Jaso, Jacinto and MarthaIRPzording requested by FINANCIAL TITLE COMPANY Escrow No.133339 -014 841 -03 -079 When recorded return to: City of Gilroy Community Development Department 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 DOCUMENT: 14542957 111111111111111111111111 Titles:] / Pages: 5 Fees....* No Fees Taxes.. Copies. AMT PAID BRENDA DAVIS RDE # 003 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 12/10/1998 Recorded at the request of 8:00 AM Alliance Title Company SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Parcel No.: 7 RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 Project: City of Gilroy Bridge Replacement . GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORMA APN: 841 -A-00 GRANT DEED Jacinto Jaso and Martha Jaso, do(es) hereby grant to the City of Gilroy all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: See Exhibit `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, which description is by this reference incorporated herein. I r Dated this day of -�,-�, , 19. 61 -�, October 27, 1995 Description for Public Right of Way Miller Slough - F )rest Street Bridge Parcel F -2 'c 17809B Ruth and Gong. Ir All that real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Parcel 2 as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed for record on June 8, 1973, in Book 324 of Maps at Page 31, Santa Clara County Records, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Parcel 2; thence along the easterly line of Forest Street (75 feet wide), as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on June 22, 1995, in Book 666 of Maps at Page 35, Santa Clara County Records, North 20 000'00" West a distance of 41.50 feet; thence perpendicular to last said line, North 70 °00'00" East a distance of 10.00 feet; thence along a line 10.00 feet easterly of (measured at right angles) and parallel to said easterly line of Forest Street, South 20 °00'00" East a distance of 41.50 feet to the southerly line of said Parcel 2; thence along last said line, South 70 °00'00" West a distance of 10.00 feet to said Point of Beginning, and containing 415 square feet, more or less. Robert A. Smith JE)OV / -617- #S' S // I � 1 O II I� i 1 O Ii 1 I b I �A -------------- - CY I AVILA j11 II Z + 841 -04 -001 I 0 II I t-il II •h „r m el �f ,. LJ b 28+69.07, _ LEWIS STREET BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BEARING N 20 °00'00' W ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF FOREST STREET, AS SHOWN ON THAT RECORD OF SURVEY FLED FOR RECORD IN BOOK 668 AT 841 -03 -080 PARCEL i PM 324 M 31 N70.OaOO'E 155.17' PARCEL 2 PM324M31 AR PORT 841- 03-079 N JASO, ET UX r- --F- 2A 13,5421 SQFT. W _ O P co O r) c0 CY G -` I ��� \. N o --1 v N N70i00100'E SL 155 4r :�X-1 Ur -F -3 6 oNc. L��\ f�E -STORY �jJ 1��:. . \\\ ` ��p0 euILOINc 841-03 -055 ���` ° \� \`� N ASTANEDA, ET UX 8927 PR 744 12,4141 SOFT. c '•. •� N70.00.00 -E b PAGE 35, SANTA CLARA COUNTY 50 25 0 50 RECORDS, WAS TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 841 -03 -056 dASTANEDA L509 OR 802 LINE DIRECTION I DISTANCE L1 S70000'00'W 10.00' L2 S20 °00'00 "E 27.78' L3 N70 000'00 "E 10.00' L4 S20 000'00 "E 27.78' L5 S25000'00'W 31.11' L6 N20a00'00'W 41.50' - L7 S70000'00"W 10.00' L8 N20000'00'W 41.50' L9 S65 000'00 'E 31.11' L10 N70 00900 "E 12 00' PARCEL APN OWNER PROPOSED USE AREA 1 SF REMAINDER F -2 841- 05-001 JASO, ET UX RIGHT-OF-WAY 415 13,542 F -2A 841- 05-001 JASO ET UX CONSTJ MAINT. ESMT. 810 F -3 841 - 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX RIGHT -OF -WAY 278 12,136 F -3A 841- 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX CONSTJ MAAIT.ESMT. 546 Date: RUTH AND GOING, INC. Appraisal Map 10 -27 -95 Civil Engineers Land Surveyors R+G 1830 Zanker Road San lose. Ca. 95112 Miller Slough Bridge Scale: Tel. (408) 452 -5700 Fax (408) 452 -5790 V = 50' Proj.: 17809B per: M1,M Forest Street Parcels 2 & 3 Sheet 4 10 AVENU — �. II I 11 1'� I + + i i w 1 11 LU e _ _ II W 2 N NCON( GILROY CANNING COMPANY, INC.