John Norton Farms "''!i. ('.N n f' 9 {) I. . , .J i.,,--) .JL ' ~' ."-'" ..... 'f'lr" ..... lL<t 1.' :...- ~ 1""",.,..., . .... ,f,.,,).J . ,..'r-,n.r'J':m Ji. ."'f'/P...l-", ."....:'",-:V'li.t.d.) &a". '. ",""'';' ".,,-,-;- n., . "." -.\..~I,.'"-~.,I),i t.d'" , , B1ft. 31 J UL 10 P'3: 2,4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST. SJ-428494 RLL WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY OF GILROY P.O. BOX 66 GIL~OY, CA 95020 COMPANY 7109080 EASEMENT AGREEMENT t 20'7 :'j~E 332 '::JI"\ 1'\1 THIS AGREEl>1ENT madE: this ~ day of June, 1981, p:/; arH'.l ....;1 between JOHN NORTON FARMS, an Arizona corporation, here_~:h:<ft,~t~Ii' t\ t l:! 1 ,I) ! F; !'~ r,; I:~: . ". ,-,:~ referred to as "Grantor", and THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee." WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner of certain real property commonly known as the HIRISAKI RP.NCH, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; and WHEREAS, Grantee is a municipal corporation and desires to acquire certain rights in the Grantor's property described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. In consideration of the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred ($12,500.00) ~ll.ars for the granting of this easement ONe:.....P.JII~~ '.l () DO. CO- p:ft'- ').tL!IJ and the sum of ~ Thousand ($,,000.00) Dollars for crop loss, Grantor hereby grants to Grantee an easement as hereinafter described. 2. The easement granted herein is a right to construct and maintain a storm drainage line and appurtenances thereto. 3. The easement granted herein is located as follows: An easement ten feet wide, measured northwesterly at right angles from the following described south- easterly boundary, said boundary being the southeast- erly line of lot 50 Las Animas Rancho, as shown upon Map 7 accompanying the final report of referees in the Partition Suit of Henry Miller, etal vs Massey Thomas etal in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara: Beginning at the most southerly corner of the above described lot 50, Las Animas rancho, thence from said point of beginning, slong the southeast- erly boundary of said lot, N57 47' E. 2674.66 feet to the westerly boundary of lands conveyed to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District by Deed recorded in Book 0019, page 59 official Santa Clara County Records; . /3n.'~ l f.. ~,: , 4. The easement granted herein includes the right to con- struct and maintain a storm drain line and appurtenances thereto. 5. The easement granted herein is not exclusive. Grantor retains the following rights and uses as they relate to the easement. t 2Vi' ~!Gi333 (a) The right to use the easement for any and all purposes that are not inconsistent with the storm drain line and appurtenances thereto; (b) The right to construct a road on the easement; (c) The right to farm and harvest crops on the easement. 6. The Grantor retains the right to convey, assign, or hypothecate all of its rights, title or interest in said easement. 7. All work regarding the construction of the storm drain and appurtenances thereto shall be completed by Grantee on or before November 30, 1981. 8. It is further agreed that a portion of the construction work will be performed in an area where Grantor is or will be growing and harvesting peppers. Grantee, agrees to complete all construction work in such area or areas within a time span of two (2) weeks. 9. In regards to the manner of excavation and/or construction of the drainage system, Grantee agrees as follows: (a) The top two (2) feet of top soil which is removed for the purpose of laying the pipeline will be segregated from all other removed soil; after the drainage line is installed, the top two (2) feet of original top soil will be replaced in its approximate original location. (b) All soil removed during construction will remain within the confines of the ten (10) foot width of the easement. In no event will Grantee allow the removed soil to be located on any land or crops located outside of the easement boundaries .f~1 S &;:f;: Adtk.-NdllWl -If, 12.. !~' ~ T.La..p ~ c. "f=- fJClp... q .. ~ 10. During construction an _ installation of the drainage line, Grantor reserves the right to terminate, at any time, the construction and installation of said drainage line, should Grantor determine that said construction and installation is in violation of the terms of this agreement. 11. Grantee agrees that if at anytime said drainage line should fall into disrepair, thus causing damage to Grantors real -2- G~~~ ~ ~' property or personal property, including but not limited to Grantor's crops, that Grantee will immediately repair said drainage system and pay to Grantor all damages sustained as the result of the defective drainage system. 12. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor for any and all third party claims that may arise from the con- struction, operation, repair and maintenance of said drainage line and appurtenances thereto. 13. Should future repairs or maintenance be necessary on the drainage line and appurtenances thereto, Grantee shall not commence said repairs or maintenance without first obtaining the consent of Grantor. Grantor shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to allow Grantee to make said repairs or maintenance. Grantee further agrees to pay to Grantor any and all damages sustained by Grantor which are occasioned by Grantees acts of repair or maintenance. 14. Grantor shall have the right to connect to the completed drainage system, provided that Grantor's action does not violate applicable regulations, ordinances or laws relating to the drainage system. 15. Grantee agrees that Grantor shall not be liable to Grantee for any injury to the drainage line and appurtenances thereto, or for any loss of income resulting therefrom. 16. Grantee shall pay to Grantor the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars as and for attorneys fees which have been incurred by Grantor for the preparation of this agreement. Grantee further agrees to pay any and all costs, including any documentary transfer tax that are incurred or will be incurred in order to consummate this agreement. 17. In the event of any controversy, claim, or dispute relating to this instrument or breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party reason- able expenses, attorneys fees and costs. -3- r 1:1\. r ~07;'.J35 r.'~, ,;14[';;;,,*,", if ""'r-- ..~. - ~ 18. This instrument shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: JOHN NORTON FARMS AN ARIl/:;:!IfORAT~ON By 1/l1/2~ -LfL--------- GRANTEE: THE CITY OF GILROY A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION B:7i~~~<4'~ ~1ayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF Santa Cl ara ) On July 2 , 1981, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Norman B. Goodri eh known to me to be the Mayor of the corporations that executed the within Instrument, kD~wn to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument9.~kbehalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged onl?e.'fi.itlf the corporation executed the within instrument pursu~tl:i".~?r by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors~ - WITNESS my hand and Offici~ . 'U<1 Per CC See. 1181 ; .T1~.I~$U, =- ANPTRUS, ",.... ,. .., r=OR co~~~~ .' TO 1945 CA (8.74) (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On July 3, 1981 t 1 State, personally appearecl Pete Orr ~ known to me to be the VICE President, ancl ~I! known to me to be Secretary ~~ of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, ~ known to me to be the persons who executed the within ~ Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and Iii acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. } SS. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said i WITNESS my hand and official seal. " OFFICIAL SEAL WM E ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC - CAlIr,:;,~'"1'\ SANTA CLARA COUNTY My comm. expires MAY 17. 1983 1540 rmw 1Mve, mlroy, ~ 95020 Signature w~-c' ~ ' Wm E. Robinson (This area for official notarial seal) -4- , , EXHIBIT "A" ,'", Page 10 SJ 68~82 '....... ~f That certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: G 207 i'~GE 336 BEGINNING at a one inch pipe at the most southerly corner of Lot 6, as shown upon that certain Hap entitled, "Map of the Subdivision of the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract:, as recorded in Book "F" of Maps at page 31, Santa Clara County Records, and as also shown upon a Record of Survey Map recorded in Book 69 of Maps, at page 17, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 51010' East along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 0, 2130.27 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of that certain tract of land conveyed to the Santa Clara County Flood and Water district, by Deed recorded December 12, 1960 in Book 50U9 at page 705, Official Records of Santa Clara County; said point being distant South 51010' West, 206.94 feet from the most Northwesterly corner of the certain tract of land conveyed to Consolidated Foods Corporation, by Deed recorded March ~, 1956, in Book 34~8 at page 174, Official Records of Santa Clara County as shown upon the Record of Survey Map recorded in Book 69 of Maps at page 23, Santa Clara County Records; thence Southerly along a curve to the left with a radius of 1043 feet, from a tangent bearing of South 12047'51" East through a central angle of 20056'59" for a distance of 381.36 feet; thence tangentially South 33044'50" East 957.37 feet; thence South 56015'10" West 12.00 feet; thence South 