Beno, John and Jean 6849083 -# NO FEE PER GC SEC. 6103 F I L E [-, i: (; F:' C ;:. D AT!; UE.C,II>.i;=- C'v"EP ~L;r:; In ""I"' f'l ~oO .; . '-' ~.;; c.. I U (,.,.. , \:).' (' r SPACE ABOVE TH'~~:NE'pOR RE~ORDER'6 USE (j DEED OF RIGHT OF WAY Jom1..f.M~<::;):$dl?~NQ ANPd;r~ANdw..~ 13,E:.N.O (NAME OF GRANTOR) grants to the City of Gi 1 roy , a political subdivisioll of the State' of California, for public street and road purposes a Right-of-way alld Easement ill, over, under, upon and across all that real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, Stale of California, describ,;d as follows: .....-....-....----.....-.-......., Beginning for reference at a Standard County Monument set at the centerline intersection of Murray Avenue (a 66 ' right of way) and Las Animas Avenue (a 66' right of way) as said monument and avenues are shown upon a map of Tract No. 4797, "Luna Estates" ~::~:~e:e~:r::~k 286 of Maps, page~~~d 11, Santa Clara thence along the centerline of the bef~ .' ned Las Animas Avenue, 5670 43 'W, 33.00 feet to the True.p~,~~~.~eginning; thence continuing along said cente.cliJl(~ S670't(~;".~;l21.77 feet; thence leaving said centerline 5220 1.7 'E, 33.00 ~et A~Oin. t on the southerly right of way of the before ment10ne~ '. s Avenue; thence along said right of way N670 43'E, 621.8 f t; thence leaving said right of way N220 20'W, 33.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Murray-Beno Las Animas Avenue 9/10/80 executed this Deed on IN WITNESS WllEREUF, tlt(' said OWller(s) ha ..,~, ,(. i ( .\.. 1 ~",; \ // / \a~,#.Ca:'- t'/-v.' 1-0_ L~. I /:~ . . " /'-- . _.. ..'~~. ,t.,. _...._~~ -41. _ _. (OWNER) ( OWN~:R) The undersigned, Trustee under Santa Clara Counly Records, hereby to the easement herein conveyed. . ), ( OWNER) (OWNER) Deed of Trust recorded ill Book Official Records, page ..__u.., joins in, COllsellts to, and subordinates its rights under said Deed of Trust (I ndividual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, (TRusn:t:) luta Clara County of On this 17 day of Sept ,,~\::,'*...:~~ OI'FIUAL SEAL . ~\)~ Sdndra V o!en i i ~,.~ ~f;" .,t~"'!l ' J ".:';'} NOTARY ~UBLlC CALlFC,RNIA, . <;.;~'.';~7 PRINCIPAL OFF!CE IN THE S 11 ',<~ l;uuNIY OF ~ANTA CLARA ~ jI~, tvly CUfllmi:.sioH [XpiCl.IS J\lno 10, !9ti3 }? ~~..)Q~~oooi~ Ls. \ UI the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty bdore lilt., Sand,ra Valen:t:i , a Notary Public, Slate of California, duly commissioned and sworn, pt~rsonally appeared John Fr<;ll1cis Bell,O and Jei;l.n W. EenQ known to me to be the person swhose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledg"d to me thad:. heY execut~,d the same. IN W I TN ESS W HE REO I" I have hert:unto set illY hand and affixed my official seal III the County of ye!lof ill this c;ertificat" {int ahov" written. . . (' {.../".J., (.:'t.~ ,.4::.'..0. // 01-(: Notary Public, Stat" of Califolllia. Sl\N:r~5LARA . t:~., ,Ie' ,({:C" the day and Cowdtl-Y'S [f'onn No_ J-l --(Acknowlc::di!:ll1cut Gellt:ral) (c. C. St.'Co J lH9) My COIIIlllission Expires 6/10/83 (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of On this day of Ls \ III the year one thousand nllle hundred and before me, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , a Notary Public, knowlI to me to be the of the corporation described in and that exenlted the within instrlllll"nt, and also known to me to, be the penon who execult~d tht, within instrument on hehalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged 1.0 me thai such corporation executed the same I N WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offical seal in the County of year in this certificate first ahove written the day alld Notary Public, State of California. (Partnership) STATE OF CALI FORNIA My Comlnission Expires County o[ GI9144 ~ ss. On bdore IlIe, the undersigned, a NotalY Public in and for said State, personally appeared kllown to me to he of the partners of the partnership that ,'xecuted the within IlIslrlllllent, and acknowledged to lIIe that sllch parlllt'rship executed the salll<'. WITNESS my hand ami official seal. Signature Nallle (Typed or Printed) My COllllllission Expires .. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY JOHN FRANCIS BEND AND JEAN "oJ. BENO I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by John Francis Beno and Jean W. Beno of the premises described In the attached conveyance dated the 17th day of September , 19~. and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. 19th day of September have hereunto set '----') 86/ . 19/_0/ / ,,/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, of the City of Gilroy.