Filice Estate Vineyards RECpRDING.REQUESTED BY NO FEE per GC SEC 6103 9132525 l,r.(I"/' , ! NA~ Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 j. p.H. FUD FOR REOORD AT REQUEST OF . j;J[ oJ-~;'? J~H 29 \ \ 24 ~H '81 ~OFF'C~J. REC?~?,~... 'SANT A CLft.J\A (,Ul it' ( LAURIE KANE. RECOROEJ{ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE K 018PAGE2238 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHER SE OWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: STRE ADDRE: ell STA 2 I:~ Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. PARTNERSHIP GRANT DEED - EASEMENT / ' THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR( s) DECLARE( s) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is S no tax due CITY TAX S [] computed on full value of property conveyed. or r1 computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, Unincorporated area: X City of r. i 1 rny , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FILICE ESTATE VINEYARDS, a California general partnership hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, a Munic ipa 1 corpore.' t ion the following described real property in the City of Gilroy County of Santa Clara State of California: ** SEE EXHIBITS "A" & liB" ATTACHED HERETO ** FILICE ESTATE VINEYARDS, a California General Partnership 0L-the rust, Gen. Partne Dated ,jll1l~ l L \q11 STATE OF CALlFO~ COUNTY OF } s s On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Craig P. Fili e, Trustee of the Peter C. Filice Family Trust, General Partner personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be BY--~,~ ' ,'-?f-~ Michael J. Filic , Trustee of the Micheal J. Filice Family Trust, Gen. Par. the person _ whose name Instrument and acknowledged that WITNESS my hand and ottiClal seal subscribed to the within executed the same Signature (This area for otticial notarial seal) TT-100 (Rev 7/85) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE., PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of OFnCIAL'SEAl MARY LOU PROBERT NOTARY puauc,CAlIFORNIA ~ SANTA CLARA COUNTY MY COMM. EXP. JUNE 18. \990 7130122 _0' ~~ ~o 85~C::: -D'< m 0-02 ~~-, ~ -r;;~ -~n ~~O ~,o~ ~~~ K.JlB ~~ o N o o rTl r;;~ 3.2 6'> OOVl!D ~r~ ;l> -Vl;a ~~ ~aI ~OJ 0", -D~n -go iiJc , 2 ~~ -D W o ./ .j> lJ1 .j> N '" c!II ~> _Ill 2 ~;:;,c -,,!'""""- ~, m NVlO 03~0 .),.on -iliO ::::'8 c ,2 ~~ -D N 00 ~> o 02 ~ Z,-t w 0)> ~ sn =1 ~> ~~~~ -OVl,- :::~~> ~~ffilb ;;;o~~~ S;~~m n85L~ o ~ n ~ ,1ll0 o ~c Z -D2 r lJ1:::1 ~ ~e! K 018PAGE2239 NO, 203 On this the lllh day of 19 y;"j , before me, MARY LOU PROB R'I ~e unpersigned ~@far* ~l!blicAPrer~ona,1I1 ap.\eared ~\\ ..}\. 'C~,J~ , jV\1S'\tf; C\J1U~ ( :Kllce/h U-Stet I \',1 \ \ .'\i ~ ( I ,j \ \ lu'VlCLl J. J Ce.~f ~ V ll~,\(t. } 55. -D -D co Z o ;:, :T ~~ ~2 :Tal _lllllJ ::::E5.2 ~)>> 85~ el w _ 'Vl2 :2~0 ~OJn ~o i(1c C3.2 5~ p ~ -D N .j> o 0' lJ1 0' lJ1 m >< ^O ~~ gn -;o:J~ -~s:: ~Cim -D' 2 NVl-i ~~O N~n =30 IllC ~2 ,0 ~ n )> -D lJ1 co lJ1 e NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION. 23012 Ventura Blvd, . P.Q, Box 4825 . Woodland Hills, CA 91364 W lJ1 " -D 5: ~3l -;:Jg;;;l ~)>Bt -<- "IllC co' m f"~n ~;jjo N Ci. c: 015.2 ,Ill~ n )> -D N lJ1 o 0' lJ1 Z o ;:, :TO ~ ~s~ ^OO,~ ~ tr~n lJ1:J0 ~CJc: lJ1)>2 ,i(1~ n )> -D N " o o 0' o e :J ~. Vi ~r- nO ~'V> 00-0> -i';J2 ~8::0 '" m O'er- '?:Je! ~~n 0~0 oifc n2 <?~ n )> -D 0' o co Iff en :l C C n\..2 0- ell ~ !!1, (0) ~ 9: -a CIi n> o..