Keller, Hope BOOK 7700 P,~ct 745 3257547 3257547 BOO<< 7796 PACE 745 - ......."............................ Recorded at the request of \ lIe8tern :Jute $lJar~ntu e.., I JUL ~5 1967 \i1l'"rL. A ~ GS;J~GE I:. FOWLis, Record.r S:,::~.:~~r~ .~~~n~~,,,~!f.ci;~' ~=_rd: Recorded at the request of WESTERN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY San t.a.,-Cla._r_a__nCQMRtY-.._P.t.Y._:L$o;toQI~_..____.... Order No. 402602 Return to _.....mGJty of Gilroy m h__.mhhmmn _, , c/o Sydney' S-~' '-johjison-~--m.........m - -.. -... .2.0-. . Mar. tin. _Str,ee_t"._ _. __ n. _ m..o m'....,...,.. Gilroy, California. \'f\'I.'~t'l,"; " ~ 1i': ~.lv"j', ',"" " } ~ o'l~ I;' ' U:>>:-T7~C' ,;' " ,,11:(;f . \ i,~",--;,' '1.. - ,_ - f" '... f> .., ~ Q { ~-' ~I:'''' ~\) ...-{ .' :;~ - <t.. r~(...... l "",., "iJ:ft... t,"'f.~..)'i i::::~~: . ~ :.- . ;:.L- , , 11l1l1llHHl:il; :" ~ (:I ~ ~ -< p.. , o r,) ~ ran t f1l t t b (Individual) For value received HOPE KELLER, a widow, GRANT..~...to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that real property situate in the City of Gilroy 1 I ! County of Santa Clara ,State of California, described as follows: I : A portion of Block 1 South, Range 3 West in the City of : Gilroy as shown on Map No. 5 accompanying the Report of I : the Referees in Henry Miller, et aI, Plaintiffs, vs. Massey : Thomas et aI, Defendants, in the Superior Court of the : State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 5536, and is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Northerly line of Seventh Street distant thereon Westerly 144.00 feet from the West- erly line of Church Street~ thence Westerly along the said Northerly line 48.00 feet~ thence Northerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 83.00 feet~ thence Easterly and parallel wilth the Northerly line of Seventh Street 7.00 feet~ thence Northerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 21.80 feet~ thence Easterly and parallel with the Northerly line of Seventh Street 45.00 feet~ thence Southerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 39.80 feet~ thence Westerly and parallel with the Northerly line of Seventh Street 4.00 feet~ thence Southerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 65.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: 1. That portion thereof conveyed to City of Gilroy, recorded August 27, 1965, Book 7085 Official Records, page 142. 2. TIlat portion thereof conveyed to City of Gilroy, recorded August 3, 1966, Rook 7461 Official Records, page 581. Dated......J.uly...._20....... ........'.......h..... ...,....19",9.7. mmlbf=uJj~J?~uuu.. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA J ....,..___.......,..,...,...Gounty of.....S.~nt~....C.l~r_~_........ J ss. On,,_.....J.uly....2_0............., 19.6.1.., before me,_...EULAH..M.....PACKARD.... a Notary Public, in and for said State, personally appeared__......J~~.p.~.,J~~!l~.~..... Ir..~,~.....................~.~. :... ,,!\,. fUlAn M. PACKARD ! I.~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~ . Sant. Clare County, Calif. ': . ..1 .............,.....,....,..,known to me to be the person.... whose name.......n,i,S,......._subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to.5 that ....he.... execute~~a~. My commission expires__,.l2_~,J::._6_1.,.,..". ~~.._~::...~~~~ Notary Public Form No, 84J , , , : BOO~ 7796 PAGE 7.46 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the Grant Deed form HDPE KELLER, a widow, widow, to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, conveying the hereinafter described property, is hereby accepted on behalf of the CITY OF GILROY by the undersigned, its duly authorized officer, and the Grantee consents to the recordation of said Deed by its duly authorized officer. Said property is described as follows: A portion of Block 1 South, Range 3 West in the City of Gilroy as shown on Map No. 5 accompanying the Report of the Referees in Henry Miller, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. Massey Thomas, et al, Defendants, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 5536, and is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Northerly line of Seventh Street distant thereon Westerly 144.00 feet from the West- erly line of Church street; thence Westerly along the said Northerly line 48.00 feet; thence Northerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 83.00 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with the Northerly line of Seventh Street 7.00 feet; thence Northerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 21.80 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with the Northerly line of Seventh Street 45.00 feet; thence Southerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 39.80 feet; thence Westerly and parallel with the Northerly line of Seventh Street 4.00 feet; thence Southerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 65.