Bonanza, Inc. BOOr: :5096 PAGE443 ~. RECORDING REQUESTED BY 1~)63298 -nf16 .~...... r . . ,. n n / . "f :: ... < 'I'" B J, ,. .-J t,:;__ : ii, :J: 44;) WHEN RECORDED MAIL. TO FOR RECORDER'S USE (irnut ittll ~ 218330 cp (CORPORATION) BONANZA INC., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of CALIFORNIA does hereby ~rnttt tn CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation the real property situated in the City of Gilroy County ~-~ ", -,- ,''''- ,. ;:"',"-,, '::.t,~~.'.>. of San ta Clara ' State of California, described as follows: . '. ,~~ l:t~a'~(iG\t"'~fh".~~~~~:g-o'u~r~'~i;'i.y'~ i.i~~~~PJ~~ritR"'$tr~~,?~'" .,'- ".~ '(6Q,. 6(.t,J~~:t ..i.n wj.d~b.) ._. Q.i ~tClbi .thht:e~)JL ~(.a'_tl1_:100LO:Q.'~.i.&l't ".Jas..;~p, - \,iee~,1l{'rom the ooint of intersection thereof ~i th the Southeasterl y 'prolongation of the center line of Eigelberry Street (75.00 feet in width); thence from said point of beginning South 200 00' East and at right angles to said Southeasterly line of Tenth Street for a distance of 26.00 feet; thence North 700 00' East and parallel with the said Southeasterly line of Tenth street for a distance of 125.00 feet; thence Easterly along an arc of a curve to the right, ~~~tWefFv ~,r_~.4il'~i'",~~;o&;$lu.J:$'e:-f':'.itit'..OI' r~i"Q'S 't1.f'20'.~~j'''" ~(~ ';::,'t~r~u.;ftl .~ ce~r~1~9g1e 1~.1 41-1': ,~.. /3&",. foran.a:r;e,d~Jto~e-,of: 'i'~~~L.9,~'f~~.~'~ ~9~,t~~;:I},~:~.Jtf~~~~t~~':lb!~~;~.~~ ~~~~.tt . .,.' , ;i, ',as .'s.~idfl,iiil~'.,~s~','~st~~\l~?~d, by l)~.d '{rom,.~J~' V;. S'l..rb~tlf!,~t...;UX1~~1 -'-5~'ate-ofC8!1fo-:'r'rrt*a, <tot"eOA~r~t ":..7, 1949;" recorded June 3, 1949 in Book 1797 Officiol Records, page 367, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 180 22' 30" V.-est along the said Southwesterl y line of Monterey Rood for a distance of 11.26 feet to a granite highway monum8nt se t at an angle point therein; thence North 200 23' 30" r;cst along sciid Southwesterly line of Monterey Road for a dist6nce of ~S.32 feet to the point of intersection thereof with the said Sou~eosterly line of Tenth Street; thence South 700 00' West along said lost mentioned line 145.07 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.089 acfes, as surveyed in February, 1961 by ~. J. Hanna & Son, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ,''- T ~~' \ " - ~.'i4 -:0 ,- <:l s."J q :r_ '0 " "-; N! ~-i ~ ': CERTI',CATE OF ACCEPTANCE Pursuant to an order and resolution of the City Council of the City of G!lroy, Ad?pted on the 17th d~y of November, 1958, this is to certify that the Interest In real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated February 9, 1961, from Bonanza Inc. to the City of Gi lroy, a political corporation and/ or governmental agency, is ~ereby accepted by order of the City Council of the City of Gilroy, made the 6th day of March, 1961, and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. CITY OF GILROY " / ';7\'" ". ,~.,":f2.r A5 ll4-{V..1'U'Z,C/ 0,. f/i<'q." " j By: Susanne E. Payne' -', - City Clerk, Dated:.March 7,1961 \~~'::t,:~~~?--~~-, "~ '. ""'~ ~ O~~~. , i .~ ~ (\. ( ~ " In 1I1l1Unt!l!l1llll~trtnf said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and thi~ instrumcl1t. ~o be executed by its duly authorized officers. '.r Dated: February 9, 1961 .( 51' E OF CALIFORNIA m...n:::.nnmm.m..COUNTY OF ss. nn.-n~~.-.-_-_.::::f_-~~.~.~_~_-~y.::.-.9_;.;~~:~~~;;-~_.~~:..~.:::::::.:.:-:..::::--..::::-::::n----..----..---.._____._____nn.___nn.__n___._.___nnbefore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public n"ndfn'~~~i~~-,~~~:~~;;\;,:~: :~'::;:~: En,l'':,":":':':=A~~i;l:~:;~:;;~i . the corporation that eXllCutcl the within instrument, "1ij1dknown to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corpora- ~~;:~;ein named, and ~K~~ledged to me tha~ ,s.u@ corporation execute(l_tl~~_.s_~I~~_~~;r~~.Z.l~~~.-~~.~~.:1:~,~~L~..:~n~~.~:~~.~.~.~: . ' -- -- Notary Public .: .n__nnnnn_.._____nM.'!n...M.!._....~;!;'.~..~.~~.~.9.~J......m..............___.....m..mm..m........ My Commission Expires: lOI~f.163'. Type or Print Name of Notary CALIFORNIA PACIFIC TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FORM 1~C-l1-59-6M @ ..,..