Baxter, Oliver K. and Florence E. FORM No.1'" . Girattt 1!leeb OLlvBR K. :dAXT2R and .i:'LOR::',lTCE E. m,..X.'r'.H, his wife, as joint tenants,..-- the first part y , hereby (lrant to '1.':-: C1'.([ (Il. lIiELd, 1'. 1I1lYlicipal Corporation, the second party , all that real property situated in the crl": 01: GILEUY, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: bEInG a part ot Lot 7 in block :3 l;orth, r:flnge 1 'viest as SLlown upon p .l';O. 0 accop.1pan;ying the 1'6 'jort of the Referees in tue Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit had in the Superior Court of Lhe State of Ci:.'lifo rnia in Emd for the County of Sfo'Ylta Clara, Acti on No. 5536, and more particularly that part of said Lot described as follows: "113E '~.TER1Y 10 feet ofG.hat certain parcel of land deSCli bed a,s follovls: rUG at a point in tne ~:torly line of .~nterey Street d.istant 'GllereOn ~~ort}erly ISO. 60 feet from tle nortil,::;rlJ line o;f l'ourthstreet ; Gilence nort,herly alan,'. said. line of .ontere~j ::treet ",.2000(''/1. 2'1.00 feet; ti.:.ence westerly and pan.?,11,,1 rJitil ]j'ourth ~c)trcet, S. 'lOo'if IbO.OO feet; t:leYWe souGher1;) snd )a1'al1e1 with saiei line 01 .:onterey SLruet S.20.Cu'E. 24.0(' feet~ thence easterly ana parallel with 10urth street 1J.70.00'E. It;U .Oc.: fee"t to the point of beginning;, and. Leing a part of Lot 7 above :neEti oned. ------------ / /'/ ~,..,..,/ ,.-// // ./ / // II" Rlit"rss Rl4rrrnf~ the said first party i e s ha ve executed this conveyance this fiftb day of '~'e bruury , 194 6. --J~---tk_____ -.. -..- --..-..... ..-.. --- -.. --.. -...._- --.... ---.. --............ --.... --...... --.......................................... ..0... -- -..- -- --.. ---- ....oo __ ______.. _........ ___ _.... __........ __ __.. __...._ __.......... _.... __.... __...... _...... P" Eo< ~ . ti~ ti ~ ~fiJ ~Q. ~~ z ... ~ f! 1;; ~~ ~ = -, gj ~ { I :;;; '" ~ I I ~ ~ , \:1-1 0 U 'I .1 U '7\1 CD t<5 I \, a: "E 1f1)~ - t<5 ;~ ~ ~~ ill CD ~"~ 0 g- ..c I ~ I.+- ,"0 ..... I ro 0 ~ ' ~ ~ I CD':);:, I -0 I ~ , 1 ....~ I c:.i,l't)t'H . ,,-, o , ''--; I (J) ~ u I --'-~~ e$~~ 10 ~ 5 I r-I E "'i. ~ - I -0 1 (]) I>> -g 1a:::"E ~"E~ .- <C 0 bS)::l ~ U ro 0 . \:;E ~ c..c.; '... .. '~: : I I I I I I 0" \ : : l~~ I I ... I I )( : ~ ~ UI 'We( o Q::W- Z ~~~ _ Ze(1Il <0:: o::~ ~ -ij Col ... r\l (:) ~.~ = c;..,) ~ Co;>> gj .... = ~ = - ~ -= .- ~ ~ a: .1-l Cl 0: o '-' U-\. 0: .,-j o .rl r-< ;.., r' ,- ~ .f t.,. I :{ .1 J !-j :.~ I I ~ 1 o E-< 1 "" ,,' I : ~'l ~f : ~ I . I I ' I , : :~ c::ttlu ol--W I--Ztl- ze(1I1 <to:: g::(j '<t' 0\ - ::1 o .,-j +=> oj H o 0" rl o C) rl (.\j ''"J~ >-~ ,~ .~ f..l ,.Cj .fi6 Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara. S~ '~f California. ... B "0 OJ OJ "0 '" ;S 'ia 8 OJ '" '" OJ -a ci "0 Z OJ "0 ... I-< 0 Col " "tl OJ I-< ... 0 a:l ..<: ~ -j cd >1 i.d; p~ 1: -=-t: :'1, .,~ l 0: l.f' ':"-1; p~ ::31 H i-l. CJ: OJ r- eo .-; . j p:., o 1-=1 ~ ~ ~ m~ Q -+-tS: =- ~~ ----_J-t . ~ : ,1 ;..1 :::> . -r--" en (Y) p', . i -', ~1 . '. q w .'