=.J -< .., --;::;:) 0 e=.,..... ~j' CD r- II ::s Q.n -10 -.::s :::t.. II -. n~ o::s a; "'a- Il ~ n B t !",.... " K 018PAGE2240 EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, a temporary non- exclusive easement for grading, slope construction and maintenance, and drainage purposes, being a strip of land of the uniform width of 20.00 feet, lying contiguous to and southerly from the following described line: BEING a portion of Lot 7 as shown upon that certain map entitled "Map of a Subdivision of the lands of S.P. Fine in the Solis Rancho" said map was recorded in Book F2 of Maps at Page 46, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the westerly line of the above mentioned I.9t 7, from whJch the most northwesterly corner of said Lot 7 bears o '. ' ' H . .,_n, , _u__ ,. ". .u____ ,.,. - North 00 '03' sa" East 70.95,Feetclistant; sa~d J?O;rNT OF COMMENCEMENT also being the most southwesterly corner Mantelli Drive (70.00 Feet wide) as dedicated by deed recorded in Book J836 at Page 1030 Official Records of Santa Clara County and as shown upon that certain map entitled "Tract No. 7867, Carriage Hills II" recorded in'Book '564 of Maps at Pages 45,46 and 47 Santa Clara County Records; Thence, from said Point of Commence~ent leaving the westerly line of said Lot 7, and continuing along the southerly line of Mantelli Drive, easterly along a curve 80ncave to the South, the radius point for which bears South 09 29' 18" East. and lies 1965.00 Feet distant, through a central angle of 050 41' 55" for an arc distance of 195i44 Feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; Thence, from said Point of Beginning and continuing along the southerly line of Mantelli, Easteriy along a cu~ve concave to the South the radius point for which bears South 03 47' 23" aast and lies 1965.00 Feet distant, through a central angle of 03 37' 23" fo~ an arc distance of 124.26 Feet to a point of tangency; Thence, North 890 50' 00" East 39'3.21 Feet to a point 'of curvature; Thence, Easterly 'along a curve concave tofue North, the radius point for which bears North 000 10' 00" West, and lies 2311.6~ Feet distant, through a central angle of 020 36' 54" for an .arc distance of 105.50 Feet to the end of this description~ Said temporary eas~ment shall revert to the grantor, its h~irs, successors, and assigns upon review,' approval and recording by the City of Gilroy of any 'subdivision map affecting said easement. __'--- _ ___ 114____",.___ =--__._ _._w_~ _ _ ______ A.ANC!J sF filIi-ROY COIINTI/.YCLiill-----._-- 00. " F K 018PAGE2241 - -:-,;;;;., ~ 7O.9~ S O'rt.'. ,,~ f1 ~ (/(A/J.) ~,~;: \~ +C ~ ~ ;. ~ ..A~ ' C).,. 'C' ,J,.\" ~ \c\ ~ C,O' · '4) 0\ .... \1\0\.... ,.... 0..... ~ .... It Qr.. v~ qt( ~ ~r.>, ~ 70.00' '"V'....._... ~ ~ :;>.. S 03.47'''-'''. ""'0 -(RAD.)- -- . '..... .s 00. 10' 00" E - ~AlJ.)- U) Q a:: .c >- z . - Z > 0 - W II) - ... > - < Q a:> ?- m ~ ::>> II) en . A. W au ~ z :I W - "- . 0 (Ill - .. I ...I A. "- .. - II) . u. . LI. .... 0 ~ 0 en ... Q Z < ...I N 00. /0' DO" W . , !"\~\,Q ~ c:) "-' "'c\ . "'-.Q't- ~~~ c:)..... 11 .. .. ~C(.... 'fi, .. ~~ ~,\..: · .....::n ~~~ .. " .. ~~.... '-" ~ ::--~'llo( lit \a~ \,\"':~ o ..... 'lit' 'd~..... . II .. t(,-& - ...J :--..1 B ~ ~~~ ~O~ ..J ~ .sCALE-^- I~ '.() ~ RANCHO HILLS DRIVE - .... - CQ fI) CD ... .... ..J - . :t 0 w Z '0 ~ ~ 0 - ax: ~ a: a: tl( ~ 0 LU > - a: Q (\,( ... ... w ~ Z ~ :I " ....... ~ N (JO. 10' 00" W - -(/lAD.) - LEARNARQ WAY s ~..,,' $4-" E _ - (MD.) " .... EASEMENT PLA T .. EASEMENT FOR GRADING, ~ .... SLOPE CONSTRUCTION AND . MAINTENANCE, AND t ~.... .... DRAINAGE PURPOSES ~~t-.. .. ... .....: 0-. 0 :::::,......: Z ~C'o(1- ,.. BEING A'-PORTION OF LOT 7 AS o C'(~ ~ SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP .. II .. 0 <3~~ ENTITLED IIMAP OF A SUBDIVISION ~ OF THE LANDS OF S. P. FINE... f, 70.00' Ill: .... RECORDED IN BOOK F-2 MAPS PAGE tr) 46, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA TRACT NO. 5885 EXHIBIT "8" ~ OCTOBER 22, 1986 SCALE: NOTED OJN 486146.1 5H Sandia. Humber and .~ Engineers Surveyors Planners ,(NCentral AvenU€' Salinas, California 93901 408757';927 K 018PAGE2242 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY FILICE ESTATE VINEYARDS. a California general partnership I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Filice Estate Vineyards, A California general partnership of the premises described in the attached' conveyance dated the12th day of January , 19 ~7 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of January . . . ator of the City of Gilroy ,q