Hirasaki, Shinobu and Hisashi I i ~ .:, i. \ 6389387 E 531 r!SE 223 Name Street RECORDING REQUESTED BY: LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE kORPORATION WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF GILROY 7390 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA. 95020 . Recorded at the request of Lawpers Title Immrnnce COTf). City & State SJ 68704 GY 4032 MI\Y 3 11919 3:60AM GI:UKliE. A. MA1~N, kecorder Sauta Clara Counly, Official Recllrds E 531 r!SE 223 EASEMENT GRANT .~~ 1. PARTIES: The parties to this agreement are the CITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter "CITY", and SHINOBU HIRASAKI AND HISASHI HIRASAKI, individuals, hereinafter "HIRASAKI". 2. GRANT: For valuable consideration, HIRASAKI hereby grants to the CITY an easement as hereinafter described. 3. SCOPE: The easement granted herein is for constructing and maintaining a sewer line. 4. LOCATION: The location of the sewer line will be over the "'" lands of HlRASAKI as more apply described in Exhibit "A" to this N/ agreement. The easement shall have a width of 30' and a depth of '0 15' . \ " 5. PAYMENT: CITY shall pay to HlRASAKI the sum of $3,640.00 "-. cash. I " 6. OTHER COSTS: It is the intent of the parties that the pay- ~ ment of $3,640.00 shall be net to HIRASAKI. Any and all other costs ~ including any closing costs or other costs of any nature or any kind including construction costs are to paid by CITY. 7. MAINTENANCE: The easement granted herein includes the In- cidental rights of maintenance, repair, and replacement. CITY agrees to maintain, repair and replace the sewer line at CITY's own cost and expense as from time to time may be required. 8. CONSTRUCTION: The CITY currently holds an easement recorded on February .9, 1927 ,in book 301, page 220 of the Official Re- cords of the County of Santa Clara for the sewer line. The CITY intends to increase the width from 10' to 30' and to increase the depth of the easement to 10' to 15'. The CITY shall be responsible for any and all construction or whatever costs are necessary in order to accomplish this. 9. DAMAGES-RESTORATION: CITY agrees to indemnify HIRASAKI from any liability during the construction of the sewer pipeline while CITY is on HIRASAKI property. CITY further agrees to indem- nify and hold harmless HIRASAKI for any damages caused by sewer pipeline to the extent that such said damages interferes with the use of said land by HI Rl\SAKI . CITY also agrees to cause the land to be restored to the same condition as prior to the CITY'S entry on the land. 10. INSPECTION RIGHTS: HIRASAKI shall from time to time have the right to inspect the progress of the construction and the res- toration of the land to its previous condition. 11. PERFORMANCE, LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND: The CITY shall forward to tURASAK1, prior to any entry on the land a labor, mater- ials and performance bond sufficient to cover any construction of the sewer line on HlRASAKI 's property. -" . .... E 531 ?!SE 224 12. FORMAL APPROVAL: This agreement is subject to the approval of the City Council of the CITY OF GILROY following HlRASAKI's execution of this agreement. 13. RIGHT TO HOOK UP: HIRASAKIs are the owners of an easement right adjacent to this property. The easement is for the use and occupancy of said land for the HIRASAKI residence. Said land is more particular described as Exhibit liB" to this agreement. The proposed CITY sewer line will extend through the land set forth in Exhibit "B". As a condition for the grant of this easement, HIRASAKI shall have the right to hook up to the sewer line on the land set forth in Exhibit "B" at the same location as previously hooked up and at no cost to HIRASAKI. 14. SUCCESSORS/ASSIGNS: This agreement lS binding on successors, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto. 15. CONSTRUCTION: CITY shall start construction on or before June I, 1979 and complete construction of the sewer line on HIRASAKI's property prior to September 30, 1979.. 