Whitehurst & Hodges }, t5~is ""'3Jn~~ntuT~9 Made the / / ne day of ~ in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-six, between WHITEHURST & HODGES, a Corporation, California, the party of the County of of the first part, and Santa Clara, State of THE CITY OF GILROY, A MTn~ICIPAL CORPORATION, of the County bf San ta Clara, State of California, the party of the second part WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ( $10 .00) Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do es by these presents grant, bargain. successors sell, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to its kmiDcand assigns, forever, all those certain lots Il pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Ci ty of Gilroy, County of San ta Clara, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Lots One (1) and Six (6) of Block One (1) South, Range Three (3) West, of the City of Gilroy, according to Map NO.5, accompany- ing the Report of the Referees in the partition suit of Henry Miller et al vs. Massey Thomas et aI, in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara, State of Califom ia. Together with all and sing.ular the tenements, heredit~ment~ and appurtenances there~ unto belonging, or in anywise appertaining TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises, together with the . c~ors appurtenances unto the saId part y of the second part, and to its SU and assigns forever. executed these IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part y of the first part ha S ~~w ~ ~ the day and year first above written. ._ _WHITEHURST __&._.HQD.GES~.__a__.G.ar.po~a:tion , 1 I \'1' ~ ~. ~~ A r\ i- t;.;; Co' \~......'\ \:. ~ \"" w --- ('I') ~ ~.-, \'- =~ M .co . \ t:'Q .'0.1) \'6 ..... v > oW- ~ ~. ~ "'\ .~ '~.J :-) :) 1... T' A orl I O' , ~ :>. H .ri. - , . C.l 0 s:: ~ . N 0 .... . . ~ ,.; ,.; ::> E 0' - . C.l ::l 4) 4) ~ .. . - . 0 "'tl "'tl as .: fj ~ q U "" "" Qi c.o: ::s . 0 0 C r:t:X C' ~ l\1 ~ C.l Z "' "" 4) 0 tJ) "'S:: ~ Q) l\1 0:: 0:: UJ ffi ~O .~ ui - U z . 0...1 . Q) "'tl >. ... ::I: - q ~~ , 4) l\1 .... o 0 E ~ , oS ::l 0 '" . 4) .... III .., 0 0 ~ p,. "- :r::s:: 0 f-i H . 1;; ..... l\1 0 ~ceJ~ . 0 00 . ..... Ul 00 ~ 0 ~ ~ 6dorl f- A ~ q l\1 , p,......CU .j..) fz..H i ~ 0... .J ~ 8aS 00 Ul ~ ~ < 0 ~ . ~ III D: ... 0 tJ)H :J . ... '"'0 "" .J III = 13& ~ ~ , ~ "" 0 CJ CJ o~ 8r-l ... , C.l- t """-. ,...,.---1 HaS 4) l\1 ;-1-1 -f fi:! ::.) 0 ~ o::U IL 8 ~ &. ~ ..... H ~ t.tJ Q) 0 . 0 i:q ~ - 0 4) ~4) ... CO ~ 8 J:.L. Ul . .... : l\1 >. 0 ~ .... ..... ' .... ... 4) l\1 :00 CO NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of Ualifornia f~/-iJ l j P< ~. J11J~IrL.: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the said County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first above written. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ( ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) 6 Scntember 0,0 On this 11th day ~/M8?y,' in the year One Thousamd Nine Hurdred and Thirty-six, before me, Rcs~die C. Bellali , a Notary Public in and for the said vounty of Santa Clara, State of California, personally appeared FRANK TO~~R and SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, known to me to be the President and Secretary respectively of WHITEHURST & HODGES, the Uorporationdescribed in and that executed the within instr~~ent, and also knovm to me to be the persons who executed it on behalf of the corporation therein named, and they acknowledged to me that such cor- poration executed the same. RESOLUTION. NO. 65 Whereas the City of Gilroy is the owner of certain real property located on North Monterey street in the said City of Gilroy, hereinafnep described and referred to as the Monterey street property, and \Vhereas, the Whitehurst and Hodges Corporation, is the owner of certain real proY.~erty located on 6th gtreet in Ii the said City of Gilroy, hereinafter described and referred to as the 6th street property, and, \Vhereas, the said City of Gilroy is desirous of ,i:,: purchasing the said I:)ixth street property of and from the said Whitehurst and Hoqges, a corporation, for the sum of I $4500.00, said real property to be free and clear of all encumbrances save and except the taxes for the years 1936 and 1937, and, Wnereas the said Whitehurst and Hodges, a corporation is desirous of purchasing the said Monterey Street property 11,.... of and from the City of Gilroy for the sum of $4500.00, said real property to be free and clear of all encumbrances save and except the taxes for the years 1936 and 1937, and Whereas, each of said parties desire to have the title to said real properties certified and approved by a responsible Abstract I,,;ompany to be in the manner aforesaid, and each is so willing and ready to sell and purchase according to the true intent and meaniDg hereof, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council in regular session assembled this 6th day of May, 1936, that the I,,;ity of Gilroy purchase said 6th Street property ~pon the terms aforesaid and that it in turn sell the said Monterey Street property upon the aforesaid terms, provided however that said purchas,_s and sales shall be consumated w~_thin a 2easonable time hereafter and in a manner and custom as is usual in the premises. The said Sixth street property is further described herein as Lots one (1) and six (6), Block lme South, Range 3 IN est. The said Monterey street ppoperty is further described as The Northerly portion of Lot four (4), Block 3 North Range One West, with a frontage on Monterey Street of 70.20 feet, and Lying Northerly from the property of one H. E. Robinson. Be it further resolved 8hat the purchase and sale of each of said properties shall be conditioned one upon the other. Done in regular session the 6th day of May, 1936. . E. F. Rogers Clerk of the City of Gilroy. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and cor- rect copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor and Co~non Council of the City of Gilroy, at a meeting thereof he~d on the 6th day of May, A. D. 1936. I! Dated: I October 23, 1936 / Gfl i. Ii I: . T ...-.......... ...co Dated: Oewb.r 2.'5, UHf (CITY SIAL) ..1. ROder., Cler& ot tbe City or 01lro,. THIS DlDIII'l'URI, .... n. 11tb 4aJ ot ." 1D tbe ,ear or our LoJ'Cl 1l1JMt...a bllDelre4 aM tbin,-.la, ........ Whit.bur.t a. Bodge.. . oorporat.loD, ot tII. Count., or Saat.a Clan, Stet. ot Cellronala, tbe p.nr of .. tint. part. _el :::.e Cl\y ot a11I'O', a Mua101pal CorporatJ.on, or tb. COWlt1 ot ~..t..a Clan. Stat. or CaUt'01'II18. tbe pal'tJ' or t.be lIeooDll pvt, WITlIIESITH: Tbet. tbe Mid pert)' or tbe tlr.t part. tor anr! 18 c0lUl1"~rat!,.. ot t.be SIa at 'fen '.10.00) dOlan, lawful lIICInllj or the Uu1te4 Otatll8 or JoIMrli:k, to It In band palel b1 tbe Mid pan1 or tile .econd pert. tne receipt. whereof !a beret1 ~ckDowle4secl, does br tbe.e preeens cnnt, bar..ln, ae11, COD"l!)' lUId eont1na UDto tbe eald pel'tJ' or tbe .eeoK part, aad to it. .ueo..aor. anu a..igll., tore"er, all tllo.. certala lote, pi.ce. or parc.l. or laa4, .ituate, 111ag end beiao In \be Clt.1 of Gilroy, COWlty ot ..aate Clara, ~t..at.e or Callrornia, enel bounded end particularly 'e.crlbed e. toll~e, w-wlt.: Lot. One (1) and ~~1 Ie) or Block One (1) ~outb, RaB6~ Three (3) 'sst. ot tbe City of Gilroy, aooordl~ to Map Uo. 5, eccaapea,lns tbe report ~r tbe nr.r.~a In t.t~ partl tion aui t or BenJy MUler e" III .,.. *'11." Tt.OII8. .t el, In t'" tiuparior CoUl't. ot tbe County or ~enta Clnrll. btat. or ~alitor~le. TOt.tner wltb ell anel .1rgular the ten...at., b.redlt...nta and appurt..-.cea tbereunto belonglll4!, or In aQ1w1ee appeM.-la1ne. TO H'.\I ItJlD TO HOLlJ all and .1l14Sular the ee14 praal.... 'osetber _itl1 tbe a.pllrt.nances unto t.he .eld party or \be se' ~ part., anel to Ita .\.ICo..oore aDd aftsl8ZU1. IN 'lTMr~ wHlhJUr. the ..id part) ot the tl..t part na. e1eouted these pr.sent. tbe clef end ye~r t1r.t abo"e wr1tten. (COkPORATI t>F.A.l.1 WllITlJiURSi' .. MOOOJ::i, . oorporation .7 'raaa Towner, ~realdent. B7 bydzaer s. .rohnllOn. ~"cr.ta17 - STATI or CAJ..l'OkNLA , COtal'n 0' SANTA C!.AkA' st>. OD tb1e Htn day ot ~ept-.ber, In tbe year one e tbouMn'l nln.. hundred aDd thirty-ell:, beron .., RoMlla ,. ~elloli, a Uutbry Public 1n and tor the aald Coucty or Uanta Clara, State ot Ca11torale, perhon_lly appeared 'rank To.ner Lnd ~lelney 5. lonn.ou, kn~o to me to be tbe President and tie~tary reup.ct1"ely ot Wultehurst ~ Hodge~. tbe corporation desoribed 10 ..el tbat e1ecut.d the _1\.l11n lutr~nt. IUld Ill..") ltno_ to me to be the perllooe who exeouted 1t on b.hAlf ot tile corpcretloo Uereln ollllle4, anel tbay aOlO\owl.4Se<l to _ thet. sucb corporation exec~te4 the ..... IN WITNJIt;L; 'lI11!:f(!0" I have lIer~unto ~et ~ hand a.1 "rrheel III' otrlclel ..al, a' ~ otrlce In the ~ftld County or ~Rntn Clara, tbe day and YAel' In thin certlrlcate tint abo". ~.ltten. (ItOTARIAl. Z 