Breen, Mary J. (2)
THIS INDENTURE, Made this 22nd day of August, 1923, by
Mary J. Breen, the party o:f the :first part, and the City of Gil-
roy, a municipal corporation, the party o:f the second part,
WITNESSETH: That the party o:f the :first part, for and
in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) law:ful money o:f
the United States o:f America to her in hand paid by the party
o:f the second part, the receipt whereot' is hereby acknowledged,
does by these presents grant unto the City o:f Gilroy the right to
lay and maintain a storm sewer in accordance with the plans there-
for prepared by Henry B. Fisher, City Engineer of the City o:f
Gilroy, and now on :file in the o:f:fice o:f the City Clerk o:f the
City o:f Gilroy, said sewer to be laid inmlediately south and para-
llel to the Northerly line o:f Lot Number Eleven (11) in Block
TwO (2) South, Range Four (4) West of the City of Gilroy, as the
same is shown on Map No.5 and its amendments accompanying the
report of the referees in the partition suit of Henry Miller et
al vs. Massey Thomas et aI, in the Superior Court o:f the County of
Santa Clara, state o:f Cali:fornia, and as close to said Northerly.
line as said sewer can be laid without disturbing :fences.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the :first part has here-
unto set her hand the day and year herein first written.
~~ Q. f3~
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On this.......25.tb .............................
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,.................,..........,.....G.:r..o.m.~................... one thoU8and nine hundred and....t.Vle _
County oj...Sau Be ..l.. .........., a Notary Public in d
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known to me to ~~. .;~. .... ~~;.......... ........... ................. .... ............................................................. .... '" '" .... '" .....................
and she P on........whose nam is .............
................duly acknowledged to me t s e........................subscribed to the wit~~~...:...................
IN WITNESS WH hot........he........executed the s ~nstrument,
EREOF I ha ame.
?t m~ office in the.............. ' ve hereunto set my hand
~n tins certificate first abo.v..........:..County oj...........S.a.n .B"'nit and affixed my oJ!icia1 Beal
e~~ ..~ .0 '
~. . .........................the day and year
............................................................ ...... ......~....... L],
Cowdery'.. Form . 34- NOTAR.y..puiiiL...'.C........
. (AcknOWledgment G ..........................................................
eneral) In and for the
........................................COunty Of................$.gn.....J?..~;g..:1,.:t 0
..................... State of California.
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