Dale, Roy and Phyllis E. PER GC SEC 27383 10257328 ,FILED FOR HECOHO AT REQUEST OF CITY. Of GILROy' Sfr 15 12 '+3 PH '09 990 RECOIilllllG REQUESTED DY: ~ ' L nETUlUI TO: 'k - Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 o FEE OFFICAL RECORDS SMHA CLt,F:t. C'o:.::,rY LAUH!E r:n< ~~ r...'!;rn:?r r~p - l096rA6f 252 DEDICATION FOR STORM DRAINAGE & SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES The undersigned, being the legal owners of the real property hereinafter described, hereby dedicate to the public use an easement for storm Drainage purposes and Sanitary Sewer purposes over, under, on and across tile real property hereinafter described. The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to the City of Gilroy for the use of the public ,a combined storm drainage and sanitary sewer easement over, under, on and across the real property hereinafter described, said dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the City of,Gilroy adopts and records in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara a resolution accepting said easelllent~ Until said easement is recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responsible 'for' maintaining said easement of and improvements thereon. If any change in alignment, length' or width of easement approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of any part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall terminate the dedication as to the part vacated. 'I'he provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the heirs, successors, assiglls and personal represen~~tives of the respective parties hereto. Existing structures lying within the easement described herein may be maintained within the easement but may not be rebuilt. DESCRIPTION A strip of land 20.00 feet in width, the cent erline of which is more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point in the north- weste:lY line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Roy Dale and Phy~l7s Dale, husband and wife, by Deed recorded in Book B 696 at page 479 , Off1~1al Records of Santa Clara County, California, distant thereon 5.70 W. 150.70 feet from the most northerly corner thereof in the south- westerly line of Eigleberry Street, and running thence S.20oE. 57.32 feet to a point in the southeasterly line of said Parcel conveyed to Dale. SEE MAP EXHIBIT "A" II .~ \ I j I ~~ o...~ ~ "-'<'" .~ /~ . ~~ ~ ~~^ . . ~ <I U\ . ...., ~... % .. U!-O\ 00-4 U). 0 ..\0- ~......(>I N. ..~ . ~ 111 ~ ~ c Ul rt :s:: ~ "d t'l ..... Z 0 \0 1-3 (Xl () ~ ~ \0 H 1-3 \0 ~.. tl:l o en t'l "tj c:: g G) 'tI :;.:: H trJ t'l ::u ,j::o. ::u H o 0 ~ ::u .. () () 0 ~ ~ H 1-3 ~ "tj () Z o :v G) ::u en trJ Z trJ H ~ Z N . 0 en ~ H 1-3 Z ~ o ::u .... ~ 1-3 =' ::r: .. ~ = ~ \J1 ~ \J1 1-3 w 0'\ N o N Z 0'1-..1 '0 U) 0 ~ o. ITl I' ~o' lo96t~6i 2S3 55.45' s 15.09'42" E 0 " ~ ;:r: en N "-J 0 ""i - q ... -4V 0 <II oc 0 . .. - of11 0 0 . -40 CD q -<1'Tl CD ~ IT' 0 . r1 0 -..I "d l> 0 ~ -I 1-3 fTl 0 :>-,{) I:] 'JA ~ () '"1< () 0 <$' :s:: -- 'tI $;>- ~ ~ (/ ...r en ~ trJ ::u trJ ~ en ~ trJ Z 1-3 o trJ o H () ~ 1-3 H o Z trJ :x: ... ::r: OJ ... H U) tl:l OJ H . ~ 1-3 U) . t-.) 0) . 0 ~ N .. = :I: 0(1) c-t (/)0 m:O 00 -< ;00 -< <", "';0 :E", ~o II' 50.00' ) -- RD \)) :-t EIGLEBERRY t{f S T R 51 DE' WAL..K E T _",....,OUC1\.n . . . . .. .'" . l096PA~E 254 v ,t'. ' RECORDER'S MEM') FAINT WRITING, TYPING, CAr...jON COPIES OR rOT MATRIX PRL; rERS MAKE t"JOR PHvTOGRAPHIC Ri::CORD IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Owner(s) has.... executed this Deed on August 30, 1989 -.....~ ...... ........... ...... ....-............... ..... ..... ................. ...................... .... ........ ........ ....... ......... ............................................................................................................... (OWNER) (OWNER) ..7.!?~~..E:.C~f~~......... .............................................................................................................. (OWNER) The undersigned, Trustee under Deed of Trust recorded in Book .....,.......... Official Records, page ......,....., Santa Clara County Records, hereby joins in, consents to, and subordinates its rights under said Deed of Trust to the easement herein conveyed. .........................................................................-............................................ (TRUSTEE) (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ' ! 55, w...'....'..._____....County of ,.. .san,ta, Clar.a,.., .......,............' .. . On this,)9t:J::l.... ,..day of ,1\u.g.ust....,..,,....19B9..,.,.......in the year one thousand nine hundred and. . before me, .Jan.e,t.,.K..,Wall.ace . ., a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ...."..~Qy..,P,~,+.g.,.?nd".P.hyllis.,E.,Dale.,.... ...,.,.. .,...,..,.. , JANET K, W AlLALt . NOTARV PUBL\C-CAU~ORNIA SANTA CLAR.A COUNTY ~ My Comrn, Expires July 23, 1993 known to me to be the person$., whose name .8. are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that.the,yexecuted the same, Cowdery', Form No, 34_(Aeknowledgmtnt-General) (C, C, Ste, 1189) the day and (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ......,...155. ....,..,......,........County oL..,...,...,..,....., On this..,..............,.,day of ..' . ................in the year one thousand nine hundred and ... before me, ,...'.......... ' a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared known to me to be the of the corporation described in and that exrcuted the within in~lr\lm"nl. and al~o. known to me Ill),.. th.. !,ermn wbo executed the within instrument on heball ol the co~poration thrrein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have brrcunto ~ct my hand and affixcd illY offical ~eal in the County ol the day and year in this certificate first above written, Notary Public, State ol California, 1.1__ [l__u__:_..:........ J;"....-~:...DI!