Bowman, Norman H. and Jennie '>'==,~,~=~~"c",==',~,,,,,c.c,,c_~,,=.=~,_,,,,,=,',=co=~-,-"""1=c",~",-="~'="',c=,,,:,~=~~i,!J,~9~~~~~=,,,!~,.=~~",-=",'=~~='''''=C'''C:''''='-'=''' 'l ' k,~,.:, L::::.- 1llrtb JWm:AN E. BOWl.'iAN 8.nd JENNIE DONTlER "'OVIT!IAl" hi S VJ:i.fc the first part i e S ,hereby "raut to--the CITY 01" GILROY, a Lunicipal Cor:':'oratJon ---' 'the second part 7 , all that real property .situated in the Ci ty of' Ui1roy Coun1i7 of Santa Clara State of California, described as follows: Bcginnin? at an i~)#11'7.r~c.}L t in the Westerly line of Sublot Eo. 7 as the same is shovm onA l/1ap 110. 4 accompanyinrc the report ()f, the Referees in the partition suit oT Henry Elller et 0.1, vs. kassey T'hO"j1Q'" et ",,1 JOn '~'he .Q.l'rc,""'iol' C011rt of t'l'le, (;o"n+--r of' C.',"n+-n 'v""I:"-"~J ~.L "',';.cJ..u n '--.~ I -. V.l.-.L .,7 ~'-...:...- -'.L." , "- --'. _" __ - .~_- ~_~.1.. u_J_~, --, ~(...... vc_ r"\-'--"-.- ~L, S~n~e OJ Callfornla: oJstan'G tnereon ~~O.OO feet ~or~~erlv lrom a .'li'" (:ec-'~ ""'--'<'+'e,(' "1<' (Ie" L'. ';1 n qt'i~1-1e ",(.,,,tJ'I"'A"'1'e~'1,' c,orner OJ::':,,,,,,"ld' -'-. v _ '-'.. .~_,L.U ~ I.-.U k.Je _....... c~ ....~. U......\,....l ._~V.'.J"")V ..1...'1 J.. . '-.v..... ~~, >lot 7; themce c.lon" the estcrly line 07:' SD.:Ld SU~JJ()t 7 S. 260 15' L. 11.1. :,':'cet to 8, 3/411 :~<;: tllcnce N. 700 17' E. 301.20 reet to t:1C Orir'inql Ii ~( 4 VrOC!'t <:,,- 'i-1-,~ Cnr.l1i1()'n ('.01",01' i-o S11'1~,10+:<' (~1-. rt ~ c...1- _ .,_ ... >..-,,.1 v.. OJ u .'._..... - '-' _. ".~ _ .J .i-.'. V ..J ... ~._ ,,-, U 1..-1 '-" "-/, ( and 8; thence alon~ the Easterlv 15ne of s2~d Sublot No.7 D. 260 1;, I : 0':) J- n f' c. e+- 1-0 n, 1/0 if "" _OJ 1")0'"", ~- n R Fo (.i- h R'l ,,+- 1"" I'T C C'l'l" (:;-,.. of - .', ,.. 0'.//-.1. .'-"~. ...... I..J ?-J ......_...._ '.'-- U .J,.:.....-.J ....,. _ ..).,_.~._'<..-'~\...) lJ.",..L ._.,) J _...1.. the :Jroperty o:f I' orrnan ,'0\Tf1.an; thence alon'>" the Lortherl,r ] in8 of s.cj.G. pr'.;perty S. 60c 37' "'. ;:;00.20 feet to tbe point of beginning. Beine a portion of said Sublot No.7 - ./ 1Iu JllIttu.rss JllI4.rr.rof. the said first part i e s 3o~ · day of 0 c to:': e r ha ve executed this conveyance this .2CJtl=l> 19 37 , \ \ \ \ \ ~:~:~ \ ~ 66 North First St. San Jose 148 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 2303 Broadway Redwood City ~tatt nf <!ral tfnruta I ..mm'ummu mmmn Q.tnuuty nf.h..uS.a.:n.t.E1.h..9.1.Q,;-c.:.ud____________._________ ss. On thisu...a.O.th..m.mu.uday of....uu...Q.cto.beru......u__uuuu.u..., in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty...:7.2.G.Y:'3.Uhumu.u__h, before me, .......uJAEES.uS......E:m.nSuu..u.