C 0 ... ~ .f 0 0 ~ ~ ~ .. 0 c .. Q. .. us CIl 0 0 0 =-- ~ t; ~ ::c 8 i -0 ):> 0 ::0 ,- 0 {T\ us 0 r 0 , 0 ~ . ""0 ::u 0 Ul ""0 0 0 ",:z: ;o}>-U> Q:~ ~ o 2m <;u~ _....)>>CII :t> Z-iO ~3:-<~ o -r!: 0",...... f'1::u ZZ;al'l ....~O O}>om OOCII'" f' 0 r ~~;3o cn()C- :II. :I:~"'''' ZZ - .- IJ) pr-io C)CXl...... :I:r-O (") ~l>-<C ~_O:ll > OZZ r ~ - <J1 :0 ~ U5 -< .. fTT en~a " r;>)> :c 01'1 ;UZ , '"0 3: ~~ II ~ m en 0 ~ Z 0 ~ -i -