DeBell, Dennis and Charlotte Recorded at the request of ~ ~(?~ \J 'O\- ~ \ 3168920 BOOK 7611 r;~CE 53 /p' CITY OF GILROY ...---------...------.----------------- .---.-....----------.---------------------.------ Retu," to (!;;iJ $.u..~~. I?-.I?-.~...J;; ...... ~.~Y.I?-.~L...C;; J~.Y...C;;.~~. ~.~......... , rtk . /]AN flt.tO fOr; t--::.GOfW AT REQU!:ST OF .~ //. ,... .'~".'. /Q';'''v:~/_~' \.A ~f- 1 ( 9 29 AH 1951 v' GJty..g.:L.G:i)-:~oy C it Y Ha 11--- ..'.......___'m...........m...........__..__. ~.Q.~9~,;r~h...g9~~!.lna street Gi lroy I Ca lif orn:i."aU_U..UhU------------- ---------- t. r: ;-:' ',t. .)RD~; '"t,W t, :,,/,,;:;:' COUNTY l~ PcGORDER 53 BOO~ 1611 r~GE ~ ran t 11\ t t b (Individual) For value received DENNIS DeBELL and CHARLOTTE DeBELL;." his wife, GRANTs.. ,to CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal corporation all that real property situate in the City of Gilroy County of Santa Clara t State of California, described as follows: An easement for the purpose of the installation and maintenance of an underground storm drain under, over, on and across a strip of land 5.00 feet in width, the northerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of Ranch Lot 24 as shown on Map No. 7 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, said point being distant thereon S. 89027'30" W. 54.12 feet from the most westerly corner of Parcel Two as described in the Deed m,Manuel Sanches and Rose E. Sanches, his wife, recorded July 15, 1944 in Book 1213 of Official Records at page 54, and running thence from said point of beginning westerly along the line common to Ranch Lots 24 and 25 S. 89027'30" W. 362.30 feet to the Miller Slough, together with reasonable working space and access to said easement as required for construction and maintenance. /' ~- /'i\ Da tcd __ __ ~9Y.~r:nl>~:L.__ 66 ______19........ .~(~.(......---..S.....D'mfh. ':~':'.' iJu-.:.J...:..;/..S.....).!l.... ,t..............m ..m. 9Jha; J /. . / /, / b( . ij / " . .~,.!/tZ 'f~./L. .../..\J...;<C..1.:Yf....L.:..~=.........m...m...' Charlotte DeBell, his wife. \ STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 Santa Clara ~L ............................County 0/....,........................................... J /', - i-( On.Nov........;c..l................, 19...6.6 before me,.......S.YDNEY...S..~.....JQaN.S.QN , a Notary Public, in and for said State, personally appeared....P..~.nnJ.e....p.~~.~))".. and Gb.9::r:Jg.t.t~...P..~.~~.!.!.L.,.h.~.~....~.~.~.~..~............................... .,....,.......................... s ',"~ UlJ~) UH:I~li~aUUnJtl~H~:Har.:tnnl~:n~]lftnlu,. ............................known to me to be the person.... whose name..~....!?:.:r:.~.......subscribed: OFFlU.II .., ::' to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that .theY executed th!J same...? ~ S Y C ;EY j::;:.-:: .:"" n ~ /, / /.~ '. N0TA?Y PUSli.: -- '~",LhOkliIA :: M .. . March 8 1968 ,.:-----f /-1 ~'{., " -1 .,/C /" II {.. / .:: prIN(Io'Ac 0"'1:.[ IN = Y commtsswn exptres.............................~.... ..........~..............."....,;..t....I..~..L..."......'::h....! ~.. ".... ' . \,:: THE COUNTY 0; SAN,A CLARA : , 'Notary Public i Iil:UlJlIllll1l1l1lnlllllllulIU,llllllllllullllllunui! Form No. 84J