Bozzo, Carl and Diane M. CITY, STAZ;; L Gilroy, CA 95020 .J - 4 i7 51~~PACE330 FILED FOR -RECORD , AT REQUEST OF ~~4~~ OFfiCIAL RECORDS SANTA CLARA COUNTY GEOf{GE A MANN REGISTRAR RECO.R~R RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO, NAME I The City of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna St. -, STREET ADDRESS Title Order NOh........................... Escrow No......................... This space for Recorder's use 132 PACE330 GRANT DEED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX 7rHDHr' o computed on full value of property conveyed, or o computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. FOR A V ALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Carl E. Bozzo and Diane M. Bozzo hereby GRANT(S) to The City of GILROY, a body Corporate and Politic of the State of CALIFORNIA .. the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara , State of California: BEING a portion of Ranchlot 16 of the Las Animas Rancho as shown on ~'Iap No. 7 accompanying the Report of the Referees in the Las A~i.::"T.ia.S ;?,ancho Par ti tion Suit, i\c tion No. 5536 had in the Su)e:ciu:c Court of the State of California, in and fur the County of Santa C::"ara and being more particularly described as follows: 2EGINNING at a point in the southerly line)f Hecker Pass Highway at the northeasterly corner of that certain 0.745 acre parcel of land conveyed to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco) a corporation by Deed recorded in Volume 4465 at page 299, Official Records jf Santa Clara County, and running thence along the southeriy line of Hecker Pass Highway S.89000'E. 320.28 feet; thence S. 1000'H. 303.00 feet; thence alung a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1000 feet and a central angle of 17000', a distance of 296.71 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right having a rauius ~f 1000 feet, and a central angle of 10022'48" a dist:2Ilce of 181.17 feet to a point in the southerly line of 20.76 acre parcel of land c,)nveyed to the San Martin Sales CJmpany by deed recorded March 11, 1958 in Volume !.~027 of Official Records at page 42 and running thence along said ~outherly line N.89000'W. 43.28 feet; thence along a curve ::'0 the right from a tangent bearing of N.07020'44"E. naving a rad ius of 1043.00 feet and a central angle ,Jf 11056'43" a distance uf 217.45 feet; thence along a tangent curve tu the left having a radius of 900 feet and a central angle of 25017'27" a distance of 397.27 feet; thence ~. 6000'W. 123.76 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 40.00 feet and central angle of S0024'33" a distance of 56.14 feet; thence N.86024'33'w. 228.61 feet to the point of beginnning, and . CONTAINING THEREIN 0.773 acres of land. T SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR PLOT MAP. 0: DatccL.ocr()bpr 11,1 q74 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF Santa Clara On Octobp.r 11, 1974 ~ SS. before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Carl E. Bozzo and Diane M. Bozzo known to me to be the person (s) whose name (s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that...the.,y..........m....n executed the sa~~ ~itness my h~(nd and official seal. Signature . \. L ...... C,.J N ;: en .... ~ \...: 1-1 :lIt (,,,( ~ /// ~ . ClfflCW.IUL Y. l SEIIfSItY ..... MUC -CUOllfM SMlA ClARA COUNTY ., c.-. &pileI_, 12. 1918 (Space above for official notarial seal) N ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE. Name Street Address Zip City & State -- ?20.~A IA S ., 8. ,. 24 ' ~.J" t:- .2Z0. ~ I \. i" ~ ~JllJ ~~ ~'<\ >I #EC/<:Ell """"~ rt- --'~ L B 132 PAGE332 ///1:/-4'/ 7 S .!/'.J"F __ . ~ I~." .... , .... ' . ~ \} r{ :;.' ~L ;~ l I -. ~ ~ v " < "J:ra C\ ~> . '",,> 0 ,> ~ . o I~ It '7, fl ,4 n ~ p; l~' . ?~1,1 ~ V\ ; 'Il' o ~ Q '..1 0 0\. IT, l;) .s 8"~()' w_ ~2!j ~ '" - -l' co ~, 01" ~ iii 7" ~! 941100' ~ .~; v. ~ .[) ~:.~ N. ~ 0 ~'~ os;.' - c ~. " .. ~.. fl "I "- 0 ~ ~ f>- ..0 ~ 80220 ' , TO ().7734CRE . - ~ -.I N ~ -.l - ~ - - ,. o (J . -11' )'0 c) - ~~l '. .~ ~z Q , 't'J , '''I;" . . . . ) 'IV " ", , ," 'd(j~';j -2,~.- [, 1-+;; , V ",,' (.I -I-~ 1; W"/ ...v <;V}-n,....': L . V/;J"u.:,,,,---I-A;l . ,< '7(J 71 ff f>J"hl sr" ..;2.-G0 i ........-.... PLOT )1/1P OF P/lRCFL ....reR PEP/cliTION TO 7HE CITY OF G.~2,~\' Ar WREN AVENUE. . , ~XHfI3ZT tI I' rt .. B 132 M~333 ~ CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY C~RL E. BOZZO & DIANE M. BOZZO I~ the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy~ do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara~ State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by r~rl E. Bozzo and Diane M. Bozzo of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 11th day of October , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of October of the City of Gilroy.