} L LNU1 C l ; Carp APN 841 -04 -006 , , _ ; _ A. o �1 L L3 L L1( MILLEa_ LJ -- •-- __� -,� i it � ° °` _ N N of _ - -e1 / / I` S� 841 -03 -080 PARCEL i PM 324 M 31 N70.OaOO'E 155.17' PARCEL 2 PM324M31 AR PORT 841- 03-079 N JASO, ET UX r- --F- 2A 13,5421 SQFT. W _ O P co O r) c0 CY G -` I ��� \. N o --1 v N N70i00100'E SL 155 4r :�X-1 Ur -F -3 6 oNc. L��\ f�E -STORY �jJ 1��:. . \\\ ` ��p0 euILOINc 841-03 -055 ���` ° \� \`� N ASTANEDA, ET UX 8927 PR 744 12,4141 SOFT. c '•. •� N70.00.00 -E b PAGE 35, SANTA CLARA COUNTY 50 25 0 50 RECORDS, WAS TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 841 -03 -056 dASTANEDA L509 OR 802 LINE DIRECTION I DISTANCE L1 S70000'00'W 10.00' L2 S20 °00'00 "E 27.78' L3 N70 000'00 "E 10.00' L4 S20 000'00 "E 27.78' L5 S25000'00'W 31.11' L6 N20a00'00'W 41.50' - L7 S70000'00"W 10.00' L8 N20000'00'W 41.50' L9 S65 000'00 'E 31.11' L10 N70 00900 "E 12 00' PARCEL APN OWNER PROPOSED USE AREA 1 SF REMAINDER F -2 841- 05-001 JASO, ET UX RIGHT-OF-WAY 415 13,542 F -2A 841- 05-001 JASO ET UX CONSTJ MAINT. ESMT. 810 F -3 841 - 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX RIGHT -OF -WAY 278 12,136 F -3A 841- 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX CONSTJ MAAIT.ESMT. 546 Date: RUTH AND GOING, INC. Appraisal Map 10 -27 -95 Civil Engineers Land Surveyors R+G 1830 Zanker Road San lose. Ca. 95112 Miller Slough Bridge Scale: Tel. (408) 452 -5700 Fax (408) 452 -5790 V = 50' Proj.: 17809B per: M1,M Forest Street Parcels 2 & 3 Sheet 4 b PAGE 35, SANTA CLARA COUNTY 50 25 0 50 RECORDS, WAS TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 841 -03 -056 dASTANEDA L509 OR 802 LINE DIRECTION I DISTANCE L1 S70000'00'W 10.00' L2 S20 °00'00 "E 27.78' L3 N70 000'00 "E 10.00' L4 S20 000'00 "E 27.78' L5 S25000'00'W 31.11' L6 N20a00'00'W 41.50' - L7 S70000'00"W 10.00' L8 N20000'00'W 41.50' L9 S65 000'00 'E 31.11' L10 N70 00900 "E 12 00' PARCEL APN OWNER PROPOSED USE AREA 1 SF REMAINDER F -2 841- 05-001 JASO, ET UX RIGHT-OF-WAY 415 13,542 F -2A 841- 05-001 JASO ET UX CONSTJ MAINT. ESMT. 810 F -3 841 - 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX RIGHT -OF -WAY 278 12,136 F -3A 841- 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX CONSTJ MAAIT.ESMT. 546 Date: RUTH AND GOING, INC. Appraisal Map 10 -27 -95 Civil Engineers Land Surveyors R+G 1830 Zanker Road San lose. Ca. 95112 Miller Slough Bridge Scale: Tel. (408) 452 -5700 Fax (408) 452 -5790 V = 50' Proj.: 17809B per: M1,M Forest Street Parcels 2 & 3 Sheet 4 PARCEL APN OWNER PROPOSED USE AREA 1 SF REMAINDER F -2 841- 05-001 JASO, ET UX RIGHT-OF-WAY 415 13,542 F -2A 841- 05-001 JASO ET UX CONSTJ MAINT. ESMT. 810 F -3 841 - 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX RIGHT -OF -WAY 278 12,136 F -3A 841- 05-001 CASTANEDA, ET UX CONSTJ MAAIT.ESMT. 546 Date: RUTH AND GOING, INC. Appraisal Map 10 -27 -95 Civil Engineers Land Surveyors R+G 1830 Zanker Road San lose. Ca. 95112 Miller Slough Bridge Scale: Tel. (408) 452 -5700 Fax (408) 452 -5790 V = 50' Proj.: 17809B per: M1,M Forest Street Parcels 2 & 3 Sheet 4 Date: RUTH AND GOING, INC. Appraisal Map 10 -27 -95 Civil Engineers Land Surveyors R+G 1830 Zanker Road San lose. Ca. 95112 Miller Slough Bridge Scale: Tel. (408) 452 -5700 Fax (408) 452 -5790 V = 50' Proj.: 17809B per: M1,M Forest Street Parcels 2 & 3 Sheet 4 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Jacinto and Martha Jaso This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed dated February 4, 1998 from Jacinto and Martha Jaso to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 97 -62 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 1, 1997, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #13986427, dated December 22, 1997 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on April 9, 1998. Ja aksa, City Administrator of the CiVy o Gilroy 624202 Notary (General) Rev. 8/91 STATE OF ,� QRA� iq CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER r //�' SS. COUNTY OF M rig L A A .J,� [ f h' X Individual(s) signing For oneself/Themselves On c L — * — 9,9 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for said State, personally [ ] Corporate