DeBell Corporation, The (3) GY 3l3044-G EL - ~ 80" ..- 9 65--- tin".. , ~ "'.' u...u.. l.......'. ,.'u, ., 0, v1 338513,Z'v RECORDING REQUESTED BY 841-15-23 AWOP AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO S'r...' Addr... Nam. I Ci ty of Gilroy 10 South Rosanna Gilroy, California 95020 Attn: Fred 'Wood I BOO~ 8059 PAGE 655 Same as above ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LI -ltq .FEE - ft~ at th. r....st: 01 ttt~,.... alII Trust Compal' ~~\~<;>~~E~~~A " . ,-, .. ~'-, t::.)~__s. ~eC:'3rd..., .- " (C, ii""lr.f,ft;lt'r::~rds .entt1.11 Hl llllll Name ;""'I':-~~"';", ,'.'._....."'...._,...,~ Cily & SIal. L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I S'r..' Address No Consideration Cily & SIal. L ~ AFFIX I.R.S. S________.m__m__.IN THIS SPACE NO rA~ DUE Grant Deed I TO 405 C THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, rrTT"):i'DiD E"hTL CORT'ODfTTO"T i\ CL-'RnOR,r'TIO T ..L n__~ 'D ""J...:_;...J..J 1-1 1 \"' -1.. J ~', J~.'_ ) \'1--' ~i ' " . Dm;-r'LD R. El'JGLE AND HEIET'; S. ENGLE, HIS 1;.!IFEA'\TD W~RJORIE LEE JONES, {\ '.':IDO\ hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILED , Ii l:UNICIP,~L CORFOHf'TION the following described real property in the County of SantA CLra , State of California: For Iescript-ion See Exh-ib-it A Attached ber'to end made a part hereof Dated DACAmn0i' (th 19h7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On December 6, 1967 }SS. before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared DONALD R. ENGLE, HELEN ~_ ENGLE AND MARJORIE LEE JONES By: Corpor:::>t-i 0\1 /) (AJ~ r 1 . B::'. Name (Typed or Printed) ~., /-.-.' c-"U.<:> ~) ..' ~ ! '. ~ln~ld R.(J.~ ~r~l-E;l f~ L2- 7~(. ---2 T,'. Tel enS. ...ft ng l.'..~,.,' ..- J I 1, 'Z.' \ ' \ ;: po' ;{.l-:j /''-("',, ~---"'_, ' '" \; ,:~-)(Ui (~_ , 1':8, j ori e Lee Jones , / ' :~ ...;" ~:~;;:~t;t;~:;~C~~:~'L ~y"- ~.~ ;':;:c. ': J' ..oJ;' 1: ::'C~U.,ji~ / ,6...,.. JOS!:~~i'" "1t,'-r'RE .:y ~ [f~-~~;<,:~~ 'if)';: ~~~"' ,~ r ~ ~':' i ~ ~~ ,) , I JR. :: ... i~,,-'$~...... .' I\iOTAhY t)ULLI,- - \... '\' n::'oq"-.JIA Ilq .; "3~,~/:':'~;:) 0 PRl;-'-~'CjPAL OFf:iC L"l~/ 1 5 :: ~o..~ SANTA C~\'{'Aal"e3't;F-'~1 no!r!al seal) ill II II I II. II 1&11111111111111111 UIIIIUIIIIIU!II5I1I1 = y+- I Title Order No. GY I 313044 EL Escrow or Loan No. MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE On December 6, 1967 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared JACK DE BELL known to me to be the President, and DORIS MAY DE BELL known to me to be Secretary of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. ~ -- t WITN':~::d "0: Offi~~> . \ Ji....,.;, i - " \ L/ I I I I I ! TO 449 C (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF_~_anta Clara } 55. \ \&I a: \&I :t \&I .J 0. .( I- III Name (Typed or Printed) BOOK 8059 Pt,CE 656 @ ......... 1IIIIIIIIunn II lillllll I i I n 1111 E 11111 nn nil! :: i'""<-" JOSEPH F. BIAFORE, JR. S e , , NOTARY ,"UBUC _.CA"LlFORN\A :: .. PR,..-n .'-1 OH'\CE. IN .. 