Gilroy, City of to Dyer, Robert J. and Carol A. RECORDING REQUESTED BY /?-):;! NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 10230662 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: .......... r-- filED ron KEGOiW AT REOUEST OF C-U-} '9 (~A",~ .. Z4 3 It' rK *89 - Susanne E. Steinmetz, City CIerI AI City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 to t=~~ ...... \i'~~ ~:- f',. . ..;. ~ \ .'IIOA \.~ 01 , UtE) 'l .Mnll i;t..,; coUHTY LAURiE ?Met. RECORDER l070PAGE 435 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE I:~ Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. QUITCLAIM DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) NO CONSIDERATION DUE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is S -0- CITY TAX S D computed on full value of property conveyed, or D computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, D Unincorporated area: ~ City of GILROY . and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CITY OF GILROY hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to ROBERT J. DYER AND CAROL A. DYER the following described real property in the CITY OF GILROY County of SANTA CLARA ,State of California: DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE A RIGHT OF WAY FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES, UNDER, OVER, ON AND ACROSS THE REAL PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED: BEING a portion of Lot 4 as shown on "MAP OF THE S.P.FINE SUBDIVISION" as recorded in Book "F-2" of Maps at Page 46, Records of Santa Clara County, California and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of that certain 4.958 acre parcel of land, as described in the deed from Leonides Fine to E.R.Doyle dated May 9, 1914, recorded May 12, 1914 in Book 413 of Deeds, at Page 558, with the southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway; thence along said southerly line S. 88045'W. 25.00 feet; thence S.46059'58" E. 31.78 feet to a point in said easterly line; thence along the easterly line of said 4.958 acre parcel N.4030'E. 22.29 feet to the point of beginning. THIS DEED IS GIVEN TO ELIMINATE THE EASEMENT CREATED BY THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON AUGUST 14, 1989 in Book L 056, Official Records, at Page 1180, under series number 10216207; which said Dedication shall have no further force or effect. ..: 0; J ,- ", '" -t,'" ~. 'J.;) C "'\..,,'- ~ ~ '(".':~~:~ ~.';~ ~:, ]1:. Dated August 23, 1989 5T ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF } 55 . C Gl E l:Il '0 Gl 'i o c ~ u <( c or;.. .. , I , l070PAGE 436 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara }SS. FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP On this 23.. day of August , in the year 1989, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personall'Ll!l?Peared JAY BAKSA, City Administratoilhd SUSANNt; E. STEINMETZ,Cit~e&Jn~owntomeorproved to me on the basis of ,aaJi!;facto.ry evidencl1.tp PI) the perso~(s) who exe:.~:e9 the within instrument as L;~ ty Aam~ll>raSiLlin.t and C~ ty CleilOOl;e1bvY on behalf of the co oration herein named and acknowledged to me that the corporation execu t. WIle /0 ~ -..;. C\O ..., ~ N o ..., ~ Signature N