Bickell, Milton and Henrietta Cecil
, '2- J" {to ",,-. r: r 5
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BOOK 2 39 9 PAGE:5 c.: 4
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Application No.........................
~rant 1!lttb 3Jnbibibual
the /irst part i e s ,hereby GRANT TO
City of Gilroy, a ~lnicipal Corporation
the second part y , all that real property situated in the
City of Gilroy
Counry of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows:
Above space for Recorder
A right of way over a strip of land of a uniform
width of 5.00 feet being a portion of the Las Animas
Ranch Lot 16 according to Hap !lTo. ? accompan.y-ing the
report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho
Partitlon Slllt, .11.ction No. 5536, had in the Superlor
Court of the state of California, in and for the County
of Santa Clara, and more particularly described as
Cornmencinr; at the most easterly corner of Lot 13 as
shown on the Nap of Tract 165 "Sunset Park", as the same
appears of record in the Office of the County Recorder
of the County of Santa Clara in Book 5 of Maps at pages
28 and 29, and running thence in a south,,!esteItr direction
along the southeasterly line of said Lot 13, 45.00 feet;
thence at right 3ngles in a north1..vesterly direction 5.00
feet; thence at right angles in a northeasterly direction
to the northeasterly bO'lmdary line of said Lot 13 and
thence in a southeasterly d irecti on along said bOlmdary
line to the point of beginning.
This easement and right of way is granted to the
party of the second part for the installation, maintenance
and repair of se'ATer lines, water lines and other public
utility lines over, lmder, on in said strip of l8.nd,
all of v!hich lines and utilities shall be laid, illEdntained
and repaired so as to interfere no more than is reasonably
necess:::.ry with the surface of the srOlmd ,9.nc1 the 11se
thereof by the llarties of the first part, the~r heirs,
successors, and assigns.
hand S
7.1- ~
day of October ,19 51
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i:i,t'JT!~::;.;~~~J;,... October ,19 51....oK =. SYDNEY S. JOHNSON
a Notary Public inj~{ttff,;}~i#.~~W;~d State"personally appeared MILTON I. BICKELL and HENRIETTA
CH"C TL na;tf~~;~~\',~J'~~:i~\fe
- - ..1j).3;~-7f;.",:;,(;;/I" <'~~~~". known to me to
be the pers()q,~r~:.(;:.~~~~~~~~iS,'i.~~l? subscribed to the foregoing in rument, and acknowle ed t me that they executed the same.
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oertify th,at, the. annexedeopyot !l8$olut1,on M$, been com,pa:red br me wlth.
and :ts ,~tru.e and correct e,:)p" of th0 whole sueh Resolntjon duly
adopted at ~nd app$!lring n..mong, the officia.l mlnut€H3 of the ,r'JIlgu.Jar flHUtttnr
of th.. :zrmn:l<.uon C ,:ru.rW:i.l of $'J.d. City (}f O:!l:r':)J~ held ')n the ~,~""'jii'~yr of
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I, P. A. COX. CJj;:y Cltzrrk o!. the C:1~y .)f 11"0;,1'. <1:> ber~b:l . (u'nity
that the Cpmmon Cuunc11, pf -3" 1d ....ity 01," U1lroy', .at a r12'guur m6ffting held
on tbe_1r,(_do.y of' /': 'c;'_f 195~, th~ ti;?~~4~iicQn'"
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