Filice Family Estate (11) RECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, Ca. 95020 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: SAME AS ABOVE DOCUMENT: 15375254 Tit I es: 1 1 Pages: 8 11I1111111111111111 Fees. . . . 28.00 Taxes. . . Cop i es. . -0015375254- AMT PAID 28.00 BRENDA DAVIS ROE ** 001 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 8/31/2000 Recorded at the request of 1: 30 PM First American Title Company SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE The undersigned grantor( s) declare( s): CITY TRANSFER TAX $ None DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ None SURVEY MONUMENT FEE $ Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. APN 808-18-019 portion EASEMENT GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, FILICE FAMILY ESTATE, a California limited partnership hereby GRANT(S) to THE CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation The real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Dated: b-b -0"0 STATE OF CAL OR\' J COUNTY OF ~..,." ~ personally personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shellhey executed the same in hislherllheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) ac d, executed the instrument WITNESS my hand an ofjicial se . Signature Filice. Family Estate, a California limited partnership Tim th J. Filice, Trustee, General Partner ~.YY.YYYYYYYYYYYYY.Y.....WY...YW o ;V~~~;. JILL M. JOHNSON ~ 01;;.;;':'/1.>..1' COMM. #1173610 ~ ~\ i..I'":J.l/ NOT.^R/ r'l!9LfC'CAUFORNIA 3: C/) \"!.,~:J' ;';..~!T!' ,';U.PA COUNrv 0 ~. ;.::.""~~ My C",,'p ;'",irO& ~.!:"13~~ .i~-:r.i:J.1.:C~~ ': "i"' ":",:;~j~':L/:~~'_'-'" .- -. (This area for officiai notarial seal) J. Filice, General Partner ~~~~ Fred A. Lico, General Partner ~-) C~~~~:<-_/ . Craig Filice, General Partner ~-' . :f?,~ Bruno Filice, General Partner (This area for official notarial seal) State of California COilllty of SANrn. CLARA On JUNE 7, 2000 before Ire, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared JOHN M. FILICE, TIMJIHY J. FILICE personally known to Ire (or proved to Ire on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person (s) whose :narrE (s) is/are subscribed to the within instrurrent and acknowledged to Ire that he/she/they executed the sarre in his/her/their authorized capacity (ies), and that by his/her/their signature (s) on the instrurrent the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrurrent. WITNESS ITo/ hand and official seal. Signature Narre JIIL (Seal ) State of California COllllty of SANm ClARA On June 12, 2000 before Ire, the undersigned, a Notcuy Public in and for said State, personally appeared Fred A. Lico, personally known to Ire (or proved to Ire on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose narre(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrurrent and ackncMledged to Ire that he/she/they executed the sarre in his/her/their authorized capacity (ies), and that by hiS/her/their signature (s) on the instrurrent the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrurrent. :::i;Offl~~ fr999Y'Y"Y'99'YWWY'YWV'WWY~Y'Y"'~ ~ . KORll. ANDERSEN o. .. COMM. #1166250 :E.. . NOTARY PU3LtC.CAlIFORNfA 3: . SANTA CLARA COUNTY 0 My Comm. Expires Oec 21, 2001 Narre (Seal) Kori L. Andersen (typed or printed) State of Califomia Cotmtyof SANm CLARA On JUNE 14, 2000 before ITE, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State , personally appeared BRUNO FILICE personally known to ITE (or proved to ITE on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person (s) whose narre (s) is/are subscribed to the within instrurrent and acknowledged to ITE that he/she/they executed the sarre in his/her/their authorized capacity (ies), and that by his/her/their signature (s) on the instrurrent the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrurrent. