Conrotto, Enrico and Carolina .. -~- .. ..... Dnn11238~ 1 p;6E1u3 Application NO......ID'-\ln~~.... . ~'82" Cf1 , Due' -- I.R.S. ~rant 1!\ttb 3lnbibibual BOOK2381 F+;6EIU3 FILED FOR RECORD .A ',- n'" Q' . ,.,~, n- .\ i ~',..-; 0 ," I u r ENRICO CONROTTO and CAROLINA CONROTTO, his wife, the first part ie s ,hereby GRANT TO CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, .rf_~-<r q~R ,? (f J I' i", ! f/'- ." .. . ~ ,,--. ; /.. ft.-. ~'''''''-r .... Pin:::'") , }" ( 1''1 i..~"'; L the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy /'-l", "- County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Above space for Recorder A right of way of a strip of land 10 feet wide, being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot 10, according to Map No. 7 accompanying the final report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action ~o. ;;36, had in the Superior Court of fhe State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being further described as follows, to-wit: COMMENCING at a point in the, easterly line of Miller Avenue, distant theraon Northerly 160.4; feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of Miller Avenue with the northerly line of Fifth street; and running thence North 700 East along the dividing line between the premises of grantors and Downhour 50 feet; thence at right angles in a southerly direction 10 feet: thence at right angles in a southwesterly direction and at a uniform distance of 10 feet-from the said dividing line between the said premises of DownhC'ur and grantors, 50 feet, and thence at. right angles to the point of beginning. This r1ght of way is granted for the purpose o~ and shall be used for, the laying, installation, maintenance and repair of sewer and water lines and other public utility lines over, under, on and across the said strip of land; any such lines shall be so laid as to interfere as little as possible with the use of the land by the grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns. . :--.. WITNESS our hand S this /l~ day of .;., 19 ;0 ~4t-!L;:f.d::;...........:..~~.................. t" V ~. Z?: ~ .... .) "2--" -. .. .::"...(Ut:-::k..~. .:~~...... ..':1:l::Z~..'k....... .. ........... ....................e......e......e.............................................e...........ee............................ ': u;; ~ , 19 $' (), before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON CONROTTO and CAROLINA CONROTTO, his wife, ~1t'JT:~~2;:':f a NotarY?:1J?~t~~'j'ii~~in6~;;;;ld County an .~.,f,.S~,'(!!y:,'~' .,' '>l';~;\':" . "'_.' '.._. ,. .<'i: .i:', . "~.{-, ," ;.... ,.,,',,;' -"."..." ".'-,.".. be the I'~@~':S Whose:&.~:-$ are -._'.:~~:'\.,: '< ">"-'.'" -~ "/~:~'..,f:.;;.'/.;;:".:j'"., . J . -' ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ g ~ Q,) ') ~ .: 0 cu (): : ... = P;s eri : "'C ns .-t ~ ' V .... -.. ':V =1-< U ," : "'C fn ~ a s::s : ,~ =: ~ ~ 'S' -'! ,a : -s '" _ ~ .~ : :- Q,)1Il ~ 0>, ~ -rl , ._ _ eo ""-0 ' ~'~ _ "1 ~: I '... 1 ~ ._ I-< :t: ~ ''''-':"!,." : <;; p.... lQ -; 1"\ ~ ~~: 0 >10 ~ i ~ -'W _ u. ~ E-i 'L., a,~ ~r.:.. :; _I E-i v:I:'" ~ q. i ..!:! _ :I: 5! ..........,., 0 oMl I ~ F-i ' 0.. cu I-< f> o P:$.di H Ci j "'C . ns ~ Cl " z"Oo;:) lii1I : ~ CJ!..g .co~ ...... q "'! 1 : Cl ~ z f'- Q 0: rz.; : II -= \C ,81 q : .... <.... o H '0 Q,) Q 01 l>l ZO ] ~ HI rx:: E-l ~ ~ IX!: 1Z';1 H .... ? .. l2!i 0: d..g =: I31l u:'.... ~ , : 0 V) ). }- P 1;" C! f'l T, TT 'T' 1 r .,.,r ~~.\iil.~.M.~,;J:. ~.M. lll~__ ; '.i BE IT 2(E~jOLVED by the iJayor fJ).d GO.mmon Council f)f the City of GiJ..ro:)." , s.::d.d Ci.ty of Gi lroy here"by accepts the3.ttached conveyance and consents to the recordat:ion thereof: , J,;,.~) ':-"}~--1, ,:\ ..., 18th '" " ./' ,-,.p,.. t b 19' r:t"1 ~)__.__,j_,i,l,:i _c)e""lJ_ ~l!L.e..:r..,~_, ",oJ... at a 1'8 -, i~O -;"::i86 t )f C;OIU.Hi()n C~)llI1Ci]_ the C 5.ty of Gilroy. .t\'1.."E~~ : GOUNCILH8.N: Thomas, Mason, Pate and Wentworth C ocn;c . . None co JEN: Daniels i'1- ~ . ~Ha~r 7r~_ ~.t PPlr t,.., Ck':{IJE'II"< ^ '1.& I - w_~\ \. \:) ~,l.~ . _~!~. _ I, .~:>. A. C()~[t /le G>t:r Clerk of t.ile City of (.alroy, do l'1f:3reby cert:U'y t.;il:::,d; +,rlE-; annsxer: copy .)f Resl)J:ut:im: has been compare(1 by me with. and is a t:rnc 8J:J.d cor:eeet copy 'Jf the '1Ih()le of.' such flesolu.tiotl du.1Y' adopted at and a}')pea.rir1g among the official m.lnutes of the ~ .". of the Comi11On Cm"mcj} r said C:J" ty of h.eld on the 1>; Set'te~ber ___ ... .___, .1)51. t1. .. Lv -.....---..,,..---'-~.._. ~ C:tty Clerk of County of Santa C FtJ..}, f. () rt ';."":;. j~ Eoi. . Q ur.B.l\ · S. ~ EllT J-F I.Q1~I:E. I, P. A. COX Clty Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do ;:'lEn'eb~ that the Common Councll of sa.id City of Ciilro:.t, at a regular"" on the 18th...d.ay' of',.. Srept~Jf!ger_.__, 1')51, accopted the :r.~' veyance and consented to the reeordation t'iereof. {/ ~~~. City Clerk of' t Cou.nty of Santa California. . .J;. .'"...--.. I' 'i....... :"'il & 1 . '-1 00 l'v C'''''- " (,.... ...11 . OJ