Gomes, Albert and Fernanda ;Jusavne E. Steinmetz, City CIerI< ~or~ . City' of Gflroy . ~~ 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 NO ,FEE PJR GC SEC 27383 10405391 :,'1D l'UHN '1'0: 7/ C; / r-htu?,j') Sy, ~lLI)'Y " ('~, 96'2:bLO . , / . L/tJ9 gyy ~'d-~1-5 REC FEE' RMF .mICRO . LIEN --', SMPF peOH 6 NO FEE f fLn) Hm HU;ORO t.' ;~EQi.iESr ('I: 0/ CITY. Of GILROY JAH 29 8 01 ,.,~ '90 >"\.i-. ~ '-' _ h ~)~ SAN'T, \;;A C;uUNT'f L ,\. F KAtfE Rt\;c;({)FF~ JAN 29 ~ L 242 PAGE 11 DEDICATION of SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES The undersigned, being the legal owners of the real property hereinafter described, hereby dedicate to public use an easement for sanitary sewer purposes, under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to the City of Gilroy for use of the public an easement for sanitary sewer purposes over, under on and across the real property hereinafter described said dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the City of Gilroy adopts and records in the Office of Recorder of the County of Santa Clara a resolution accepting said easement. If any change in alignment, length or width of easement approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of any part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall terminate the dedication as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inure to the binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns representatives of the respective parties hereto. benefit and be and personal DESCRIPTION OF 10 FOOT SEWER LINE EASEMENT All that certain real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as fO.llows: Portions of Lots 4, and 5, Block 3, South, Range 3 West, as shown on Map No. 3 accompanying the report of the referees in the partition action of Henry Miller, at aI, Plaintiff, vs. Massey Thomas, et aI, defendants, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 5536, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northeasterly line of Lot 5 as first above described, said point being S.20oE. 175.00 feet and S.70oW. 139.40 feet from the intersection of the southwesterly line of Church Street with the southeasterly line of Eighth Street as said streets are shown on the above referred map and running thence 8.70oW. 10.00 feet thence; parallel to and 10 feet westerly of the northeasterly line of Lots 4 and 5 N.20oW. 60.00 feet thence; N.70oE. 10 feet to the northeasterly line of L ESS~ thence; along said northeasterly line S.20oE. 60.00 f R B ~( the point of beginning. ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Owner(s) ha...... executed this Deed on ~, ......... ...... 6............. ...Oo ....~. ...........~. .6... ..... ...................... ...... ...... ..... ...... ......... .......... L242PAGE 12 /l) 1. / ..... ....aJ~t ......~;: ;p..!L:~1:?.......... ........ ........ ............... (OWNER) " '-~. j' 1..' ~ t j' ",' .} ...... d:...; .i~ .::~ (. ;,;.. ".. f.:'~".. ....~".~ .(.,{.l..l.. (!\;;.4;-;........... .............. ....................................................................................... ..... , I . (OWNER) (OWNER) The IIndersiglled, Trustee under Deed of Trust recorded ill Book ................ Official Records. "a~e ............, Santa Clara County Records, hereby joins in, consents to, and subordinates its rights under said Deed of Trust to the easement herein conveyed. ..................................................................................................................... ( OWNER) (TRUSTEE) (Individual) cvi+er.c/1ecl 10 D-eC;'cuf-,611 o-f Sc..f1ll-urJ 0E'1-I.Jer /J<-CY'/,OJ(~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, . 1 u. ......... . County of.... .?.'''-:. f! f. ':Y....J!...iC!:Po/...... ............. On this.... . .II).... . day or ..~..l1-..n../d.,.4(.r.'1........................in the year one thousand ninc hundred and. yo. bcrore me, ........./".1.0-..t.f..h.4,-;:....4r,~.'I.c/.............................. . .., a Notary Public, Statc o( Calilornia, duly commissioncd and sworn, pcrsonally appeared ...... ........ ..... ...1... (.. .b..~:.t. t........~: 9..! '1.~.. ;i..........~. ~!.4.................... ........... ........:..........r.g..Ul..<<,.~d0.......(i.4-)(.'Jc::;, ..........h.............. . ................ ---~---_._- OFFICIAL SEAL MARJHA lOYO NOTARY PUBUC . CAlfORMo\ SANTA ClARA COUNTY ~ Comm. Expires Feb. 5.1993 known to me to be the person.. whosc name. subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to mc thatt'helj executed the same. IN WITNESS WHERf,OF' I hav!' hercunto Sl't my hand and affixed my official seal in the. ....County or... s...0:.ft.~ ..Q.I~.J:.~... the dllY and year in this certiHcate first above written. .............-}/..a~4~......~~.Y(.<.................. ... .................. ............................... Notary Pubhc, State o( Calirornia. Cowdery', Form No. 34-(Acknowltdgmtnt-Gtntral) (C. C. Stc. 1189) My Commission Expires. ;2-:-..J.-'.f...J (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, .......:....................! II. ........................County oL................... ................ On this....................day o( ..... .................... .................in the year one thousand nine hundred and... before me, .......... ... State o( CalHornia, duly commissioncd and sworn, personally appeared , a Notary Public, known to me to be the... o( the corporation described in and that rXl'clltrd thc within ill~lrlllllrnl, and al~{l. knowlI 10 IIIf' 10 h,. III,. I",rmn who executed the within instrument on he'half or Ihe co!pomlion t1lrrcinnalllcd, and a('kllowledged to lIIe that such corporntion executed Ihe samc IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hl'rellnto sct my hand and arrixrd my oHiral seal in thc County o( . the day and year in this certiricale first above written. .. ... Notary Public, State o( California. My Commission Expires ....... (Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ....County or. ...........115. On bcrore me, the undersigned; a Notary Public in and (or said State, personally appeared . RECORDE.rS MEMO ~~ FAINT WRfTlNG, TYPING CARBON COPies OR DOT MATRIX' PRINTERS' MAKE POOR PHoTOGRAPHIC RECORD known to me to be . or thl' parllll'rs or Ihl;' partn,.r~hip that rX(,l'ulcd the wilhin illstnnncnl, and acknowledged to lIIe that luch partnership executed the lame, WITNESS my hnnd ami oHidal sl'al. Signature .. ................................. ...... Namc (Typed or l'rinled) 'tj:J~ L 24 2PAGE 13 a'V'o~ 11 A3~31NO~ -~ BZ-W-k:6k: 'We os os 05 611 16 I 011 OS I I 1(\1 I I ~I ~I I ~I ~I q- ~I N I N (\I ! L ~ ~ 3 c( I ID ~ I ..J 0 . I C\l ttl V . u r-' . I n. wO:: 16 I r- Wi \A W O::ui Vl-1 I OS W r-~ - ~ I !2 V ID t: ID I~ !!! 'OC - - I (/). r- m I Z(/) t ~I ~I I ~I ~I ~I~l 0 I - I I", ~I C) (/) ~I ('J - I Icr> CT'> I I Cl 05 os m :::> Ln (/) '15 .... A ~ ~ 3,8 31 ~ I 3 05 OS 05 OS OS I 05 O~ (/) I I I I I <t I ~I -w cv I I It:: ....0:: co ,0' I ~I ~I I I I . ~I I 'I C\l I (\I ~I (/) I I t\ll 0 :?:o I I It: r::::::t: 3 C\J 1.0 - I ID .... I CD I C7l I g l- I 0:: (;tl 0 ~ (}II u1 I ~ ~ I !:2 V Vl ID .... Q) C7l 0 ,OE ~ = C\l I I ~ III (\I ~I ;;;1 I . ~I ~I t\il ~, ~I C\l ~ ! I gl ~I ~ I t\ I I I I 05 05 "- ~ III H~~nH~ ~ r-- U "tol os O. o...JU) c( WJ u tll t: ~ Il. ci ---o;'~I---O- ~ 10 "', ~ ~ n. ci ~ ~ ~~ ~ -I ; (\II; ~ 3 t\ ~ I/) J: . ~ - I- ~ -.:.~ J: en 'RIUTt€'69- ""K I I q: ~~ C\l ", I vi wm I I I o~11 ~I~ . I 3: \D..... I ~I c:ilci~11 ::1 o 1.011\ ~ I -1- I I I I I I I . 96KI96'trE'Kt'l ~ \()I ...J UV Il. ~I 0"'" u c(Sl t: .9 ..~ I I I \0 ~I I"! @ I I I ID 0\1 - ~I "I <:) !!! 00/ Sf'SL 59 ''''L 'V'NN'1S0~ s (is U> N ::E I t-- 10 :J:' ::E 1-0.; z Z ;: \ . . , ,. l242PAGE 14 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY . ALBERT GOMES AND FERNANDA GOMES I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Albert Gomes & Fernanda Gomes of the premises described in the attached" conveyance dated the 10th day of January , 19 90 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day ~- ......~ of January 19 90 tor of the City of Gilroy