Bettancourt, Alfred R. and Clara H. Form 2 '. ~ral1t 1lleeb ALFRED R. J:Er:[1TA1JCOTJR:~ and CLA.?A lI. J3ET'.{A TOUET, hi s wi fe, the first part y , hereby c&rattt to '1' CL..'Y GI1~WY, .F~ .1unici11al Corpora-cion, the second party , all that real property situated in the C i t;}7 of. G ill' 0 Y , County at Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows; BElUG parts of Block:':; north, Range 1 "est as said Bloc:k is shown upon l,:.&p no. 9 accompan,ying the :\eport of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho rartition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the :Superior Court of the State of California in and. for the County of Santa clara, and more particularly those parts of said Block descr'ibed as follows: Parcel Lo. 1: IfbEGlHlJIHG at a point on the northerly line of ,n'ourth street dibtant thereon 150.00 f'eet from t.he westerly line of Llonterey street; thence along said northerly line S.70.00'W. 8.00 feet; thence parallel with Eige1berry Street N.20000'W. 117.50 feet to the northeasterly corner of the land conveyed to Prien by Deed recorded in Book 415, Official Records, page 270; thence parallel with Hourth Street N.70000'E. 18.00 feet to an iron pipe.; thence parallel wi th::onterey Street S. 20.00' E. 57 .~3 feet; tLence parallel with 301.lrth street S. 70000' W. 10. OC feet; thence parallel VIi th T:onterey street S.2C'00'E. 60.17 feet to the )oint of beginning." -'-'arcel I' o. 2: ---...---. "'j;IL: \T':'::C~'r:;'~:PLY 10 ,,' of t..at ce::ctain lane,. of t.he Grantor ti;[t is described as fol o~s: , B2CinmlNG at a :Joint in the ';Jesterl;)T line of .:on'\ierey Street dis ta'lt tLel'eon no:t...erlj 106..08 feet 1'rom the intersection of SE iu. line cf l:Icnterey St:ceet::i'ti1 ~Clle nOl'tLerly line of jennth St;reet, DnCL said. 'point of' begLming being t:le no:cth- 6880e1'ly COlllel' 0::'" the parcel, 0: Inu cunveyed 'uy _~lLJer.t De:?:o8e to J.W.Forsyth 1.Jy 2)eecL uE.teLt ~:.D~il 2'/, 1918 anLL recorded _~y ?, 1018 ~n B~ol;:: 4~1 .of Deeds,. ~.7~; t:ne.nc~ nortl1,erly enG. F.lon',.O' SBl<l Ilne o~ ".ontere'] 0treet .;.,. ~OoOO' .J. D4. <)2 feet L. " to the southessterly corner of the parcel of lane conveyed by Adele DeRose, et al to Art~lr DeRose by Deed elated December ~, 1029 ancL ree o:cJ..eD. De cemlJer 4, 102Q in 300k 401 of 0:f:':ficial Eecords, 98.[::e ',:,;D?, "'ul;ence \'Jebtel'ly and. along:the SOttthel'lj line of L.iJ'hl conveyed. to SELiG. iirthu.r DeEose S. 70.00')!. 150.00 feet to the SOl.1-'uoe St61'1/ co 1'ne1' t tlereof, ti18nC6 S011. t:lerl1 ~.:,:rlQ :. l.q 11 r" 1 "l' '~'1'1 C< f' .~;: 1 J' r, e' OV --t' "0'-1 ''-.p ..L'e' '.J c.t re e T. c; 90 I:lL" (: ' ~: 4' :;', 1" (, l~"" L.. ...... ~. 1..; .,;,;;,_..L\...l. -...... -'- ....,.. ......uv e/ U .., i-.i.