5 '." SANT,;:v~L.;'HA coUNT't i illllllllunlnllulUl1 nun allnUlIlInl nllllll"". + (1-. " (This area for official notarial seal) EXHIBIT A , BOO~ 8059 P~GE 657 All th8t, certain repl property situate -in the C-ity of G;lroF, C...'1uJ1.ty of Sa'1t8 Cl(-i ra, Stp te of C;:11-i forn.; R, d escr-i bed p S follovIS: A Non-exclls-ive E8sement for -ingress C'nd egress and 'W.or the -installat-ion, and illentenClnce, construct-ion, ope .,.t-ion and ma.;ntem'ln.ce of a Raolroad Drill T"cck oveT' a str;p of lend 30 feet -in 1>lidth, the centerl-ine of \1h"ch ;s descr-ijed ~s follows: - C.J:IJtG at tM 1IIrt.Iaealterl.1 ~r et "reel ], .. ..14 ......1 1. .... ... u.t ....la MIa. .lItltlM, .. · CU...., l.a~t.rl.1 ..", . hecm1 ot S'Ul'Vey Portion La. Ani_. Ranch Lot Bo. 48", which Map was filed for re~ord in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on July 29, 1965, in Book 191 of Maps, at ~ Page 53; ( r... .~ THEBCE South 6P 58' 15" East and along a Northeasterly line of said Parael 3 for a distance of 105.31 feet; I ~ ~ of ~ 'l'HElfCE South 60 58' 15" East 331.43 fe.t to the end of said centerline, and excludins 42 thoBe portions which lie within the 3O.00-foot vide easement granted to the City of Gilroy for railroad drill track purposes, and beins a portion of said Record of BurTey Map and also beins a portion of La. Animas Ranch Lot No. 48, as shown on Map .10. 1 accompanying the Report of the COIDIWIsiouers in HaDJ7 Miller. et al. Plaintiffs VI. .....,,... a, at aI, Det....... 1a tile ....r1_ C..-t ef u. 1'-'- et CaUf""" 1. ... ,. 11M C~ ., .... Clan. TBEIllCE South 320 04' 52" East and along a Northeasterly line of s8id Parcel 3 for 8 distance of 394.43 feet to the Southeasterly corner of the lands of Crown-%ellerbach Corporation; TBElfCI North 880 47' 22" West and along the Southerly line of said lands of Crown- Zellerbach Corporation 296.90 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIHlING of the centerline said 30.00-foot wide parcel of land; 8y tho OXGcutlon, delivery nnd acceptance of the within Deed it is undnrstood that the Easement being conveyed to the Grantee herein is subject to th~ reservation for the benefit of the Grantors herein, their heirs and asslgns? as app~rtenant to the remaining property of the Grantors the rlght to recelve serVlce from the drill track to be constructed on said EAsement ato va described. Also, reserving unto the Gr~ntors their heirs and aSSigns, the right to convey to Crown Zellerbach Corp. the right to receive service from said drill trAck as appurtenant to lands conveyed to said Crown Zellerbach in Deed from Uar.iorie Lee Jones et al dnted October 11th 1967 and recorded October ;:>5, 1967 under Recorder's Serial Number 3~08715, SnntaClara County Records. -- I BOOK 8059 fAGE 658.~;..,~, , 1-, ~.. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY The De Bell Corporation, a Corp., Donald R. Engle and Helen S. Engle, His Wife and M.rjQrie Lee Jones, a WidQw. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution Is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, " as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said , / City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by The De Bell Corp., Donald R. Engle & Helen S. Engle, and Mariorie Lee Jones of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 6th day of December , 1967 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of March , 19 @... - the City