16. ACCESS RIGHTS: During the construction of the sewer line the CITY SHALL provide alternative ingress and egress rights over the lands of HlRASAKI, if required. 17. SUPERCEDES: This agreement supercedes that certain easement held by the CITY OF GILROY recorded in that certain Grant of Easement dated February 9, 1927 in Book 30l,Page 220 of the Official Records of the Santa Clara County. DATED: March 19, 1979 Hir"~~ ~L~"/~ lsashi Hirasakl .IIIIIIIIUIUIHUlIWIIUIIIIIIIIHUIIIIHIHIINII_ 5 OFFICIAL SEAL 5 I S ANDREA M. MATULICH S : NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA : is PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE a = COUNTY OF SAN BENITO = ,i My Commission Explros May r6. r980 5 - . ~'II ft,,, I" 11fD'''' '" PI ~J111l' I:!" r P! I!' I; ~ ~ ~"II"!!, ~,~" lit !!r.~~ ~ '''~'''~!l!'r, "1 ,I ppro~ . , By . ~ City 0 Gilroy Council On 'hi, cd.4..4<'1 do~hj{.~. in th, y,o, o~o~'!f ~i'Y' hundred ancN~I!!.~~~~efore me, ....~~..:m;..JJf.(2~) :P;::;~::;;:)~~~:::::Z2'..~~~~~~~~~ .......... ..... ............................................................. ......... ..'\...... ........................... ..... known to me to be the person ..... whose name~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that .....he..... executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereun}D set m hal!! and affixed my official seal in the .......................... County of~n,.{./ ....ty,~ the day and year in this certificate t:::1.t;~.........1..:.... ..... ...~zt..~'ffJ~ Notary Public, tatc of California My commi"ion "pi", .2:?t&ll'...JYK.()......... Cowdery's Form No. 32-Acknowlcdgement-General (C. C. Sec. 11903) . ( if ' r E 531 r'!,~.f 225 STATE OF CALIFORNIA,} ss. O~;:;tyol~ta7Uuaday OVum.. before me,nC;(JJ[)1./lY---n~d'_ Calif DONNA LEE BEDFORD NOTARY PUBliC. CALIFORNIA ~: SANTA ClARA COUN'N ~ 1 My comrnl[~ian explrtl M'r. 16, 1911 ImWltllllllllllUlllllli1llillllUltlllllUlIllU1lUUIUAII.IIIIIIIIlII , L :.t6-n- in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy_u/~ m u_W_~ Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of n~:_~Uh-:~U::-'-::-h: :__:____::_::uu_ . -. - - - -- - - - - -- -- ~- - --- ~~- -- - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ~- - - -- - -. - - -. - - - -. - ---. ---- -- - - - -- --- - -- - - - -. - -- - - -.. --. - - --. -- known to me to be the person_ - u__u___whose name---u-_~____subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thaL.__m_heumu...executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my office in the County of Santa Clara, th.e day and year in this certificate Ii'" above w'ittenm . m~i4~mmrl ...cLmm (General) Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, ate of California ~ .' .. .. E 531 r!G: 226 A strip i?f land 30 feet ,vide along the South\vesterly line of Lot 6, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "Nap of the Subdivision 'of. the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract", which Nap \vas filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State, of California, on October 20, 1894 in Book F of Maps at page 31, and more particularly described as . follows: . BEGINNING at a 1 inch pipe in the fence at the Southernmost corner :of 'the:said Lot 6; thence North\vesterly along, the said Southwesterly line North 320 05'West 2717:88 feet to a 1 1/2 inch pipe in the Southerly line of the Pacheco Pass Road (formerly the Old Gilroy Road) as it existed prior to 1922; thence along the said Southerly line, South 880 15' East 38.42 feet to a 3/4 inch pipe; thence Southeasterly and parallel to the Southwester1y~line of Lot 6; South 320 05' East 2690.20 feet to a 3/4 inch pipe in the Southeasterly line of Lot 6; thenc~ along the said line South 510 13' West 30.22 feet to the ~oint of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain parcel of land gtante~ in the Deed from Hirasaki Farms to State of California dated April 26, 1967, recorded March 13, 1968 in Book 8053, Official Records, page 728 and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING for reference at the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 6 South 310 26' 55" East 21l.79 feet to ,the TRUE POINT OF CO}'I~IENCEMENT: thence continuing' along said Southwesterly line South 31026' 5S~' East 272.76 feet; thence North 40039'. 