Howson, J.M. and Linnie
J. M. HOl.IJSON and LINNIE EOVISON, his "rife, the first parties,
hereby grant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second
party, all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of
Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows:
A right of way over a strip of land five (5) feet wide
being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 16 according
to Map No.7 accompanying the report of the Referees in
the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536,
had in the &lperior Court of the State of California, in
and for the C ountcl of Santa Clara, and more particularly
described as follows:
CO};J}IENCING at the most easterly corner of Tract No. 165,
"Sunset Park" as shO\vn em the Nap thereof recorded in
the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa
Clara, state of California, in Book 5 of Maps, at pages
28 and 29, and running thence No. 700 E. 5.00 feet; thenc e
at right angles No. 200 \'1. 194.75 feet; thence at riLht
angles So. 700 it!. 5.00 feet to the vl8sterly line of the ·
grantors'premises and thence at right angles in a south-
easterly direction along the s~id westerly line of
grantors' premises to the point of beginning.
This easement and right of way is granted to the ]arty of the
second part::fOr the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer lines,
water lines and other public utility l-iEes over, unier, on, and in said
strip of land, all of which lines and utilities shall be laid, maintained
and repaired so as to interfere no more than is reasonably necessary with
the surface of the ground and the use thereof by the parties of the first
part, their heirs, successors, and assigns.
vJITNT'SS our hands this II
day of September, 1951.
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On this / / day of September, 1) 51, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON,
a Notary Public in and for said County ahd State, personally appeared
J. M. HQ1...ISON and LINNIE HOWSON, hjs wife, kno' to me to be the persons
whose subscribed to the foregoing' trument, and ack~wledged
to me cuted ~he same. K'J . !
-,- ,.~~V
and for the County
State of California
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BE If RESOLVED by the }'layor and Cor:lmon Counoil of the City-of
Gilroy, thatsa.1d City of Gilroy h..,re'bv aac$:pts the attaohed t!onvey....
and c.onsents to tM reoordation thereo!:';
, O'n~D thls 1~tb day of___~, \lS~l?t~mber.. ,I 1.9S!,
at a l"Qgular oftbe CQlimon CO'W'i011 of the City Qf G11:roy.
A l1:~.:>;
CII",'fEN: Pate, Thomas, Mason and Fentworth
N'or~s :
: none
l!i.J3SE!?1' :
1 LlvJEtl& Daniels
0~.. e. .~~~
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q~~ '..9, Cfl11' IF :tCAT~
I ,.. ~ C .". '.~ -I'. 1"'",. ,.., ~ k ., j" , .... t . f "., -- d J...~ w....
, .~". ,l. \l4. ",!li;} I...l~y '.",.l.t~:p OJ:,;;ne l,;"y 0 u:t.s.J.vT, 0 u.~re:UJ
certify tll';;.t the amlaxed or Rer;:11utionnas been compared by me with,
lU'l4 1s a tr'ue and ccrracteopy of 'c.he whol(i),;f suoh HO$olu.tion duly
adopted at nmrl appe' among the ')ff1cial minutes of t.he regul,ar
...t t...."" C C.~~'!1""""'1 o",,,,,,,ft'! ("'.11.'." ')f rVj~"'O"" )~~lA ('U .rho J.~tb ('lay ^t
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City C
I, P. A. COX, City Clerk:)! the City of Gilroy t do h.ereby eertif'7
that the C.cmUl()n Council t)f said City i:>f Gilroy, at a re~lar . held
on the. d at.l1 day of .s~:t~mQ~~ ,. , 1951, aeeeptedthe t ..
veyan4. an cc>nsented to he recordation thereof'.
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