Air-O-Fran Products - Right of Way Agreement ""'+,",3-",Y'''''''''-...''''~r.q'':::i;'J<'''''I''"'':';'''~''~'-"'!4.''''' '.7;".""'C'O" -; ',*c'_;o"\-~~"""'i",.';"J;';';_;c"";.,;.;,-~~",,,. .~......_~.....' "-;ifK';",;;:'M':::'.~",;""'.qJ';:1'~~\/.",'Z.~:,~!::,it:'.\'-:i:~7;;,:,:,;,:-,;",'p;:Yt!}f!i.@f:',".MCt.''-~~H$'"i,~,,~~i(~U'''',~i;';''%.;:::':<'~;\,>".;;O.':.;iS;'~<' '-.~;:'-;'-"''\'f.:l\:.'\'fu.''!'f.'iir''~N;flli~.!'d.\..~',~.;'J;fJfM..,\:,~'';:"''_'''''::'7'.'':":\-:",,~"::;:::::JiMElH5,!:<:.:~-.-:;::tt"'i,,'_'_,,:.:;:,"'-''-'-'-'''--'','" 5722868 002 fiCE548 EXTENSION FROM KERN AVENUE TO 550 FEET EASTERLy THEREOF RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT D ~OR WfLBURN AVENUE (~'J:\.. . 1\.1 .;, 0:: t\GREEMENT, !ilade and ente red into by and between the CITY OF GILq v. a municipal corporation, herein after c.dlled IlCITY11 and AIR-ll- CAN P~ODUCTS CORPORATION, hereinafter called AIR-O-FAN. WHEREAS, full street improve~.nts are proposed to be constructed from ~ern Avenue approximately 550 feet easterly theron and partial improvements ~re proposed to be constructed On Kern Avenue in the City of Gi I ray and: WHEREAS, said improvements will benefit the CITY by providing an extension of the CITY'S street system and water system and will benefit AIR-O-FAN by improving their property and by improving their water capacity an~ by improving the fire protection capability. NOW, THEREFORE; For ilnd in consideration of thei r mutual promises and covenants herein- after set forth and subject to the terms, provisions and conditions herein- after set forth, both parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: 1) The CITY agrees to construct full street improvements On Welburn Avenue from the AIR-O-FAN east property 1 ine to the centerline of Kern Avenue, Kern Avenue shall receive minimum improvements. 2) AIR-O-FAN agrees to dedicate to the CITY an 86 foot wide right of way for the extension of Welburn Avenue from Kern Avenue to the AIR-a-FAN easterly property 1 ine and a two foot wide dedication along the Kern Avenue frontage for the future improvement of Kern Avenue. 3) The CITY agrees to install the following paving On Welburn and the completion of the 100 feet north and south of Welburn Avenue, water main, water services, sewer laterals, and storm drainage as required. improvements: 62 feet of paving on Kern approximately curbs and gutters, sidewalks, electroliers, fire hydrants 4) The CITY shall defer reimbursement of all costs for said improvements until such time as AIR-a-FAN or it's assigns elect to further develop their property or any portion thereof. 5) AIR-a-FAN agrees to pay at the time of such development all costs as required by the then current CITY Development Resolution. AIR-O- Fan will not be responsible for a 31 foot strip of paving along their Welburn Avenue frontage. The 31 feet of paving along Welburn Avenue shall be considered as payment for the 86 feet of right of way along Welburn Avenue and the 2 foot dedication on Kern Avenue. Costs for which they shall reimburse the CITY include all costs for curbs and gutters, 15.5 feet of street paving, sidewalks, water main and services, sewer lateral, electroliers, fire hydrants and storm drains. and area development fees. 6) AIR-a-FAN shalJ be given credit for all area fees paid on prior agreements. /' / / / / C IT\', OF G)-t.ROY /,~/ /' @~;' )7 /;;~p?-;r' /' A .' ~l;~c-c Ma / -ie, . '-., , {' t' -....., .- (IT .:t. ~!:,,' ~.,~~L.!~JC;~. %. ;,' (7Ju:;;;,7J:..'.~ _.. City Cterk , / ~\ "..,,^, R" ., /, 1'l"'('"'I"PP"UVt{lt)1r;: . / ' " , i(! ! /), / ". / . ~Y (/{,.U{. ", ,. , '. _..~. . .-- -. -- - .--- '---"-:----- 'r ~'l" t ) r r'f-.. ' .or- ~ j}~ ~, ~ct~- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Santa Clara )ss. On July 8, 1977"before me, undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared BYRE E. DAVIS and C.J. KRAUS, known to me to be the persons whose names subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that theyexecute~ the same. WITNESS my hcind a.,nd official seal. S i gnatureV?J 1nvj {:;-/ilc::::~L i' ity Cl ark, City of Gi 1 roy, County f Santa Clara, State of California. per ~y'&. 1181; GC Sec. 40814. = e I /'1 ~ f (d, /,el'f , c' ,', --..\ '1'1 0 ~~ J L 1 J l i 31 r rI 1 0 . ~ i!' c:.n ... "' I~~ 5722868 o · 002 PAtE548 FILE D-~ AT H::.' ".') G t~:, =~