-; ,-4 ...:....; ill +1 .rl .itness my hand and official Seal. On this ......:~i.Lth..... day of........7.i&Q.1;.lJa.;j;*............................19_.4.~_~ before me known to me to be the person.fL___ whose name.S..___n ......eo. r.e................mm..... subscribed to the foregoing I instrument and acknowledged that _.t__hey.... executed,1 the same. County. personally appeared ....---.--..D.l.i.v:ar..J:.:.3axt.e.r....and......]:1.o.r.~Q.e....E....l41;x;t.8.r, .J............. .nn hi. g.. _ wi :f.e .,____ _ .n_ n _. _. _ _ _.. _ .__.. __ _. __n ___ _... ____. ___ ...__." ____ __ ..__..__.. _ _ _... .__......... ......... __ _ _. _.. __.. __. n... _...... _........... _...... _ _.__ .................=...J...Gr.ee.n...........................................................n......................... a Notary Public in and for said ss. 8tat.e of <!talifornia, } <!tountg of 8anta <!tIara RES 0 L U 'I' I 0 1i Iil O. \~c.l - _. ..... ........ - - ...... ..... ........ --- - ..- ~ BE }, '1' by the Comri!On Counc11 ot'the City of' G11roy, that the oertain Deeds' herelnaf'ter (Ieee r1bed are hereby accepted the city of Gilroy, to wit: Grmltora :tate ofr!ged Floyd A. Rollinson JariUfU.''Y 28,1946 F'ebruary 1,1946 F'Gbrua:Fl 4.1946 Februa1"1 5,1946 January 30,1946 Andrew f(.and Lois ,J.L'~ttagln Hugh E, .Herama.Jl Erneat J .and Ida Camino 'Ell... MCElroy llarper OlIver K and f~orence .b~xter Februa.ry 5.1ln46 A.lfred H. arH:J Clara n. Itet tancourt Feb:ruary 5,19'6 ~rhe iJeo.H.I.ouls Real t7 Company July ~~.1940 Sttld grant deeds are h.oreto ntt.ached and trsacle a part or this resolution. 'rhla acceptance by l"eaolut1,on 1s made pursuant to the provis:to!UI of t!,cct1on 1158 of the Civil Godo 01' the State of Calif OI"!). 1a. i\c.ceI'lted this 1+5 day of l,"arch.. 1946. APP~ i!ai7or , e~ Att..t.: C3,~,Ch ell,. ~leri CLImE '8 CI~RTIJ;"l GATE . !. P.A.Cox. the City Clerk 01' the City of Gilroy. do hereby certify that the cmnextKl copy of Resolution haa been compared by .. wi th and 1s It t:rue &lid correct coW of thn whole of such 1\e80- lut10n duly a.d.opted at and 1l'p~;1ng among the official minute8 ~ t.he .~ \g."'f mee~3f~;;~:f the 9.,oonr.on. Councll of .ueh 01 ty or 01.1.1 1013 . an ,fie ~\~ day of ~areh.1946. .. ~.~~ ~1 ty e1er or th.e v.y at GIlroy. 8nats Clara County. CalIfornIa. I' CLmm. 's Cl:RTI FICA TIS . 1# :FA.Cox. City Clerk o;t: the CIty of' Gilroy, do hereby c~1t"J that the COImlon Council of sald C1ty ot' Gilroy at the );Ji ~< Jl'1GetlD8 held on the :J+~. day. of Karch, 1946. a . .p. . 'tl"'.e :rorego1n(;; conV$y&nc" and consent. to the recorda- tion thereof. Da ted I IPhla 6r-\~ day of ~~'fc.'Yc\ .1948. G~~.~ t;lty e1erk of' toe C1tyof GilrOy. Santa Clara County, California. . FORM NO.1 07 ~raut irrb' --------- OLIVER K. BAXTER and FLORENOE E. BAXTER, His Wife, ---------- the first part y ,hereby ~raut to THE CITY OF GILEOY, a municip8.l Oorporation, ------------------------------------------------------____ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- . . the second part y , all that real property situated in the Oity of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: All of any portion