Cole, Samuel " ~~i5 Sfnbtntuttj !/fade the,J!Co~!im.f~~mmmday of 4:1:.?~l:-:~'!!............., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-.~~~.. ~ '" ~ edWtttt .. ...~~...4?.-;'.lt::; ....t:7=.1.....f.!.9...:!::'::....f!:;..(;..~'!::::..'!;.~..1....f4:.~..?;;...(/P....:.:.~~!./:;.~~j. i' .4.{Jtt;;...1....t~.'P..l.~...................................................................... . ................................................................................... .. ! r i Ulitntssd~:. That the said party........... of the first part, for and in consideration of the ' sum of.............~............,...........................................~:-::::.:..~..................................................................................Dollars; m.............J~e(....I':~..........................................of the United States of .?1merica, to....~.......in hand I paid b.y the said part!......... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do/Z.... by these presents grant, ,bf!..~~J~.!/E..' 1/)~3j~.~~.~onjirm, unto the said pary-...... of the second part, and to...~.............luirs and tl88ig'!J.s forrn'er, all tk.4:.?::.... certain lo!......, /' /!),t!.'/~~ piece.....or parcel.....of land situate, lying and being in the......::--:..il..~'~I County of....0..~.r.!.q~.............., State of....t!~/...pr.'.~.........m.J.........., and bounded and pa~ticularlY describ~d as follows, to wit :.....4~~...t?....-!!?;'-f...1..:.4:..'!!..../.~..H.~ .~.~....~/!::~4:?...~/5.......(;4D.0::~.....{G<;:!::..../f;t%;7.(!....~...<~..?i!.....1~....~0.~....... I ~~t/7id~~d~~1~::q;/i;'1:fiiE:i~~Ack~~4~~- I :I?I?;;;.~~:.j,,2=~ii;..:.;;;;:ij;,~d:.t~m: --. -- - - _. _......... _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. _.. _......... h. __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __. _ n _... U, h _.... _. _ __. _ __ _ __ _ _. _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __. _ __ _. __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _ n.. un _.. _ __..__.. _............. h __ _ _ __ _ h _ _ On _.... ~~'''~1~t::;-!~~~0''~''=q'~~~==~~:= ..~n.._u._......._.. -_._--.~----- --- ___.__.._.._..... _____________.___.___ _____________._____.__...........___n_..._.n.._nn_....._.....___..__n.....__..... _____.___n__n_n___._____. -__________.._n !---.-.'-------------.-- ..---.. '-..-- .............-- .- ---'-- --..--- .--'-.. ------- /---- - . ....-..--..-----..-..---.--.--..... ...---...--..--..--..-.--.---..-..-...-..-- ------------...--..--.-"--. --- '''--...- ~---------~- ./~. --------. L./L.. ----'""\.._------- .. '---",-- .'\..--.-.--- .~..... - - - - - -. - - -.....""". - - - -. - -"".......... - - - - -- - - -... ........ n..... _ _ _ _. _ n _....... n....n... .___ _ n_.. ..~.. n..... n"....... _ _ n~.......n..... n........ ...n.. _....... __~.~~_..... ... _ _..... ............... .._ _ _ _~.___.. 'iogd~tt' with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there- unto belon,qing, or ill any.,Jlise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, . 'io 1lj(tllt (tub to jijolb all and singular the said premises, togetlzer u'ith the appurtena,nces, unto the said part~u of the second part, and to.....0..~;:......u..u.lt-ei78 and 2-v- l.. (!.L<l .2 tn-? 1-----. fr....... . assifJ ns forever, ...... u.................................. u.......... ... ............ u......... ... .... u. ................ ... .... ........... ... ... ...... ........ ....... u.... ... ....................... h .JIn Witness W~crcof, the said part,...u.... of tile first part lza1........ hereunto set "c~;""hand" and seaL."" the day and year first above written. U ::,"~"nnb~'I.:~"i..lb'~""'''~:"" ~~""CV~4,C,~"4""B ......................................................................................... ........................ ........u........mm Cr()("ker's Blank No. 624.-DEED, BARGAI~ AND SALE. H _ ~. CR.OCKIlR k. Co., Su.u Francisco and Sacramento, Cat On tkis ;2yl:{;' } ss S;;i.th-->ubv' u...in the year one thousand 1\ I 5tate of Qtalifornia, uCounty ofuuS~"kt;:,uCla-~ in and for the said Justice of the Peace, /'lau~ .... u.. upersonlllly appem'ed personally known to me to be the same pel"sonuuwhose nameuu 0 usubscribed to the said witkin iniltrument, and acknowledged to me thatuheuu executed the same. 3n Ulitntz.z l\l~trtof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal, (hmling no seal of office) the da)' and year in this certificate first abOlJe written. 1th:VCvr('I.~/?7uuu.", Justice of the Peace. ---4~, ,. :_ L . I:t ~ t.t ~ I 0 tw ~ I lit " - ~ ~ S ...c'./ , I i I l=.. i -"'J ~ ~ 00 l ~i ~! "'-l! "'-: ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~: ~ :~i , "':: i ,..,.;.; 1:5: ~ : . . "V. -. . . . '-- i 00 ~ ^,--i (i ~i o ....... ~ . "'. . ... i ~ (\.! ^"'i i In : . : "'''''! .. .I: : .... ~:C"\: : ; : := ,"I,. ~ ' ~ ~: ~ '-.] ~ ~.~! ~ . : : ~ I;:l.,~' ~.... i \.~ j ~ : ': ~ ' ~ ..~ ' ... i~! 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