Darmad Corporation 'of . ' /'" RECORDING' REQUESTF.:D BY <~ ;... ,0 .~ ~OOI 798~,- n~~ 59 _ 335U181 ~2- "-v ..." .Ser STATE OF CALIFORNIA } Los Angeles SS, COUNTY OF December 14 1967 .,-- On ", ...;.'...... ". ' before me, the under- '0 ,'s.ii~it;:'i!':~~~l:y:;r!ibiie in. and for said. County and State, personally . .','" .,.",,- i .l;..B BabJ.ch ,"iLpp'elited """ ' . ,.'. .." ,. known '>to me to be th.. Vice' ~~~iql;nt, and ' .' Anthony J. Natl!l:1"e known to me to be ;-;: Assistant Seci-etaiYQf the Corporation that executed the ;:', within Instrument, known tQ,me to be the persons who executed the '.: \', within Instrument on behalf- of: the Corporation therein named, andLrr ,...:....,.,.acknowledged to ~e t.ha.t..s.'.U,Ch. ..CorporatiO!l execl!ted the withil! Instru . > . 'q~1ent pursuant to 1tS hy-Il\,wS .or a resolutIOn of lts board of directors -.... ..- -.-" , :'~:.WlrNESS myr~a!.l.da~QJfrci'l!l seal. /1 ' ":-(S'eal) f (5"; c':.' ,.ey ~) "+</ j;(! '.( .,' . . .......;... ,". ' ... '. .. .. - <') h .. .~ ~. "':v /R..A/ 5~' ita "'e",L",,/~,.ec .' C" -/ crY f::> ~"jY?"Y"';<"-_ _oi;.~::;!"",.' .hlA CARLO RAPMNA p 'E" ,MY ~;g~"a~'ry!e<fib~~#r'R\~\!~er 3, lll~ Notary Public in and for said County and State I Nome Str..t Address City & L Stat. r- Name Street Address City & State L '~ :, .: i \ , __ '~I -,.) r~ U "'j r,FQUEST OF' 1J ' }-/ /J U' ()....o'V ~~~ t/~~O JAH j j 4'1 PM '6B AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO (!::;}!.Ji ,I'd ~ I ,,/1 I IJ ~~ rJ, w rv-J<.". ' 'If- - L, j I o-P~,,~~ It) ~ l~y1- /. c:; . ~ ~. '1S'd-~c.J ~~ OfFiCi/d.: u 110G " 'X~~\. SANTA CLARJ\ COUNTY n(\~'J GEORGE E;,l-OWlES ~ \~ ~YFEE REOORDER rof::>~, .0 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER.NO--E.S..fi MAIL T/.X STATt!Ml!NTS TO -1 AFFIX I.R.S. $ IN THIS SPACE ~ TAX"t)UE TO 406 C I Corporation Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, DARMAD CORPORATION, A a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware hereby GRANTS to CITY OF GILROY the followinl!; described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: For Descr1ption See Exhibit A Attached hereto and made a part hereof In Witness Whereof, said instrument to be executed by its thereunto duly authorized. corporation has caused Vice its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this President and, Assistant S~~eta~y:::: '. " \ lr... I ~ < ~ ." .' I,,,.., ~ \ "'-;.." Dated: October 23, 1967 ---m~--~,: By - / ~, i. :' \; ._ Vice resident" ~ By( . /(,. Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. , . " Portion to be dedicated to the City of Gilroy BOOk 7989 PAG{~'" 60 c.' Application No.'-GY-306087 ", , All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of Colifornia, described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of Leavesley Road, as said line was established by Deed from Dennis De Bell et aI, to the County of Santa Clara, State of California, dated February 14, 1964, recorded May 7, 1964 in Book 6494 Official Records, page 534, Santa Clara County Records, with the Southwesterly line of Murray Avenue (60.00 feet in width), said Southwesterly line of Murray Avenue also being the Southwesterly line of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Sam Garbini et ux, to Gilroy Union High School District, dated June 4, 1957, recorded June 24, 1957 in Book 3828 Official Records, page 310, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point of beginning South 640 40' West along said Southeasterly line of Leavesley Road for a distance of 39.32 feet to a point of cusp; thence Southeasterly along an arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 640 40' East, with a radius of 40.00 feet, through a central angle of 890 01', for an arc distance of 62.15 feet to a point in the said Southwesterly line of Murray Avenue; thence North 260 19' West along said last mentioned line for a distance of 39.32 feet to the point of beginning. lNlrlAl! I). ~,\ p;,t( ()rJ; / t/ . , 10/19/67 TF/pn - aDOK 7989 fAGE 61 'if; CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY DARMAD CORPORATION I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027. page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Darmad CQrDoration of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 23 day of October , 1967 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of January . 19~. the City