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING From the above-described property the portions thereof heretofore conveyed, as follows: PARCEL ONE Portion of Block 1 South Range 3 West, in the City of Gilroy, as shown on Map No.5 accompanying the Report of Referees in the action of Henry Miller, et al, vs. Massey Thomas, et al, Case No. 5536 of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara. BEGINNING in the northerly line of Seventh Street distant thereon westerly 144.00 feet from the westerly line of Church Street; thence westerly along the said northerly line 48.00 feet; thence northerly and parallel to Church Street 35.00 feet; thence easterly and parallel to Seventh Street 48.00 feet; thence southerly and parallel to Churbh Street 35.00 feet to the point of beginning. g. C> :-= -.J -J c:.:> 0) "'t:I :;.- C") r,., -J ~ -..1 PARCEL TWO A portion of Block 1, South Range 3 West in the City of Gilroy, as shown on Map No. 5 accompaqang the Report of the Referees in the action of Henry Miller, et al, vs. Massey Thomas, et al, Case No. 5536 of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, described as follows: . i I ~'~. 'BOOK 7796 PAGE 748 Beginning in the Northerly line of Seventh Street distant thereon Westerly 144 feet from the westerly line of Church Street; thence Northerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street, 35 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning Northerly and parallel with the Westerly line of Church Street 30 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with the Northerly line of Seventh Street 4 feet; thence Northerly and parallel with Church Street, 4.605 feet; thence Westerly and parallel with Seventh Street, 52 feet; thence Southerly and parallel with Church Street, 34.605 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with Seventh Street, 48 feet to the true point of beginning. '\ /. "1 Dated: /h:{l(/ ,;/-1 ,'if l ~I , 1967. //"'---' Zvc6 j '----FRED O. WOOD City Administrator City of Gilroy Autharized Officer . #Cw"c. Order Number Policy Number sk S 117322 ~ - Fee $ 60 . 00 SJ 402602 Amount $ 11,000.00 SCHEDULE A Effective Date July 25, 1967 at 8 : 00 O'clock a. m. NAME OF INSURED CITY OF GILROY 1. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule C covered by this Policy is a fee 2. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: PART ONE 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. PART TWO Taxes for 1967-68, a 1ien, not yet due or payable. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM COPYRIGHT IlIfl3 P.1ge Two ""'''' Policy Number S 117322 '-" --- SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is described as: That parcel of land in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A portion of Block 1 South, Range 3 West in the City of Gilroy, as shown on Map No. 5 accompanying the Report of the Referees in Henry Miller, et aI, Plaintiffs, vs. Massey Thomas, et aI, Defendants in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 5536, and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Seventh Street distant thereon Westerly 144 feet from the Westerly line of Church Street; thence Westerly along the said Northerly line 48 feet; thence Northerly and parallel to Church Street 83 feet; thence Easterly and parallel to Seventh Street 7 feet; thence Northerly and parallel to Church Street 21.80 feet; thence Easterly and parallel to Seventh Street 45 feet; thence Southerly and parallel to Church Street 39.80 feet; thence Westerly and parallel to Seventh Street 4 feet; thence Southerly and parallel to Church Street 65 feet to the point of beginning. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM COPYRIGHT 1963 Page Three o o , ~ ~ /38.cYo' ~ ~ ~ ~ (; ~ en ...... . ~ \ /.3:J,7C:; ~ ^ ~ W ~ 5 0 - ;" ~~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ /.3~.39 . V ~ 45' I U ~ Q ---I4='" ---- cr \) 'l) 4 "} :J ~ ~ '\ 3 , l:J I \!I U 144' jig' SEVENT~-l \' 66' 'NI DE) Sl ... l I " PT. LOTS 2. 8t. 3 l::3LK,' SR3W GILROY JIUi IS NOT A, SURVEY OF mE UNO, BUT IS COMPIWl fBOfa DAf" SaOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. WESTERN TI TlE GUA(~ANTY COMPANY SAN r" C14i:4. COlJNTY DIVISION SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA