Albert Fortino Corporation 1,;(~3 ADDRESS 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 H l. 9 7 PA GE 0 101 12554627 . RECORDINGREQUE~T ~~/ _,1,/1 ,ct.icago Title Compan~ ZJScf-ju It :J WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DE D N ,UNL SS OTHER- WISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: NAMJ CITY OF GILROY Recorded at the request of Chicago Title Insurance Company V JUN 27 199't Attn: City Clerk 8:CO "M Brenda Davis, Recorder S"NTA CLARA COUNTY. OffICIAL RECORDS Title Order No. 735430 -RLR Escrow No. 735430 - JW SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax is $ 0 . 00 NONE and is 00 computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is D computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The undersigned declares that the city/county transfer tax is $ 0 . 00 NONE The land, tenements or realty is located in D unincorporated area !Xl City of Gi lroy FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ALBERT FORTINO CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPRATION hereby GRANT(S) to THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ~ ')J <5 I ~ ~ ~ \:t ~ ~ thefollowing described real property in the Ci ty of Gilroy County of SANTA CLARA , State of California: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE DEED ACCEPTANCE IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE Dated February 28. 1994 ALBERT FORTINO CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION ~/~~ Albert Fortino PRESIDENT ~~dJ Vt'f--1:~ SECRETARY before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared personally known to me (cr proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose nam~re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me th~~~eY executed the same in his/her/their authorized capaci' and that his er/their signature(s) on the instrument the person ,or the entity upon be alf of which the person (s), acted, executed the instru nt. WITN SS my hand and FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP Assessor's Parcel No. . City, State & Zip H 4 9 7 PA GE 0 7 0 8 EXHIBIT A PARCEL ONE: A portion of the lands conveyed to Albert Fortino Corporation by deed recorded in Book K979 Official Records, page 1797, records of Santa Clara County, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe marking the southeasterly corner of the lands of Helen P. Maciel as shown on a map of a Record of Survey entitled "BE GE Manufacturing CO." recorded in Book 245 of Maps at Page 4 therein, Santa Clara County Records; Thence northerly along the proposed westerly line of Forest Street (70 feet wide) the following courses and distances: N 22 20'W, 82.74 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING being the point of tangency with a 630 foot radius curve to the left; thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 9 27'21" an arc distance of 103.97 feet; thence N 31 47'22"W, 103.04 feet to the point of tangency with a 700 foot radius curve to the right; thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 9 27'22" an arc distance of 115.53 feet; thence N 22 20'W, 243.12 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the northerly line of said lands of Maciel; Thence along said northerly line N 67 40'E, 35.00 feet to the northeasterly corner; Thence along the easterly line of said lands of Maciel S 22 20'E, 563.26 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 14,195 square feet of land more or less. PARCEL TWO: Public Utility Easement: A ten foot wide strip of land adjacent to the above described street right of way the easterly line of which is the westerly line of the above described street right of way and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe marking the southeasterly corner of the lands of Helen P. Maciel as shown on the Record of Survey recorded in Book 245 of Maps at Page 4 above referred to; Thence northerly along the proposed westerly line of Forest Street (70 feet wide) the following courses and distances: N 22 20'W, 82.74 feet to the point of tangency with a 630 foot radius curve to the left; thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 9 27'21" an arc distance of 103.97 fe~t; thence N 31 47'22"W, 103.04 feet to the point of tangency with a 700 foot radius curve to the right; thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 9 27'22" an arc distance of 115.53 feet; thence N 22 20'W, 243.12 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the northerly line of said lands of Maciel and the terminus. N l. 9 7 PA GE 0 709 . ' PARCEL THREE: Temporary Construction Easement: A 25 foot wide temporary construction easement adjacent to the above described street right of way. Said construction easement to remain in force until the street improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Gilroy. 6/13/94 835-01-31 Asst 15 WH/hb/sk J:f(\~:' . 'f .. , (0, -.' , '''' I ' > ~ I . N 4 9 7 PA GE 0 11 0 GARCIA & HENRY, INC: I CIVIL ENGINEERS 7423 MONTEREY STREET GILROY. CALIFORNIA PHONE: 14(8) 847.366!S Im=, ~~ I DAn ..., ..,,- '" IM~ FO~E~T ~0 Nez." eo' 00 k (J4c;,.oo ' s,,~. 2ft, . " . K ~ ~ \\: , ~. ~.h: '~~ ~ \~ R. = 700 L\ ,. 01.}0 e.7Ij.Z" '- :: /17,t;~' R::.u, ::X:>,O(? · A:%~oe7'tt " L -= ItJ~/17' \) ~ , ~ ~ $6-5 -CJ/ .... ~I ~ , ~ , I"- ~ \t\ lj4~,t!!)o I -s, ~ r. c, .... ~ , ~ } , ~ ~ ~ \J\ N 49 7 PA GE 0 7 T I STATE OF CALIFORNIA Santa CLara On aJ() before m~,f.i- ;(.J/k~ Notary Public in and for ~.i~tate'JersOn~lY appeared =- - re A) _,4 =t:1!.. J:.:f I J(j b , personally known to me (or prove~de on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose~s ' re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that /she he ted the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and tha y h' /her/t ir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upo f which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. MUST BE ATTACHED Title or type of Document: No. of Pages: Date of Signer(s) other than named above: H 4 9 7 PA GE 0 1!1' 2 , , DEED ACCEPTANCE BY CITY OF GILROY THIS IS TO CERTIFY~T THE INTER~ IN REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED BY THE DEED DATED r:2 -02% -9 ' FROM 0- -z..J.-1 AJO TO THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, IS HEREBY ACCEPTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED OFFICER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF GILROY UNDE A~IORITY CONFERRED BY RESOLUTION OF THE GILROY CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED ON 1& , AND THE GRANTEE CONSENTS TO RECORDATION OF THE DEED BY ITS DUL A ORIZED OFF DATE: s:- ~? -1'1