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) 7/11/00 EXHIBIT" A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of Parcel 3 as shown upon that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 496 of Maps, at Pages 25 and 26 in the Office of the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most northwesterly corner of said Parcel 3; thence along a curve to the left from a tangent bearing S4056'21"W having a central angle of2009'23", with a radius of 1430.00 feet for a distance of 53.82 feet to the southerly line of a Public Utility Easement, recorded December 3, 1997, Series 139-62579; thence leaving said curve along said southerly line S83 022 '28 "E 96.12 feet; thence continuing along said southerly line the following courses and distances; S48007'45"E 425.86 feet; thence S60022'29"E 400.50 feet; thence S58013'37"E 400.26 feet; thence S60021'45"E 50.67 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said southerly line S29038'15"W 3.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right beginning from a radial bearing ofN29038'15"E having a radius of 26.00 feet through a central angle of 90000'00" for an arc distance of 40.84 feet; thence S29038'15"W 140.91 feet; thence S46036'46"W 129.58 feet; thence S66057'45"W 457.25 feet; thence S65057' 17"W 213.11 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Santa Teresa Boulevard (140 feet wide); thence along said right of way line S23 002'15 "E 20.00 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line N65057'17"E 213.28 feet; thence N66057'45"E 460.67 feet; thence N46036'46"E 136.16 feet; thence N29038'15"E 143.89 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 26.00 feet through a central angle of 90000'00" for an arc distance of 40.84 feet; thence N29038'15"E 3.00 feet; thence N60021 '45"W 72.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 19,975 square feet or 0.46 acres more or less. . " This Legal Description of Real Property was prepared by me pursuant to the requirements of The Professional Land Surveyors Act. //~.:~,W;,---~~ ~ '-""~".\\ '-"'\""!Jr:! "- ,~, ... " '". "- ("' , 4--.--~-----''''", ',"/t !,_,- 4tP i'. 'c?(?'~~i IJ:I.~'. r,c',!"':'; ,Co)"" \ I l"...J ',) l c- , .~ \ EXP. o/g, /0' '-t. fS/6b Date I ichael K. Cooper, RCE NO. 29072 Expires: March 31, 2003 F: \JOBS\JOBS96\962083\STSS- PUE. WPD '""- '""- c '""- Ol..t '""- U ( 'rJty '""- '""- l-:.ts -4.,.0;:--90 J OF.s '""- .~ 0 q'Jtq '""- aOa'f c/, "" .~ ,Ja<ia-9) qrq "\ / '0 J 0 "\ .,/ "\ "\ ~~ .",., "\ '11; ~ "\ "- SREEK <.9~ ~ - - - 11;<15~5.~iS(- ~ <15" '<1..) ~ (- '..)5 '~.9' ~( "5' '\~ Public Utility ~"""'" Easement ~ "'\. \ '"'\. ~ ~, . . o ~ 800 I 1200 I 400 I "" I [;<"" N O. I~ c i:no~ .N~ 01") . ItO C N :::ri !'> 2 11 II II liJi.......-. <]cr-, I SCALE IN FEET: 1"= 400 p.o.e. NWL Y Corner PCl 3 (496-M-25) S85.03'39"E(R) General Northerly Boundary Parcel 3 (496-M-25) Filice fdrniJy ES1d1e Pdrcel 3 (495-M-25) A.P,N. 808-18-019 (-s~~ \ (9. t/'l 0.>. (5'. \~OI 'JI"S~ ~ Cfl~ ~ oN ~lV \ lV.~ S50. t1~ .... 01, <<,vO~ rn <.9~ ~ S S. S~_~ S<15. <.9~ 50<" '(J.,.))~ 3'5' 8iS~ <1S" :.>~ <15" If,- (" <; If,- So '<> '<10 ,5>.., "9.S8;.9,.. \f! ~. o S66'57'45"W ,~, 457.25' ~~ 'S65'57'17"W ~ 213.1" <S) o ~\.> \-a\ 213.28' "" ,0..' GHroy Unified }\' School District A,P.N. 808-18-005 \ Public Utility Easement Series 139-62579 LEGEND NO L1 L2 L3 L4 LINE TABLE BEARING S29.38'15"W S23"02'15"E N29.38"5"E N60.21 '45"W ---- DIST 3.00' 20.00' 3.00' 72.00' , J , NO C1 T.p.a.B, p.o.e. T.P.O.B, "'-.."'-.. "'-.. NO SCALE S.C.V,W.D, Edsetnen1 (K942 O.R. 2108) EXISTING EASEMENT PROPOSED EASEMENT CENTER LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE PROPERTY LINE UVAS CREEK CENTERLINE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Sheet 2 of 2 GILROY, EXHIBIT "A" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Public Utility Easement SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1" = 400' ~t.( 'JrEF~' . rJL,.\'H~~F:; . ~lH:::\ ~ VOH'":J DATE: 6-29-00 JOB NO.: 962083 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Filice Family Estate, a California limited partnership This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed dated June 6, 2000 from Filice Family Estate, a California limited partnership, to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 99-90 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 20, 1999, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #15167735, dated March 1,2000 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on August 29,2000 I:\CTYCLERK\FORMS\ACCEPT ANCE.DOC