Albertini, Richard
wfris cln(}~ntur~, Made the
day of
:::>e L)telnber
in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred andiJixteen between Hichard ,Albertini
n Cra.. Albertini Vosti,
and i:\.lbina Albertini Vivensi,H 'Of t~e Countyo~ Santa Clara, State of
California, the part i e s
of the first part, and Ci ty of Gilroy, a i.nU1icipal UorporatioIf
of the County of
Santa Clara,
State of California, the part y
of the second part
WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the
sum of
Gold Coin
of the United States of America, to them in hand paid by the said part y of the second part
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey
and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to its :meHx and assigns forever, all
th at
certain lot
or parcel
of land, situate, lying and being in the City of G i lro y
State of California, and bounded and particularly
County of
Santa Clara,
described as follows, to wit:
Beginnins at a point on the 0outherlJ-T line of Third Street,
distant thereon One hundred amI fort;y-three feet j~asterly from the
point of intersection of the Southerly line of Third Street v.'i th the
1<.; as terly line of bigleberr~! ;:)treet, and. Tl1nning thence ;:) 200 l'~ast
Twenty-two and 50/100 feet, nore or less to the ~outherly line of
Lot No. 10 in Block 3 North rlange 1 Vest of the Uity of Gilroy; thence
at riV1t angles Easterly S~~~ feet; thence North 200 West Twenty-two
and 50/100 feet to the Southerly line of Third Street, and thence
V!esterly Seven feet to the place of beginnamg.
Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging, or in anywise appertaining
tenances unto the said party
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises, together with the appur-
of the second part, and to its :ii1rixs and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties~he first part have hereunto set their
,- ~-
hand s the day and year first above written. ~ a&~7/~'
~~ ~'--~~:
Signed, Exe~uted and Delivered In the Presence of
State of (difornia, l55.
Count of Santa Clara, )
. _, LLd-- dav or~~----" in the
. r~- ON THI~~;''''~,-~~;~-~~~~L~, a Notary Public in and for said
. H dred anN~-- before me, _____________
year One 'housand NIne un ., d d orn personally appearecL--. -----------------
.. th . duly commlSSlOne an sw ,
County oflanta Clara, resIdIng ereIn, __n__________ __..._n._____.____________
~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~.~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~Jfl;;;:;;:; ~ ~ ~~f~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~--
----------- .---- . ___subscribed
described in, whose name-./~--.--.
known to me to be the person_____: , d /.the___. acknowledged to me that
to, and who executed the annexed Instrument, an '7- p__ _________
r1_he____executed the same______________________ -- d and a ' my official seal,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have~hereunto ::t ~:~ n d car last abo written.
at my office in the County of Sa H _ _ __ _ __u__u___
-- - -- -- -----,- mc BLIC
- - - - - - s . ta C T3 ~ t~ of Califol'ma.
In and f01~ tbe Cou an ,
State of California, ~ 55
County of Sanla Clara, " ON THIS_ __...1-.&_~_______d'Y Of_~c, h. th,
year One Thousand Nine Hundred an~. bi"fol'e me, WALTER G, FITZGERALD, a Notary Public in and for said
County of Santa Clara, residing ther~in. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared____ _ ___on ___nh___ ____ n__ _ .___
_om. _n. -------h---~-~--f-m]~ ---- T-'---. hnh/I/J-/,U __u ---7/-tt:~.;h-,m0;u _h. __~.__u
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------------ -- ---------- ---- -------- -- -- ---- -- -- -------------------- ----------- ----- --------- ---- -- -- --- - --- ---- ---.. - --- ----.
known to me to be the person~d___described in, whose name~+~.(/-Hsubscribed
to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and _T he..-"T" acknowledged to me that
~~h~;~~CU;:~I::~;:-~~~; --e-:e-l:~~~-S-~:~~u~~~-~ -~~--- --~--. - -~;-~)~~;~;~~~:l~
at my office in the COll~~Y~~~_ ~~__:~_'___ ~1_/ ~~:;~~a_b~_:.~r::~:~~
In and for the C unty of Santa Clara. St tc of California.
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