Byers, Justin W. and Geraldine C. 1 ,.' ""M?; ":n n.'mt' ,I' ~. ;'l'I:ttt ,I "'" ~\ _ U il'tCJ[" "". ,) fd:t 3~ '/ ~raut mrr~ JUSTIN W. BYERS and GERALDINE C. BYERS, his wife, first parties, ~rant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, second party, the real property situated in the County of Santa Clara , State of California, described as follows: Aright of way over a strip of land ten (10) feet wide being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 16 according to Map No. 7 accompanying the report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition suit, Action No. 5536, had in the superior Court of the state of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and more particularly described as follows: .. COMMENCING at the most northerly corner of Tract No. 165 ~ "Sunset park" recorded in Book 5 of Maps, at pagf!s 28 "fJ; and 29, Santa Clara County records, said point being also , on the southeasterly line of Fourth street; thence along the northeasterly line of Tract No. 165 S. 20000' E. 153.00 feet to the preatses of K. L. and A. Petersen; thence.. along the said premises No. 70000' E. 10.00 teet; thence parallel to the said northeasterly line N. 20000' W. 153.00 feet, to the southeasterl~ line ot Fourth street; thence along the said line S. 70 00' W. 10.00 teet to the point of beginning. This easement and right of way is granted to the party of the second part for the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer lines, water lines and other public utility lines over, under, on and in said strip of land, all of which lines and utilities shall be laid, maintained and repaired 80 as to interfere no more than is reasonably DXOC~i.~ti::~t~.~~~~.~~\..:t~~~~./~ih;~;..g~~;:?..:~g.c':::O;:'~"':~~~:'~';'1~~S~'~'~""""""""'" Dated: Nice, France, May 31, 1951. /1/' il:::::../".<; ) ~ .___.___~/A/..ut..'"" ~____(_~':_'~, ".~"-_l______________.._....._............._..... ~~/\ " r to \.l' t2i-<~~~>-~U~:u~~:~UUU f, ' "',. :~ ' ~ '. ,{ , - ' ,~. . STATE OF CALIFORNiliAGf w~ sa t ..h.___uohhh___uoh.COUNTY e91'iSULATt ~~ :::~:;TEa STATES (55. ._n_.Uh _uu._____..n_~_'~.._ _._n_._n__n .nn. __ ..n __n..__._n_ ..:.;.....~~'-.. _.__nn_.~_ _c~!;.;. '.__n_ _n.___.'_ On______uoMaY..uot.hir.tY-_""....f_ir_s.t_.,._uol9.5.luo"'_.,._""..,...~.~_""_ before me, __:;"li.1li_am.m_H_.._B.a.t~_s...-,..Vi-c__eh---GQ.:r,1S w1ta~f X'liJiIitimmr:aKan~___the____Uni,t_e_d____S_t.at.e.s.,__~n~r c a ~te, personally appeared.__....Jus_ti.nuoW......ny:~r_s....~_nd_..h__ __Ge:r_a_ld_im.L__G_.___.By_ers.....~.~.~.~_~~_~.~~.~_:::.~_~_:':_~.~.~_- RECORDING DATA ~8' 26- t- ~1 , '0 j · ....18. if ....;...., .'. - . a. ,..~. , 1 ..~. 9S .S'$~~~-~-:::~-::.::-::.:,.:::.::.,:,:,.~-::::-~:::-.~.~-::.~.::-~.~-~.-:':. - ~ FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF ) " ~./' ,~c ><""'(.-<:1 ;-/ l'liAR 17. !!1--1......-L~ 17 ~ 1952 ".....{..... ~mo1lt1.KX /-,,~~w- FORM t-A~ TLE INSURANCE COMPANY 11 i i .Q. .Ii 1L 1'. .1 ~ I Jl i. L r"rl r . ~'\fJlt ~~. ~~~' "i ~.' iJ.. I.. . "~I. ~,Il ,U,j ~ili. '",. ',1'4. BE IT m~SOLVED by the Hayor and Common Council ot the City of Gilro3'. that said City of G:ilroy hereby a.coepts the attached conveya.noe "" and consents to the reeorf:ation thereof t PAS::}ED, A?PIWVED AND ADOP'l"ED this.. J 8tb ,day of' ~epb:n:l'1be" ~ ,1951 t at a regular meeting of the COI;l!!l[;}n Counoilor the City of Gilroy. A l"ES : COUNCIU,rEl-i; Thomas, Pate, Mason aId Wentworth N OF...s . COtTNC:rLNEN~ None ABSENT t COUNG J: Ii ,EN i Daniels OYE;]) I /;T . @ n. '~i yor QU:'fM .~ c~r~:tlICA~~ It P. A. COX, t.hlS! C Jty Clerk ot t!1.G 01 ty or Gilroy,. do here bT cer'c1fy that the annexed copy of' Resolution has been compared by roe with, a.nd 1s a tru.e an4 correct copy ')f the whole of such Ii.solution d.uly a40pted at and appeari.ng among the official minutes of the rei,;Ular meeting of the C'::lmon Council ot ~~1d C:i.ty of Gilroy held on the .18th,~~,~~!I:"ffl~;,> september l.-151. ./..",...,L. ".', :, I L.... . 1. . rf , ,,' /.:.,>:!.\>.., - ,_.c'''' , '1.,-' ,~},,:-.,,-,- - ,'~ City Cl"~ ~~~~Qt G1IroYt~+ County of Santa. Cla~.J.atateot - California. '~[ .~-'l . ~~gl;~ts C~~TIFr\(A~ I, P. A. COXC1ty Clerk of the City 01' Gilroy, do hereby'<,~rtlf1 that the Common CouncIl of said Cit;y of Gilroy, at a. r(:;gu,lar~.~~liJ\.~ld on the 18t~ ...day of,. ,qe"Ilte,IJ'lbe;: ._, 195'1, acoepted the :ro~~~~~:~;;~ij~~/_ veyar.ee and cenaented tf') tIle recordation thersQt ../':';:,<>:" ............. .', .~. "if'.\'~~~.::::~.;}: · cIty er {) County of Santa. CalUolm1a. 'i"''.l,'i'-: -r>;; .