Santa Clara Valley Water District (06) ~A"/z4~ f4J,~ 0" ~Q. 9~i) E 005p!GE Z78 6160560 E 005f'!GE 278 r I !:O FOR HECO, . 1\ T REQUEST OF ~c.t~ Dr.T 5 8 13 tiM '78 c9l/ (. . ... . 6160560 . It " !et/\L RECORDS ,., .. , ,. v':~.;t ','JLARA OOlH; ry GEVn i..:lt., A MANN REGISTRAR RECQBDfBl iY Document No. 5017-11.01 GRANT DEED SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a public corporation, does hereby grant to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all of that real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: ORIGINAl .... - l\> '. E 005f'~GE 279 A portion of that certain 2.361-acre parcel of land conveyed by F. & A. Ranch, a partnership, to the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by Deed recorded December 22, 1960, in Book 5021 of Official Records, page 260; a portion of that certain 0.57-acre parcel conveyed by Ken Yamanaka, et aI, to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by Deed recorded December 28, 1960, in Book 5025 of Official Records, page 8, and a portion of that certain 1.053-acre parcel shown as a 40-foot wide right of way on that certain Record of Survey Map recorded February 8, 1961, in Book 129 of Maps, page 24, all in Santa Clara County Records and being more particularly described as follows: ,Beginning at tpe intersection of the center line of Rosanna Street (75 feet wide) with the North line of Tract No. 6254 as shown on the map of, said Tract recorded June 26, 1978, in Book 421 of Maps, page 16 and 17, Santa Clara County Records; thence along said north line of Tract No. 6254, being the south line of said 0.57-acre parcel, south 89055'36"W 57.20 feet; thence at right angles, N 00004'24"W 55.00 feet to a north line of said 2.361-acre parcel; thence along the last named line and along the north line of said 1.053-acre parcel, N 89055'36"E 95.66 feet; thence at right angles S 00004' 24"E 55.00 feet to the said north line of Tract No. 6254 and said south line of the 0.57-acre parcel; thence along the last named north and south lines, S 89055'36"W 38.46 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.121 acre of land, more or less. RESERVING therefrom an easement to construct, reconstruct, inspect, maintain and repair a channel, protection works and appurtenant structures, together with the right to trim or remove such vegetative growth within the channel area as may constitute a hazard to persons or property or may interfere with the use of said area for the purposes granted and to enter upon said land with vehicles, tools, implements and other materials, and to take therefrom and use natural materials for the construction, maintenance and repair of said channel, protection works and appurtenant structures; provided, that this reservation and nothing herein contained shall be construed as an assumption or acceptance by Grantor District of responsibility for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance in a condition 1 E 005f)~G: 280 not dangerous or defective of any roadway or structure erected by Grantee City across said channel or within said easement area. DATED: SEP 1 2 1978 SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT By 2q!4'li{~ 6~" -'Lc[b-A.<Z- C al man of the Board of Directors ATTEST: VIOLET V. ENANDER ~ ~~ . / , '.r 7. ~~~,_,/ Clerk of the Board of Directors STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA )ss On ~/OJ.) /7 2 f'~ , before me, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Maurice E. Dullea, known to me to be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Santa Clara Valley Water District and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said Santa Clara Valley Water District and acknowledged to me that such Santa Clara Valley Water District executed the same~ _ ~l--lL/Lu~ Lucille Templeton )Q;:)Q;:)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~ . .. LUCILLE TEMPLETON ~ ~.,..; NOTAR~ PUBLIC - CALIH)KNIA I {j, ...,~ SANTA CLARA COUNTY Z; My Commission Expires Aug. 11, 1981 r~~~~~~~~~c.)(!Jc.)~G')(!Jc.')(!J(,)(!J(,')(!J ~ ~ ~ r ~ "fl 1J.. o U1 1-; \P ~ I.(l ~ .~ · (('\ J- ~ :x I/O 03 ~ - I.(l ~ <,() as tn 0 '0 ~ 11003' :> \(l M \J \Q , \j\ - Ifl \J ~ I.() 0 110 03 < m - . l"- \() ~~ \0 a~ "" Q' \,0 ~ ^' O. o.f.' 'Z..... /Ill ~6) 110,03 ~ '.0 ~ E I() rri &'Z. V) r() I{) \(l ..,.....-. lU \() I/O. 03 -I ~I~ 81 ...J q)1~ ~ .... l'f\ , 7C 03 L ..J!!&.. '. 31'" 3<::' \.J .~ ly . '~ c ~ ,,' '0. r: " V\ (10 ...' . '6\ q) lu ::> - ~ a . j q; Ill. In ~:g \\) ~ 01, lnq) It).... ~ ~. ~ \(\ 1('\ . (!'l ~ 2:; @ , z I . I; i ~{ /, (', i a- . '" 0.04- l4,'W .- 1/1. 00' t~: .~ w I~ ~ ~ r~IO~~U.f.4 r E., 1: Z ()i-~ () f I~O", () \f: '{ -' {; ,., {; ,fJ i(' 99 !f\ \0 {}' QJ (V'\ ';~'~~~~o-.'1 ~& 1 " ~ lu 11'I I(; I(; !'l'\ ~n c o 0 t't't (5', '0 ~ ill 00 --,:ro 0 04. 'z4,"Ciij- .... ~ rfl '-'l 96 IIt,OO' NO' 0 Z' ~6-'" .., '1154' ISIS y.;' "" !)5 .' N , ~'f!\, <:I O~~~<:I .r" -:<:1 '. f' fl'\N Q~ H '. -~~ !<J ~8 94 11\1;) . -. (JI.... q) < ~ ~ t\:.. 50,00' l -Ill" ,..I 1000' E 005+'i~E 281 AECORDER'S MtMb PAINT WRITING OR TYPIN4I lOa CARBON COPIES MAKES IIOOlIf JIlJot01'OGAA'PHlC ~ lr I.t ;:> NO"OZ'56 66 34' 86 34 Q Q !)~ Q ..... -. <) () o .... ..... 91. 20' B,~L1 100PU,(,n.[} 0' 66 ~'!). 86,34'! lSd, ~4 5/1,66' .~ 0" () 2 ' 56" W 615 93' 51867 10,00' (I 70.00' VII 429 JD r-66 34-' ~ 1 .0 ~<) 91 . 0 fI::: C) :l 66 3+' THAMES 70,()O 6634' o o ~O o .... .... , C C .... " 66 34' 10,00' ~ ZONE: South PROJECT: Princevalle Drain PROJECT NO: 5017-11. 01 .<I ."" . ' RESOLUTION NO. 78-104 E 005r'!GE 282 AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Santa Clara Valley Water District as follows: 1. THAT the interests in real property of this District to be conveyed are described in "Exhibit A", so marked and attached hereto, and are not required for the uses and purposes of the District; and 2. THAT the Chairman of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the deed of the District to the property as described in said Exhibit A to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corpora- tion within said District. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Santa Clara Valley Water District on September 12, 1978 by the following vote: AYES: Directors J. CHIRI, M. E. DULLEA, P. T. FERRARO, , l J, LENIHAN, L. PERALTA, C, RUSH, R. T. SAPP NOES: Directors none ABSENT: Drirectors none SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT By fI(.~ ?;'i37 hU--e_ C ai man of the Board of Directo~ ATTEST: VIOLET V. ENANDER ~/~ Clerk of the Board of Directors ORIGINAL