Bollenbacher & Kelton, Inc. (3) 1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY t 596523 3596523 ,,-', '."" TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. GY 320087EL 786-33-14-4 BCC~ 8'190 ~G397 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Jf.WMT~~~ Nome r City of Gilroy 10 South Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 1 RECORDED AI fHe Kt~JEJI Uf Title Insurance and Trust Com"3ilV i" , City & Stat. L ~ APR 8 1969 {lCJO x\ J / GEORGE E. FOWLES, Re~d;-AM r tt' SANTA CLARA COUNTY. OffiCI!., KLiJK.)S SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDE 'DQG~ ~~ Street Address MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO Name r same as above 1 Street Address City & State L ~ AFFIX $ I.R.S. AB~ none Corporation Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITL.E INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY TO 406 CA (12-66) 786-33-14-4 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, BOL-LENBACHER & KELTOT'J, INC. a corporation organized under the laws of the state of California hereby GRANTS to CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, an easement under, over, on and across the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: Being a portLm of Lot 7 as shovm on lIHap of a Subdivision of the Lands of S.P oFine in the Solis Rancho'.' Santa Clara County J Califom iall recorded in Book "F_2lt of Maps, atpage 46, Records of Santa Clara County, and being an easement for the installation and maintenance of an underground drain line and overhead electrical lines under, over, on and across a strip of land 6.00 feet in width, the Westerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: BEGIm1ING at a point in the Northerly line of Lot 7 distant thereon South 890 50' West 1710.25 feet from the Northeasterly corner thereof in the centerline of MOrey Avenue and running thence South 00 10' East 270000 feeto ~eA(. \ In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and.,ih-is,ll)stru; ment to be executed by its President and .:(\:~,~ier:l'ry '<, -' .- thereunto duly authorized. :,:/' Date. , March 11 , 196 9 BOt;:~lffiACHER--<L ~ T~!';"~i'lC . STATE OF CALIFORNIA } By ~:,: ~1;fL COUNTY OF Los Angeles S5. ~.. / / .,/'/;iy, -: _ President \.," On M9'Y'ch 3', ] 969, before me, the under- By ~eP1E-l-16:/ /\. ~/i~t/'';'~/ > S~cretary signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Lou is L. KA 1 ton , known to me to be the Richa.rd KAl ton .. President, and known to me to be OFFICIAL SEAL Constance R. Irving Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS ~ aad offidal '~ ~ _ S""'~', 4!~" ?1 L.C.::!.\\'..i\.~i':';_L~: (>~~;;.~r( My C0iiirni3sLill E~p!rcs i-Lv. 23, 1972 ~ ~ - -- ---...... ---........... NorMC: P't"Lk' . '>\,"'.HI,;;' ~ r:;':;:i'~I,';l?/U~ Ol-:-f-!':;~-_._ ~ ___J Name (Typed or Printed) (This area fo}' official notaria.l tlt'al) Title Order No. GY 320087EL Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE BOCK 8490 rG398 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROV BY BOLLENBACHER & KELTON, INC. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, ata regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said / City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Bollenbacher & Kelton, Inc. of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 11 th day of March , 1969 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereu~;~et my hand this 4th · 19 tl'//~~/J- ro Md (<PT~Od > \...~...../>C i ty Admi n Is trator of the City of Gilroy. day of Apri 1 Re:GY 320087 EL 786-33-14-4 \ '.