Breen, Mary J.
THIS INDENTURE, ]\Iade this ,;t,~ day of June, 1923, by
MAllY .J. RRRRN, the party of the :first part. and
CITY 0:;.; GI:LHOY, a municipal corporation, the party of the second
part, WI'rNFSSETH:
That the said party of the first part, f'or and in con-
sideration of the stUn of Ten Dollars <$10.00) lawf'n] money of the
Unit.eel States of' AIuerica, to her in hand paid by the said party of
the second part, the rec,eipt whereof' is hereby acknowledged,
does by t.hese presents grant. unto the said City of' Gilroy the
right to lay and ma:ln tuin a sewer on t.ha t certain pieec and parcel
of' land situate in the City of' Gilroy, County of Santa Clara,
sta te of' Calif'orn:la, bound.eel and. particularly described. as f'ollows,
Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of' Sub-Lot
35-A. in the part.ition of Rancho Las Animas in the City of Gilroy,
County of Santa Clara, state of California, distant thereon
one hundred anel fift;y (150) feet Westerly f'rom the point of inter-
section of the Westerly line of HannaStreet. with the Northerl;r line
of' said Sub-Lot 35-A, aml running thence Southerly and parallel
with the W~sterIJ' line of Hanna street to the southerly line of
said Sub-Lot 35-A; toeether with the right to enter the said
premises at all times f'or the purpose of maintaining and repair-
inG the said sewer system.
IN WITNESS WHEHlIDF,the said party of' the "first part
"'~as hereunto set her hancl the day and year herein first written.
CZfr>~/} . fi~ '.
County ~ntereY
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beJoreme, GUY J. PEDRONI. a Notary p.K:n and Jorthe~ountY oj Monterey, perllonally appeared""."""".".."."..."".""""."".".,....""""."".."..""..
. Known to me to be the !Jerllon."",,,who:re name:.""",,,...,,,~..,,..,,,,..lIubllcribedto the within
i1llltrument. and"~.,,dulY ac/enowledged to me,....,&ze"..."" executed the lICU7Ie.
I N WIT NESS WHEREOF. I harJe hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal,
at my office in the County oj Monterey, the day and year in thill certijicatejirllt.abooe written.
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