Johnson, Sydney S. and Jennie F. (2) ~~ 2139019 .Tl/L If ~ ~, APPlica:iOfl ;'To,j.~:'~5J9.u WTG Co .#803-28-002 Code Area 67-09 AX "M\ ~ 7{ ~ 'b '~l ~ ,- ~ n f) r? 13 9 0 19 ~rant 1-'/iiJttu .;Dnut tuua eoo( 5 ",Ji ' f~GE Dl,U .' ~ , SYDNEY s. JOHNSON and JENNIE F. JOHNSON, .....;:;rded.1: ~ha ra~ue$\;ofrCo, ~ ;]; 1 his wife (f'!'tle 9zrarnn./I ';-, , 7Vl18tern lIJ~~A CO\)NH DI,\'IS\Ol'l] , ~~N1~ Cl q 1 ^ M 9 ,gal' -;... - tEa \-\ Recorder. ~,' .,.t\.. R, lE\L / rr.' \ Rec:ordl ,<~~A 't. O"'i~'G.a !'" "Clara Coun y, .J"I"''''~ x.;. the first parr ies ,hereby GRANT TO (:,n ~,~ Cr::, , ,'II THE CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corpor- ation in the County of Santa Clara, -" .,........ C.";,., County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: '1) ,H. J. / , Above space for Recorder '-11 cn c o ,...,;". i!, ,'....1, ' ')\~ fl, ~, . c.J , the second parr y , all that real properry situated in the The Southeasterly one-fourth (1/4) in area of all that portion of the 28.06 acre, more or less, tract described in the deed from Sydney S. Johnson and Jennie F. Johnson to Sydney S. Johnson and Jennie F. Johnson, as joint tenants, of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Santa Clara County, State of California, in Book 2740 of Official Records at Page 76 still remaining in the name of, and owned by, the grantors herein, after excluding from said 28.06 acre tract the Southeasterly one-fifth (1/5) in area conveyed to the City of Gilroy by grantors by deed dated August 21, 1961, recorded in Book 5288 of Official Records, Page 59, in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara CountYi the North westerly line of said one-fourth (1/4) portion of the tract herein conveyed to grantees to be on a course S. 350 21 Wi it being the intention of the parties to this con- veyance that after it takes effect the grantees will own the Southeasterly two-fifths (2/5) of the said 28.06 acre tract with the Northwesterly line thereof to be on a course S. 350 2' W. WITNESS our hand S this day of January ,19 62 . 1/1 l ! ,......:..'m.~-fm~:Zu~;.:;!,.~u...Sm.m:.:...'.:.:t-'..,..~..L:.~'..m....ummmmmuu.mm. ..i'fkf.\f~~ffJd.~.ua~!,..._...__...... ...................................................................................................-.-......................... ........................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF CALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF SANTA CLARAfss, ?!l,t~is,lOth day of January. 19 6~bcfore me, the undersigned, a N~~~~~~J.ht!!~dfor ,said County and State"personally appeared SYDNEY S. JOHNSON and JENNIE F. ';\',"':JOHNSO~I his wife, "c;:":,..' ',' " ,*~'th~ person S ''';~ll~~moS ~"" t~~.." _f' are known to me to subscribed tOEt.h:2r..eg~:~,~sj~ts::i..C.ee;["., d..,a~:d:,~~~;e~~cuted the same, llj J::iU Notary Public I, C' 800(.5461 PAGf.601 RESOLuTION NO. 672 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE FROM SY1>NEY S.. JOBl'fSON AND JBNNII F. JOHNSOli OF PORTION OF P:R.F.MISES KNOWN AS CHRISTMAN HILL RANCH. BE IT USOLVED at the Council of the city of Gilroy that said City of Gilroy does hereby accept the attached conveyance from Sydney S. Johnson and Jennie F. Johnson, his wife, to the City of Gilroy, dated January 10th, 1962, conveying the southeasterly one-fourth of the premises known as Christmas Hill Ranch owned by Sydney S. ,lohnson and Jennie F. Johnson, his wife, and that said City of Gilroy does hereby consent to the recordation of said conveyance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of February, 1962, at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Gilroy by the following vote. AYES ~ NOIS: COU'NCILMEMBERS: Jordan,Petersen,Quarti rol i ,Wentworth, and Sanchez 0 COUNCIlMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COWCII.l4.EMSERS; Duff in, and Goodr i ch 0 APPROVED: ,/.- . " ~/ ;2< "<; .. 5 ,~i./rlA'.