___m.m'___.mhmh. a Notary Public in and for saidu__uu.....u.u..........um...uu.......__.__.___.u___m___.. County of ..__u___...S.ant2..___G.l:;x.a. State of California,residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared . - no --~ uu_... n_ __l{ORl~l'~~:_ .J~~. ----E~D1NJ.=t....lJ___~nd.-- ~IE}It-I.Ji~-- -J).Q J~~I.rb~I~- .--r~(j~[~f.: AI4~:;- - --p;i -8 - -- ;:}:J ~ 3:'.8-ue--uh _U _u__ -- .-.-- known to me to be the person.fJ... described in and whose namelL.m.ar.eumu.__uusubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that J;;___heY... executed the same. 1Ju 'IIUurss 'IIl1rfrnf, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal at my office in said U..h.....m___.UUmm'__d.U.m.County of ...u.s::J.n.l:;8.u.~~.~;1'_.: _u,u,u.,m.the day and year in this certificate first above written. .u./-2 IT"" - ~--.rr .. ,.........,..u...~a~~~~.~~.~~~.~~~.~~.~~:::::::.:...:::::"'::::::::::':...:..:.:.:::::::::::::::.~~=~;'~~ .u__..~:B.n~Ij.(:L..~1.ar.8'_hhhu___,uhumu.u.u., State of California. M C .. . A l) ( 7 ] n y:) y ommlSSlon expIres'__"__:':~'._'__U"__h'~~:'__'~UU' _"~--=~1";:":~:':~:-'~. .,-----_._-------- _~ _,.__ ..__.~,~,,_.__.,_.~~_.._,___,_._,.c._.._.__~..~_.__._,___.. k ~ ~ ~ 0') -l..) '1 Q) 4- ,.q .. -l~ A=+ f--:;.._ o:i l"---i <1J I ~ ~ /---"\ 0 .:>1 ~ :;? ~ .~ E-I R 0 <D, I r-,.' rq ~ r~; I-=l 0 . f-;-l .~i !-.-~ r"-j ( -~! 0: l-'-:-~ ~ 1 r"-'-l "'~ 0 I"--~ ,');.-' >.1 rd ;.-.-\ ... C) [-1 ~ .... "":":1 H ce (.) t:1 ~=,;,:t;"~.:.,;~::.:~~:',;.:.~;~' --"""".....,.,. _~,"~.,_,_",.,m'~~ _.". J~ ~t t Ii I! ~_..- ~ .. .~ I lIo 0 ..c:l.... t: d o .. zf/.l \0 \0 =-t- ~ .. "t1U ~"t1 .. 0 lICl 0 ~1 ~CIC to .. Q, 8 8 t' .. Q, 8 . 8.. ~ .s ~2 ~ ll~~ = ~ ~ Uo .u :l u'" at e :: .. ... ~ ., ., " O.J:J " u<':' . N' j .. ., ... c:"O tl ._ " o ... '" u ~ :; ;:21.g .,',Jl c: o 8 ..c: u i:2 fII Ei Ii: lIo o .e-." c: ~ Q ~:;< 1Qt-~O ~ tl Cl ~ ...... ='--orn U 0 _ o U ;;;:E CI).a~~ ~ ~ ~.:: Q.!~~ Z-<Q-E -< :; 8 o ~ le Z ." -< e: CIl ~ lICl ~ o l>- e: .. Q,- 8 :: ;.,8~ 1l~5 =,.