1".AL1 RouH.. C. ii.Holl, No"'", Public In and ror the County of ~bnte Clnrll, Stete or Calttorala. yrUNG Nu 87VlIZ '11ed tur reo~rd at toe re~ue.t or ~en 10e8 Abet.ract and Title Iaauraac. Co. Oot 2d 1~3l1 at 2~ aln. pa.t 4 o'olock P.M. CiW-J.Ib A. PAlO RECORDIR te. DO obC. 11 r tiyl C. Tull~' lloOlut:r Ilec,rder oo..v.. doc. , ill,'~,. /"" oClapared bOOk> )., i V IP1PIPlPIPIPIP~fpt~!PtptPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPlPIPIPIPIPIPIPI?IPIP1PIP ..........,..~..........'w..,...,..",......"..."...~'"..,...,...,.,..",.,~......,.,.,.,.... <t aDD OJ' TRUET '1'HIS DKID or 'J'IUO'l'. _4. W. let. 4&, ot 'e\ober. U_. b, an. bn.... Iha..eU a. ~tt ~ Ro_bf.l4 c. u.tt . Ilia wit.. ot ~... ~tr of lute Ole... a..,. of CaUtor1lln, Iiere!n oall.4 \l"Uto... COtJO.."- of "1'1"'" a C'oJ'POnUoa. lIerata oalte. '1"ruatee, ..4 Benlt 0' Allert.. ...u.~tru, aa4 I:t.~ '_o1.\1oa. IIen1. oallet ____ tlolary. . 'l~: ......\ tnator put-. \0 'rv.at.. 11l ,....\.. wlt.!l ,...,. 'Or .."... \,., ~ 1); ~ u)~/ e ~ ,. j' <7 / (/ I t / { , <' (}l! ...~~v v,. ..."" ~...,,~... _".. ''''n,J.D ur llctlllt; nereW14er. Wlllcb lLllt%'llllleat eaecuted 801 ecknowled~ed by beneficiary, !lnd recorded in the office ot the Count)' Aecorder of t.le county or couoUeH wherein &hId pl'operty, ta sltuflted. llball be conclusive proof at ttle proper 8'll.I8tlt,jtlvn vt Illlch !lUC"eIl80r ur 8UCC68eurll or 88'0 tru~tee, _bo Ohll11 bIlve eU. tn. elltate, powers. j'Jt1ell, rl,,;htll ..nol privllee:e8 of \be predecessor I. rub tee . ;n.NTH: All tflll provilllolaa at tllis in8trument shllll inur.. to. IIPP" to and bind the let:lll rtlprellelltlltivell, IlUCCfHillor" !Iud lllillibDe of ellch pllrty nerel.o, reapeCl.ively. Tu.lTll: II. 110 expreflllly IIgre6d thllt tbe trulltb crented hel'f'by flre lrrllvoc.ble by toe trulltor. IN WITN~,S WHEhEUJo. tne tr",.tor nail eH'cuted thelle pr<!,.eote, t.he dIty ...<1 yellr tirst Ilbove lIIri ttell. . ~ ~ Jolu. ~. bhflooon Harrlet Q. GhllDnon hddrlhll, of 1'NHtor_. :';TATE ur CAU!'OhJl::J. ) COUNTY OF GAlfTA CLARA) ,",. ..h.). e 00 thill 2Uth day at October, in the year A.D. ninflte'c;, hUlldred and t.hIrty-six. ;,erOl^ all. Noneld O. Ltewllrt. I!. blotery l'ul;l1c ill aotJ tor IIl1id County at Lantll Clara, r""ldlng tllflrelll, tluly c0!:la188iolled Rnd ~worn, per:canell)' flppe!l:'ed John F. Shflr,non and Harrl..t (;. Shennon, bil) wife, Kllo,,"n to rae to be thO! pereon.. whoee n"_1I I!.re 8ub- sorlDed to the witl11n 1 Illlt.rumen t, l!nd ecltDow]"d~"d to lie ttil!t, th..y ,,"xO!cuted tht' Bellle. IN l'iITNYSS WHEI.,EuY, 1 W1ve l1ertoWlto /Jet III r...n,j un t 8rt17..1 -:J urrl~llSl 811d. at IllI office 10 the H!lld COWlty at brlnt.. Clr.r... th(< rlllY llII-j Yf'lIr in this certltleat.. rirst l!bOYll _ritten. (NOTARIAL Gr.AL) !tolll.l<1 (.. ~tl:l""rt, liotel'Y Public in and tor the sald Count.y ut ~lInte Clerll, :3tl!.te at Cel1t'orn1a. FlWrou NO ~7\lo~ 1iled tJT rl!cord at .