~r-,~,,/' / Kayor' ATTEST: SUSANNE E. PAYNE city Clerk ~LERKIS CERTIFICATE I, SUSANNE PAYNE, the city Clerk of the city of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been com- pared by me with and is a true and correst copy of the whole of such Resolution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes of a meeting of the council of such City of Gilroy held on the 5th day of February, 1962, and I do hereby certify that the Council ,of the said City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of February, 1962, accepted the ing conveyance and consents to the recordation ./ (} 1/,' 'City Clerk Dated this 6th day of February, 1962. u:~ " , I I, ,t' 1 . !, I: ! ! !: !: : I I tl ", >I. Ii I ~:-... W~~ljl;JJ!l; 1j1~.!i qy&9~!Uli~~~~~Jtj SANTA CLARA COUNTY DIVISION r- F~M f_~ F:'>L .r ~1!~~~O,s~. ~~~'1}ll~..~~~lljlj~f! ~~\, 10 NOR rH SLC,)ND c:,TREET SAN JOSE'" CALIFORNIA :U_EPHONL C.YI'f'{ESS 3-2-11::; PrellmllJarv rq'ort j,lr.1 i'olll\ III tllk Ill'llLU1U: In the sum uf $ (ll he issued bv YI~JE.JJJ!lJ Tgjl!Ja 1..~~M:tJM! <t~~!JV1 TO CITY OF GILRrJY Order No, 360519 WESTFR~ T1TLE Gl;ARANTY COMPANY Santa (jara (.UU!l[V Dt, lsiun, a corpor;HlOI1, herehy rerol[s tll.lt title to the real I'luperrv here-lIuttef ,ksctlhc,j h (Jlj January 5, 1962 ar8:00 a. 111. vesu'd tn, SIDNEY S. JOHNSON and JENNIE F. JOHNSON, his wife, as joint tenants ~u hJed to: Taxes for the fiscal year 1961-1962. Receipt No. 803-28-002. Code Area 67-09. (Assessed with other property) First Installment ha s been pa 1d $171.29 Second Installment a lien and payable $171.29 ;.." , , 'I , ' 1 ' I I I i if: Ii " 'I I ! I I ! I 1\ J .. The real property referred to is described as: All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: The Southeasterly one-fourth (1/4) in area of all that portion of the 28.06 acre, more or less, tract described in the deed from Sydney S. Johnson and Jennie F. Johnson to Sydney S. Johnson and Jennie F. Johnson, as joint tenants, of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Santa Clara County, state of California, in Book 2740 of Orficial Records at Page 76 still remaining in the name of, and owned by, the grantors herein, after excluding from said 28.06 acre tract the Southeasterly one-fifth (1/5) in area conveyed to the City of Gilroy by grantors by deed dated August 21, 1961, recorded in Book 5288 of Official Records, Page 59, in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County; the Northwesterly line of said one-fourth (1/4) portion of the tract herein conveyed to grantees to be on a course S. 350 2' Wj it being the intention of the parties to this conveyance that after it takes effect the grantees will own the southeasterly two-fifths (2/5) of the said 28.06 acre tract with the Northwesterly line thereof to be on a course S. 350 2' W. - This report is issued preliminary to the issuance of a Standard form policy of title insurance and is issued for the purpose of providing information relative to the title to the land to be insured by said policy. It does not include an examination of and the policy of title insurance will not insure against loss by reason of: ' 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, 2, Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. ,), Easements, claims or easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records, 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct ,urvey would disclose, and which are pot shown hy the public records. 5, Unpatentcd mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. (j, Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting, regulat, ing or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on said land, or prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions, area or separation in ownership, of any lot or pare,'] of land. . PUBL,IC RECORDS" WHEN USED HEREIN MEANS THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH. UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS. IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO SAID LAND. WESTERN TITLE GUARANTY (:OMPANY CUUNTY DIVISION -::. PRESIDENT ~ I, . '," . ~ I ~ ~ IJ) . t . 580L'.J 'E., 5. /..53 65?~3Z[ , , 252'-80 t%r-/ 0/ /O~ // L/l5 AN/HA5 RC#O / / / / , / / t<~ .' 6( ~ THIS MAP IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY, AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS POLICY l