Air-O-Fan Products Corporation EASEMENT DEED BCC~ 8330 ~~. 677 NO :tAX DUE. 3b18104 AIR-O-FAN PRODUCTS CORPORATIONt a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, does hereby grant. convey and dedicate to the City of Gilroy, a Municipal Corporation, the right of way and Incidents thereto for a public utilities easement under, upon, over and across that certain real property, In the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara. State 0.." (y _-J< of California. described as: .... ,,~"" BEING a portion of lot 20 as shown on "Map of Henry Miller's Sub- division of Ranch lot No. 23" as shown on map thereof filed for Record In Book "W' of M,ps at page 5, Records of Santa Clara County. California, and being an easement for the installation and mainten- ance of underground utillties under, overt on and across a strip of "c,,~ land 15.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is more particularly l...' d..or,I':::.::I::1 :~:: poInt In the e..terly IIn. of K.rn Avenue r;. '.r.'~-~ l (.hown a. Avenue K on sal d Map). d I. tant thareon S. 1000' w I ;-~i. :z It: 158.02 feet from the Intersection thereof with the northerly t ^ r' line of lot 20. and running thence S.8]018128"[. 513.40 feet, r ~~): ""-I $< g more or less, to a point In the aaaterly line of that certain 5 0 ~ It'~ Parcel of land conveyed to the Air-a-Fan Products Corporation ~ ~ ~ :..., ..0. by Deed recorded In the Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara ~~ co !~ County, File No. 87901, distant thereon S.1004'30'\II. 173.18 ~~ . ~ feet from the northeasterly corner of said Parcel. and also ~ ~ ..... TOGETHER WITH temporary right of way for construction purposes 8 Q "'0. over, on and across a strip of land 15.00 feet In width, the ~~ southerly line of which is the northerly line of the above described easement and extending the full length thereof". c...... _..i "...... r ..; ".'S~:.,~"+,;t.~,,,l.'TNESS WHEREOF t Sa id corporat Ion has caused Its d~!.>"~",~r!Urlftt",~p$crlbed and Its corporate seal to be affixed "..:..;..;.'..'.......'.<:J.;...~W(lf ~ '/..........;'.... . 19'Y. ..//~.... / "..'.....'......"....:.'~!.". tI '...j!?., .....~...... ../'.. ' :.;.#~~i;eiC BY_Z..~'~~ :; ,.~ ~._-; '" ..~--~. ",- t~,,~~ ~:- ~'~~;',;~:~ BYL.. J~ f'" ~ ~. -1<;' ,'>'!i!..;'; t'ii~:~i1i";n~i;~.,.:;;? .. · corporate name to be hereto this I"; day President Sec re tEl ry STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Santa Clara: 51. On th I s ;3 I day of (~)([ 'i-v h <'-/. In the year one thousand nine hundred and ~.}tl .:....--t^ t before me,/f"-r-'-',~- (;", hL,...cll.u, a Notary PublIc In and for the I- County of "" 7'A.'-l4 /7 ..~~ . State of Ca 11 forn I a, res I dIng there In, duly commissIoned and sworn, personally appeared ,7 . known to me to be the //Y~.' I </.....r of the corporat Ion desert bed I nand that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed It on behalf of the corporation therein named, and he acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within Instrument pursuant to Its by-laws or a resolution of Its board of directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed my official seal, at my office In the C,~ r.,tl"l(.Iu'i?.I,;County of ,:.fTi4-,y{.j~~r..q the day and year In this certificate first above written. II< Notary Public In and State of California. I for the County of J/",/-,VN-..(I:h-Lf " OFFICIAL SEAL "~'-1! ARMIN W. BAUCL E ", ]I N\)TARY PUBLIC. (),lIFO'<NI" .i PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ~: ST ANl5lAUS COUIHY l' 1 My Cornrnis~ion Expires Sep'tcrnber 12-. 1972 ! ~- .-'i.~_! / ( ,''\.. . \ &\.i /,..-)eA..o'"",C ( L'Z.; ,./ 'L".,-- ""---- .......... } SS. Santa Clara Co""" of...................................................... 0" this.m....m.l:t.b..........k of.m.......No.y.enW.e.l:m.....m............--in the yeM one thousand nine hund,.ed and..S.ix.t.Y-:::ei.q.ht..... befMe me..mm....mF...m.:6....mYO'O.RHIE.S..m....mm...mm......m.., a Nota,.y Public in and fM ..,;a County and State, ,.esiding thef'ein, duly commissio1Jf/d and SWONI, pef'sonally appeMed W. L. COOKS l I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ! CORf~TION ACKNOWLEDCilMENT. / Form C. A.-5am Hopldna Leqal BOOK 8330 ~c678 -.-.~..-......................................................-....._.-...-............................................--........................-- ..................................................----...........................---..................... known to me to be the..........m......m.........s..~.9..*-~.t.~.r.Y-...................................................--- of the cMPo,.ation described in and that executed the within inst,.ument, iIII'Id also known to me to be the pMson..__.. who executed the within instf'ument on behalf of the co"pOf'ation thef'em named, and ..m.he______ acknowledged to me that such co,.po,.ation execut same. IN WrrNESS WHEREOP 1 have hMeunto.set my hand and aD' e Z..O.D.."~' seal the diI'J . ab~lIe Wf' F. B. OORHIES ... ~. -.2-- .___ ................ ............ .......... ............................................................................A..............._............ NO-rl\~Y PUSLlC NOtMY Public in and fo,. said County and State. Sa n toe' ~ M v C.nl;1;ltU.i~sion, Wlires......... ..?!..~l...??.. .__~tt' :-O.)-;IY, \.':o..1I1r. 1, Calif. BOU\ 8330 ~679 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY A~R-O-FA~ PRODUCTS CORPORATION I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Air-O-Fan Products Corporation of the premises described in the attached 1968 d , an conveyance dated the 31st day of October that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I day of November , 19~o thi s 8th '-- the City \ '.