Officer(s) of the Above Named Corporation(s) appeared JAC .4e 7,40 A ti- D MR R 7W l )W 5 t3 [ ]Guardian of the Above Named Individual(s) [ ] Partner(s) of the Above Named Partnership(s) r [ ] personally known to me -OR- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)4&/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that�he %ke /they executed the same in [ Attorney(s)-in-Fact of the Above Named Prmcipal(s) ] iris /Mr /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by lye /Mr /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or [ ] Trustee(s) of the Above Named Trust(s) the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. [ ] Other WITNESS my hand and official seal. V w V& H. NMIIAN cOwt #11=0 0 W . ►aT r� w W Pllc�PU OFFICE IN IN Signature laty CganlisebR Elgjyp CLTA OWNER'S POLICY POLICY NO.: 05011806700014 FILE NO.: 00133340- 014-MC LOAN NO.: 1. Name of Insured: 2. 3 4. The City of Gilroy SCHEDULE A AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: DATE OF POLICY: ATt PREMIUM AMOUNT: The estate or interest in the land covered by this Policy is: A FEE as to Parcel(s) One AN EASEMENT as to Parcel(s) Two The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: The City of Gilroy Subject To: $900.00 October 13, 1998 8'00 A.M. $420.00 THE MATTERS SHOWN IN SCHEDULE B ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. The land referred to in this Policy is described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE "C" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. CLTA OWNER'S POLICY POLICY NO. 05011806700014 SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: PART I Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessment on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public records. PART H 1. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5, (commencing with Section 75) to the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. 2. Any adverse claim based upon the assertion that— (A) Said land or any part thereof is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water mark of Miller Slough. (B) Some portion of said land has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portion so created. (C) Some portion of said land has been brought within the boundaries thereof by an avulsive movement of Miller Slough or has been formed by accretion to any such portion. 3. Such rights and easements for recreation, navigation and fishery which may exist over that portion of said land lying beneath the waters of Miller Slough. This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. SCHEDULE B, PART IL CONTINUED 4. An easement affecting the portion of said land and for the purpose stated herein and incidental purposes, In Favor Of Santa Clara Valley Water District For: water management and/or storm water drainage purposes Recorded: August 24, 1982 in Book G 983, Page 87, Official Records Affects: All of the lands lying Northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the center lie of Lewis Road, said point bears S. 70° W. 194.00 feet from the intersection of the center line of said Lewis Road and Chestnut Street; thence leaving said center line S. 69 045'00" E. 46.43 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot 15; thence continuing on aforesaid bearing S. 69 °45'00" E. to the southerly line of said Lot 15, being the termination of said described line. 5. Rights of parties in possession of said land by reason of unrecorded leases, or rental agreements, if any. 6. The interest, if any, of the spouse of the vestee herein shown in the vesting. NOTE: This policy does not reflect requests for notice of default, subsequent transfer of easements, and similar matters not germane to the issuance of this policy of title insurance. COUNTERSIGNED: Dated: October 13, 1998 at 8:00 A.M. Authorized Signatory Chicago Title Insurance Company By: President. ATTBSTs Secretary. This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. SCHEDULE C LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Lot 15 in Block 2 North, Range 4 East as