Deiber, William W. and Jessie M. (2) T I t , -.23la -118 GRANT DEED INDIVIDUAL --- WILLIAM W. DEIBER and JESSIE M. DEIBER, his wire, the rirst parties, hereqy grant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second party, all that real property si tua ted in the City or Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A right of way over, under and in a strip of land being a I portion of Lots 14 and l~ as shown on the Map of Tract No. l6~ "Sunset Park", of record in Book ~ of Maps at ' pages 28 and 29 Records of Santa Clara County California, which strip of land is more particularly descrlbed as follows: BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of Lot l~ as shown on said Map and running thence along the southeasterly line of Lots l~ and 14 S. 700 00' W. 282.81 feet; thence N. 610 09' E. 6~.00 feet; thence N. 700 00' E. 218.,8 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of Lot l~; thence S. 200 00' E. 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. This right of way is granted for the purpose of and shall be used for the laying, installation, maintenance and repair of sewer and water lines and other public utility lines over, under, on and across the said strip of land; any such lands shall be so laid as to interfere as little as possible by the use of the lands by the grantors, their heirs and assignso This deed is made and accepted subject to the right of the grartors, their heirs, successors and assigns to erect structures on the said right of way so long as the same does not interfere with any sewer lines or other public utility lines of the City of Gilroy, and upon the further condition that any sewer line laid in, on or under the said right of way from the westerly boundary line of Lot l~ to a point in said right of way distant thereon l09.3~ feet West of the most easterly line of the said Tract No. 16;, "Sunset Park", shall be of cast iron. WITNESS our hands ~ this /2 day of September, 19~1. i 0, ~ / ,- ,/ 2, . y 4~ --~ 'Y~ ft;.. · ~r~ 1J! .ir~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <<OUNTY OF SA~1~A.,?LAjA ) '" ' . , day of September, 1951, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON a Notary;~ ..~ic i, for said County and State, onally appeared WILLiAM W. DEIBER?;., .(t.J"ESSIE~~. ,;-:DEIBER, his wife, known t m to be the persons whose names are su_ . ~!bed to '~,",:' foregoing instrument, a aCknow;tedg,ed "tC):'M:::J' that the execut... ",~e same~9'.: ('.' " fj \;fi~~~~1. ..... v': ".I~/<~ ' .' t--' 'l,.,;'.':'c an or e ounty Clara, state of California. ss 11 Il,Q . ll. 11 .2.1 I.Q. 'llitl- .~ 8OOJh~!381 _110 I BE IT H.F.sOLVED by the Mayor and Co.m.mon Council ot tn.. city of Gilroy, that said City of Gilr01 hereby ao~epts the attach" conveyance and. cQnaents to tile r$cordation thereot. PA ''''"''''1:''''' A '.n.001\U, . 'T: tl'li3""", 18tll""ay of Septe~p"~r I ....,19n, at a regulaX' It'.acting of the Com:rnon CCil..tne:tl of the City of' Gilroy. AYES. NOES , COUl'fCl:LMEBI Thomas, Pate, sto~t, Mas on and 1.-jentworth C0D1liC1I,1,ffiIH none AHSEN'!': CCH1NC IUt.EN: Daniels A P PROVED I ~01:: ..~ ._~: ~ ~, :4ayor ~.LfM~ ~~ ~rtCl\J~ 1, P. A.. COX, tIle C:tty' Clerk ot the City or Gilroy, 40 hereby eertlfy that the a~d copy of Hesolttt1Dn has been ~ompared with. and 1s a tr'tJ.e and correct copy of tkuia whole of suoh,,1teaolut adopted at and Rppearing among the official minutes ot t of t~~~~:~~ Cou.ncil o{q sai'd City of Gilroy held on the' , .4...JI .. 4 . . .""':<1''<11 'PI ...., ~. Sl. ~.~~ C ty Clerk i')t t County of Santa Cla Oalifor:1ia. t ~JJq\J\ IS ~111 rfJC/\.TE I, P.A. COX City Cl€trk of the City ot GilrOY, do hereby certify that the Common Councll, of said City of Gilroy t at a regular meeting held on the---.J..8.tlL__day ot~~mh~~ J I _. 1951, accepted the foregoing eon- veyano~onsent$d 0" e reeordat;.j on thereot. DATFD th1s.....J..atiL-day of' sepjtemh.eJ: . ~ '\-4 ;...-~ ~ w.:: tL ~ c~ C~) f-- u 1-- f..... L;j ,.... ~? ~........ . C'J ,:t") ;~r:: ::":'1 i,'~ -~ 00 ~, -,__I .~~ .. ",~ r-.. 0 , I W 10- -! ~..( l.l.. r"-_.! , L;'C' .." c_---.: . o.~.: "'- '..' ",,..-cih.~~ "'.'..... ~ '$ ,~ . ~ }.~ ........... 11 (I) . tH ~ ~ ~ ~ .r-! 0 = ~ .r-! 0"- t'1 +> r-I \ ~ rd fI.l m fI) ~ = - ~ .r-! ~ '" .... - ..c: 0 C\J = = 0 ~ ... ~I Pi r-I = = " ffi '" m ~ - .... ~ 0 ~ .... ~ .- - tJ I=Q '" () Q) ~ ....- = . - H >l ~ = 0 ~ I:.;l ~ I r:iI H 0 r-I t='l r:il ~ m Q) ~ ~ t='l 0 Pi +> . +> H or-! Pi -t '-W ~ . C) () (I) .- ~ ~ .r-! tI) :z: rx.. ~ = ~ r:il 0 .. ~ H rd H t:f.) >l (I) ~ H t:f.) It: +> H ~ m ~ (.) ,:::::'l