29" ~ast 31.52 feet'to a line parallel with and distant 30.00 feet Northeaiter1y . at right angles, from said Southwesterly line; thence along said parallel line North 310 26' 55" West 253.90 feet; thence South 750 33' 39" West 31.37 feet to the true point of commencement; containing 0.181 of an acre, more or less. ARB 84l-l7- -, 23,- 31, EXHIBIT "A" ,\, E 531?:!:Si227 . Tha~ certai~ real property situate in the County of Santa C12ra~ State of . , ..~' ~:. '. ~- California~ described as fol1o~s: ' Beg~nning at a ~ne ~nchiron pipe at the mos.t southerly corner of Lot 6> .. 2.5 sho'.J!l u~on that, cert~~n ~'ap ~nt'itlcd>. tlHap o,f the Subdivision of the Elizabeth. H. Hartin Tract>" 2s'.re~orded in Baok,'iF.n'of Naps> at page 31> S,,:nta,Clara Co~nty - ~ . .. ... .. .. Records> and 2.S 'also sh~~upon a Recor~ of ?ur~ey map recorded in E~ok 69 .af Maps ',at page 17> San:ta ClaraCo;'mty.Records; "th~nse southeasteriy along th~,sauthwesterly , .-....- line of' L~t 50>' and. t1'te n,artheaster1y line of Lots' 48, .and' 47 of the Las Animas. .. .... ...' ".. . ..- . Rancho '~artiti~~ (Case No_ 55.36 in' th~Superior Co~rt Of' Santa, Clara', C~unty >~ . .'.'California)"S 32C> 05'E 273b.,:2l'fe~t; th'~~~~~'le;v1.ng'~~id southwes.te;l; iin~.'--':' . .,_... ~ . :'.~'-..r..~;. 4 .. ,.... ".. -.. . -. '.-' - ... . ..-.. -. .,; N570 55'~E;385.00 feet; . thence N 320 '05' l-1'996'~17 f~et';. then~e S 57t>55 'H, 355.00' ;',:, ':.~"",~.~, .~. :"~"'~H"'" ......_,,;.;}~:.~~.~;.;.:-/,_..:..,.._.::.. _~-._:~_:..;:.-;.:)...~~.-.:/<:~'_.:_.:-..<_':,i..'~~.;,~.-.-~:_.;:~~_. ~,:' " , . ,,-:.,,-:"..:.'-.:--. - ;. ~".' fe~t ti; : the point of int,~~~~<;ti~n. ~i,th;~'~i",,:~, ,d;,=aQn:pa'ralJ.,el' to 'and disi:a~'t 30' feet' .' ""',~ '__'_ :. '. .,; ";~ ,::~~~"~":"'''''-:' ',_~ .;""".":'" I,".'!'.' :".-.'. "''-',-''':-.':'~i.';-.<.''~'' ::' ~~_,~,..;. ",..-~ _~; - ....~. ," '.:.. "';" -"'- -~- '..-. easterly from said' .south;::'este~lY,line 'of, LotSq; . thence:'~long ~~id pa~~li~l 'line . ... ~'._ .,'. .-_" _ :, ,'_,".1'i;..,<: .::.~:~.?~i~~~~ ;-.',<~.i_. .,",;~;' ,:"7..~.::--' ....:'..~ '...,.:::...._._"':~.,:....;.; -._ ',~ ~.., .,:~ ._"..- ...~.; >- -' :;,.'.:'," .'. N 32C> 051W 1737 .59 feei:..:~~:,.fhe. P?intof interse<::tion wi,th' the southeasterly line. of' said Lot 6;~he~~~"~1~~~.;~~~~'?~~t~~~~te~lY lin~ S '5iolo" 'l~'> 30.2~ feet ~~,'the.": Point.of Beg.inri:g:'(:.';F:iX;~t.::; .' . . ".. .. :.;,;'~~i',(~?ii;;;,~f;:)" '.:Containing t.herein,:l.~~oao,acres ,of land more or ,less an,d being'a' porti'on of . -. '. ':' ". -.... ' . , . '. ," '. :',-'" .. ' .- ..' ~... . the Rancho Sari. Ys:idro (J,ohn" Gilroy Portion) a,nd a po:c'~ion of Lot 50 of 'the -JJas A niroas Rancho., . .. .. . .. . ',',"ii'.i;~t);/V";, . .-RECOROER"S,MfMO.i'-c'"."'/"--:'" ". , FAlNT 'WRI11NG 'O'R TYf>I~'. ::,,':~':: ~: ,,~ .~:- ~; QR c~EtO.N cOPies MAKES ':...:;':_"::/ - ",?O.A "'f-:l9!()GR~!,H'C,REcqRn;.< .~.' ".,'" .' . , '. " ..~: :.- , . , : ",.'1 - EXHIBIT liB" ~ ;..... * -~:~ :;.-....~ '. '.". '., ~.:-:: ':i.;.' " -'.: .. ..... c, November 30> 1978 . , . '.0._ .:...: . ." '-',' E 531 ?!s:: 228 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY SHINOBU HIRASAKI & HISASHI HIRASAKI. INDIVIDUALS I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Shinobu Hirasaki & Hisashi Hirasaki, individuals of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the lqth day of Harch , 1922-, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of March the City of Gilroy.