~ ' --. ...... leet '~o 2, ..)oinlJ in L'l:e !lo1'"cuellJ 1 ine of Lot Ib in s2id. ~,lock and ?'2Jll?;e end, also. bein2 in the n01'ti181'1 iLlG 0:;: 0:.. the })&l'cel 0:: hJ:ld conveJed by :Lilos. Pea to JEWS .'c~,lroy, u;y (teed QEted. J2.nUCY'Y 11, 1856 '.,YlLc reco:..ded. .. :1-:.rc11 27, 1886, in }Jook 82 of' Deeds, })8fJ;e 600, tl16nce e2s'tel'ly f clun tile nOltl.J:l'ly/li.ne --h..?f Lot 15~lJ.70.00':E. Z,?51 feet to the nOl'thee.s'terl;y corner of I "JJot 1[,;) thence f:.Ontj"61'l,/ c1oYlt;' the e~,sterlJ line of lot 15, f..20.00'::. lI.45!feet to tile nOI.tiliesteIl;/ CCln61' oJ.. .tele L_nd- ~ cOYlve,/ecl to J. 'N .:L'orsyth hereinsGove :1'ef8r1'e0.. to; tlGYlCe eLc'Gel'ly aml clons t:ue nCil't'ile:l:'ly line of the 1'-.' d CCillVejecl 'Lo said J ;.;. lorsyth IT. 6c:'lo 59' E. 112.49 feet to the 'point of beginning, E;,nd bein0~' a part of Lot 7 in the :::'oove clentioned i310ck E\ncl ?:ang'e. l"'cel ...:.0. Z:: Tim =:.J.6'~':':RLY 10 ..~3T of the 'parcel of h..nd 01' the G-:r::ntor that is ~escribed as folloTIs: Gll, E" at L)ointi 0:1 the easte:cly line of':";i,~olberl'Y Etreet distant thel'e en nort.18:rly 117. 5C feet frOT;} tile intersect ion of saiu line of ?igelberry street;ith the northerly line of Fourth ~treet, sn~ saiu )oint of beginning also being the north- ':Jesterlv corner of the payc:el of land, conveyed by 'rhos. Pea to Ja1les I,IcElroy, by Deed dated. January 11, 1886 e.nd recorded :'[1rch 27, 1886 in ,\3001:: 82 of Deeds, p&{';e 60n; thence northerly and along said line of Eigelberry street IT.20000'W. 50.00 fent to the sou"t}}VJes"GerlJ corner of the parcel of land conve~led by E[~ry tllogna1da, sister of B. rrognalda, deceased, to Lary Tognalda by deed dated September 26, 1025 and recorded October 3, 1925 in Book 185 of Official Pecords, page 352, thence earterly and along the southerly lipe of 18.nd conveyed to :,:a1';,/ 'i10gnalda lr. 7('. OO'}~. 100.40 feetto the southeasterl;)7 cornel' 'thereof and in the easterly line off I,ot 15 in said ~)lock and Range; tC18nce northerly and along saic line of Lot 15 ll.2104b'W. 45.88 feet to a sOlJ.thvies.terly corner of parcel 1rO. 4 conveyec by JaDes 'Nillie.m Pisher also known as James '/,In. :PLe,her to r:osie ... !rhomas by deed dated September 14, 1934 and recol'ded Se pter.1ber 14, 1934 in book 701, Official Records, page 413; anu in the etlsterly 1 ine of the land. of :,~Etry 'fognalda; tllence eac~ .terly Lnu along the southerly line of land. conveyed to said Rosie E. '.ehomas li.70.Z0'E. 51.00 feet to the southea~terlJ corner of land conveyed to\ saici. Rosie H. Thomas and ~lso being the nOl'th- westerly cuyner of the parcel of land conveyed by Adele DeRose to Hazel DeRose Lestrade, by deeQ d~ted ~~rch 4, lc:'l68 anu recorded. ,A;ril 7, 1908 in boot: 873 of Official ?ecords, pEge 13; thence southerly E.nd along the westerly line of land conveyed to said llazel De!