~ tI) o ~ . U"O~ tl e: ~ ... t'U tn :O...l.g ~";;):; ~~ "'- ~~ e: '" rJ) l>- e: .. Q, 8 8 ... ~ : t- b .S d::9;)3 =..... . 0""0 .; U e:'" ~cd~ l>> f.).... ..-.<> :l .';:l (; tl~~ o I>- ~ ~ 1::~ =", 8- I>- ., ... ., 1:: o ~ l>- e: '" Q, 8 o U ;.,'" lrl a 2 ~ = ~ ~ 8~~ ~ t.> cii ..,~ 401 ~ .~ . u~iC _ u.... w <.r:; - ~'O a .. "'Z fliP.", '" '" '2 ... o ':';:: -.;; u l>- e: '" Q,.. t- 8 2 tl8~ g ~ ~ u.';:l'" ~.: !:l u .. t: <.r:; .. U.~ .b u'" If '" .. II ~ * ~ '28 ... 0'" ~- -.;; u l>- e: '" Q, 8 Cl t-8~ c~Jj g ~ .i Ur", d 1l .S e.-ll ~ g. ::I '" C' ... 0 ., u.... o ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ d.J:J.g .,< " fII e:,g 0", J;;'" u o V5 "', ____ _ .'.~._"_..'_,,___,._.'"~,,_"_,_,'~.._,' _n.,' "_.....,, ' __~.,n___'~_~,~.~ _ __'_~~".M,'. ,~, ',~' _~ .~,.~,,_~_<, ,_,' .,.. . ~,~.~_"'~,",_,",_, ~ l>- e: '" Q, 8 8t' ;.,t:O .. ::l"8 tl i:: 0 ::I r ~ 8~"S ~~ g .. .. 1U E-< ; "'" u"o ""'<.r:;'" tl '0 e .. '" ~ fIIP.C; "'~ '(3 rt ... ~ c; U l>- e: '" I>< 8 .. o 8 U~ ;., '" .. II :B ~ =~'" Uo"O . ::: ~ If '" <: a~f. o ... " tl ::: '" o ::l-ti fII 0 .. C,)J>:l "'::: 8'" o e: o rJ) lit ... U - .. .. . o 0 IV') ~ V) ~ W ... ~ <( ~ J I '- \' r(\ ;>. e: t- ~ g tl 8 ~ =8 '" o .. U eJ ~ -'" o.~ .. llE-<ll .. 1>-" a...U5 fU-t'! u_t'- ., "'... {/) .~ ... 1><0- t3 ":,,-=. :';'=:~~;..-,,;.:::'-~ -"-;.,:;~;:::'--::;:,~:,-;:.;~;,;"-__= -~_c:.:~:":';t;-;.;~: '::::::::n~; :~:;';';':;,;~~ RES 0 L UTI 0 1i _N _0. RA .....__........_............ ......:;:.4. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilro7, that laid C1ty of GilrOJ' hereby accepts the conveyance hereto attached and consents to the recordation thereof. Paased, approved and adopted this ~~. day of~O"-,~ 1937, at a r\..Q\r \~) meeting of the Common Council 01' the C1 ty of Gilro,.. AYES: Councilmen:... GeOl\~;e 1.~ilias,Jr. ,J.E.Rush,r:at Heiner, George Lason. NOES OouncilmElll'" :None ABSENT Councilmen:... None Approved: .c --tf' eU.Y6.~ef or r y . Attestl Cl}j ,~~~ . j '~ .~ ..~. ~ ~\ ~ l~1 ~ :..; '. '-. ~ > r(J ~ 0 ~ + o \0 s- "0 ')0- ---- . ;' ~ l\ o -s- -;t" 0/ ,,', ~, ~) '~'1< .~ ;,-J' 4l ~ ,..6 ~ 3 -'CI::! ...'" , \)"': ~ ~1" ....'"1 t I II t 't ~ f " fl.". i ~ ~: ~ : ,.., I~ ~ ~ :1 . I ~ \1 41) I 0 I ~ ~I~~E:~ :,. .. G:f4.... ,~o I I ~. ts :. - . l~ ~ <. : , J ijl-ij _I: ~ " .... 3 ~''1 "'~. ':': 0 C . f' en Q Q 'Ii "E Ii if lJ. I ~ ~ i'" .QI:~ . . . ,,!,- la ~ -., ('"'., fY'" ,... r"" ..~