Haro, Fred and Alice \~ ~Jt~ ~ c.... <1[0,... 0 0557 rACE 59 4602923 C557 rACE 59 ;LcD FOR REOORD AT REQUEST OF 11 ~ rI',..y ~ L~Er~ I )11 :~ ;'73 7 3C70 OfF1CIAc. l\ccOROS SA,NTA CL/\RA COUNTY NO FEE GEORGE t:. MANN ' FRED HARO AND ALICE HARO, his wife, do~ilf~I'.g1"86e()ffi)lliI1e ,fl;,.lo'~....~~"..~ "h "i CITY UP GILROY an irrevokable easement for the installation and repair of public utilities. Said easement shall lie within a strip of land of uniform width of six feet, extending entirely across said premises and lying contiguous to and southeasterly of the northwesterly boundary line thereof in the following described',property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California: All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, des- cribed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron bolt in the westerly line of Sublot No.7 as the same is shown on amended Map No.4 accompanying the report of the Referees in the partitIon suit of Henry Miller et al vs. Massey Thomas et al in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, distant thereon 220.00 feet Northerly from a pipe designated as "s.4 TI' at the Southwes~erly corner of said Sublot 7; thence along the Westerly line of said Sublot 7 South 200 15' ast 41.80 feet to a 3/4 inch pipe; thence North 700 17' to Sublots 6b, 7 and 8; thence along the easterly line of said Sublot 7 North 260 15' West 92.10 feet to a 1/2 inch pipe at the Northeasterly corner of the property of Norman Bowman; thence along the Northerly line of said property South 600 37' West 300.20 feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Sublot No.7. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF first parties have executed these presents this 7th day of September . 1973. ) /t; ".( J ;, ...'r "I i j/."./ / '.' 11I1 )l( JI,,) SC(/y) " j 1(I,/It?P /' . / V,'('.I"''''' Norman B. Goodrich ~' Gill! .~ ayor of the City of ~~ Gilroy EX$.cuted in,;. the :p'f.;sence of :(~) \ \.; ,; :.~Z" r- : ~~;. "- ~ ',/--"' t .t'i";-,-:'j .:.. ", ':. ~'i~'>~ .<~(~1~' Ji-!)f';' :C/' /~!-r;\;"(\ <.\..., ~/~ ~" .~"""".., rJ-/L,)) " ()L~ /< f