Beauchamp, M.E. THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 31st day of October 1914, between M. E. BeauChamp, Of the Oounty of Santa Olara, 3tate of California, the party of the first part, and the city of QiIroy, a Municipal corporation, the party of the second part, WITliESSK'l'H: That whereas the City of Gilroy, a Municipal Corpora- tion, is the owner of a right of way for a pipe line to convey water from the UV8.S creek through the property of the party of the first part in the selia Rancho, in the county of Santa Olara, state of California, .AND WHEREAS the s9id City of Gilroy wishes to la.y a new pipe through the property of the party Of the first part and abandon its old pipe line, WOW THEREFORE the said party of the first part does hereby grant unto the said party of the second part the right to lay and maintain a water pipe thrOugh the property of the party of the first part in the Rancho Solis, and along the course for a new water main shown in the Map herewith annexed and made a part hereof. Tha party of the second. par t agrees to lay the new we. tar pipe through the premises of' the party of the first part doing as little damage as is possible thereby, and agrees to leave the ground free of rooks and rubbish when the work of laying said water pipe is completed. a.no in consideration of the grant to it made, the party of the second part does hereby agree not to diAturb the one inch water pipe of the party of the first part now oonneoted with the water main of the party of the seoond part, near the t~estle, and does agree to plaoe a one inch fauoet near the bottom of its new water main, at a point in front " of the dwelling of the party of the first part for the use and convenienoe of the said party of the first part, and does hereby grant unto the said party of the first 11 part the right to the water from said one to be used by the said party of the first and from said faucet inoh PiPe)\said water part, her sucoessors and assigns, for domestio and cooking purposes, for watering stock and for irrigating flowers and vegetables raised for domestic use to be used on the premises. ~he old pipe line Of the party of the second part through the premises Of' the party of the first part shall be abandoned as soon as the new pipe line is laid. The map hereto annexed and made a part hereof shows the old -;pipe line and the oourse to be taken by the hew pipe line. IN WI'l'NESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first par't. naB hereunto set her hand, and the eaid })aT'ty o:f' the second pS1't has caused its Oorporate name to be hereto subsoribed and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed by its Kayor and Oity Olerk, the say and year herein first written. f/r-tzd G:f l?fJ~' 'fo~~ ~~c. ~. J;7.rr;~ /&_4lll~/~~ Er' By. . . )fu~- '..yC)r ~ StaCo:~~ Clara. i S& ON THISmI;!...~.....day ot.~ in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred an, . ......... . before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary Public in and for said f Sa t CI 'd' ther n duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared............................. ....................... County 0 n a ara, reSI mg , ,- .......... '.. .............. ..... "/lh4;" ..... ...../tt... ...y:f?....,.:j;;;).......... ...../.~............ ... ........................ ............................... ........ ......... ..l::"~~.,.................................................................................... _................................. ............... ..........._................... .... .0 ..... " ........................................................................... ............ .......... ....... ........ ......... ......... ..~.~~::~.~~.~.~~.~~~.~~;:~..................~~seribed in, whose name..'/...{.;U......subseribed to and who executed the annexed instrument, an ..he..... acknowledged to me that (.k.:he..... executed the same......................... IN WITNESS WHEREOF,,' I hav~nto ~ha at my office in the County ara . ......... . ., ... ............ In and for the Cou St~~~tyC~f~~~ Gara, } 55. ON TBIS...j.}1.....d.V :t~., in tho year One Thousand Nine Hundred a ... _.... .. before me, WALTER G.FIrZGERALD..:t /NotaiY ~~'c in n for said County of Santa CIa, residing the n, duly commissioned and sworn5e o'lally appeared~.d::u../I~............ ........~..... .-..----.-..E~,.. . .....u..;Z1.._.._...___~no~n tOJ~ t.h>>!~( ...... .. ....u..........~.....~... .. ~---_.__.-_.- :~.and that exe~~--~i~~~~~.~~;jE:~ me ..~~..._~~:~::~~~..~~~~~;~-~ o:O::~:i:~ the corporation therein named and.:t:h~..acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHFoREOF, I have ereunto set my affixed my otlicial seal, .t mv om" in the Co.~~~.: ii . ~::;,~~tr:~.t: In and for the County of santa Clara, State of Callfornla ~-