shown on the "Map of the Subdivision of Animas 'Sublot No. 11 and Las Animas Ranchlot No. 39 in the Rancho Las Animas" filed for record in Book F1 of Maps at Page 4, Santa Clara County Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Parcel One: Beginning at the most Westerly comer of said Lot 15, said comer being the intersection of the Northeasterly line of a 16' wide alley as shown on said subdivision Map with the Southerly line of Lewis Street (60 feet wide) as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on June 22, 1995 in Book 666 of Maps at Page 35, Santa Clara County Records; thence along said Southerly line of Lewis Street, North 70 °00148" East a distance of 31.35 feet; thence perpendicular to last said line, South 19 059112" East a distance of 6.00 feet; thence along a line 6.00 feet Southeasterly of (measured at right angles) and parallel to said Southerly line of Lewis Street, South 70 000'48" West a distance of 31.35 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Lot 15; thence along last said line, North 19 °59'12" West a distance of 6.00 feet to said Point of Beginning. Parcel Two: An easement for Construction and Maintenance of Miller Slough - Lewis Street Bridge described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Lewis Street (60 feet wide), as said line is shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on June 22, 1995 in Book 666 of Maps at Page 35, Santa Clara County Records, with the Southwesterly line of that certain easement granted to the Santa Clara Valley Water District, recorded on August 24, 1982 in Book G 983 at Page 87, Official Records of Santa Clara County; said point of beginning bears along said Southerly line of Lewis Street, North 70 °00'48" East a distance of 20.94 feet from the most Westerly comer of said Lot 15; thence along said Southerly line of Lewis Street, North 70 °00'48" East a distance of 90.15 feet; thence leaving said Southerly line of Lewis Street at right angles, South 19 °59' 12" East a distance of 20.00 feet; thence along a line 20.00 feet Southeasterly of (measured at right angles ) and parallel to said Southerly line of Lewis Street, South 70 °00'48" West a distance of 66.52 to said Southwesterly line of said Santa Clara Valley Water District easement; thence along last said line, North 69 °44'12" West a distance of 30.95 feet to said Point of Beginning. -- C /L -LEWIS B. 2 N. R.I E. PK453•M 15 F- W BK 799 m5 W W Z O I u 's 1 65 - A 64 ; 2 n 2 62 R 6/ 60 3.. 59 a Ass... e L7 3 8 56 _ ------------------ M o. 204< -- rrµ uT; G1Los ZOV x 8 x 9 s 54 10 n c /L- M ART IN 1 OFFICE CW COUNTY ASSESSOR­ - S7UiT'A CL.JTRA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA EFFECTIVE fOR THE ROLL YEAR 1998 - 7997 uWRENCE ESTONE- ASSESSOR O B. 2 N. R 2 E. PCL.A 0.38E . R = 50 I 5/ to 72 N Ul : 7/ C - r = OJ7AC.N. CT PCL.8 O 60 PC L.2 O v J � a m � W m' �I 49 5 4B 47 R.05 /8 g 46 K 1 1 M 61 E �J 1401-M-2 L SUB. OF LAS 43S I 44 N 69 34 35 - ~ � o 13T I . o 36 + 37 S 800K PAGE 841 �5 U 3 - 100" x isaeas• R. O. s.06 6 6 13 5 r isrnr ST. crL B.2 N. R.3 E. B. 2 N. R.4 E. scrh p. Esur °as ♦sao 1 «.« 142 76 77 � 73 �j : M /9 - --- / -- - - / I - r 32 6 11 2 3 ?� S 14 2 .410 �cn.ss co " I -- ---- -- - --- -------------- 5._ 79 a 17 i 7 w :<, - 12 4 $ 30 3 ZO --------------- -- ---- -- - - -- a to - - - --�! ---- -- 3B 11 3 I „ / s I �.� o Z9 ----- --- - - - -- i 8 : PCL.2 67 e 2 10 6 7 2 39 .a 2B a 5 - ---- - - ---- ---- --?i-' ---- u.T PCL.A 73 ' N R- - -- -'4 -- 3 9 T a � N 40 S v ^O.IBAC.N ET ? -- -- -- ---- :• �� 00 -tea N 8 S W 9 ' PCL.B 74 /3 4/ — -- ---- - - -- -- ° 9 0.22AGNET Z a: -T -- -- Z v :e u 7 9 & Q 1 c So W F- „ o20ACP(L. N g 25 PCL.A i PCLS q- 62 A --- - -- W 3 43 42 J s 2- •s o ^I W �^ ° — G L = Q : PCL1 i PCL.2 ry B4 I $3 a s _�yfL _2& I U 0.14AC. .1 0.14 AC - «1 ° O - 0.21AC- .°. -- --- - - - - - -- w "I U. PCL -: =s 5 0.21 AC. �0.20AC. 8/ B st 36 I L vss ras ?3.20 40.3o ._J i._ 1zz.03 :az rissaa.z P.M .638 -M-7 r .a °. 51wl l!/ P. M.602 -M -1 P.M.581 -M -27 ST. — Cn. SUB. OF LAS ANIMAS RANCH N° 39 AND SUB LOT N "11 O