of that certain alley, twenty feet in width, and situate, lying, and being equidistant from 3,nd 98.rallel to Honterey and Eigelberry Streets and within Block Three North, Range One West, as said Streets and Block are laid down and delineated upon Las Animas Rem.cho Maps No. 5 and 9 accorn':Janying thEe) report of the Referees in the L8.8 Animas Rancho parti tion sui t of Henry Eiller et a1. vs. Massey Thomas et ale in the SU1)erior Oourt of SC:1.TIta Olara County, State of Oalifornia, but more particularly that portion of said alley described as follows: "A pe.rt of Lot 70f the 2,bove Elentionecl Block 8.ncl all of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Americe.n Tl~ust OODpany, a Corporation, to Oliver K. Baxter arid Florence E. Baxter, his wife, by deed datred August 3, 1934 and recorded AUf'ust 9, 193~ in Book 694, page 578, of the Official Records, that lies within the limits of the above described alley; and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of said conveyed parcel, being also in tile center line of said alley and eli stant thereon 160.60 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Fourtil Street of the City of Gilroy; thence along the said center line a distance of 24.00 feet to the.Northwesterly corner of said conveyed parcel; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said conveyec3. )arcel a distance of 10.00 feet to the Easterly line of said alley; thence Southerly along said ~asterly line a distance of 24.00 feet to the Southerly line of said conveyed parcel; thence Westerly along said Southerly line a distance o~' 10.00 feet to the point of beginning, and containing therein all of said conveyed parcel that lies within the limits of the above mentioned alley. II 11" mUursB llI~trrnf. the said first party day of ha S executed this conveyance this ,19 i /<....m-7~nm'n~:.___. 0 Om" , '" '.'h' '..", ... ... .'^ , ._._...____~._,.....~_~,_._.~,._ .L' >..__._~~,_....~.,_,.'"~_".>.,. . _ ..., ",~.." "...~.. -,,_, H '," " ", "d'" . _,',., _',. .', .._, . ., _.-',_, ,-"-,, .~._..._,_,_,~_ ..~._,.__"____.".____"_., _.__..'~~",.. 0__"__. __...~__,.. ... . ~~ _.~_~.,~,,_ ~tatr of <!taUfol"uta. ) rSIL QIouuty of ~auta <!tIara ) i :7. On this....!Q:.............day of....~.,~.................................... 1~..... before me 1::?4...~'!..~nr.r.1...nnn....t::;.......L~...~...n.../..~..(? uuu uu ........Q Notary Public in and for said County, personally ap peared....n...CJ:!_!'.uu~u~!:":_...hn~nnn~~..~_t:.~n!'.:h_h__h~'~.~.~~9!.._n.~c.'.!.':.c.:>..~ ~e 4'...nldd.._?r.nf::qnl/.nh.....b;..$_.h....r'ln!j'..e-/n known to me to be the person....$.......who.'~e namen...n....Jj!...r.eh...h...n.nhhhhnsubscribed to the foregoing ....J . instrument and acknowledged that .........he;!... executed the same. DIIttnrss my hand and official Seal. C----/ ........nnnn..____......___nnh..nn.._____.._hnnn_.h_......nnn..nnnnn.7.......:~~ / NotflTY Public in and for the County of Sant,Cllra. State of Califor1tia. / = .... "l:l t "l:l III := .... - -; e QI i =. "l:l <Il "l:l '" c:l 8 z ~ "" =: QI QI "l:l ..c: o ~ 1 ~