Giretti, Peter and Felicia ,2" 3tS",,- '1'" !GJ!;~1,~\)i ~,' ,'~.~~ ~l. ' GRANT DEED INDIVIDUAL PETER A. GIRETTI and FELICIA GIRETTI, his wife, the first parties, hereby grant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second party, all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: A right of way over and in a strip of land 10 feet wide, being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot 16 according to Map No. 7 accompanying the report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the Southerly boundary line of Lot No. 11 as shown upon the Map of Tract No. 165 ftSunset Parkft recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County Book 5 of Maps, pages 28 and 29, distant thereon North 700 East lll.OB feet from the most Southerly corner of said Lot No. 11, and running thence S('luth 200 East 10 feet along the boundary line between the premises of the parties of the first part and John R. Clark and Levia Clark thence North 700 East 58.00 feet to the Easterly line of the premises of the parties of the first part; thence North 200 West 10 feet to the Southeasterly line of said "Sunset Parkft tract; thence South 700 West 58.00 feet to the point of beginning. This easement and right of way is granted to the party of the second part for the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer lines, water lines and ('lther public utility lines over, under, on and in said strip of land. Said utility lines shall be laid, maintained and repaired so as to interfere as little as possible with the surface of the ground and the use thereof by the parties of the first part, their heirs, successors and assigns. WITNESS our hands this I?id. , 19 50 . day of STATE ~:;/:::::R;ra ; ss f -r-. iid~tii . \%,~~S :;';ta~? p~~~ s~1~9g~~n~~f~~~ ~i~t;~e persona~ ",' appeared PETER A. GIRETTI and ,known t~;ie to be the persons wh('lse name , ":'~ii'ins trument, and ackn('lwledged " il~:.i\I;\;,\0i>' \, ,,'~~'~L.~~" . ~... .~ ~.:_'" ~. 1.' ... ... , ? ,.,., ..... 0 .!2 'T' I .Q II 1I ~ - 2- .:k. -- .~:.:..^"...- --2381 _iJS ., , 3E IT REE:.oPrr:'D n~1" tllr, ~'~3.~r:)r :.~n(1 COinn"" C",llncil of thE' City ()f GJ 1 roy, t1',2.: S 2.if" C i t~; r')f G:i2..ro:r ~0~r accepts the attached ~orrveyance C.;.11(~. C 1)1'1 S f'.C~.t s to thp r;:~ ('()l~(l ,3. t. -7 or: t 1~ r::: r)f : r-.,~ :::. .(:; T' rj - ....------ , A?PROVEJ "t!'""O p...DOP'-'1T'D +1 ,; ~ 18th ,.....-.-- (l.3.Y n-f'_. ~~.l?~~~~~.~ 1 ') r.;'1 , ~,....-, :-:it _.. l'")l'[}J.~._::~r ril~?{;)GirlE:; ''-If '~Jl(! ~()f~n,.I_ D C,)l.1r!("-rJ~ \''If' t11A Cit~?. of Gil.1."":;:'o ,~--:,n,:','~ . _...I....L...I,..... . CJTJT'C' II.::<:b!.'!: Pate, Thomas, Mason and Wentworth " '\J()r,~ . ...; '- -....- . C OTJJ:.TC IE=:E: None i1.3SE:\~T : C C'TT'TC 1LlL T~: Dani e1s APPROVED: ~;ftcy~' ~ CLERK'S CE~TTFICATE T D.!I. (",n7, t'np t:jt,'r t:lt:'T'k nf t,~.)(~, r,-','i-Jv n''-' (~'ilr:"'J\r, (1(1 'hp",C''hv -, - ..... ..... -.... ---..... - 0.. -.I .....---. --... .."~ - .~', ....--- ',." ill --'- -'., "_.." k..-_'" . \ .' fII ~8rtjfy th2.t the anDP;{prl Cnpy ')'f' RF's')l"tj'jn h.:'.s heen ~orrrp2,r0d 'hync' e,'.na. is:;, tT'118 and ~o)r're,(..t ~O',)v 'if t}:>e "Thc,le-_'f SUCI". Reso11,ltion dnlr :~doptnn at 2nd 8,ppe,,~rir'G '3.11'1C)nC t:112 )fr'i~i2.1 1')lrt:(\s of the r8g\' of the Cr:\:lc"(')Y} C'')11nc'i1 of s::..icl r,ir.y (',f Gilroy held on the 1St september , 1951. " +- , l'!l ..n, ~~~ City Clerk of th Cnnnty of S'lnt.a (; ~'~15 f'~r _L~ i a 0 CL~~~C'S C~~TI?IC~T2 J, P. A. cee, City Clerk of thp City of Gilroy, do he~ th.::l.t tlw COnTI10n (>jtln~il ':'If s2i1 City of' GilT'r)3r, at a regq'" on the 18th d::tY of September , 1951, acc ept ",. v~""yande :.l.nd cC"nsen.ted to the re('orr),i:."- ti.oD tllerec.f. ~ '--J r~'~..i lJ , (' ~ cC lJ "-.' ..; r-..... c. ,'Hf ~~-' (...) , o"~.:: .,..-; I lU ~.-.. (c: (~.~ '1 0, eXJ " r-5 0:: =:;l ~, ~':> T"'1 0 d c' C\Jl no LL.. t! , ) -''''~,i (,(") .('\""'~ a C'...; ',~ '-", W l- . :'" I l"- ~ ,~ ....J <l: er:: ~'\= cc ~ lL. :E ~) ~~ Ci ty Clerk of C.i1JY1tJr of S2.Y!.t C::.~ljfornja. frtj fy ..,. held ,on- ;. ~. ~ '-''1J "- H r-f ')., 0 Cl5 . H p, 0 ":1 'r-! U\ [T1 0 0"' Go,..l .r-! . r-f ...'.-\ Sj s::: 'C :::' c ... XJ c 8.,-j ,-, m .. .p ..c.'" (lJ ro ctl ':"'J H~ H ~~/) ~I f-> .,-i "0 E-.4 ~ 0 :>-Jp. i ....... r:;,~ +> ~ H ... r--; tic P:;O H .r-! ~_l () c:J .C: f-, 0 . ... <t:H r:r.; (-I ::J C._I P Cu >-1 'J::! 0:: E-i H ;--1 H .;t c.'J 0 n