~e requ""t of Callfornla Pucitlc Title & Trusw COaplll~ 001. ~d 1~36 ~t 47 ~io. pilat 3 o'cloc& P.N. CHAJd.I!::. A. PAYNE RF.cOIiDI.R tee 4.20 3e t J.H. Tholll8!! L1eput7 lillcorjer compared doc. I I / . coapared book I I PIPlPI l':np IP! PIPIPIPIfuIP 11'11' 1 P 1 P II-' II' IPIpIPIPI PIPI P IPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPI PI PIPIPIPlP '"t",",.,"t".".w~.t~'"'_'_'.'P,.......,.....t...,...,.t"t.."..,...twtfti~~ .......... e ktt:.uLUTIuN No. 65 WJWlEAS, tbe CUy vt "11roy. ls tile owner ot c.rt.81n rflal proplln)' looated on North Moot.rey ~trfltlt 1n the /Sald C1ty ot Gilr07, bereioarter 4e8crtbcj and referr.d to 8S the Monterey ~treet propert)'. aDd WHlRF~. the Wuit~urat find Hodges Corporatlon, i. the owner ot cer'alo real property looat.d on 6tb ~treet in tbe sdd Cl tr ~r v~ lroy. bere inatter d.ac..lbed aDd referred to as.tbe 6tb titr~et property. aud, WHIR&AS, \be sald C1tt at vllroy ls d.~lroua ot purohaalng tPp e~ld ~1xtb otreet property ot aDd tro. the aR1d Wb1tehQr.t. and hodges. a oorporatlon. for the sua ot '4500.00, sald real property to be tree aDd clear at all eDgu.Oraooee .ay. and exoept tbe taxes tor the ,.ars 1_36 aa4 li37. .... WHEJll.AS. tne .aid Whlteburet aDd iioc1g.a. a corporaUoa 18 d.s1ro_ ot puralut.ll18 tbll ..ld Monterey ~tr"t proper\7 ot aod troe the CU)' ot 011ro7 tor tbe .ua ot 14500.00. .ald real property to be free .ad clear at all aacWlbrances .ave ao4 exoept tbe taxes tor tbe )'ear. 1~:'Itl and 18~7, and ~~'...a, eaon or ..ld partie. d.s1r. to baye tile title to nl,i r--al propertle. certlfl.d ao4 approved by a re.poo.lble Abatraot 00."" to be in tb. .aoner atore.ald. and _ch 18 .0 wll11ng aDel rflacl1 to Mll ..s purcha.e aocordlog to tbe true Inte.' and ~aD1n~ hereof, now tberetore. BE IT RESOLVED by \be ~or and ~~a COUDoll In rec-lar a.ealon a....ble4 t~ll 6tb da)' ot MaJ'. liar.. \hat. t.be Cay at ~llro)' purohaee M14 ttb otJ'f'l.t propen" upon tbe MJ'IIIIl aforeauld IlDd tllat 1 t 10 tUJ'll .ell tbe ..ld Moot.ere, Street propen)' upon tbe atoreeald t.e~. proylded boweve~ t~at .ald purobae.. &ad .al.. ..all be ooqa~ted .Jtkl. a reaaonabl. tl.e berearter aad In s ..nner ..d oua~ a. 1. ~.1 10 tbe pr_l.... Tbe aslli SUth Street )ropert7 18 t'lIrtber 4".r1bed herelD .. !.ct. One C 1) aDd Six (8). -8100& Ono SoQtb, ~e:'l WOlIt. The eaH ....1"87 Street propert)' :.. further lie.orlbo4 a. Tbe 4IIortbar17 ponloo or Lot tour C 4). alook :'l 1101'1. b &aoce une We8t, wi th . t~t... 0' IIont.eN7 Stre.t at 70.20 teot. all4 ly~ Donherl, troa tbe propert;J of ooe B. I. RobiA_. Be 1\ fW'tur resolnd tbat. tbe purobaae llIId aale ot e.oll ot .ald properUo. .hall be 000.,,\10004 ooe \&pOD tbe o\ber. Do.. 111 resu1ar ....100 the Uh cial ot Ma)', 18U. (ClTt SKAL) ..J'. aoger.. Clerk ot t.1l0 Clt7 of OllloJ I unbJ 081'1.11'7 tbat tho tonco1nc i. a tull, true _15 oo2'....t. 00" ot . resolution a40p'e4 b, tbe 118J'or aa4 ~. CoUDOU or the Clt;J ~ Qllrol. n . lIM\1aa tbereot ba14 o. the 8th ciaJ ot ..." A.D. 19U. e <t