Battagin, Andrew R. and Lois J.
· FORM No. 1
~rnut ileeb
A1JIJHEV/ R. B.ii.Tfl?AGIH Dna. LOIS J. .B.ll.'l'TAGIH, his wife,
the first part iea, hereby Oirant tn '.l\ib CI'i'Y OF GILROY, A Lhmicipal Corporation,
the second party , all that real pro peTty situated in the C i t Y 0 f G i 1 r 0 Y .
County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows:
HEIHG a 'palt of' Lots 1, 2, anll 10, in block 3 lJorth, Range 1 rIe st, as
said Lots an:.... Block are eilo1i'ln upon Lap ITa. 0 a0companying the Report
of the Referees in tile LaE Anim28 R8ncho Partition Suit had. in the
3,uperior Court of tLe St2.ue of California in and for the County of
Sants Cla:ca, Action '0 . 55:::'>6, and more gartiC"l..llarly described as
lfEl~GIl:FnJG at f; point in the southerly line of 'J:hird Street
tIlat is equidistant from the westerly line of ..Ionterey street
anCl t,le ebsterly line of Eigelberry street and. running thence
along said line of Third Street 8.70 OOIW. 10.00 feet;
thence parallel with lionterey Street ~nd Eigelberry street,
3.20 OOIE. 148.40 feet to a Doint on the line between Lots 3
and 4; thence along said Lo~ Line .70 lotlE. 20.00 feet;
thence parallel wit;J :Ionterey and:~igelberl'y streets, 1T.20
COIW. 148.51 feet to a point in the sGutherly line of Third
street; thence along said southerly line 8.70 OO'W. 10.00
feet to the point of beginning, and
BXCBpl.I:IlJG 11;llmEl!':ROl,I tile parcel of laneL conveyed to the City of'
Gilroy by LIIJertini et al, by deed recorded October 6, 1016
in Book 447 of Deeds, page 74, Santa Clara County Records, and
RESI::EVING !11~l.2R:C;TO tile r igl10 of tIle GrhYltor to construct and
maintain a sidewalk over the westerly ~.OO feet of the above
described parcel of land for a di~tance of 100 feet southerly
from the s0l1t:lerl;7 line of" Tllird street. SailL Right to
terr:linate and. become void. v"en tue cot cage at the rear of tile
existing apartment on the land of tlle Gn:,ntor shall
no lon~er rt-l1~ l"n l"t~ ~-ecen+ locatl'on "
J.. _"... t-) l.::~.... U .... _ l-' ,J::-' 1.. ~- .... LJ ',oL .
In mitness m4ereof, the said first part i e s ha ve
executed this conveyance this
day of Fe bruary
, 194 6
~ If] n~..
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8tat.e of C!!alifornia, }
C!!ounty of 8anta C!!lara
On this .............:fi:1:,s.tday of,......j'.e.b.;r-u.a.r-y.............................,19 -4..6..- ~ before me
...............~.~.B.!.~.:r.~.~!L..................................................................................... a Notary Public in and for said
County, personally appeared ...........~ltlg.r.~:<<,.._ his......
----- -. ........ --...... -.... -...... --.... -...... .......... ------.. -. .......---....-......--..--- -......-............-..................-...... -..- .......... -.... .................................. ...-..-... .... -.. - - - - - - ............ -.... - - - - - - - - - - - --..
known to me to be the person..S.... whose name..s......s.r.f.\.........................______.. subscribed to the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged that ...t.he.~.. executed the same.
mltn.e55 my hand and of/lcial Seal..
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