\ose Lestrade encL the prolongation of said line S.20000'E. 95.41 feet to a point in the northerly line of land conveyed. to James I.IcElro~1 hereinabove roferred to; thence Decterly End along the northerly line of land conveyed to said J2,''leE LlcElroy S.70000'W. 150.00 feet to the point of beginning, and being a part of Lots 7 and 15 in said Block and Rl3,nge." SAVING iU::D RES:ElRVING to the Grantor easemerlt over the eas'terly two feet of Pal'cel Eo. 1 above de ccri bed for the purpo Be of maintainin ' the existing concrete building of the Grantor; said easement to ter- minate u.pon the removal of the preEent building. ~'" " " , " " ", '" t '~ , ,..~,. " '"" , '" ''-.. " '. ''-., ",- '-. '''",,'-. """" "", . Itt mitttess mlyereof, the said first part Y ha..$ executed this conveyance this ft ft) day of February , 194 6 itate of QI:aliforttia, } ss. QI:OUttty of iattta QI:lara On this ...:Ltf.~.b.......__ day of ........F.~b.;r.u1il,r.3'........................., 194...6., before me '--" -- ..... ---....... ...~.!.g.,!g.~~.~~....-----..-- ..........--.......--..---.. .........________................... a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared .................. ... h. ................ ...... h.......................h.... .C....'......h...h.. __.........h................. c~. ~.~.~..H.!.;a~.t~~.n.~.Qu.:r..t....~.:nd. ...Alfr.ed..R..Be.tt.ano.o.uxt......wife...and...bnahand............... known to me to be the perso~...... whose name..S-__.h......a.rS.......................... subscribed to the foregoing mitttess my hand and official Seal. , I " , " ... ......J......\;~:;:-:;_..._ ~ of Santa Clara. State of California i instrument and acknowledged that ...t.he.7-.. executed the same. ., ~ ~~ me ..s: =8 ~~ ~ .9 "tl <Il <Il "tl '" ;s 'iii El <Il '" ~ 0 Ii. "tl Z <Il ... ] e.l U "'C <Il ... .... 0 c:: <Il .:: ~ ~~ cd' ~ io~ -r:t: ::-.: ....( r-" d. C)i >:~ 'Ii .~ ~ , +=Yo <Di ;'11 .: ~ cd Q): H: 'H' ~ -. . '( .1 ',4 " c " ~ ., ':j, . 1. .. ~ ~ :::l q C) ';:1 c'j ~~ +:i <U ,9 ;~ C\I M c.:I ~ 1..4 I o Eo-< 1 1~ : ) : .04 : ".:> '>~ : ;.u ~-') : H P.i: 0 '..1 : 0\ H :..., r'J : 0 ..' :~..> .j :rl _. : I.\l t.""f : '-::l,~ :'j :'''; i-l : C) ::.) :.r<! : ~:. :.....1 1 ~ -j ,~ ;-1 1~~ ',. ~ II '" II .,...l. I ,:t; il "'c. ~ Ii :E ,;; ~ I I I I -0' ~ c ~'!o I 15u ... I I 1..1 U a ':'- ''::>,Cl)$ '5 o : : : U) II, c:: c:: <-> 1..J:::s :"';1\1 ctl cI5 ~ g I lY)~:~ - t\.~ !~;~~! lBl 1U : c.o~ ~ ~ "C : ~'rry~ . ~ ~ I cj').....~\ =, ~ ~~ I ....., OV]\ '- f I,~:,: ~~ ~ T"""l.- : a:: 1-0,>-, , c:c.: ~ I +~ '<:( 2; g},S I ~ u ~ 0 :.c:; ~ Q.. c:.; . ~ ~: I I , I . I O. I I I III I : J )( " <<( IaI 'tI- C ~t-U Zt-Z:~ _z:~U) ~\D C) .---. . -.t;.;,~':o-- ".~ ~ J \1: = ~ . CU <.> ifoo =~ = fa . - ~~ CU CIl ~ I ::e foo U 1'1:; ~ 51 jl ~ :%: S2. II ftS foo z II -t;J ~z ~ f :i! ~ = ~I:; ..~~_.----~., ,'"\ ji '\ 'f ..;;