DeBell Corporation, The (2) I "I u G 3385128 I / i . " (y 80ar. 8059 PAGE 640 Recerd:;:::r:;.::~ - of'''~ I TltI.llsuraRGI aad Trust C.~a, ! MAR 19,1$8 ..",rf1t~ AMi SPACE ABOVE THIS LINEF_(D.M~~Ig, ~"'''-''''' <''''''v i \. Sa~~.a CI.aNl C",-"),,,::y,,, ~~...I RecQ[ds; i ......~..~...""'...,.,~"""""t.e.'~~....III!...,...,cl.~~.. Bon Qu('t;(8 _ 'I,. f I ,ltt" ~ ,,'\1 \_ _ 640 RE.CORD/NG REQUESTED BY GY 313044-C EL 841-15-22 & 841-15-23 AWOP AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Name City of Gilroy 10 South Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 Attn: Mr. Wood ~ Str..t Addr... City & Stol. L MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO I Nom. Same as above "I Str..t Address City & Stot. L -.J NO FEE No Consideration Grant Deed AFFIX I.R.S. $mNO--TAX--IlUf-- ABOVE TO 405 C (4-67) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE DE BELL CORPORATION, I CORPORPl.TIOn, AND D(TJi\T D R FNGLE.AITD nTr EN S L'TJGLT< P.L'S 1,,;-1.' FT,' D"JD ....L.,_'...LJ . u_" _-'J ____~.J _~ .1..1 ....',.....1 .', .L..l__.. IlJO}~L1E -"':EE ~JCiITES, !-i ~'.JID li\T hereby GRANT(S) to ClTY OF GILROY, A IvrJIUCIE~L CORPOH" Tl the following described real property in the County of 88 at a Cl? ra , State of California: For Descript~on See Exh~bjt A Attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dated Decemner hr.n 1967 THE DE JELL CORPOFJl,TION E:)iY: 9:a-J 0;. &f~ vdx STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF S~nta Clara On Dec.emher 6. 1967 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared DON~LD R. FNGLE. HELEN S_ E~GLE AND M~RJORIE LEE JONES }SS. BY: ~,d,?-)..-,..i~ ./ Lee Jof1es Name (Typed or Printed) , - ""JiI.Jt~j:JUnlluu211' , / g ~/ ~-g::--."" unUUnUEiIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII. ~ 'f..~;~'~\ JOSEPH F. BIAFORE JR = " .,,'"'" ",;)" NOTARY pU" '. .. ;;; ~'(>;,,?>,q bUC - CALlFORN'IA = ~ ',' ":-'.,-~ ~'l! .., ... _ = ~,,~ SA P~~'Cli:AL OFFICE IN S 1II11111liWffiinm~l ~clli) J,;k&!{A.,ICOUNTY = 11111111111111111111111.111111111111; ... \ Title Order No. GY 313044 FI. Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE I ! TO 449 C (Corporation) j \ t r.l~r~ } 55. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY of----5al1t ~ III a: III X III .J D.. -( .... Ul Name (Typed or Printed) BCO~ 8059 PAct 641 @ ~a II n I nlll 11111 III IIn nil 1111 ;eul ~II 111111111111 1111 nil = Y~"j~~"';',^ JOSEPH F. BIAFORE JR E :: ./,-~!"~,-,'~i-:-\.''''' ':. , f .:: .. ,'. .';." J\;OTARY PU",-' Ie. ,'^' I~("'NIA .. ..' . ~...... - ,;"-\.~--, t' 11\1 - :: P~Ir~CH-)AL OFFICE IN E = _ SAN] A CLARA CUUNTY :: 1I1111111111111ullllllllulllllluullllulllullllllulli ""'_. (~" v (This area for official notarial seal) :../ , f'c ," non-exclus.;ve E' sement for -~ ng1"es,~ P rd egress 2 nO. for t~le ~~ "nst811e,t.;cm end mi"' cltenance, co::stT'u.ct.;on, orer~'t.;on and ma.;ntenancc; of., Ra~lro8d Dr.;lJ. 'Irc.1clc over 2 st:C'';Ii Df land. 30 feet in v.Jjdth, the cehterl"YJ8 of'ch .;s descr.; led 82, follm..rs: 3- "w..1I CfJ~P ..," Bot.} , ];''1'C. _iJ . 'oJ. <<t"- " COMMJ-:NCI1r flt tb(> ',ost i"iol:tLt:"T' J cOr'ller of F'r p} 4, ~q; 6..1(1 pI r('f':'l :~ 01 own uI~n t.ril certain !S.8p (;ntit~e::, .., :l.rOj InL~:~t.r f.. 1'\.11'. I - Hecord of r:urvey l'Ortion Leo AQ.i.il~" Rench 1.01 No. l-K)", which :-':ep C'ws "j C' c'(',o r( "~'!'l) in the Offj.c~: of the Recoru~:r\ 'of Ule County of Santa ClDre, ~:;ta te of CdL'ul'njD, on ,Tuly 29, 1')65, in Book 1,,'7 of Maps, at Page 53; G0 ~ ~ N ~ THENCE South 570 55' 58" West and along the Southwesterly prolo!lgBtion of the South- easterly .L ine of said Parcel 4 for a Jictunce of 21.82 feet to .-'she center of the Northbound main track of the Southern Pacific Company; THENCE North 320 03' 09" West 78.42 feet: THENCE North 290 38' 25" West 11.