Balanesi, Ines RECORDING REQUESTED BY 'Gy 3l7670-2EL BOOK 8234 Pf~ct 363 /...(1 I' I I Nom. City of Gilroy 10 South Rosanna Street Gilroy, California I 31J69694 ..................J.GiJ[B234. f~ 6 3 Recf)rded C!~ l:h" raq'.!es~ of litia h!3tn~!We an"d".-.lm~l' i~~~~aR' I AllG 20 bv8 _OJ AM! E.....""r,,-.- r r"~~"'" F'~', d i O~\...;,i.(':~1;::.: t::~ .,-"'-'J\4 ~~"::), ,,7C'Oi ar'l \ ::<J;~:"'; ~:::~;n} (.);:ficj~1 Record~: SPACE ABOVE THIS 'l::.1N,e<FOR-'REeOft'DI!ft"'l!'''t1~'_. AND WHEN RECORDED MA.IL TO Slr..1 Addr.ss Cily & 5101. L ~ MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO I same as above "I Nome Street Address Cily & Slate L_ NO FEE ~ _ .., I \ (\\c\ ." 'dC. \J '" 3\~..j h ~ j. T0405C (8.67) uUt. Grant Deed AFFIX I.R.S. $____P:C>!:l~__._.___.w__...__ ABOVE THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY i~~SA VAt~~~EI ~O~SWf~~~I~~lXRIibt ~{Awllc~siert:~Dac~VEt~1:jd, BALANESI, FIS 1'TIFE, ZJ.\IRA 1{^,fi.ACCINI, A \dIDO!:I, ERlvlELINDA CHIESA, A HIDO\'1, JEROlilF; vI. AILLER AND lfla;\~~~~:-J~oR, IUS vIIFE, PAUL FILICEPFLLICCIONE AND ROSE ELLA PELLICCIOI : CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAl, CORFOR\TIOIJ the following described real property in the County of S~nt8 Clara City of Gjlroy , State of California: TI~ SOUTIIFRLY 10000 feet of Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, I? and 14 in Block 6 North Hange b 'I.Test 8 s shm.Jll upon thC1t cert8 in Map entitled, "Nap of the Loupe et a1 Northern Aodition to the City of G-i 1royP vlh-i ch Map W8S fi led for record j,r~ the ot'fice of the Recorder of the County of Snnt8 C18ra, State of Cpljfornia on June 5, 1888 in Book D of Maps, at page 5. Dated ___JU.l Y 24th 1968 .,y STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF_. Santa Clara 55. ~ On July 30, 1968 before me, the under- Jye1 BaljE1...esi " siI"ned, a Nptary Pub)ic in ani for said, State, personally aPl?eared, X 2Ci.-LP-fl/ ~L.t.~ Ba anes~ ,l';1ar~o Ba anes~ 1 n BaJ.anes~, Za~ir r1ar~a lj ni L a Mara(;(;~!l~, b~ '/ I, /Ru /n '1 . me -W-~ille:r: . . "- ~..Li C.U" ~~ ~ 11 v ./71.( / ~- icei~nc, afi' ' ,-' Frmelinda Chiesa 'b.- ~--1-6~ \t.j ~;7'1~-r J1erome H .lvIiller '/... ~ ~. ~ / 1'1 er rI- Ine Zai Jer Pel MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE OVE 1 l' TO 444 C (Attorney in Fact) I STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara August 16,1968 1 On personally appeared Id known to me to be the person_ whose name ; 5 II: Id Attorney_ in fact of F-r-mp 1 ; nn::a Ch ies a x: LII and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name ~ of Erme1inda Chiesa thereto as principal_ ~ and his own name_ as Attorney_ in fact. } SS. BOOK 8234 fAGE 364 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, ! WITNESS I. S;gn"", my ha77nd official se~l../? ~-R~ .~ ::r~~ME &Kt-e::-<: Name (Typed or Printea) ~ subscribed to the within instrument, as the ".t.,,' ;'- ,,:1," p ~ .,';', ~,. 4,{/.r .>' ~'. \. ': /) ~ "\; 'it i_>... .c.~) '~.. 'l.t.' \.~~~. .,:, (.. I /'./. F ".t, '" ~~ - \..- .... '""t~ :- -.J~" ,:.. - (This area for amelal notarial seal) @ ~ 'i/ ,... GY 317670-2EL CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY INES BALANESI. A WIDOW; MARIO BALANESI AND EVELYN BALANESI, HIS WIFE; ZAlRA MARACCINI, A WIDOW; ERMELINDA CHIESA, A WIDOW; JEROME W. MILLER AND MAUD M. MILLER, HIS WIFE; PAUL FILICE PELLICCIONE AND ROSE EMMA PELLICCIONE, HIS WIFE I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, _dopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965. at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said Ines Balanesi, a wid9w; Mario Balanesi City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by and Evelyn Balanesi, his wife; Zaira Maraccini, a widow; Ermelinda Chiesa, a widow; Jerome W. Mi Iler and Maud M. Miller,his wife; Paul Filice Pelliccione of the premises described in the attached and Rose Emma Pelliccione his wife conveyance da ted the 24th day of July , 1968 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. day of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this V 6th .r AU9uS t , I$L. -' - J" \ '-. / .