Crown Zellerbach Corporation .. gy 313044-F EL 841-15 - 23- 23 A1VOP ~nr",Qun""g 6"'2 1',,) ;~ !' ~ ~F' .". :...,...; --" tl ,~ r .',U~ U f ,~ RE::CORDlNG REQUESTED BY 3385131 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I City of Gilroy 10 South Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 9502 Attn: Fred Wood I BOOr. 805 9 P,~CE 652 t~ _7 Name ... .....1 u......... SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE R~". at: th. request: of nu, IlSUfiOCl aid TruslCompaa, MAR 19 1968 _I!()I) A ur e;&i:C:Qa.oER.:..~USE -- 1ft .:;.. i::Ul<t,;l!: .... FO.-LEs,. Re:t:lH'd.~ ....l)',t'lt'il ~/.al'll COOftby, 0l!Gic:ii.t ~ '.~~'~";'il~'.. .. St,eel Address . Cily & Slat. L ~ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I Same as above I NO FEE Nome Str..' Address Cily & Stal. L ~ No Consideration AFFIX JWJAxJ)UE TO 406 CA (12-66) Corporation Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY I.R.S. ABOVE 313044-TI el FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CROllIN ZELLERBACH CORPORATION a corporation organized under the laws of the state of hereby GRANTS to Nevada CITY OF GILROY, A MUNr:IPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: For Descriptjon See Exhjbjt A Attached hereto and ronde a part hereof. In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed her~~('J':~:ih(Pthls~iTlstru- ment to be executed by its VICE President and ASSIS~~~~~:;C ....... .. .5:e(Jtet~ry h d I h. d ..'. .r,"V;,\'i".... ". t ereunto u y aut onze . ',,:-.i.'~":'ii"""'.L '.' '\,:'" Dated: December 12th 1967 7.F.T.T.F.'R'RI\,~\.)bdRpOR.ATf'0.N:: .iti"';'::.':~;b-,;,~ ~tl\ TE O~LIFORNIA } fr~~F~c>??_' /:~~:~~~}C; before me,S:~e under. . ~ / signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared M. M. J ArHESON , known to me to be the VICE President, and known to me to be By By 't3.l')' .of the Corporation that executed the q'me;.JQ be the persons who executed the within Instru~~.. .'~lf;.~;~;.~C~rporation therein ,na~ed, and acknowledgedtlf.. t1~at_slr.<~ir,~~pon executed the WIthm Instru ment pursuant,t{i.iis by.laws .0r'ares1}l'u,tion of its board of directors, WITNESS m~.fi-A~d and official sea!.:..;:, '/tv'':'~~ ." . Y<1j i{? . ;/ ,;~"<,~~~ .,' _' _ .t:.:.h'1-<:'.,:_;..... (." -_....~"' - Signature-~"-',;}:'v.!:.f:;'_<~L_'J-. ,..'.-.- ~~>-.,,. --" '~~::~~. .:,/ \ - '-...' '. " '- ~...- -, ", ,.- ,. ..' . GERA!f01NE D. COHEN ",' ,.'.NOiARYP~Bhie>in and for the City & County ";C'\",:, -. "'~;_~piWopIS2tenoM)alifornia , '\':;;'>:.;:::~':' . 'dadnfmr~ion Ex ires January 11, 1969 -'f'. "~,,:'ol;'.''-'" Title Order No;. '::l';'b'\,' '. :..~~~~..~~~.~~.~....~........ . <'S~ GERJ1.LDINE D. COHEN · : ~f}J.4.~i.\ . NOTlIff{ PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA: :' ~ ( CITY AND COUNTY OF : .. '...;c... SAN FRANCISCO . ......,..........-...............: (This area for offi('ial notarial seal) Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE .l:!;..IUiJ .l::SLl A All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clpra, State of C~lifornia, described 8S follows: . N05Q 65" BOO~,~ . v i'.~~t 0 A non-exclusive Easement for -'ngress and egress and for the installation and ma4ntenance of Drainage Fpcilities over a str1p of land 20 feet in Width, the centerline of which is described as follows: f', -'.,1;': CGI.~DO et. tile IortMut.erl.J conael' ot '-reel ) .. ..14 PI...1 ta ...... uJlOll tha~ eerta1a "1' 4tIItlUe4, "'CUl1'91 IaduS'tr1al Park' - Record of Survey Portion Las Animas Banch Lot No. liS", which Map was filed for record in the Ottice of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on July 29, 1965, in Book 197 of Maps, at Page 53, and said point also lying on the South line of the Santa Clara County Flood Control Drainage Channel right-ot-way, and said point also lying at the Northeasterly COrDer of the lands of Crown-Zellerbach Cor!,ormttOlll TREJrCE North 890 47' 41" West and along the Northerly line of said lands of Crown- Zellerbach Corporation 10. oe feet to the Tl\UE POIliT OF BEGIDIJrG of said centerline of thezl2El"'foot wide drainage easement, and said point also lying Southwesterly W.OO feet from the Bortheasterly line of said Parcel 3, and its Northwesterly extension, measured at right angles thereto; TlI!'JCE running parallel with said Northeasterly line of Parcel 3, South tP 58' 15" East 708.80 feet; THEJlCE South ]20 04' 52" East, and parallel with a Northeasterly line of Parcel 3 for a distance of ~.59 teet; THENCE South 10 12' 38" West 36.36 feet to the Southerly line of said lands of Crown- Zellerbach Corporation, and said peint also bearina North 880 4.7' 22" West ~.8l& feet from the Southeasterly corner of Isid lands of Crown-Zellerbach Corporation, and said point also being the end of said centerline of the 2O-foot wide drainage easement, and being a portion of said Record of Survey Map and also be1na a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot 48, as shown on Map Ho. 1 accompa11Yina the R.pert of the Commissioners in Henry Miller, et al, Plaintiffs va. Massey Thomas, et 81, Defendants in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara. 800r, 8059 P,~GE 654 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY Crown Zellerbach Corporation I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by CrQwn Zellerbach Corporat i on of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 12th day of December , 1967 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of March , 19 68. _~Z-;':f~ (rt168 City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. .-