Coleman, Mary E. - , . ." ~e:CORb'NG REQUESTf::b BV NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 7470682 CITY OF GI LROY I I ~ILe FORRE.oo.RD . ., u~s~~ SfP ZI 09 ~M ,~ '~EP Z '1982 OFF!~CIAI,~~~~OJtDN\Y . t~. ~'\HH REil\S'iRAIt RECORDER ....0 wMt.. ""eolOoto ....,.. TO ~. rOIU\l of ~Hro\l s".., Add,... I City & S'O,. L 7351 Rosanna Street, P. O. Box 66 GILROY, CALIFORNIA 95020 --.J MAIL fA. STAffMfH'n TO No",_ H 0341',~G~ 594 S".., Addr... City .. Sla'. L. -1 I ABOVE THIg LINE FOA AECORDER'S U~E Indlvidti~t Gtant Deed TO Ig23 eA 112,74) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS AP'" The undetsigned grantor(~) declare(s): DocumentArY transfer tax is S ( ) computed on full value of lJroJlerty con\'eyed. or ( ) comJluted on full value Ie!!!! value or liens and encumbrance!! remaining at time ot 8afe. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City or , ahd FOR A V AtUABtE CONStOERATION. receipt ot which is ~ereby .cknowled~J. Mary E. Co 1 emah hrt'by GhANT(S) to City of Gilroy the following dt'!lcribed real property ilt the County of S~nt~ Clara City of G 11 r~y , State of California: BtlNG a portion of Lot 2 as shown on "Map or the ~llz~beth H. MartIn Tract", whIch map was filed for record on October 20, 1894 in Book flF" of Maps at page 131. Records of Santa Clara County, CalifornIa, and being an easement for the construction ahd maintenance of publIc roadway ahd utilities over, under, on ahd acroSS the fol1owln~ described parcel of land: I BEGINNING at the corher common to Lots 1 and 2 In the southeast~rly tihe of leaves ley Road, as shown Oh saId map, and runhihg thence along saId south- easterly line N. 650 181 14" f:. ~lO.96 feet; thMce leClvlng s~ld southeasterly . line S. 61046' 21" w. 607.72 feet to a poiht In the line commol1 to saId lots 1 3nd 2; thence along said common line N. 310 23' 50" W. :31.69 feet to the potht of beginning. Dated "7 /7 ~' ", ;) - '"\ ,;)... .J ,J.. .../ .I" ~ f'_'~ (/: / "" "" 7- J I.",' 'iJ ~"'V-r ".o.,,?-1.._ stAtE OF r.ALtFOR~TA '. , }ss. COUNTY OF . v"f ~;~2 On :.A u& thJ- ;l 3) J '1 J ' h~f ore me, t he uMll~r. .ip:nrrl. It Notnry PlIhli" in nml for ~Ai<l S'At~. fll'roonnlly nppl'nrNI (hard E. c<> le..mtt.;J , known 10 me to he lh~ p!'roon_whoo~ nam!' L<) ~lIh."rlhl'<lI" th~ within inotrllm~nl an<l acknowlf'<lp;f'r1 that ,~ l'll!'CIIl!'d Ih!' oam!', "'ITNESS my hono an,1 offidol geo1. e" OFFICIAL SEAL \ ... IDA ABELSON \ . NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ( AlAMEDA COUNTY .' My comr.1. ex~~~:. l~I Slp;nlllllre ~dcJ~ ''',1. ._ rn. ."'_,., MII,I., ....1I Till" f)rrlf'r No. m .F.~rrow or T .onn No. MAlt TAX !;TAUMf'NT!; M I'JIRf'CTf'D ^"OVr: . .... - . .... .- >- W ..J (f) lU > <f W ..J W. J. t..h.NNA & ~.. t:tvl\. !...,........ AN" 'U_'WI,tt.. 01\ "0. . "'rH.Lf.l'. I ! f: 30' 30 Q ct o cr f\J ~ \0 . 01 ~ o o 10 - to I- . Z ?; . t W UJ : ~ N ~ U1 . - Vl 1.0 <t 'It . ill OJ · - ). 1.0 . <7 If) ~ Ul lD 0 i d o cr ~7.G9 HOJ4:l,!G:595 L o T 2 M l~ P. Y ,.. ......... ,...... ~ ^- ~ 1 1:":, .. 1.... \...' L. ::':. !'/i f ~ :', e I-//-/f-1X)7 11,435 SQ.Fr. N.3." 23' 50" w. Orlq.Lot Cor. , L 0 i ROADWAY EASEMENT po~t'oN or: Lor 2 ELltAar:rl-t H. MA~tlN i~Act Bbo~" r::' bF MAPSI~i\GI: f!f sANTA clA~A toU~rv. CALtr:. , J A N U A R If, 1 9 e ~ 5 C ALE; lob ~ --__.....,'.-.......- t".,. 1<",.. NO ___. _, . 1~26 . _.. _ ). . ...e . . ,.- H034f',~GE596 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY ~1ARY E. COLH1AN I. the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council. a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. in Book 7027. page 228. I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by t,1a ry E. Co 1 ema n of the premi ses described in the attached conveyance dated the 23th day of August , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of September the City of Gilroy.