Brandt, Henry and Elizabeth A. THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 28th day of July, 1914, between Elizabeth A. Brandt, and Henry Brandt, her hus"and, both of the county of Santa Clara, state of oalifornia, the De.rties o~ the forst part, and the City of Gilroy, a mtlnio1pal oorporation, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said parties of the first part, for and in oonsideration of the s~~ of Ten Dollars to them in hand paid by the party of the seoond part, and in oonsideration of the oovenants hereinafter contained do grant unto the party ~f the seoond part the right to ent~ on the land desoribed in deed of Elizabeth A. BtU'den, a widOW, to Jiaizabeth A. Burden, dated July 28th, 1905, and recorded in the office of the Oounty Reoorder of the oounty of santa Olara, state of Oalifornia, in BOok 414 of Deeds. at page 587. for the purpose of boring a well or wells for the purpose of furnishing water for the city of GilrOY. It is understood that if the wells dug and bored by the said party of the second part be failure for the reason tha.t s1iLfficient wa.ter for the purposes intended be not secured, and they be abandoned by the sa.id party of the second part. it will leave the o9.sing therein and not withdraw the same. If the well; or wells be a suocess and 'he maintained by the City of Gilroy for the purpose of furnishing water to the said Oi ty of GilrOY the fl8.id Oi ty of Gilroy shall have the per- petual right to the water of said wells and the right to enter on the premises hereimbefore referred to for the purpose of maintaining the same and operating a punlping ntation thereon, and in considerati4n thereof said city of GilrOY will furnish to the said parties of the first part and their suocessors in interest sufficient water to irrigate the bottom lands of the premises hereinbefore referred to, containing about 9 or 10 acres the same to be planted to alfalfa or fruit trees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parties of t.he first I13.rt have hereunto set their hands, the day and year herein ~1rst written. 4nJJ1 G.~ 7(,//J~t# ............d-o State of California. f ,t( County of Santa Clara. 81::.:8, ON THIS........g.K...~.....daY Of~..... ...~........ ................ in the -- / year One Thousand Nine Hundred and. ......... . .J. before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, otary ublic in and for said County of Santa Clara, residing ther , duly commissioned and sworn, per~nal1y appeared............................. ....................... tL~. ..... ";1'" ...~. ...................................7/. . "'1Z;'~" ................ ...........i;;;... .....~... ......... ........ .... ....'.......................0 .0. .......... ............................ ..........................::.....................~~..............................:...'..........:.........:;............. known to me to be the perso~...described in, whose name.a.!....4-(.U.(,...8ubscribed to and who executed the annexed instrument, and lle.y acknowledged to me that -:J:,he.lf.. executed the same.. ..................................... ................ .....:... .................. ........ I " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he nro et my hand and affixed my official seal, .t my _. in the County of ..~..t~.. ear Iaot ebov writt.... II- . ...... ~ +=' ~ I .r ......', I . ~:::-..: (I) v- 1-- Q c~ I n' I !,- . . ....- ,,- Q..:'J ....I 1111 +=' ..q.I ~ ~ _..J 1'1 C Eof "d . ...... ;U ~: ,j QC ~ :>. 0) 1-- ~ 1',':'\ LIJ :z; '" 0 r-l I c::J & .c: ~ ~ N ..i l*iI +=' .. .... ce I Q -.-I -.-I ex) - ::!l . ~ 0 ~ 1_,"._ I L&.. >" c:; 0, Q < ~ -' \:J c::J II: l*iI ~ =.: ...I .c: 0 r.::-..:l , ~ ::! , ~ , QC l"'l +=' , I - (I) :>. '-:> ~ I LIJ ~ r .... J:C: .0 ~ , ....I ~ I ~ ..-l , < c; l~ 0 .. --- I == ~ "d c..l.} , I (I) .." I >- oCt u I L_\) p;:; ~ j::l 'I ;.;: