DeBell Corporation, The (4) RECORDING REQUESTED BY BOO~ 8059 P~CE 64t~ ... GY 313044-E EL 841-15-23 AllTOP Nome ICi ty of Gilroy Slreel ~O South Rosanna Addre.. G11roy, California Cily& Attn: Fred Slole L I 3385130 /3 / \. .,.. / '..~ 880r. 8059 PAGE 648 . ............... tl . Record:::~'~~;;:~ TltI. Insurance aad Trust C;m~~n- i MAR 19 1968 bNf"" SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE ce~~Ii.'.s..lJSE -t:= AM · S C I-UWLES, Recorder, NO F' EE '" anta f.... Ceunty, Official Rec:o.d .. ..................."'1 s_~ 1.. l.~---....nlL l --4.... AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 95020 Wood ~ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I I Name Slreel Add ren Same as above Cily & Stote L ~ No Consiperation Grant Deed AFFIX I.R.S. $-NO--TAX--H..--. ABOVE TO 405 C (4-67) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, TEE DE BELL CORPORII.TImr, tj, CORPOW'TION DO'T/\LD R. ENGLE ly;m HELEN S. ENGLE HIS 1iHFE AND HARJORIE LEY JONES, A 1:JIDm-r hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILRC", A lIUI'JlClPAL CORPORilTION the following described real property in the County of Santa Cl~ ra , State of California: For Descrjpt~ on See Exh~b~t A ~tte.ched hereto and made a pFJrt hereof Dated Dee. 6, 1967 THE DE BELL CORPORATION BY: p~ BY: STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF Santa Clara 55. On December 6,1967 before me. the under. signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared DONALD R. ENGLE, HELEN S~ ENGLE AND MARJORIE LEE JONES ~~) Title Order No. GY 313044 ET. Jna d ./ . L.J0./}/) -. Helen S .Engle ; '-';7,1/ '" ' . ,~.~ \; -1/ v.; I}./ '&(i$ /Y'---<A. -'" :j.....-(. -<-- . /.' -+--.--~ 2 --<l ./ . I( .1pr j or1e Lee J o9!es ~ i. "~, lie I U i 1St I t l; iLs!!. ~ I' >=<! ~ t \: 1 Ii a, 1", I ~~ unll;/ is ~c:;; JOSEPH F. B!AFORE IR ;; 1 (4 N:~~fiik~~~~~;.~ .." .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIII - Escrow or Loan No. ,~ ,~ , known to me to be the personS..--whose name s a resubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that , the y the same. WITNESS my nd and offici ';.' :--:> I , (- . MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE 'r TO 449 C (CO'rpO'ratiO'n) t STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF----1)anta Clara December 6, } SS. BOO" 8059 P;~GE 649' On 1967 befO're me, the undersigned, a NO'tary Public in and fO'r said JACK DE BELL State, persO'nally appeared knO'wn to' me to' be the President, and knO'wn to' me to' be Secretary O'f the cO'rpO'ratiO'n that executed the within Instrument, knO'wn to' me to' he the persO'ns whO' executed the within Instrument O'n behalf O'f the cO'rpO'ratiO'n therein named, and acknO'wledged to' me that such cO'rpO'ratiO'n executed the within instrument pursuant to' its by-laws O'r a resO'lutio-n O'f its bO'ard O'f directO'rs. ~ WITN;~-; I I III 0: III X III oJ a. <( I- III Signatu "": offi"" 42c) /L ,Y"~</ Name (Typed O'r Printed) DORIS MAY DE BELL @ .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUU 111111 un I 111111111 IIn!lll!'! 5 @"n~~" JOSEPH F. B!AFORE, JR. ') ~ ;'~~. ,NOTA~X!~'6;~;;C ;F;;~:~;i"'" \ ~; ': ~~"" SANTA CLAi{,''\ LUUh 1 'f. E _IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII ~ II nn I 1111 II i i In I U i I UI iiJ (This area for official notarial seal) -\-- ~ :.. Boo~8059 r,'M650 EXHIBIT A III th~t certain reel property s~tuate ~n the C1ty of G~lroy, County of Santa Clr' ra, St~te of Ca 1 ~ forn~ a, descr~ bed 2 s folloHs: A non-exclus~ve EAsement for 4ngress 2nd egress 2nd fo~ the 4nstallat4on and ma4ntenance of s Dra~nage Fac'14t~es over a str~p of land 20 feet 4n v4dth the centerl"ne of vih"ch -1s cescr~bed ps follibws: Oell "DO at tala potat fit lIIt4tnHtt_ .r * ___if... fit x..n._ A.... wttll tM . \ _-'rU_ fit "'lMa A~, .. ..... A..... aft .... .... UIa' ....1a ... ntttled}N "'Mlrey Industrial Parkt - Record of Survey Portion Las An1mes Ranch Lot No. 48", V) which map was filed for record in the Office ot the RecGrder of the County of Santa --t Clara, State of California, on July 29, 1965, 1n Book 197 of Maps, at Page 53; r- , '!'BENCE Iiorth 880 47' 22" West and along sa1d eenter11na of Luchessa Avenue 77.22 f..t~ TBE'NCE North 10 12')8" East 43.00 feet to the TRUE POll'!' OF BEGIDIWG ot said :;J' centerline of the 2O-toot wide drainage easement; ~ TBElICE North 10 12' 38" East 56.49 feet to a point which bears Southwesterly 10.60 feet from the Northeasterly 11ne of Parcel 3 of said Reoord of Survey Map, measured at right angles thereto; i THENCE North 320 03' 06" West and parallel with said Northeasterly line of Parcel 3 for a distanee o~'99.36 feet to the end of said centerline, and said point lying on the South line of the lands of Crown-Zellerbach Corporation, and said point elso bearlng North 880 41' 22" West >>.84 teet from the Southeasterly corner ot said lands of Crown-lellerbach Corporation, and'being a portion of said Record .f SurTey Map and elso being 8 portion of Las Anius Ranch Lot No. 48, 86 shown on Map 10. 1 accompanying the Report of the Commie.loars 1n Henry Miller, et a1, Plaintiffs VB. Massey Thomas, et al, Defendants 1n the Superior Court of the State of Calif&rnle, ln aad tor the County of Santa Clara. BOO~ 8059 PAGE 651 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY The De Bell Corporation, a Corp., Donald R. Engle and He en S. Engle, HIS Wife and MarJ0rle Lee Jones, a Wtdow I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certIfy that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said I City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by The De Bell Corp., Donald R. Engle & Helen S. Engle, and M_rjnrie lee Jones of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 6th day of December , 1967 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of Marr:h , 19~. - -- F. ed O. Wood City Administrator of the City of Gilroy.