33044'50" East 1472 feet; thence along a curve to the left tangent to the last mentioned line with a radius of 1055.00 feet, through a central angle of 14056' for a distance of 274.97 feet; thence tangentially South 48040'50" East, 2002.33 feet to the most North- westerly corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District by Deed recorded September 14, 1972 in Book 0019 at page 59, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence South ~3037'41"East, 58.31 feet; thence along a curve to the right tangent to the last mentioned line with a radius of 2~0.00 feet, through a central angle"of 05'37'28" for a distance of 24.54 feet; thence tangentially South 18000'13" East 136.99 feet; thence South 71059'47" West, 15.00 feet, thence South 18000'13" East, 50.34 feet to a point of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5U, Las Animas Rancho, as shown on Map '/ accompanying the Final Report of Referees in Partition Suit of Henry Miller, et al vs Massey Thomas, et al in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, (case No. 5536); said point being distant South 57047'00" West 158.11 feet from the most Southwesterly corner of that certain 48.91 acre parcel of land granted by Fanny Louise Shepard, et al to Andrew Martin, in the Deed recorded October 2~ 1916 in Book 448 of Deeds, at page 349, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 50, Las Animas Rancho, South 57047' West, 2074.66 feet tO,a one inch iron pipe, (L.S. 2550), at the most southerly corner of said Lot 50, as shown upon a Record of Survey Map 'recorded in Book 242 of Maps, at page 56, Santa Clara County Records; PARCEL ONE: I . . '""'" ,.,., G 207 rl!~37 Page 11 SJ 68282 then~e North 32015' West, 145.74 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 50 to a one inch iron pipe, (L.S. 2550) shown as "LA-IS" upon a Record of Survey map recorded in Book 263 of Maps at, page 14, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 32005' West along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 50, and the Northeasterly line of Lots 48 and 47, of said Las Animas Rancho, and the Southwesterly line of the tract of land conveyed to John L. Shepard, et ux to Fanny Louise Shepard, et aI, by Deed dated July 21, 1898 and recorded in Book 210 of Deeds, at page 277, 4920.88 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING therein 26~.063 acres of land, "more or less" and being a portion of the Rancho San Ysidro (John Gilroy Portion) and a portion of Lot 50 of the Las Animas Rancho. ARB: 841-17-44 PARCEL TWO: BEGINNING at a one. inch iron pipe (L.S.2550) on the Southerly Right-Of-Way of Pacheco Pass Highway .'~IV-SCI-32A" at the most Northwesterly corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Gilroy Foods Incorporated as shown upon th~ Record of Survey~ap recorded in Book 104 of Maps at page 29, Santa Clara County Records; thence South 0011'30" East 1150.62 feet along the Westerly line of said Record of Survey to a four inch iron pipe set in concrete, four feet tall, "S-2"; thence South 46002'50"- East, 712.32 feet along the Southerly line of said Record of Survey to a four inch iron pipe, four feet tall, "S-3" and being the most Southerly corner of the 13.654 acre parcel as shown upon the record of Survey Map recorded in Book 104 of Maps, at page 29, Santa Clara County Records and also being the Northwesterly corner of the 60 acre tract conveyed by Ikuo Wada to James S. Byers, by the Deed recorded August 2, 1938 in Book 890 at page 207, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the Westerly line of said 60 acre tract, South 19045' IS" East, 1,673.33 feet to a point on the Northeasterly line of that certain tract of land conveyed to the Santa Clara County Flood and Water District, by Deed recorded December 12, 1960 in Book 5009 at page 705, Official Records of Santa Clara County and also being distant North 19045'15" West 65.70 feet from the Southwesterly corner of said 60 acre tract in the centerline of Miller Slough as it exists today; thence North 48040'50" West 332.37 feet; thence along a curve to the right tangent to the last mentioned line with a radius of ~52.00 feet, through a central angle of 15056' for a distance of 248.13 feet; thence tangentially North 33044'50" West 1472.41 feet; thence South 56015'10" West 5.00 feet; thence North tangent to the last mentioned line with a radius of 957.00 feet through a central angle of 06005'50" for a distance of 101.84 .feet to a point distant North 89022'50" West 15.99 feet from the South- westerly corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Con- solidated Foods Corporation, by Deed recorded March 2, 1~56 in Book 3428 at page 174, Official Records, of Santa Clara County, as shown upon a record of Survey Map recorded in Book 69 of Maps at page 23, Santa Clara County Records; " I ' Page 12 SJ 68282 G 21)7 P~GE 33B thence along the Southerly line of said Record of Survey, South 890 22'50" East 708.80 feet; thence along the Easterly line of said Record of Survey, North 0011'30" West, 715.85 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way of Pacheco Pass Highway; thence along said right-of-way, North 88004'40" East 30.02 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING therein 26.055 acres of land more or less and being a portion of the Rancho San Ysidro (John Gilroy Portion) and a portion of Lot 50 of the Las Ani~as Rancho. ARB: 841017-13 PARCEL THREE: A non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress of vehicular equestrain and pedestrian traffic, farm equipment and tools for agricultural purposes only over the following described parcel: A strip of land 30 feet wide along the Southwesterly line of Lot 6, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "l-lap of the Subdivision of the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract", which Map was filed for record in the office of the Reco~der of the County~ of Santa Clara, State of California, on October 20, L894 in Book F of Maps, at page 31, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1 inch pipe in the fence at the Southernmost corner of the said Lot 6; thence Northwesterly along the said Southwesterly line North 32005' West 27l7.8H feet to a 1 1/2 inch pipe in the Southerly line of the Pacheco Pass Road (formerly the OLd Gilroy Road) as it existed prior to 1922; thence along the said Southerly line South 88015' East 38.42 feet to a 3/4 inch pipe; thence Southeasterly and parallel to the Southwesterly Line of Lot 6; South 32005' East 2690.20 feet tp a 3/4 inch pipe in the Southeasterly line of Lot 6; thence along the said line South 51013' West 30.22 feet to the point of beginning. ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain parcel of land granted in the Deed from Hirasaki Farms, to state of California, dated April 26, 1967 recorded March 13, 196H in Book 8053 Official Records, page 72H and more particularly described as fOLlows: 1 , ~ f ....., G 2Q7 :)~GE 339 BEGINNING for reference at the Northw~sterly corner of said Lot b; thence along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 6 South 31026' 55 'It:ast 211.79 feet to the true point of commencement; thence continuing along said Southwesterly line South 31026' 55" East 272.76 feet; thence North 40039'29" East 31.52 fe~t to a line parallel with and distant 30.00 feet Northeasterly at right angles, from said Southwesterly line; thence along said parallel line North 31026'55" West 253.90 feet; thence South 75033'3911 West 31.37 feet to the true point of commencement, containing 0.181 of an arce, more or less. ......' Page 13 SJ 68282 . I ARB: 841-17-23 and 31 "I ;i ;'1 L~ I I It _ ~: ; 0 :I N u 2 .~ ~ <l C") ex "" " ~ llJ \It.. ~) <,9 '.'- .: ~ ~~ 0 Z~ ooJ N - .( ~ ~ '" 1 ~ < -' ~ 0 0 .. ~~-- ~..... ~- ;,r ....... .., ,'I ... '. , 'i.' .... . '" , . ~"_:' :. t' , ; . .~."'~' <" . "'II '...:.~ . :..- _~ .. ~ , ," ," . f i..f " ,:' .'~ .. .,' ." " }. . '~::' .' I' 'f..J. . " ~. .'.: . .,.... \' ,', ':;'/>':' i' ..1. .. ,'. ~ :. ~ " -~. . ".:. . (" ci X ""- Cltz I- Cl. o at> 9a "'... )0- ~ Z' ~ @. , : ~ ~.' ." ".1 ,',. <J~ ~'. .' '.'.' " .- . ,...'~ \, ..~, ~I ~I ',-'," . t .~.:<. " . .11. . , CD C\I , :E o rt) rt) \.i d ~ "" ~ 0) rot ~ 69' 0\ > "<"0" 0) ", 0 J~I v) ~ '. ~ - - . ~<. . ~ r. a o .. ,- ~ u '10 ~ ~ ~ to; = .. ~' % :::l 8 to. o w \I f i: a ~ ~I CD ... ~ .tt I' /' "'I l- t ~- '. .. ~ . ........... (~ U!!. " ~(~~ ~ -- -- C-: .' -~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~__"""iiiiI ~ ~U--:(J L ~CIIL .. UlP - $ ~ N '. '. III d .., ~ ~ zc-) ~ '&..J << '-" o ;:~ ~ r- ::0 .eN e,-, ';) 8 ,.. @ ....01. " u C'oI < cl oa ... i en CD ~ of- Q) i ~ Q) ~ .;. ~(\oJ lL. 'tl ... g:, .,j " 3 i a ." I; ,,,. i'.,; i\ l t: ~ ~ Cl) 'tl ex: o 0 U>OU) .....U) s:: 01 UJ OP"4U) ~ 'M ~ +J .. C'lSP"4 ~ ~ C'IS . . ~~ffi .., (.:) 'tli!U) .. 0.-- s:: UJ b ClICl)M +Jj5 , Cl) C'IS , SQ~ ~ , l Cl) Cl) '-' > > . I ~ .~ ..J u~ Cl) Cl) ..&:'+1 , .... "-4 M 'l:! --.. \'.... . ......... J .~ /, ~. ./ '" ""......) ~~ ~ ' #"~ ""'.1' ~.r;-,l' " \, ~! '- ,; -< .. '-, ~, N ; OJ.01'N~ , , -<.) "'A. ~~, VJ "0 , "'I ~ ~o~ ~ V" '1' o '" ~' , , .. .. " ~~ 6'. <!G, < 'IS, ~ -- IL"\: ~-' ~. ........ ~1 ~I ", ~,"" ~ , .'~. ~O' ~ -. , G 207 r~GE 343 Addendum to that certain easement agreement between John Norton Farms, Grantor and. The City of Gilroy, Grantee. ."""" "'"'"', Paragraph 9, Sub Paragraph C The pipe to be laid for storm drainage will be located so that the top of the pipe is no less than 4 feet below the surface of the ground. GRANTOR: JOHN NORTON FARl1S AN ARIZONA C~RATION If;{. .. BY GRANTEE: THE CITY OF GILROY A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Byl1~~