Filice, Val A. et al (2) NO FEE PER GC SEC 6103 9690540 HECGHiJ1NG HEQUESTED lJY: .FILED fOr< HECORO AT REQlJEST 'JF HETUHN TO: w w u.. o z CITY, Of 81lROY HAY 13 9 25 I~H '88 Susanne E. Steinmetz,CityClk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 rC:F1CAl RECORDS !; "'! T_f... CL.\.;~i, C\)~l!.~TY LAURiE ;~A1:~ PFCORGER ~., :"~ '- K534PllGE 557 DEDICATION FOR INGRESS-EGRESS AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER MAIN AND FIRE HYDRANTS The undersigned, being the legal owners of the real property hereinafter described, hereby dedicate to public use a right of way for ingress-egress and maintenance of water main and fire hydrants as constructed, under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of the respective parties hereto. All that portion of parcels 1 and 2 as shown on parcel map filed for record on March 24, 1988 in Book 584 of maps at page 36, Records of Santa Clara County, California, lying outside of buildings as proposed to be constructed. ... .. K534PAGE 558 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said O"'lIer(s) ha...... executed this Deed 011 .....n.......................---..........- f/~AH~/~ ~AL FI~ICE (0\ 'R) 7 ' \ ~_ .Lv-.... ERNEST..SH..FILIC~.....H""'.. 'HH . H . '1()WNFR) ..................-............... ..t....~..~p;.~........ ................... ELSIE E. FILICE>WNER) /~! J~~ ......~~~...........'.........~~.. ANN R. !<'ILICE (OWNFR) Tlw IIl1d/'lsi~lwd, TIIISll'f' IIl1dn I ked of Trllst r(,cOIdl'd ill 1I0ok ..'H'" Official I{('conls, page , Sallta Chra COllllty Rf'(Ollls, IWIl.I,)' jOlllS ill, COllSl'lIls 10, ali(I subordillatcs ils ri~hls IIl1dl'l said I ked of Trllsl to III(' f';\S('IIII'1I1 Iwlt'ill rOIl\'('ycd. ....q.....--.................. ............-- '" ('!IWSt),F) ( III<li\'idll'.I) STATE OF C,\I.IFORNIA, Oil Ihi~ 4th Santa Clara day of May 1988 ~ ~~. COllllty of I",f",.. III", in th.. year one thomand "ine IlIlndll'd and Janet K. I-Jallace eighty-eight , a Notary Puhlic, 51;11.. of (:alifornia, duly nlllullissiolled alld sworn, persollally appeared VAL A. FILICE, ELSIE E. FILICE, ERNEST S. FILICE, ANN R. FILICE r #~it~i>, ; -:In I( Wr 'L'L'~~- #l~,.;.. r.~"\""~ ;:~'I~i.. .1 "\V... 1..(:1"'.'~'t.,~.~,.. ',.~r'-'''' '" '~."'i:; '~O'O"I' 'V~~"'i:'" '--V'l -:<..,\ :\1",: .~,., t ;-drJ'..I\.J-\'{"'\.'_" .l'\'IJ ft k. ~, "':~~,,"'1' <:'L"" "L'''' 'G"NTY ~ \.~~'..;:_rt/.:_,' to", '~:'''IJ\ I.... n,'".:\ \..,0 U1 I \-1,,'/' ';)} ;";r Comrni,..::,j~ ;:~~::.; April ., 1989 ~ "~~'~~~~~.~'/i~/ ".._.___ A",.............'''___......~"""_ kllown to '"l' to h.. the p,',<on 9"h",e lIallll' 5 are sohsrril",d to Ihe within imtrtlJ1lcnt, alld a' kllowledKed 10 III" that theY f'Xf" IIIt'd th.. lallle. 1\1 y (:ollllllissioll hand amI affixed J1IY official seal IN WITNESS WHEREOF I havf' III th,. C i t Y 0 f G i 1 (:.5?,Xty of Far in thi~ certifi..at.. first aho\'e wrillc Notary Puhlic, Slate of California. t~~;L ('o.."rIY'. FOffll No.\.4 (Ad(I1I1Wlrd)olIlIf'l\t (;rllrral) ((' (' SIT lIRl}) 4/4/89 (Corporatioll) STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA, ( 55. County of On this day of III Ihe year one thousand run(' hu"dred and hd ore JIll', . a Notary Public, State of California, dilly "Ollllllissilllled and sworn, personally appeared known to me to he the of the corporation descrihed in alld Ihat ex,'rllld\ th.. Wilhill i",IIII""'lIt. alld alw kllOWIl to IIII' to he the p..r~un who l'Xf'l'IIlf'd the wilhin illStlllllll'Il1 on I".half of Ihe corl'ol;ltionthereinllalllcd, allll al kllowlcdg~d to lIIe that surh corpo' atioll exeruled the !allle IN W I TN ESS W II ER EoF I have Iwrellnlo Sf't "'y halld a III I a[[ix..d lilY oHical seal In Ihe Coullly of year III Ihis rertificate filst ahove written. tbe day and Nolary Puhli.., Slate of Califoruia. My COllllllissioll Expires K53LJp~GE 559 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTfu~CE OF CONVEYfu~CE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY VAL A. FILICE, ELSIE E. FILICE, ERNEST S. FILICE, ANN R. FILICE I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by r-esolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do he~eby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Val A. Filice, Elsie E. Filice, Ernest S. Filice, Ann R. Filice of the premises described in the attached' day of Hay , 19 ~8 , and that the conveyance dated the 4th said City of Gilroy consents to the reco~dation of said conveyance. I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of M3Y , 19 88. r of the City of Gilroy