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the center- line of the 30-foot vi1e strip of land, end said point also lying au a tall~nt curve: ~ THENCE around said curve to the right, concave Northeasterly, with a radius of 382.25 feet and through a central angle of 110 54' 22", for an arc length of 79.43 feet to the point of intersection with the Northeasterly right-or-way iine of the Southern Pacific Company; THENCE Northerly and continuing around last described curve to the right, concave Easterly with a radius of 382.25 feet and through 8 central angle of 750 40' 01" for an arc length of 504.82 feet to the end of said curve: THENCE North 570 55' 58" East 464.42 feet to the Southwesterly line of Engle Way, located in said City of Gilroy: THENCE continuing on last described course of North 570 55' 58" East 285.69 feet to the beginning of 8 tangent curve; THENCE around said curve to the left, concave Northwesterly with a radius of 382.25 feet and through a central angie of 500 49' 25" for an arc length of 339.07 feet to the Southerly line of Luches8a Avenue (86 feet wide); ~E continuing along lest described curve to the left, with a radius of 382.25 feet, CQACave It/ester~. and through a central angle of 120 55' 00" for an arc length et 86. t8 t..t to tM po111't of 1at.neet1G1l vitia tee 1ilrtM1'17 U_ ., ..14 La..... ..... (86 t..1. rt68); !llE1 \~oDttr.ulnp: ~r.JwrlJ elf,.}" 10&1,. ';Ult it> hll':>....J cur.,., lilt!. . ndlua f!III "'.25 feet, concave Westerly, and through a central anile ot 10 ()(). ~. tor aft are l~ of 7.76 feet to the end of said curve; THEWCE North 60 58' 15" 'west 210.00 feet to the point of a No. 7 switch: THENCE North 20 37' 20" West 62.12 feet to the :point of 8 No. 1 frog; THENCE North 50 32' 40" East 11. 00 feet to the beginning of e tangent CurTe; THENCE around said curve to the right, concave Southeasterly with a radius of 382.25 feet, end through a central angle of 410 38' 00" for en llrc length of Z77. 76 te.t to the end of said centerline of the 30-foot wide easement, and EXCEPTING that :portion which lies Southwesterly of the Northeasterly line of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Company, and being a portion of said Record of Survey Map and also being a portion of the Las Animas Rench Lot No. 48, 88 shown on Map No. 7 accompanying the Report of the Commissioners in Henry Miller, et al. Plaintitfs VB. Massey Thomas, et a1, .nlll~-t. 1. 'tile Supericw Court Qf "be B\;&toe of CaHtonaia. 1. aDd tor the Co\lll'tJ fit ..... e l...... ,.,] no execution, delivery and acceptance of the \fithin Deed it. is understood that the Ease~ent being conveyed to the Grantee here~n is . ~ubject to the reservation for the benefit of t~e Grantor~ hereIn, t~~i~, ~ heirs and assigns, as appurtenant to the remainJng prope~ty~?~ ~~e.GIJn~~~0 trjO r:lgrlt to roeotve ~;orvlce from tho drill tracl{ to be con,.Lxuctod \111 ",lId !':n:;oment nlovo dn~;eril)cd. Al ") rnq"J.'vinrr unto tr,le Grnntors th.eir he:l.rs nnd a:';SignS'i~hef,rjgh~, ~Od .,', ."J, .....,. he" tl ricrht to receive serv' ee rom SdJ. convey to CrmJrl Zollcrbac. alp. 10 b t . d C . 'ltm Zellerbach in drill tr8ck a~ appurten8nt to Itan~s d c~n~eb~~ob~r s~t th 1967 and recorded Deed from U8rJorie Lee ,Tones e a a e 87 5 s t Cl October ?5,. 1967 under Recorder's Serial Number 330 1, an a . ara County Records. .: I I I BOOK 8059 P^Gf 64~ ;.,'"'^'~ t CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY The De Bell Corp., A Corp., and Donald R. Engle and Helen S. Engle, his wife and Marjorie Lee Jones, a Widow. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution Is on record In the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said I City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by De Bell Corp., Donald R. Engle & Helen S. Engle, and Marjorie Lee Jones of the premises described In the attached conveyance dated the 6th day of December . 1967 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I day of March , 19~. -. the City