Gilroy Unified School District (2) ~C!1 :1 ~ t'.o .~~ ~~ /' 0 ~.~.GpO.J ~ r"T"; . ;.,.t .,~ J-' . . _.~ r: c~ ~~. -~.. . r ~c~. '- ~~ a. co r;: "'~" . -! 0 :::::;: 00 - c; "T! :tl .A~ ~ c NO The GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT of Santa Clara County, 46J.3480 c.S78 H.r~&a4 0578 rAtt634 ':';:G'J {() f7'llTll>c QOZ"Tl ;:n:::;:;~"'Tl .::;;;J>c; ~<'.:. -t, {..~):;::- '. '" GRANT OF EASEMENT ~:;~oc oZoO .:'J c::C 'J zO 1 -1m -< .. ~ ... c.., ~ (l) ""' (..... t'- ;r; ~ '" C &;; for valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt whereof are hereby acknowledged, doeshereby grant to the City of Gilroy an easement for public utility purposes, over, upon, through and across said real property belonging to said district SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" j J..p ~I , " S~t'L:& ~t! . 11 e 'k""\' I,; " ('& \ '( t1.tfPB du' ;\. ' which is located in the County of Santa Clara, State California, described as follows: Upon the following terms and conditions: ~~ 1. City shall repair, replace, or restore at its expense all property of District damaged or moved in the course of the installation or maintenance of sewer lines within said parcel. 2. City shall repair and restore at its sole expense any damage to the surface condition of said parcel for a period of three years subsequent to the conveyance of said property. 3. City shall pay to District all necessary costs of advertising. 4. District may connect to the sewer lines within said parcel without payment of any fee to City. 5. City shall pay to the District one dollar ($1.00) for the granting of said easement. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said district by and through the ..~ f 0678 tAtEP - duly authorized clerk of this Board of Education has executed liP' j/ /'! this Grant of Easement this ~ day of <,jP:lZ;;;d:~/' /1 1973. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA lid' On this _L- day of a Notary / ~ . .d./;HZ tr;; ,dj:' f' ' 71 Public, in and for said county , 1973, before me, and state, residing therein, duly 1J!1-.. It;, ,,' ,;-1 commissioned and sworn, personally appeared the Board of (;:>, f' Jp /' ~, ( / 'r <- " , ;,' . / , (/' / Education of Gilroy Unified School District, , known to me to be the Clerk of governing board of said district, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said school district, and he acknowledged to me that said school district executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, day and year and the certificate first above written. of I """ J I'~ . '. .~f ;"'1" /1 l \..../ <~ "'1,,,. " -:-;.'" ~> '''''//,. the County ,] '~'2" .. 0 >'11111 . . ""'C:," Ii' 'l'111 Callfornla I<(\~.b 1,);.Ii'~C'l11111 ~ A~ - . ",rr: ~ '1111. / 4"t, .",y C ,t J <1 l. 1111t, / ;;, 9 ?/' - 11""'1'1. 0"'171/:,.... ,', ()i.~ 1.8 e"llllllll' / ' , III 'o/} " (,,, v'O <1... ...... 11,t, l"... C" 'rll_ c:: ~~ ~ ;t '1111111 ,o'~e.. s"'ir~i~ I~{/"O~ I ""1'1. -4,0,,,,;- C(..llt~ '\1/-4 I I"t, /6 ~-4 ;t "'It, . /9.)- I "'t, '.)- ~ "'t, ~ lIlt, ;t '111~ My commission expires (./( ,/ ], ( I RTO:lg 9/11/73 -2- . " "'-...- r 0578 f~\Cf 636 DESCRIPTION OF 15.00 FOOT PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT FROM THE GIkROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE CITY OF GILROY: , BEING a portion of Ranchlot No. 16, as shmvn upon that certain Map entitled "Hap No.7, accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Partition Suit of Henry Miller, et aI, vs. Massey Thomas, et aI, in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Santa Clara, Case No. 5536 and being a public utilities easement for the purpose of construction and maintenance of se\Ver lines over, under, on and across a strip of land 15.00 feet in width, the southerly line of which is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of that certain 157.788 acre parcel of land as described in the deed to the San Martin Vineyards Company by .' deed recorded in Volume 2627, of Official Records, at page 215, Records of Santa Clara County at the most southerly terminui of the centerline of Santa ,. Theresa Drive as shO\~rn on the Hap of Trac t No. 3012 Castlewood Park, Unit No.4, as reco:cded in Book 136 of Maps at page 21, Records of Santa Clara County, and running thence along said southerly line of San Martin Vineyards Company N. 89 010 '30 lP,'!. 530. 00 fe(~t. TOGETHER \.JITH a temporary easement for construction purposes over a period of 30 days from the commEncement of construction of the public utilities, over, under, on and across a stri~ of land 20.00 feet wide, the southerly line of which is 'the northerly line of the above described 15.00 feet strip of land. .. f;xhibit: A 0578 PACE637 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I~ the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Gilroy Unified School District of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 21st day of September , 19 -Zl, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 21st September y hand this day of , 19 73. 'Q/'/',', \ / i , of the City of Gilroy.